Definitions of the core classes: Problem, Solution, and SolutionBatch.
ActorSeeds (tuple)
Representation of all remote reinforcement learning instances stored by the ray actors.
An instance of this class is to be obtained from a main (i.e. non-remote) Problem object, as follows:
remote_envs = my_problem.all_remote_envs()
A remote method f() on all remote environments can then be executed as follows:
results = remote_envs.f()
Given that there are n
actors, results
contains n
the i-th object being the method's result from the i-th actor.
An alternative to the example above is like this:
results = my_problem.all_remote_envs().f()
Source code in evotorch/
class AllRemoteEnvs:
Representation of all remote reinforcement learning instances
stored by the ray actors.
An instance of this class is to be obtained from a main
(i.e. non-remote) Problem object, as follows:
remote_envs = my_problem.all_remote_envs()
A remote method f() on all remote environments can then
be executed as follows:
results = remote_envs.f()
Given that there are `n` actors, `results` contains `n` objects,
the i-th object being the method's result from the i-th actor.
An alternative to the example above is like this:
results = my_problem.all_remote_envs().f()
def __init__(self, actors: list):
self._actors = actors
def __getattr__(self, attr_name: str) -> Any:
return RemoteMethod(attr_name, self._actors, on_env=True)
Representation of all remote problem instances stored by the ray actors.
An instance of this class is to be obtained from a main (i.e. non-remote) Problem object, as follows:
remote_probs = my_problem.all_remote_problems()
A remote method f() on all remote Problem instances can then be executed as follows:
results = remote_probs.f()
Given that there are n
actors, results
contains n
the i-th object being the method's result from the i-th actor.
An alternative to the example above is like this:
results = my_problem.all_remote_problems().f()
Source code in evotorch/
class AllRemoteProblems:
Representation of all remote problem instances stored by the ray actors.
An instance of this class is to be obtained from a main
(i.e. non-remote) Problem object, as follows:
remote_probs = my_problem.all_remote_problems()
A remote method f() on all remote Problem instances can then
be executed as follows:
results = remote_probs.f()
Given that there are `n` actors, `results` contains `n` objects,
the i-th object being the method's result from the i-th actor.
An alternative to the example above is like this:
results = my_problem.all_remote_problems().f()
def __init__(self, actors: list):
self._actors = actors
def __getattr__(self, attr_name: str) -> Any:
return RemoteMethod(attr_name, self._actors)
BoundsPair (tuple)
ParetoInfo (tuple)
Problem (TensorMakerMixin, Serializable)
Representation of a problem to be optimized.
The simplest way to use this class is to instantiate it with an external fitness function.
Let us imagine that we have the following fitness function:
A problem definition can be made around this fitness function as follows:
from evotorch import Problem
problem = Problem(
"min", f, # Goal is to minimize f (would be "max" for maximization)
solution_length=10, # Length of a solution is 10
initial_bounds=(-5.0, 5.0), # Bounds for sampling a new solution
dtype=torch.float32, # dtype of a solution
Vectorized problem definitions. To boost the runtime performance, one might want to define a vectorized fitness function where the fitnesses of multiple solutions are computed in a batched manner using the vectorization capabilities of PyTorch. A vectorized problem definition can be made as follows:
from evotorch.decorators import vectorized
def vf(solutions: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
return torch.linalg.norm(solutions ** 2, dim=-1)
problem = Problem(
"min", vf, # Goal is to minimize vf (would be "max" for maximization)
solution_length=10, # Length of a solution is 10
initial_bounds=(-5.0, 5.0), # Bounds for sampling a new solution
dtype=torch.float32, # dtype of a solution
Parallelization across multiple CPUs. An optimization problem can be configured to parallelize its evaluation operations across multiple CPUs as follows:
Exploiting hardware accelerators. As an alternative to CPU-based parallelization, one might prefer to use the parallelized computation capabilities of a hardware accelerator such as CUDA. To load the problem onto a cuda device (for example, onto "cuda:0"), one can do:
from evotorch.decorators import vectorized
def vf(solutions: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
return ...
problem = Problem("min", vf, ..., device="cuda:0")
Exploiting multiple GPUs in parallel.
One can also keep the entire population on the CPU, and split and distribute
it to multiple GPUs for GPU-accelerated and parallelized fitness evaluation.
For this, the main device of the problem is set as CPU, but the fitness
function is decorated with evotorch.decorators.on_cuda
from evotorch.decorators import on_cuda, vectorized
def vf(solutions: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
return ...
problem = Problem(
num_actors=N, # where N>1 and equal to the number of GPUs
# Note: if you are on a computer or on a ray cluster with multiple
# GPUs, you might prefer to use the string "num_gpus" instead of an
# integer N, which will cause the number of available GPUs to be
# counted, and the number of actors to be configured as that count.
num_gpus_per_actor=1, # each GPU is assigned to an actor
Defining problems via inheritance. A problem can also be defined via inheritance. Using inheritance, one can define problems which carry their own additional data, and/or update their states as more solutions are evaluated, and/or have custom procedures for sampling new solutions, etc.
As a first example, let us define a parameterized problem. In this example
problem, the goal is to minimize x^(2q)
, q
being a parameter of the
problem. The definition of such a problem can be as follows:
from evotorch import Problem, Solution
class MyProblem(Problem):
def __init__(self, q: float):
self.q = float(q)
objective_sense="min", # the goal is to minimize
solution_length=10, # a solution has the length 10
initial_bounds=(-5.0, 5.0), # sample new solutions from within [-5, 5]
dtype=torch.float32, # the dtype of a solution is float32
# num_actors=..., # if parallelization via multiple actors is desired
def _evaluate(self, solution: Solution):
# This is where we declare the procedure of evaluating a solution
# Get the decision values of the solution as a PyTorch tensor
x = solution.values
# Compute the fitness
fitness = torch.sum(x ** (2 * self.q))
# Register the fitness into the Solution object
This parameterized problem can be instantiated as follows (let's say with q=3):
Defining vectorized problems via inheritance.
Vectorization can be used with inheritance-based problem definitions as well.
Please see the following example where the method _evaluate_batch
is used instead of _evaluate
for vectorization:
from evotorch import Problem, SolutionBatch
class MyVectorizedProblem(Problem):
def __init__(self, q: float):
self.q = float(q)
objective_sense="min", # the goal is to minimize
solution_length=10, # a solution has the length 10
initial_bounds=(-5.0, 5.0), # sample new solutions from within [-5, 5]
dtype=torch.float32, # the dtype of a solution is float32
# num_actors=..., # if parallelization via multiple actors is desired
# device="cuda:0", # if hardware acceleration is desired
def _evaluate_batch(self, solutions: SolutionBatch):
# Get the decision values of all the solutions in a 2D PyTorch tensor:
xs = solutions.values
# Compute the fitnesses
fitnesses = torch.sum(x ** (2 * self.q), dim=-1)
# Register the fitness into the Solution object
Using multiple GPUs from a problem defined via inheritance.
The previous example demonstrating the use of multiple GPUs showed how
an independent fitness function can be decorated via
. Instead of using an independent fitness
function, if one wishes to define a problem by subclassing Problem
the overriden method _evaluate_batch(...)
has to be decorated by
. Like in the previous multi-GPU example,
let us assume that we want to parallelize the fitness evaluation
across N GPUs (where N>1). The inheritance-based code to achieve this
can look like this:
from evotorch import Problem, SolutionBatch
from evotorch.decorators import on_cuda
class MyMultiGPUProblem(Problem):
def __init__(self):
objective_sense="min", # the goal is to minimize
solution_length=10, # a solution has the length 10
initial_bounds=(-5.0, 5.0), # sample new solutions from within [-5, 5]
dtype=torch.float32, # the dtype of a solution is float32
num_actors=N, # allocate N actors
# Note: if you are on a computer or on a ray cluster with multiple
# GPUs, you might prefer to use the string "num_gpus" instead of an
# integer N, which will cause the number of available GPUs to be
# counted, and the number of actors to be configured as that count.
num_gpus_per_actor=1, # for each actor, assign a cuda device
device="cpu", # keep the main population on the CPU
def _evaluate_batch(self, solutions: SolutionBatch):
# Get the decision values of all the solutions in a 2D PyTorch tensor:
xs = solutions.values
# Compute the fitnesses
fitnesses = ...
# Register the fitness into the Solution object
Customizing how initial solutions are sampled.
Instead of sampling solutions from within an interval, one might wish to
define a special procedure for generating new solutions. This can be
achieved by overriding the _fill(...)
method of the Problem class.
Please see the example below.
class MyProblemWithCustomizedFilling(Problem):
def __init__(self):
# we do not set initial_bounds because we have a manual procedure
# for initializing solutions
def _evaluate_batch(
self, solutions: SolutionBatch
): ... # code to compute and fill the fitnesses goes here
def _fill(self, values: torch.Tensor):
# `values` is an empty tensor of shape (n, m) where n is the number
# of solutions and m is the solution length.
# The responsibility of this method is to fill this tensor.
# In the case of this example, let us say that we wish the new
# solutions to have values sampled from a standard normal distribution.
Defining manually-structured optimization problems.
The dtype
of an optimization problem can be set as object
When the dtype
is set as an object
, it means that a solution's
value can be a PyTorch tensor, or a numpy array, or a Python list,
or a Python dictionary, or a string, or a scalar, or None
This gives the user enough flexibility to express non-numeric
optimization problems and/or problems where each solution has its
own length, or even its own structure.
