Solving reinforcement learning tasks using functional evolutionary algorithms¶
The functional implementations of evolutionary algorithms can interact with the object-oriented Problem
API of EvoTorch. To demonstrate this, we instantiate a GymNE
problem configured to work on the reinforcement learning task CartPole-v1
, and we use the functional pgpe
algorithm to solve it.
from evotorch.algorithms.functional import pgpe, pgpe_ask, pgpe_tell
from evotorch.neuroevolution import GymNE
from datetime import datetime
import torch
Below, we instantiate the reinforcement learning problem.
problem = GymNE(
# The id of the gymnasium task:
# Policy architecture to use.
# This can also be given as a subclass of `torch.nn.Module`, or an instantiated
# `torch.nn.Module` object. For simplicity, we use a basic feed-forward neural
# network, that can be expressed as a string.
"Linear(obs_length, 16) >> Tanh() >> Linear(16, act_length)",
# Setting `observation_normalization` as True means that stats regarding
# observations will be collected during each population evaluation
# process, and those stats will be used to normalize the future
# observation data (that will be given as input to the policy).
# Number of actors to be used. Can be an integer.
# The string "max" means that the number of actors will be equal to the
# number of CPUs.
Now that we have instantiated our problem, we make a callable evaluator object from it. This callable evaluator, named f
, behaves like a function f(x)
, where x
can be a single solution (represented by a 1-dimensional tensor), or a population (represented by a 2-dimensional tensor where each row is a solution), or a batch of populations (represented by a tensor with at least 3 dimensions). Upon receiving its argument x
, f
uses the problem object to evaluate the solution(s), and return the evalution result(s).
Hyperparameters for pgpe
popsize = 100
center_init = problem.make_zeros(num_solutions=1)[0]
max_speed = 0.15
center_learning_rate = max_speed * 0.75
radius = max_speed * 15
stdev_learning_rate = 0.1
stdev_max_change = 0.2
We prepare the pgpe
algorithm and get its initial state:
pgpe_state = pgpe(
# Center of the initial search distribution
# Radius for the initial search distribution
# Learning rates for when updating the center and the standard deviation
# of the search distribution
# Maximum relative amount of change for standard deviation.
# Setting this as 0.2 means that an item of the standard deviation vector
# will not be allowed to change more than the 20% of its original value.
# The ranking method to be used.
# "centered" is a ranking method which assigns the rank -0.5 to the worst
# solution, and +0.5 to the best solution.
# The optimizer to be used. Can be "clipup", "adam", or "sgd".
# Optimizer-specific hyperparameters:
optimizer_config={"max_speed": max_speed},
# Whether or not symmetric sampling will be used.
# We want to maximize the evaluation results.
# In the case of reinforcement learning tasks declared via `GymNE`,
# evaluation results represent the cumulative rewards.
Below is the main loop of the evolutionary search.
# We run the evolutionary search for this many generations:
num_generations = 40
last_report_time =
# This is the interval (in seconds) for reporting the status:
reporting_interval = 1
for generation in range(1, 1 + num_generations):
# Get a population from the pgpe algorithm
population = pgpe_ask(pgpe_state, popsize=popsize)
# Evaluate the fitnesses
fitnesses = f(population)
# Inform pgpe of the fitnesses and get its next state
pgpe_state = pgpe_tell(pgpe_state, population, fitnesses)
# If it is time to report, print the status
tnow =
if (tnow - last_report_time).total_seconds() > reporting_interval:
print("generation:", generation, "median eval:", torch.median(fitnesses))
last_report_time = tnow
Here is the center point of the most recent search distribution:
Now, we visualize the agent evolved by our functional pgpe