In the example below, we define an optimization problem where a solution is represented by a Python list and where each solution can have its own length. For simplicity, we define the fitness function as the sum of the values of a solution.
from evotorch import Problem, SolutionBatch
from import ObjectArray
import random
import torch
class MyCustomStructuredProblem(Problem):
def __init__(self):
def _evaluate_batch(self, solutions: SolutionBatch):
# Get the number of solutions
n = len(solutions)
# Allocate a PyTorch tensor that will store the fitnesses
fitnesses = torch.empty(n, dtype=torch.float32)
# Fitness is computed as the sum of numeric values stored
# by a solution.
for i in range(n):
# Get the values stored by a solution (which, in the case of
# this example, is a Python list, because we initialize them
# so in the _fill method).
sln_values = solutions[i].values
fitnesses[i] = sum(sln_values)
# Set the fitnesses
def _fill(self, values: ObjectArray):
# At this point, we have an ObjectArray of length `n`.
# This means, we need to fill the values of `n` solutions.
# `values[i]` represents the values of the i-th solution.
# Initially, `values[i]` is None.
# It is up to us how `values[i]` will be filled.
# Let us make each solution be initialized as a list of
# random length, containing random real numbers.
for i in range(len(values)):
ith_solution_length = random.randint(1, 10)
ith_solution_values = [random.random() for _ in range(ith_solution_length)]
values[i] = ith_solution_values
Multi-objective optimization. A multi-objective optimization problem can be expressed by using multiple objective senses. As an example, let us consider an optimization problem where the first objective sense is minimization and the second objective sense is maximization. When working with an external fitness function, the code to express such an optimization problem would look like this:
from evotorch import Problem
from evotorch.decorators import vectorized
import torch
def f(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
# (Note that if dtype is object, x will be of type ObjectArray,
# and not a PyTorch tensor)
# Code to compute the fitnesses goes here.
# Our resulting tensor `fitnesses` is expected to have a shape (n, m)
# where n is the number of solutions and m is the number of objectives
# (which is 2 in the case of this example).
# `fitnesses[i, k]` is expected to store the fitness value belonging
# to the i-th solution according to the k-th objective.
fitnesses: torch.Tensor = ...
return fitnesses
problem = Problem(["min", "max"], f, ...)
A multi-objective problem defined via class inheritance would look like this:
from evotorch import Problem, SolutionBatch
class MyMultiObjectiveProblem(Problem):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(objective_sense=["min", "max"], ...)
def _evaluate_batch(self, solutions: SolutionBatch):
# Code to compute the fitnesses goes here.
# `fitnesses[i, k]` is expected to store the fitness value belonging
# to the i-th solution according to the k-th objective.
fitnesses: torch.Tensor = ...
# Set the fitnesses
How to solve a problem.
If the optimization problem is single-objective and its dtype is a float
(e.g. torch.float32, torch.float64, etc.), then it can be solved using
any search algorithm implemented in EvoTorch. Let us assume that we have
such an optimization problem stored by the variable prob
. We could use
the cross entropy method)
to solve it:
from evotorch import Problem
from evotorch.algorithms import CEM
from evotorch.logging import StdOutLogger
def f(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: ...
prob = Problem("min", f, solution_length=..., dtype=torch.float32)
searcher = CEM(
# The keyword arguments below refer to hyperparameters specific to the
# cross entropy method algorithm. It is recommended to tune these
# hyperparameters according to the problem at hand.
popsize=100, # population size
parenthood_ratio=0.5, # 0.5 means better half of solutions become parents
stdev_init=10.0, # initial standard deviation of the search distribution
_ = StdOutLogger(searcher) # to report the progress onto the screen # run for 50 generations
print("Center of the search distribution:", searcher.status["center"])
print("Solution with best fitness ever:", searcher.status["best"])
See the namespace evotorch.algorithms to see the algorithms implemented within EvoTorch.
If the optimization problem at hand has an integer dtype (e.g. torch.int64),
or has the object
dtype, or has multiple objectives, then distribution-based
search algorithms such as CEM cannot be used (since those algorithms were
implemented with continuous decision variables and with single-objective
problems in mind). In such cases, one can use the algorithm named
Please also note that, while using
SteadyStateGA on a problem with an
integer dtype or with the object
dtype, one will have to define manual
cross-over and mutation operators specialized to the solution structure
of the problem at hand. Please see the documentation of
SteadyStateGA for details.
Source code in evotorch/
class Problem(TensorMakerMixin, Serializable):
Representation of a problem to be optimized.
The simplest way to use this class is to instantiate it with an
external fitness function.
Let us imagine that we have the following fitness function:
import torch
def f(solution: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
return torch.linalg.norm(solution)
A problem definition can be made around this fitness function as follows:
from evotorch import Problem
problem = Problem(
"min", f, # Goal is to minimize f (would be "max" for maximization)
solution_length=10, # Length of a solution is 10
initial_bounds=(-5.0, 5.0), # Bounds for sampling a new solution
dtype=torch.float32, # dtype of a solution
**Vectorized problem definitions.**
To boost the runtime performance, one might want to define a vectorized
fitness function where the fitnesses of multiple solutions are computed
in a batched manner using the vectorization capabilities of PyTorch.
A vectorized problem definition can be made as follows:
from evotorch.decorators import vectorized
def vf(solutions: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
return torch.linalg.norm(solutions ** 2, dim=-1)
problem = Problem(
"min", vf, # Goal is to minimize vf (would be "max" for maximization)
solution_length=10, # Length of a solution is 10
initial_bounds=(-5.0, 5.0), # Bounds for sampling a new solution
dtype=torch.float32, # dtype of a solution
**Parallelization across multiple CPUs.**
An optimization problem can be configured to parallelize its evaluation
operations across multiple CPUs as follows:
problem = Problem("min", f, ..., num_actors=4) # will use 4 actors
**Exploiting hardware accelerators.**
As an alternative to CPU-based parallelization, one might prefer to use
the parallelized computation capabilities of a hardware accelerator such
as CUDA. To load the problem onto a cuda device (for example, onto
"cuda:0"), one can do:
from evotorch.decorators import vectorized
def vf(solutions: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
return ...
problem = Problem("min", vf, ..., device="cuda:0")
**Exploiting multiple GPUs in parallel.**
One can also keep the entire population on the CPU, and split and distribute
it to multiple GPUs for GPU-accelerated and parallelized fitness evaluation.
For this, the main device of the problem is set as CPU, but the fitness
function is decorated with `evotorch.decorators.on_cuda`.
from evotorch.decorators import on_cuda, vectorized
def vf(solutions: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
return ...
problem = Problem(
num_actors=N, # where N>1 and equal to the number of GPUs
# Note: if you are on a computer or on a ray cluster with multiple
# GPUs, you might prefer to use the string "num_gpus" instead of an
# integer N, which will cause the number of available GPUs to be
# counted, and the number of actors to be configured as that count.
num_gpus_per_actor=1, # each GPU is assigned to an actor
**Defining problems via inheritance.**
A problem can also be defined via inheritance.
Using inheritance, one can define problems which carry their own additional
data, and/or update their states as more solutions are evaluated,
and/or have custom procedures for sampling new solutions, etc.
As a first example, let us define a parameterized problem. In this example
problem, the goal is to minimize `x^(2q)`, `q` being a parameter of the
problem. The definition of such a problem can be as follows:
from evotorch import Problem, Solution
class MyProblem(Problem):
def __init__(self, q: float):
self.q = float(q)
objective_sense="min", # the goal is to minimize
solution_length=10, # a solution has the length 10
initial_bounds=(-5.0, 5.0), # sample new solutions from within [-5, 5]
dtype=torch.float32, # the dtype of a solution is float32
# num_actors=..., # if parallelization via multiple actors is desired
def _evaluate(self, solution: Solution):
# This is where we declare the procedure of evaluating a solution
# Get the decision values of the solution as a PyTorch tensor
x = solution.values
# Compute the fitness
fitness = torch.sum(x ** (2 * self.q))
# Register the fitness into the Solution object
This parameterized problem can be instantiated as follows (let's say with q=3):
problem = MyProblem(q=3)
**Defining vectorized problems via inheritance.**
Vectorization can be used with inheritance-based problem definitions as well.
Please see the following example where the method `_evaluate_batch`
is used instead of `_evaluate` for vectorization:
from evotorch import Problem, SolutionBatch
class MyVectorizedProblem(Problem):
def __init__(self, q: float):
self.q = float(q)
objective_sense="min", # the goal is to minimize
solution_length=10, # a solution has the length 10
initial_bounds=(-5.0, 5.0), # sample new solutions from within [-5, 5]
dtype=torch.float32, # the dtype of a solution is float32
# num_actors=..., # if parallelization via multiple actors is desired
# device="cuda:0", # if hardware acceleration is desired
def _evaluate_batch(self, solutions: SolutionBatch):
# Get the decision values of all the solutions in a 2D PyTorch tensor:
xs = solutions.values
# Compute the fitnesses
fitnesses = torch.sum(x ** (2 * self.q), dim=-1)
# Register the fitness into the Solution object
**Using multiple GPUs from a problem defined via inheritance.**
The previous example demonstrating the use of multiple GPUs showed how
an independent fitness function can be decorated via
`evotorch.decorators.on_cuda`. Instead of using an independent fitness
function, if one wishes to define a problem by subclassing `Problem`,
the overriden method `_evaluate_batch(...)` has to be decorated by
`evotorch.decorators.on_cuda`. Like in the previous multi-GPU example,
let us assume that we want to parallelize the fitness evaluation
across N GPUs (where N>1). The inheritance-based code to achieve this
can look like this:
from evotorch import Problem, SolutionBatch
from evotorch.decorators import on_cuda
class MyMultiGPUProblem(Problem):
def __init__(self):
objective_sense="min", # the goal is to minimize
solution_length=10, # a solution has the length 10
initial_bounds=(-5.0, 5.0), # sample new solutions from within [-5, 5]
dtype=torch.float32, # the dtype of a solution is float32
num_actors=N, # allocate N actors
# Note: if you are on a computer or on a ray cluster with multiple
# GPUs, you might prefer to use the string "num_gpus" instead of an
# integer N, which will cause the number of available GPUs to be
# counted, and the number of actors to be configured as that count.
num_gpus_per_actor=1, # for each actor, assign a cuda device
device="cpu", # keep the main population on the CPU
def _evaluate_batch(self, solutions: SolutionBatch):
# Get the decision values of all the solutions in a 2D PyTorch tensor:
xs = solutions.values
# Compute the fitnesses
fitnesses = ...
# Register the fitness into the Solution object
**Customizing how initial solutions are sampled.**
Instead of sampling solutions from within an interval, one might wish to
define a special procedure for generating new solutions. This can be
achieved by overriding the `_fill(...)` method of the Problem class.
Please see the example below.
class MyProblemWithCustomizedFilling(Problem):
def __init__(self):
# we do not set initial_bounds because we have a manual procedure
# for initializing solutions
def _evaluate_batch(
self, solutions: SolutionBatch
): ... # code to compute and fill the fitnesses goes here
def _fill(self, values: torch.Tensor):
# `values` is an empty tensor of shape (n, m) where n is the number
# of solutions and m is the solution length.
# The responsibility of this method is to fill this tensor.
# In the case of this example, let us say that we wish the new
# solutions to have values sampled from a standard normal distribution.
**Defining manually-structured optimization problems.**
The `dtype` of an optimization problem can be set as `object`.
When the `dtype` is set as an `object`, it means that a solution's
value can be a PyTorch tensor, or a numpy array, or a Python list,
or a Python dictionary, or a string, or a scalar, or `None`.
This gives the user enough flexibility to express non-numeric
optimization problems and/or problems where each solution has its
own length, or even its own structure.
In the example below, we define an optimization problem where a
solution is represented by a Python list and where each solution can
have its own length. For simplicity, we define the fitness function
as the sum of the values of a solution.
from evotorch import Problem, SolutionBatch
from import ObjectArray
import random
import torch
class MyCustomStructuredProblem(Problem):
def __init__(self):
def _evaluate_batch(self, solutions: SolutionBatch):
# Get the number of solutions
n = len(solutions)
# Allocate a PyTorch tensor that will store the fitnesses
fitnesses = torch.empty(n, dtype=torch.float32)
# Fitness is computed as the sum of numeric values stored
# by a solution.
for i in range(n):
# Get the values stored by a solution (which, in the case of
# this example, is a Python list, because we initialize them
# so in the _fill method).
sln_values = solutions[i].values
fitnesses[i] = sum(sln_values)
# Set the fitnesses
def _fill(self, values: ObjectArray):
# At this point, we have an ObjectArray of length `n`.
# This means, we need to fill the values of `n` solutions.
# `values[i]` represents the values of the i-th solution.
# Initially, `values[i]` is None.
# It is up to us how `values[i]` will be filled.
# Let us make each solution be initialized as a list of
# random length, containing random real numbers.
for i in range(len(values)):
ith_solution_length = random.randint(1, 10)
ith_solution_values = [random.random() for _ in range(ith_solution_length)]
values[i] = ith_solution_values
**Multi-objective optimization.**
A multi-objective optimization problem can be expressed by using multiple
objective senses. As an example, let us consider an optimization problem
where the first objective sense is minimization and the second objective
sense is maximization. When working with an external fitness function,
the code to express such an optimization problem would look like this:
from evotorch import Problem
from evotorch.decorators import vectorized
import torch
def f(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
# (Note that if dtype is object, x will be of type ObjectArray,
# and not a PyTorch tensor)
# Code to compute the fitnesses goes here.
# Our resulting tensor `fitnesses` is expected to have a shape (n, m)
# where n is the number of solutions and m is the number of objectives
# (which is 2 in the case of this example).
# `fitnesses[i, k]` is expected to store the fitness value belonging
# to the i-th solution according to the k-th objective.
fitnesses: torch.Tensor = ...
return fitnesses
problem = Problem(["min", "max"], f, ...)
A multi-objective problem defined via class inheritance would look like this:
from evotorch import Problem, SolutionBatch
class MyMultiObjectiveProblem(Problem):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(objective_sense=["min", "max"], ...)
def _evaluate_batch(self, solutions: SolutionBatch):
# Code to compute the fitnesses goes here.
# `fitnesses[i, k]` is expected to store the fitness value belonging
# to the i-th solution according to the k-th objective.
fitnesses: torch.Tensor = ...
# Set the fitnesses
**How to solve a problem.**
If the optimization problem is single-objective and its dtype is a float
(e.g. torch.float32, torch.float64, etc.), then it can be solved using
any search algorithm implemented in EvoTorch. Let us assume that we have
such an optimization problem stored by the variable `prob`. We could use
the [cross entropy method][evotorch.algorithms.distributed.gaussian.CEM])
to solve it:
from evotorch import Problem
from evotorch.algorithms import CEM
from evotorch.logging import StdOutLogger
def f(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: ...
prob = Problem("min", f, solution_length=..., dtype=torch.float32)
searcher = CEM(
# The keyword arguments below refer to hyperparameters specific to the
# cross entropy method algorithm. It is recommended to tune these
# hyperparameters according to the problem at hand.
popsize=100, # population size
parenthood_ratio=0.5, # 0.5 means better half of solutions become parents
stdev_init=10.0, # initial standard deviation of the search distribution
_ = StdOutLogger(searcher) # to report the progress onto the screen # run for 50 generations
print("Center of the search distribution:", searcher.status["center"])
print("Solution with best fitness ever:", searcher.status["best"])
See the namespace [evotorch.algorithms][evotorch.algorithms] to see the
algorithms implemented within EvoTorch.
If the optimization problem at hand has an integer dtype (e.g. torch.int64),
or has the `object` dtype, or has multiple objectives, then distribution-based
search algorithms such as CEM cannot be used (since those algorithms were
implemented with continuous decision variables and with single-objective
problems in mind). In such cases, one can use the algorithm named
Please also note that, while using
[SteadyStateGA][] on a problem with an
integer dtype or with the `object` dtype, one will have to define manual
cross-over and mutation operators specialized to the solution structure
of the problem at hand. Please see the documentation of
[SteadyStateGA][] for details.
def __init__(
objective_sense: ObjectiveSense,
objective_func: Optional[Callable] = None,
initial_bounds: Optional[BoundsPairLike] = None,
bounds: Optional[BoundsPairLike] = None,
solution_length: Optional[int] = None,
dtype: Optional[DType] = None,
eval_dtype: Optional[DType] = None,
device: Optional[Device] = None,
eval_data_length: Optional[int] = None,
seed: Optional[int] = None,
num_actors: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
actor_config: Optional[dict] = None,
num_gpus_per_actor: Optional[Union[int, float, str]] = None,
num_subbatches: Optional[int] = None,
subbatch_size: Optional[int] = None,
store_solution_stats: Optional[bool] = None,
vectorized: Optional[bool] = None,
`__init__(...)`: Initialize the Problem object.
objective_sense: A string, or a sequence of strings.
For a single-objective problem, a single string
("min" or "max", for minimization or maximization)
is enough.
For a problem with `n` objectives, a sequence
of strings (e.g. a list of strings) of length `n` is
required, each string in the sequence being "min" or
"max". This argument specifies the goal of the
initial_bounds: In which interval will the values of a
new solution will be initialized.
Expected as a tuple, each element being either a
scalar, or a vector of length `n`, `n` being the
length of a solution.
If a manual solution initialization is preferred
(instead of an interval-based initialization),
one can leave `initial_bounds` as None, and override
the `_fill(...)` method in the inheriting subclass.
bounds: Interval in which all the solutions must always
Expected as a tuple, each element being either a
scalar, or a vector of length `n`, `n` being the
length of a solution.
This argument is optional, and can be left as None
if one does not wish to declare hard bounds on the
decision values of the problem.
If `bounds` is specified, `initial_bounds` is missing,
and `_fill(...)` is not overriden, then `bounds` will
also serve as the `initial_bounds`.
solution_length: Length of a solution.
Required for all fixed-length numeric optimization
For variable-length problems (which might or might not
be numeric), one is expected to leave `solution_length`
as None, and declare `dtype` as `object`.
dtype: dtype (data type) of the data stored by a solution.
Can be given as a string (e.g. "float32"),
or as a numpy dtype (e.g. `numpy.dtype("float32")`),
or as a PyTorch dtype (e.g. `torch.float32`).
Alternatively, if the problem is variable-length
and/or non-numeric, one is expected to declare `dtype`
as `object`.
eval_dtype: dtype to be used for storing the evaluations
(or fitnesses, or scores, or costs, or losses)
of the solutions.
Can be given as a string (e.g. "float32"),
or as a numpy dtype (e.g. `numpy.dtype("float32")`),
or as a PyTorch dtype (e.g. `torch.float32`).
`eval_dtype` must always refer to a "float" data type,
therefore, `object` is not accepted as a valid `eval_dtype`.
If `eval_dtype` is not specified (i.e. left as None),
then the following actions are taken to determine the
if `dtype` is "float16", `eval_dtype` becomes "float16";
if `dtype` is "bfloat16", `eval_dtype` becomes "bfloat16";
if `dtype` is "float32", `eval_dtype` becomes "float32";
if `dtype` is "float64", `eval_dtype` becomes "float64";
and for any other `dtype`, `eval_dtype` becomes "float32".
device: Default device in which a new population will be
generated. For non-numeric problems, this must be "cpu".
For numeric problems, this can be any device supported
by PyTorch (e.g. "cuda").
Note that, if the number of actors of the problem is configured
to be more than 1, `device` has to be "cpu" (or, equivalently,
left as None).
eval_data_length: In addition to evaluation results
(which are (un)fitnesses, or scores, or costs, or losses),
each solution can store extra evaluation data.
If storage of such extra evaluation data is required,
one can set this argument to an integer bigger than 0.
seed: Random seed to be used by the random number generator
attached to the problem object.
If left as None, no random number generator will be
attached, and the global random number generator of
PyTorch will be used instead.
num_actors: Number of actors to create for parallelized
evaluation of the solutions.
Certain string values are also accepted.
When given as "max" or as "num_cpus", the number of actors
will be equal to the number of all available CPUs in the ray
When given as "num_gpus", the number of actors will be
equal to the number of all available GPUs in the ray
cluster, and each actor will be assigned a GPU.
There is also an option, "num_devices", which means that
both the numbers of CPUs and GPUs will be analyzed, and
new actors and GPUs for them will be allocated,
in a one-to-one mapping manner, if possible.
In more details, with `num_actors="num_devices"`, if
`device` is given as a GPU device, then it will be inferred
that the user wishes to put everything (including the
population) on a single GPU, and therefore there won't be
any allocation of actors nor GPUs.
With `num_actors="num_devices"` and with `device` set as
"cpu" (or as left as None), if there are multiple CPUs
and multiple GPUs, then `n` actors will be allocated
where `n` is the minimum among the number of CPUs
and the number of GPUs, so that there can be one-to-one
mapping between CPUs and GPUs (i.e. such that each actor
can be assigned an entire GPU).
If `num_actors` is given as "num_gpus" or "num_devices",
the argument `num_gpus_per_actor` must not be used,
and the `actor_config` dictionary must not contain the
key "num_gpus".
If `num_actors` is given as something other than "num_gpus"
or "num_devices", and if you wish to assign GPUs to each
actor, then please see the argument `num_gpus_per_actor`.
actor_config: A dictionary, representing the keyword arguments
to be passed to the options(...) used when creating the
ray actor objects. To be used for explicitly allocating
resources per each actor.
For example, for declaring that each actor is to use a GPU,
one can pass `actor_config=dict(num_gpus=1)`.
Can also be given as None (which is the default),
if no such options are to be passed.
num_gpus_per_actor: Number of GPUs to be allocated by each
remote actor.
The default behavior is to NOT allocate any GPU at all
(which is the default behavior of the ray library as well).
When given as a number `n`, each actor will be given
`n` GPUs (where `n` can be an integer, or can be a `float`
for fractional allocation).
When given as a string "max", then the available GPUs
across the entire ray cluster (or within the local computer
in the simplest cases) will be equally distributed among
the actors.
When given as a string "all", then each actor will have
access to all the GPUs (this will be achieved by suppressing
the environment variable `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` for each
When the problem is not distributed (i.e. when there are
no actors), this argument is expected to be left as None.
num_subbatches: If `num_subbatches` is None (assuming that
`subbatch_size` is also None), then, when evaluating a
population, the population will be split into n pieces, `n`
being the number of actors, and each actor will evaluate
its assigned piece. If `num_subbatches` is an integer `m`,
then the population will be split into `m` pieces,
and actors will continually accept the next unevaluated
piece as they finish their current tasks.
The arguments `num_subbatches` and `subbatch_size` cannot
be given values other than None at the same time.
While using a distributed algorithm, this argument determines
how many sub-batches will be generated, and therefore,
how many gradients will be computed by the remote actors.
subbatch_size: If `subbatch_size` is None (assuming that
`num_subbatches` is also None), then, when evaluating a
population, the population will be split into `n` pieces, `n`
being the number of actors, and each actor will evaluate its
assigned piece. If `subbatch_size` is an integer `m`,
then the population will be split into pieces of size `m`,
and actors will continually accept the next unevaluated
piece as they finish their current tasks.
When there can be significant difference across the solutions
in terms of computational requirements, specifying a
`subbatch_size` can be beneficial, because, while one
actor is busy with a subbatch containing computationally
challenging solutions, other actors can accept more
tasks and save time.
The arguments `num_subbatches` and `subbatch_size` cannot
be given values other than None at the same time.
While using a distributed algorithm, this argument determines
the size of a sub-batch (or sub-population) sampled by a
remote actor for computing a gradient.
In distributed mode, it is expected that the population size
is divisible by `subbatch_size`.
store_solution_stats: Whether or not the problem object should
keep track of the best and worst solutions.
Can also be left as None (which is the default behavior),
in which case, it will store the best and worst solutions
only when the first solution batch it encounters is on the
cpu. This default behavior is to ensure that there is no
transfer between the cpu and a foreign computation device
(like the gpu) just for the sake of keeping the best and
the worst solutions.
vectorized: Set this to True if the provided fitness function
is vectorized but is not decorated via `@vectorized`.
# Set the dtype for the decision variables of the Problem
if dtype is None:
self._dtype = torch.float32
elif is_dtype_object(dtype):
self._dtype = object
self._dtype = to_torch_dtype(dtype), f"The `dtype` for the problem's decision variables is set as {self._dtype}"))
# Set the dtype for the solution evaluations (i.e. fitnesses and evaluation data)
if eval_dtype is not None:
# If an `eval_dtype` is explicitly stated, then accept it as the `_eval_dtype` of the Problem
self._eval_dtype = to_torch_dtype(eval_dtype)
# This is the case where an `eval_dtype` is not explicitly stated by the user.
# We need to choose a default.
if self._dtype in (torch.float16, torch.bfloat16, torch.float64):
# If the `dtype` of the problem is a non-32-bit float type (i.e. float16, bfloat16, float64)
# then we use that as our `_eval_dtype` as well.
self._eval_dtype = self._dtype
# For any other `dtype`, we use float32 as our `_eval_dtype`.
self._eval_dtype = torch.float32
self, f"`eval_dtype` (the dtype of the fitnesses and evaluation data) is set as {self._eval_dtype}"
# Set the main device of the Problem object
self._device = torch.device("cpu") if device is None else torch.device(device), f"The `device` of the problem is set as {self._device}"))
# Declare the internal variable that might store the random number generator
self._generator: Optional[torch.Generator] = None
# Set the seed of the Problem object, if a seed is provided
# Declare the internal variables that will store the bounds and the solution length
self._initial_lower_bounds: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
self._initial_upper_bounds: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
self._lower_bounds: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
self._upper_bounds: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
self._solution_length: Optional[int] = None
if self._dtype is object:
# If dtype is given as `object`, then there are some runtime sanity checks to perform
if bounds is not None or initial_bounds is not None:
# With dtype as object, if bounds are given then we raise an error.
# This is because the `object` dtype implies that the decision values are not necessarily numeric,
# and therefore, we cannot have the guarantee of satisfying numeric bounds.
raise ValueError(
f"With dtype as {repr(dtype)}, expected to receive `initial_bounds` and/or `bounds` as None."
f" However, one or both of them is/are set as value(s) other than None."
if solution_length is not None:
# With dtype as object, if `solution_length` is provided, then we raise an error.
# This is because the `object` dtype implies that the solutions can be expressed via various
# containers, each with its own length, and therefore, a fixed solution length cannot be guaranteed.
raise ValueError(
f"With dtype as {repr(dtype)}, expected to receive `solution_length` as None."
f" However, received `solution_length` as {repr(solution_length)}."
if str(self._device) != "cpu":
# With dtype as object, if `device` is something other than "cpu", then we raise an error.
# This is because the `object` dtype implies that the decision values are stored by an ObjectArray,
# whose device is always "cpu".
raise ValueError(
f"With dtype as {repr(dtype)}, expected to receive `device` as 'cpu'."
f" However, received `device` as {repr(device)}."
# If dtype is something other than `object`, then we need to make sure that we have a valid length for
# solutions, and also properly store the given numeric bounds.
if solution_length is None:
# With a numeric dtype, if solution length is missing, then we raise an error.
raise ValueError(
f"Together with a numeric dtype ({repr(dtype)}),"
f" expected to receive `solution_length` as an integer."
f" However, `solution_length` is None."
# With a numeric dtype, if a solution length is provided, we make sure that it is integer.
solution_length = int(solution_length)
# Store the solution length
self._solution_length = solution_length
if (bounds is not None) or (initial_bounds is not None):
# This is the case where we have a dtype other than `object`, and either `bounds` or `initial_bounds`
# was provided.
initbnd_tuple_name = "initial_bounds"
bnd_tuple_name = "bounds"
if (bounds is not None) and (initial_bounds is None):
# With a numeric dtype, if strict bounds are given but initial bounds are not given, then we assume
# that the strict bounds also serve as the initial bounds.
# Therefore, we take clones of the strict bounds and use this clones as the initial bounds.
initial_bounds = clone(bounds)
initbnd_tuple_name = "bounds"
# Below is an internal helper function for some common operations for the (strict) bounds
# and for the initial bounds.
def process_bounds(bounds_tuple: BoundsPairLike, tuple_name: str) -> BoundsPair:
# This function receives the bounds_tuple (a tuple containing lower and upper bounds),
# and the string name of the bounds argument ("bounds" or "initial_bounds").
# What is returned is the bounds expressed as PyTorch tensors in the correct dtype and device.
nonlocal solution_length
# Extract the lower and upper bounds from the received bounds tuple.
lb, ub = bounds_tuple
# Make sure that the lower and upper bounds are expressed as tensors of correct dtype and device.
lb = self.make_tensor(lb)
ub = self.make_tensor(ub)
for bound_array in (lb, ub): # For each boundary tensor (lb and ub)
if bound_array.ndim not in (0, 1):
# If the boundary tensor is not as scalar and is not a 1-dimensional vector, then raise an
# error.
raise ValueError(
f"Lower and upper bounds are expected as scalars or as 1-dimensional vectors."
f" However, these given boundaries have incompatible shape:"
f" {bound_array} (of shape {bound_array.shape})."
if bound_array.ndim == 1:
if len(bound_array) != solution_length:
# In the case where the boundary tensor is a 1-dimensional vector, if this vector's length
# is not equal to the solution length, then we raise an error.
raise ValueError(
f"When boundaries are expressed as 1-dimensional vectors, their length are"
f" expected as the solution length of the Problem object."
f" However, while the problem's solution length is {solution_length},"
f" these given boundaries have incompatible length:"
f" {bound_array} (of length {len(bound_array)})."
# Return the processed forms of the lower and upper boundary tensors.
return lb, ub
# Process the initial bounds with the help of the internal function `process_bounds(...)`
init_lb, init_ub = process_bounds(initial_bounds, initbnd_tuple_name)
# Store the processed initial bounds
self._initial_lower_bounds = init_lb
self._initial_upper_bounds = init_ub
if bounds is not None:
# If there are strict bounds, then process those bounds with the help of `process_bounds(...)`.
lb, ub = process_bounds(bounds, bnd_tuple_name)
# Store the processed bounds
self._lower_bounds = lb
self._upper_bounds = ub
# Annotate the variable that will store the objective sense(s) of the problem
self._objective_sense: ObjectiveSense
# Below is an internal function which makes sure that a provided objective sense has a valid value
# (where valid values are "min" or "max")
def validate_sense(s: str):
if s not in ("min", "max"):
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid objective sense: {repr(s)}."
f"Instead, please provide the objective sense as 'min' or 'max'."
if not is_sequence(objective_sense):
# If the provided objective sense is not a sequence, then convert it to a single-element list
senses = [objective_sense]
num_senses = 1
# If the provided objective sense is a sequence, then take a list copy of it
senses = list(objective_sense)
num_senses = len(objective_sense)
# Ensure that each provided objective sense is valid
for sense in senses:
if num_senses == 0:
# If the given sequence of objective senses is empty, then we raise an error.
raise ValueError(
"Encountered an empty sequence via `objective_sense`."
" For a single-objective problem, please set `objective_sense` as 'min' or 'max'."
" For a multi-objective problem, please set `objective_sense` as a sequence,"
" each element being 'min' or 'max'."
# Store the objective senses
self._senses: Iterable[str] = senses
# Store the provided objective function (which can be None)
self._objective_func: Optional[Callable] = objective_func
# Declare the instance variable that will store whether or not the external fitness function is
# vectorized, if such an external fitness function is given.
self._vectorized: Optional[bool]
# Store the information which indicates whether or not the given objective function is vectorized
if self._objective_func is None:
# This is the case where an external fitness function is not given.
# In this case, we expect the keyword argument `vectorized` to be left as None.
if vectorized is not None:
# If the keyword argument `vectorized` is something other than None, then we raise an error
# to let the user know.
raise ValueError(
f"This problem object received no external fitness function."
f" When not using an external fitness function, the keyword argument `vectorized`"
f" is expected to be left as None."
f" However, the value of the keyword argument `vectorized` is {vectorized}."
# At this point, we know that we do not have an external fitness function.
# The variable which is supposed to tell us whether or not the external fitness function is vectorized
# is therefore irrelevant. We just set it as None.
self._vectorized = None
# This is the case where an external fitness function is given.
if (
hasattr(self._objective_func, "__evotorch_vectorized__")
and self._objective_func.__evotorch_vectorized__
# If the external fitness function has an attribute `__evotorch_vectorized__`, and the value of this
# attribute evaluates to True, then this is an indication that the fitness function was decorated
# with `@vectorized`.
if vectorized is not None:
# At this point, we know (or at least have the assumption) that the fitness function was decorated
# with `@vectorized`. Any boolean value given via the keyword argument `vectorized` would therefore
# be either redundant or conflicting.
# Therefore, in this case, if the keyword argument `vectorized` is anything other than None, we
# raise an error to inform the user.
raise ValueError(
f"Received a fitness function that was decorated via @vectorized."
f" When using such a fitness function, the keyword argument `vectorized`"
f" is expected to be left as None."
f" However, the value of the keyword argument `vectorized` is {vectorized}."
# Since we know that our fitness function declares itself as vectorized, we set the instance variable
# _vectorized as True.
self._vectorized = True
# This is the case in which the fitness function does not appear to be decorated via `@vectorized`.
# In this case, if the keyword argument `vectorized` has a value that is equivalent to True,
# then the value of `_vectorized` becomes True. On the other hand, if the keyword argument `vectorized`
# was left as None or if it has a value that is equivalent to False, `_vectorized` becomes False.
self._vectorized = bool(vectorized)
# If the evaluation data length is explicitly stated, then convert it to an integer and store it.
# Otherwise, store the evaluation data length as 0.
self._eval_data_length = 0 if eval_data_length is None else int(eval_data_length)
# Initialize the actor index.
# If the problem is configured to be parallelized and the parallelization is triggered, then each remote
# copy will have a different integer value for `_actor_index`.
self._actor_index: Optional[int] = None
# Initialize the variable that might store the list of actors as None.
# If the problem is configured to be parallelized and the parallelization is triggered, then this variable
# will store references to the remote actors (each remote actor storing its own copy of this Problem
# instance).
self._actors: Optional[list] = None
# Initialize the variable that might store the ray ActorPool.
# If the problem is configured to be parallelized and the parallelization is triggered, then this variable
# will store the ray ActorPool that is generated out of the remote actors.
self._actor_pool: Optional[ActorPool] = None
# Store the ray actor configuration dictionary provided by the user (if any).
# When (or if) the parallelization is triggered, each actor will be created with this given configuration.
self._actor_config: Optional[dict] = None if actor_config is None else deepcopy(dict(actor_config))
# If given, store the sub-batch size or number of sub-batches.
# When the problem is parallelized, a sub-batch size determines the maximum size for a SolutionBatch
# that will be sent to a remote actor for parallel solution evaluation.
# Alternatively, num_subbatches determines into how many pieces will a SolutionBatch be split
# for parallelization.
# If both are None, then the main SolutionBatch will be split among the actors.
if (num_subbatches is not None) and (subbatch_size is not None):
raise ValueError(
f"Encountered both `num_subbatches` and `subbatch_size` as values other than None."
f" num_subbatches={num_subbatches}, subbatch_size={subbatch_size}."
f" Having both of them as values other than None cannot be accepted."
self._num_subbatches: Optional[int] = None if num_subbatches is None else int(num_subbatches)
self._subbatch_size: Optional[int] = None if subbatch_size is None else int(subbatch_size)
# Initialize the additional states to be loaded by the remote actor as None.
# If there are such additional states for remote actors, the inheriting class can fill this as a list
# of dictionaries.
self._remote_states: Optional[Iterable[dict]] = None
# Initialize a temporary internal variable which stores the resources available in the ray cluster.
# Most probably, we are interested in the resources "CPU" and "GPU".
ray_resources: Optional[dict] = None
# The following is an internal helper function which returns the amount of availability for a given
# resource in the ray cluster.
# If the requested resource is not available at all, None will be returned.
def get_ray_resource(resource_name: str) -> Any:
# Ensure that the ray cluster is initialized
nonlocal ray_resources
if ray_resources is None:
# If the ray resource information was not fetched, then fetch them and store them.
ray_resources = ray.available_resources()
# Return the information regarding the requested resource from the fetched resource information.
# If it turns out that the requested resource is not available at all, the result will be None.
return ray_resources.get(resource_name, None)
# Annotate the variable that will store the number of actors (to be created when the parallelization
# is triggered).
self._num_actors: int
if num_actors is None:
# If the argument `num_actors` is left as None, then we set `_num_actors` as 0, which means that
# there will be no parallelization.
self._num_actors = 0
elif isinstance(num_actors, str):
# This is the case where `num_actors` has a string value
if num_actors in ("max", "num_cpus"):
# If the `num_actors` argument was given as "max" or as "num_cpus", then we first read how many CPUs
# are available in the ray cluster, then convert it to integer (via computing its ceil value), and
# finally set `_num_actors` as this integer.
self._num_actors = math.ceil(get_ray_resource("CPU"))
elif num_actors == "num_gpus":
# If the `num_actors` argument was given as "num_gpus", then we first read how many GPUs are
# available in the ray cluster.
num_gpus = get_ray_resource("GPU")
if num_gpus is None:
# If there are no GPUs at all, then we raise an error
raise ValueError(
"The argument `num_actors` was encountered as 'num_gpus'."
" However, there does not seem to be any GPU available."
if num_gpus < 1e-4:
# If the number of available GPUs are 0 or close to 0, then we raise an error
raise ValueError(
f"The argument `num_actors` was encountered as 'num_gpus'."
f" However, the number of available GPUs are either 0 or close to 0 (= {num_gpus})."
if (actor_config is not None) and ("num_gpus" in actor_config):
# With `num_actors` argument given as "num_gpus", we will also allocate each GPU to an actor.
# If `actor_config` contains an item with key "num_gpus", then that configuration item would
# conflict with the GPU allocation we are about to do here.
# So, we raise an error.
raise ValueError(
"The argument `num_actors` was encountered as 'num_gpus'."
" With this configuration, the number of GPUs assigned to an actor is automatically determined."
" However, at the same time, the `actor_config` argument was received with the key 'num_gpus',"
" which causes a conflict."
if num_gpus_per_actor is not None:
# With `num_actors` argument given as "num_gpus", we will also allocate each GPU to an actor.
# If the argument `num_gpus_per_actor` is also stated, then such a configuration item would
# conflict with the GPU allocation we are about to do here.
# So, we raise an error.
raise ValueError(
f"The argument `num_actors` was encountered as 'num_gpus'."
f" With this configuration, the number of GPUs assigned to an actor is automatically determined."
f" However, at the same time, the `num_gpus_per_actor` argument was received with a value other"
f" than None ({repr(num_gpus_per_actor)}), which causes a conflict."
# Set the number of actors as the ceiled integer counterpart of the number of available GPUs
self._num_actors = math.ceil(num_gpus)
# We assign a GPU for each actor (by overriding the value for the argument `num_gpus_per_actor`).
num_gpus_per_actor = num_gpus / self._num_actors
elif num_actors == "num_devices":
# This is the case where `num_actors` has the string value "num_devices".
# With `num_actors` set as "num_devices", if there are any GPUs, the behavior is to assign a GPU
# to each actor. If there are conflicting configurations regarding how many GPUs are to be assigned
# to each actor, then we raise an error.
if (actor_config is not None) and ("num_gpus" in actor_config):
raise ValueError(
"The argument `num_actors` was encountered as 'num_devices'."
" With this configuration, the number of GPUs assigned to an actor is automatically determined."
" However, at the same time, the `actor_config` argument was received with the key 'num_gpus',"
" which causes a conflict."
if num_gpus_per_actor is not None:
raise ValueError(
f"The argument `num_actors` was encountered as 'num_devices'."
f" With this configuration, the number of GPUs assigned to an actor is automatically determined."
f" However, at the same time, the `num_gpus_per_actor` argument was received with a value other"
f" than None ({repr(num_gpus_per_actor)}), which causes a conflict."
if self._device != torch.device("cpu"):
# If the main device is not CPU, then the user most probably wishes to put all the
# computations (both evaluations and the population) on the GPU, without allocating
# any actor.
# So, we set `_num_actors` as None, and overwrite `num_gpus_per_actor` with None.
self._num_actors = None
num_gpus_per_actor = None
# If the device argument is "cpu" or left as None, then we assume that actor allocations
# might be desired.
# Read how many CPUs and GPUs are available in the ray cluster.
num_cpus = get_ray_resource("CPU")
num_gpus = get_ray_resource("GPU")
# If we have multiple CPUs, then we continue with the actor allocation procedures.
if (num_gpus is None) or (num_gpus < 1e-4):
# If there are no GPUs, then we set the number of actors as the number of CPUs, and we
# set the number of GPUs per actor as None (which means that there will be no GPU
# assignment)
self._num_actors = math.ceil(num_cpus)
num_gpus_per_actor = None
# If there are GPUs available, then we compute the minimum among the number of CPUs and
# GPUs, and this minimum value becomes the number of actors (so that there can be
# one-to-one mapping between actors and GPUs).
self._num_actors = math.ceil(min(num_cpus, num_gpus))
# We assign a GPU for each actor (by overriding the value for the argument
# `num_gpus_per_actor`).
if self._num_actors <= num_gpus:
num_gpus_per_actor = 1
num_gpus_per_actor = num_gpus / self._num_actors
# This is the case where `num_actors` is given as an unexpected string. We raise an error here.
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid string value for `num_actors`: {repr(num_actors)}."
f" The acceptable string values for `num_actors` are 'max', 'num_cpus', 'num_gpus', 'num_devices'."
# This is the case where `num_actors` has a value which is not a string.
# In this case, we make sure that the given value is an integer, and then use this integer as our
# number of actors.
self._num_actors = int(num_actors)
if self._num_actors == 1:
"The number of actors that will be allocated for parallelized evaluation was encountered as 1."
" This number is automatically dropped to 0,"
" because having only 1 actor does not bring any benefit in terms of parallelization."
# Creating a single actor does not bring any benefit of parallelization.
# Therefore, at the end of all the computations above regarding the number of actors, if it turns out
# that the target number of actors is 1, we reduce it to 0 (meaning that no actor will be initialized).
self._num_actors = 0
# Since we are to allocate no actor, the value of the argument `num_gpus_per_actor` is meaningless.
# We therefore overwrite the value of that argument with None.
num_gpus_per_actor = None
self, f"The number of actors that will be allocated for parallelized evaluation is {self._num_actors}"
if (self._num_actors >= 2) and (self._device != torch.device("cpu")):
detailed_error_msg = (
f"The number of actors that will be allocated for parallelized evaluation is {self._num_actors}."
" When the number of actors is at least 2,"
' the only supported value for the `device` argument is "cpu".'
f" However, `device` was received as {self._device}."
"\n\n---- Possible ways to fix the error: ----"
" If both the population and the fitness evaluation operations can fit into the same device,"
f" try setting `device={self._device}` and `num_actors=0`."
" If you would like to use N number of GPUs in parallel for fitness evaluation (where N>1),"
' set `device="cpu"` (so that the main process will keep the population on the cpu), set'
" `num_actors=N` and `num_gpus_per_actor=1` (to allocate an actor for each of the `N` GPUs),"
" and then, decorate your fitness function using `evotorch.decorators.on_cuda`"
" so that the fitness evaluation will be performed on the cuda device assigned to the actor."
" The code for achieving this can look like this:"
" from evotorch import Problem\n"
" from evotorch.decorators import on_cuda, vectorized\n"
" import torch\n"
" @on_cuda\n"
" @vectorized\n"
" def f(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:\n"
" ...\n"
' problem = Problem("min", f, device="cpu", num_actors=N, num_gpus_per_actor=1)\n'
"Or, it can look like this:\n"
" from evotorch import Problem, SolutionBatch\n"
" from evotorch.decorators import on_cuda\n"
" import torch\n"
" class MyProblem(Problem):\n"
" def __init__(self, ...):\n"
" super().__init__(\n"
' objective_sense="min", device="cpu", num_actors=N, num_gpus_per_actor=1, ...\n'
" )\n"
" @on_cuda\n"
" def _evaluate_batch(self, batch: SolutionBatch):\n"
" ...\n"
" problem = MyProblem(...)\n"
" Similarly to option (2), for when you wish to use N number of GPUs for fitness evaluation,"
' set `device="cpu"`, set `num_actors=N` and `num_gpus_per_actor=1`, then, within the evaluation'
' function, manually use the device `"cuda"` to accelerate the computation.'
"Note for cases (2) and (3): if you are on a computer or on a ray cluster with multiple GPUs, you"
' might prefer to set `num_actors` as the string "num_gpus" instead of an integer N,'
" which will cause the number of available GPUs to be counted, and the number of actors to be"
" configured as that count."
raise ValueError(detailed_error_msg)
# Annotate the variable which will determine how many GPUs are to be assigned to each actor.
self._num_gpus_per_actor: Optional[Union[str, int, float]]
if (actor_config is not None) and ("num_gpus" in actor_config) and (num_gpus_per_actor is not None):
# If `actor_config` dictionary has the item "num_gpus" and also `num_gpus_per_actor` is not None,
# then there is a conflicting (or redundant) configuration. We raise an error here.
raise ValueError(
'The `actor_config` dictionary contains the key "num_gpus".'
" At the same time, `num_gpus_per_actor` has a value other than None."
" These two configurations are conflicting."
" Please specify the number of GPUs per actor either via the `actor_config` dictionary,"
" or via the `num_gpus_per_actor` argument, but not via both."
if num_gpus_per_actor is None:
# If the argument `num_gpus_per_actor` is not specified, then we set the attribute
# `_num_gpus_per_actor` as None, which means that no GPUs will be assigned to the actors.
self._num_gpus_per_actor = None
elif isinstance(num_gpus_per_actor, str):
# This is the case where `num_gpus_per_actor` is given as a string.
if num_gpus_per_actor == "max":
# This is the case where `num_gpus_per_actor` is given as "max".
num_gpus = get_ray_resource("GPU")
if num_gpus is None:
# With `num_gpus_per_actor` as "max", if there is no GPU available, then we set the attribute
# `_num_gpus_per_actor` as None, which means there will be no GPU assignment to the actors.
self._num_gpus_per_actor = None
# With `num_gpus_per_actor` as "max", if there are GPUs available, then the available GPUs will
# be shared among the actors.
self._num_gpus_per_actor = num_gpus / self._num_actors
elif num_gpus_per_actor == "all":
# When `num_gpus_per_actor` is "all", we also set the attribute `_num_gpus_per_actor` as "all".
# When a remote actor is initialized, the remote actor will see that the Problem instance has its
# `_num_gpus_per_actor` set as "all", and it will remove the environment variable named
# "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES" in its own environment.
# With "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES" removed, an actor will see all the GPUs available in its own
# environment.
self._num_gpus_per_actor = "all"
# This is the case where `num_gpus_per_actor` argument has an unexpected string value.
# We raise an error.
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid string value for `num_gpus_per_actor`: {repr(num_gpus_per_actor)}."
f' Acceptable string values for `num_gpus_per_actor` are: "max", "all".'
elif isinstance(num_gpus_per_actor, int):
# When the argument `num_gpus_per_actor` is set as an integer we just set the attribute
# `_num_gpus_per_actor` as this integer.
self._num_gpus_per_actor = num_gpus_per_actor
# For anything else, we assume that `num_gpus_per_actor` is an object that is convertible to float.
# Therefore, we convert it to float and store it in the attribute `_num_gpus_per_actor`.
# Also, remember that, when `num_actors` is given as "num_gpus" or as "num_devices",
# the code above overrides the value for the argument `num_gpus_per_actor`, which means,
# this is the case that is activated when `num_actors` is "num_gpus" or "num_devices".
self._num_gpus_per_actor = float(num_gpus_per_actor)
if self._num_actors > 0:
message_from(self, f"Number of GPUs that will be allocated per actor is {self._num_gpus_per_actor}")
# Initialize the Hook instances (and the related status dictionary for the `_after_eval_hook`)
self._before_eval_hook: Hook = Hook()
self._after_eval_hook: Hook = Hook()
self._after_eval_status: dict = {}
self._remote_hook: Hook = Hook()
self._before_grad_hook: Hook = Hook()
self._after_grad_hook: Hook = Hook()
# Initialize various stats regarding the solutions encountered by this Problem instance.
self._store_solution_stats = None if store_solution_stats is None else bool(store_solution_stats)
self._best: Optional[list] = None
self._worst: Optional[list] = None
self._best_evals: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
self._worst_evals: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
# Initialize the boolean attribute which indicates whether or not this Problem instance (which can be
# the main instance or a remote instance on an actor) is "prepared" via the `_prepare` method.
self._prepared: bool = False
def manual_seed(self, seed: Optional[int] = None):
Provide a manual seed for the Problem object.
If the given seed is None, then the Problem object will remove
its own stored generator, and start using the global generator
of PyTorch instead.
If the given seed is an integer, then the Problem object will
instantiate its own generator with the given seed.
seed: None for using the global PyTorch generator; an integer
for instantiating a new PyTorch generator with this given
integer seed, specific to this Problem object.
if seed is None:
self._generator = None
if self._generator is None:
self._generator = torch.Generator(device=self.device)
def dtype(self) -> DType:
dtype of the Problem object.
The decision variables of the optimization problem are of this dtype.
return self._dtype
def device(self) -> Device:
device of the Problem object.
New solutions and populations will be generated in this device.
return self._device
def aux_device(self) -> Device:
Auxiliary device to help with the computations, most commonly for
speeding up the solution evaluations.
An auxiliary device is different than the main device of the Problem
object (the main device being expressed by the `device` property).
While the main device of the Problem object determines where the
solutions and the populations are stored (and also using which device
should a SearchAlgorithm instance communicate with the problem),
an auxiliary device is a device that might be used by the Problem
instance itself for its own computations (e.g. computations defined
within the methods `_evaluate(...)` or `_evaluate_batch(...)`).
If the problem's main device is something other than "cpu", that main
device is also seen as the auxiliary device, and therefore returned
by this property.
If the problem's main device is "cpu", then the auxiliary device
is decided as follows. If `num_gpus_per_actor` of the Problem object
was set as "all" and if this instance is a remote instance, then the
auxiliary device is guessed as "cuda:N" where N is the actor index.
In all other cases, the auxiliary device is "cuda" if cuda is
available, and "cpu" otherwise.
cpu_device = torch.device("cpu")
if torch.device(self.device) == cpu_device:
if torch.cuda.is_available():
if isinstance(self._num_gpus_per_actor, str) and (self._num_gpus_per_actor == "all") and self.is_remote:
return torch.device("cuda", self.actor_index)
return torch.device("cuda")
return cpu_device
return self.device
def eval_dtype(self) -> DType:
evaluation dtype of the Problem object.
The evaluation results of the solutions are stored according to this
return self._eval_dtype
def generator(self) -> Optional[torch.Generator]:
Random generator used by this Problem object.
Can also be None, which means that the Problem object will use the
global random generator of PyTorch.
return self._generator
def has_own_generator(self) -> bool:
Whether or not the Problem object has its own random generator.
If this is True, then the Problem object will use its own
random generator when creating random values or tensors.
If this is False, then the Problem object will use the global
random generator when creating random values or tensors.
return self.generator is not None
def objective_sense(self) -> ObjectiveSense:
Get the objective sense.
If the problem is single-objective, then a single string is returned.
If the problem is multi-objective, then the objective senses will be
returned in a list.
The returned string in the single-objective case, or each returned
string in the multi-objective case, is "min" or "max".
if len(self.senses) == 1:
return self.senses[0]
return self.senses
def senses(self) -> Iterable[str]:
Get the objective senses.
The return value is a list of strings, each string being
"min" or "max".
return self._senses
def is_single_objective(self) -> bool:
"""Whether or not the problem is single-objective"""
return len(self.senses) == 1
def is_multi_objective(self) -> bool:
"""Whether or not the problem is multi-objective"""
return len(self.senses) > 1
def get_obj_order_descending(self) -> Iterable[bool]:
"""When sorting the solutions from best to worst according to each objective i, is the ordering descending?"""
result = []
for s in self.senses:
if s == "min":
elif s == "max":
raise ValueError(f"Invalid sense: {repr(s)}")
return result
def solution_length(self) -> Optional[int]:
Get the solution length.
Problems with `dtype=None` do not have solution lengths.
For such problems, this property returns None.
return self._solution_length
def eval_data_length(self) -> int:
Length of the extra evaluation data vector for each solution.
return self._eval_data_length
def initial_lower_bounds(self) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]:
Initial lower bounds, for when initializing a new solution.
If such a bound was declared during the initialization phase,
the returned value is a torch tensor (in the form of a vector
or in the form of a scalar).
If no such bound was declared, the returned value is None.
return self._initial_lower_bounds
def initial_upper_bounds(self) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]:
Initial upper bounds, for when initializing a new solution.
If such a bound was declared during the initialization phase,
the returned value is a torch tensor (in the form of a vector
or in the form of a scalar).
If no such bound was declared, the returned value is None.
return self._initial_upper_bounds
def lower_bounds(self) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]:
Lower bounds for the allowed values of a solution.
If such a bound was declared during the initialization phase,
the returned value is a torch tensor (in the form of a vector
or in the form of a scalar).
If no such bound was declared, the returned value is None.
return self._lower_bounds
def upper_bounds(self) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]:
Upper bounds for the allowed values of a solution.
If such a bound was declared during the initialization phase,
the returned value is a torch tensor (in the form of a vector
or in the form of a scalar).
If no such bound was declared, the returned value is None.
return self._upper_bounds
def generate_values(self, num_solutions: int) -> Union[torch.Tensor, ObjectArray]:
Generate decision values.
This function returns a tensor containing the decision values
for `n` new solutions, `n` being the integer passed as the `num_rows`
For numeric problems, this function generates the decision values
which respect `initial_bounds` (or `bounds`, if `initial_bounds`
was not provided).
If this type of initialization is not desired, one can override
this function and define a manual initialization scheme in the
inheriting subclass.
For non-numeric problems, it is expected that the inheriting subclass
will override the method `_fill(...)`.
num_solutions: For how many solutions will new decision values be
A PyTorch tensor for numeric problems, an ObjectArray for
non-numeric problems.
if self.dtype is object:
result = self.make_empty(num_solutions=num_solutions)
result = torch.empty(tuple(), dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device)
result = result.expand(num_solutions, self.solution_length)
result = result + make_batched_false_for_vmap(result.device)
return result
def _fill(self, values: Iterable):
Fill the provided `values` tensor with new decision values.
Inheriting subclasses can override this method to specialize how
new solutions are generated.
For numeric problems, this method already has an implementation
which samples the initial decision values uniformly from the
interval expressed by `initial_bounds` attribute.
For non-numeric problems, overriding this method is mandatory.
values: The tensor which is to be filled with the new decision
if self.dtype is object:
raise NotImplementedError(
"The dtype of this problem is object, therefore a manual implementation of the"
" method `_fill(...)` needs to be provided by the inheriting class."
if (self.initial_lower_bounds is None) or (self.initial_upper_bounds is None):
raise RuntimeError(
"The default implementation of the method `_fill(...)` does not know how to initialize solutions"
" because it appears that this Problem object was not given neither `initial_bounds` nor `bounds`"
" during the moment of initialization."
" Please either instantiate this Problem object with `initial_bounds` and/or `bounds`, or override"
" the method `_fill(...)` to specify how solutions should be initialized."
return self.make_uniform(
def generate_batch(
popsize: Optional[int] = None,
empty: bool = False,
center: Optional[RealOrVector] = None,
stdev: Optional[RealOrVector] = None,
symmetric: bool = False,
) -> "SolutionBatch":
Generate a new SolutionBatch.
popsize: Number of solutions that will be contained in the new
empty: Set this as True if you would like to receive the solutions
center: Center point of the Gaussian distribution from which
the decision values will be sampled, as a scalar or as a
1-dimensional vector.
Can also be left as None.
If `center` is None and `stdev` is None, all the decision
values will be sampled from the interval specified by
`initial_bounds` (or by `bounds` if `initial_bounds` was not
If `center` is None and `stdev` is not None, a center point
will be sampled from within the interval specified by
`initial_bounds` or `bounds`, and the decision values will be
sampled from a Gaussian distribution around this center point.
stdev: Can be None (default) if the SolutionBatch is to contain
decision values sampled from the interval specified by
`initial_bounds` (or by `bounds` if `initial_bounds` was not
provided during the initialization phase).
Alternatively, a scalar or a 1-dimensional vector specifying
the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution from which
the decision values will be sampled.
symmetric: To be used only when `stdev` is not None.
If `symmetric` is True, decision values will be sampled from
the Gaussian distribution in a symmetric (i.e. antithetic)
Otherwise, the decision values will be sampled in the
non-antithetic manner.
if (center is None) and (stdev is None):
if symmetric:
raise ValueError(
f"The argument `symmetric` can be set as True only when `center` and `stdev` are provided."
f" Although `center` and `stdev` are None, `symmetric` was received as {symmetric}."
return SolutionBatch(self, popsize, empty=empty, device=self.device)
elif (center is not None) and (stdev is not None):
if empty:
raise ValueError(
f"When `center` and `stdev` are provided, the argument `empty` must be False."
f" However, the received value for `empty` is {empty}."
result = SolutionBatch(self, popsize, device=self.device, empty=True)
self.make_gaussian(out=result.access_values(), center=center, stdev=stdev, symmetric=symmetric)
return result
raise ValueError(
f"The arguments `center` and `stdev` were expected to be None or non-None at the same time."
f" Received `center`: {center}."
f" Received `stdev`: {stdev}."
def _parallelize(self):
"""Create ray actors for parallelizing the solution evaluations."""
# If the problem was explicitly configured for
# NOT having parallelization, leave this function.
if (not isinstance(self._num_actors, str)) and (self._num_actors <= 0):
# If this problem object is a remote one,
# leave this function
# (because we do not want the remote worker
# to parallelize itself further)
if self._actor_index is not None:
# If the actors list is not None, then this means
# that the initialization of the parallelization mechanism
# was already completed. So, leave this function.
if self._actors is not None:
# Make sure that ray is initialized
number_of_actors = self._num_actors
# numpy's RandomState uses 32-bit unsigned integers
# for random seeds.
# So, the following value is the exclusive upper bound
# for a random seed.
supremum_seed = 2**32
# Generate an integer from the main problem object's
# random_state. From this integer, further seed integers
# will be computed, and these generated seeds will be
# used by the remote actors.
base_seed = int(self.make_randint(tuple(), n=supremum_seed))
# The following function returns a seed number for the actor
# number i.
def generate_actor_seed(i):
nonlocal base_seed, supremum_seed
return (base_seed + (i + 1)) % supremum_seed
all_seeds = []
j = 0
for i in range(number_of_actors):
actor_seeds = []
for _ in range(4):
j += 1
if self._remote_states is None:
remote_states = [{} for _ in range(number_of_actors)]
remote_states = self._remote_states
# Prepare the necessary actor config
config_per_actor = {}
if self._actor_config is not None:
if isinstance(self._num_gpus_per_actor, (int, float)):
config_per_actor["num_gpus"] = self._num_gpus_per_actor
# Generate the actors, each with a unique seed.
if config_per_actor is None:
actors = [EvaluationActor.remote(self, i, all_seeds[i], remote_states[i]) for i in range(number_of_actors)]
actors = [
EvaluationActor.options(**config_per_actor).remote(self, i, all_seeds[i], remote_states[i])
for i in range(number_of_actors)
self._actors = actors
self._actor_pool = ActorPool(self._actors)
self._remote_states = None
def all_remote_problems(self) -> AllRemoteProblems:
Get an accessor which is used for running a method
on all remote clones of this Problem object.
For example, given a Problem object named `my_problem`,
also assuming that this Problem object is parallelized,
and therefore has `n` remote actors, a method `f()`
can be executed on all the remote instances as follows:
results = my_problem.all_remote_problems().f()
The variable `results` is a list of length `n`, the i-th
item of the list belonging to the method f's result
from the i-th actor.
A method accessor for all the remote Problem objects.
if self.is_remote:
raise RuntimeError(
"The method `all_remote_problems()` can only be used on the main (i.e. non-remote)"
" Problem instance."
" However, this Problem instance is on a remote actor."
return AllRemoteProblems(self._actors)
def all_remote_envs(self) -> AllRemoteEnvs:
Get an accessor which is used for running a method
on all remote reinforcement learning environments.
This method can only be used on parallelized Problem
objects which have their `get_env()` methods defined.
For example, one can use this feature on a parallelized
As an example, let us consider a parallelized GymProblem
object named `my_problem`. Given that `my_problem` has
`n` remote actors, a method `f()` can be executed
on all remote reinforcement learning environments as
results = my_problem.all_remote_envs().f()
The variable `results` is a list of length `n`, the i-th
item of the list belonging to the method f's result
from the i-th actor.
A method accessor for all the remote reinforcement
learning environments.
if self.is_remote:
raise RuntimeError(
"The method `all_remote_envs()` can only be used on the main (i.e. non-remote)"
" Problem instance."
" However, this Problem instance is on a remote actor."
return AllRemoteEnvs(self._actors)
def kill_actors(self):
Kill all the remote actors used by the Problem instance.
One might use this method to release the resources used by the
remote actors.
if not self.is_main:
raise RuntimeError(
"The method `kill_actors()` can only be used on the main (i.e. non-remote)"
" Problem instance."
" However, this Problem instance is on a remote actor."
for actor in self._actors:
self._actors = None
self._actor_pool = None
def num_actors(self) -> int:
Number of actors (to be) used for parallelization.
If the problem is configured for no parallelization,
the result will be 0.
return self._num_actors
def actors(self) -> Optional[list]:
Get the ray actors, if the Problem object is distributed.
If the Problem object is not distributed and therefore
has no actors, then, the result will be None.
return self._actors
def actor_index(self) -> Optional[int]:
"""Return the actor index if this is a remote worker.
If this is not a remote worker, return None.
return self._actor_index
def is_remote(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if this problem object lives in a remote ray actor.
Otherwise, returns False.
return self._actor_index is not None
def is_main(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if this problem object lives in the main process
and not in a remote actor.
Otherwise, returns False.
return self._actor_index is None
def before_eval_hook(self) -> Hook:
Get the Hook which stores the functions to call just before
evaluating a SolutionBatch.
The functions to be stored in this hook are expected to
accept one positional argument, that one argument being the
SolutionBatch which is about to be evaluated.
return self._before_eval_hook
def after_eval_hook(self) -> Hook:
Get the Hook which stores the functions to call just after
evaluating a SolutionBatch.
The functions to be stored in this hook are expected to
accept one argument, that one argument being the SolutionBatch
whose evaluation has just been completed.
The dictionaries returned by the functions in this hook
are accumulated, and reported in the status dictionary of this
problem object.
return self._after_eval_hook
def before_grad_hook(self) -> Hook:
Get the Hook which stores the functions to call just before
its `sample_and_compute_gradients(...)` operation.
return self._before_grad_hook
def after_grad_hook(self) -> Hook:
Get the Hook which stores the functions to call just after
its `sample_and_compute_gradients(...)` operation.
The functions to be stored in this hook are expected to
accept one argument, that one argument being the gradients
dictionary (which was produced by the Problem object,
but not yet followed by the search algorithm).
The dictionaries returned by the functions in this hook
are accumulated, and reported in the status dictionary of this
problem object.
return self._after_grad_hook
def remote_hook(self) -> Hook:
Get the Hook which stores the functions to call when this
Problem object is (re)created on a remote actor.
The functions in this hook should expect one positional
argument, that is the Problem object itself.
return self._remote_hook
def _make_sync_data_for_actors(self) -> Any:
Override this function for providing synchronization between
the main process and the remote actors.
The responsibility of this function is to prepare and return the
data to be sent to the remote actors for synchronization.
If this function returns NotImplemented, then there will be no
If this function returns None, there will be no data sent to the
actors for syncing, however, syncing will still be enabled, and
the main actor will ask for sync data from the remote actors
after their jobs are finished.
return NotImplemented
def _use_sync_data_from_main(self, received: Any):
Override this function for providing synchronization between
the main process and the remote actors.
The responsibility of this function is to update the state
of the remote Problem object according to the synchronization
data received by the main process.
def _make_sync_data_for_main(self) -> Any:
Override this function for providing synchronization between
the main process and the remote actors.
The responsibility of this function is to prepare and return the
data to be sent to the main Problem object by a remote actor.
return NotImplemented
def _use_sync_data_from_actors(self, received: list):
Override this function for providing synchronization between
the main process and the remote actors.
The responsibility of this function is to update the state
of the main Problem object according to the synchronization
data received by the remote actors.
def _make_pickle_data_for_main(self) -> dict:
Override this function for preserving the state of a remote
actor in the main state dictionary when pickling a parallelized
The responsibility of this function is to return the state
of a problem object which lives in a remote actor.
If the remote clones of this problem do not need to be stateful
then you probably do not need to override this method.
return {}
def _use_pickle_data_from_main(self, state: dict):
Override this function for re-creating the internal state of
a problem instance living in a remote actor, by using the
given state dictionary.
If the remote clones of this problem do not need to be stateful
then you probably do not need to override this method.
def _sync_before(self) -> bool:
if self._actors is None:
return False
to_send = self._make_sync_data_for_actors()
if to_send is NotImplemented:
return False
if to_send is not None:
ray.get(["_use_sync_data_from_main", [to_send], {}) for actor in self._actors])
return True
def _sync_after(self):
if self._actors is None:
received = ray.get(["_make_sync_data_for_main", [], {}) for actor in self._actors])
def _get_best_and_worst(self, batch: "SolutionBatch") -> Optional[dict]:
if self._store_solution_stats is None:
self._store_solution_stats = str(batch.device) == "cpu"
if not self._store_solution_stats:
return {}
senses = self.senses
nobjs = len(senses)
if self._best is None:
self._best_evals = self.make_empty(nobjs, device=batch.device, use_eval_dtype=True)
self._worst_evals = self.make_empty(nobjs, device=batch.device, use_eval_dtype=True)
for i_obj in range(nobjs):
if senses[i_obj] == "min":
self._best_evals[i_obj] = float("inf")
self._worst_evals[i_obj] = float("-inf")
elif senses[i_obj] == "max":
self._best_evals[i_obj] = float("-inf")
self._worst_evals[i_obj] = float("inf")
raise ValueError(f"Invalid sense: {senses[i_obj]}")
self._best = [None] * nobjs
self._worst = [None] * nobjs
def first_is_better(a, b, i_obj):
if senses[i_obj] == "min":
return a < b
elif senses[i_obj] == "max":
return a > b
raise ValueError(f"Invalid sense: {senses[i_obj]}")
def first_is_worse(a, b, i_obj):
if senses[i_obj] == "min":
return a > b
elif senses[i_obj] == "max":
return a < b
raise ValueError(f"Invalid sense: {senses[i_obj]}")
best_sln_indices = [batch.argbest(i) for i in range(nobjs)]
worst_sln_indices = [batch.argworst(i) for i in range(nobjs)]
for i_obj in range(nobjs):
best_sln_index = best_sln_indices[i_obj]
worst_sln_index = worst_sln_indices[i_obj]
scores = batch.access_evals(i_obj)
best_score = scores[best_sln_index]
worst_score = scores[worst_sln_index]
if first_is_better(best_score, self._best_evals[i_obj], i_obj):
self._best_evals[i_obj] = best_score
self._best[i_obj] = batch[best_sln_index].clone()
if first_is_worse(worst_score, self._worst_evals[i_obj], i_obj):
self._worst_evals[i_obj] = worst_score
self._worst[i_obj] = batch[worst_sln_index].clone()
if len(senses) == 1:
return dict(
return {"best": self._best, "worst": self._worst}
def compare_solutions(self, a: "Solution", b: "Solution", obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> float:
Compare two solutions.
It is assumed that both solutions are already evaluated.
a: The first solution.
b: The second solution.
obj_index: The objective index according to which the comparison
will be made.
Can be left as None if the problem is single-objective.
A positive number if `a` is better;
a negative number if `b` is better;
0 if there is a tie.
senses = self.senses
obj_index = self.normalize_obj_index(obj_index)
sense = senses[obj_index]
def score(s: Solution):
return s.evals[obj_index]
if sense == "max":
return score(a) - score(b)
elif sense == "min":
return score(b) - score(a)
raise ValueError("Unrecognized sense: " + repr(sense))
def is_better(self, a: "Solution", b: "Solution", obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> bool:
Check whether or not the first solution is better.
It is assumed that both solutions are already evaluated.
a: The first solution.
b: The second solution.
obj_index: The objective index according to which the comparison
will be made.
Can be left as None if the problem is single-objective.
True if `a` is better; False otherwise.
return self.compare_solutions(a, b, obj_index) > 0
def is_worse(self, a: "Solution", b: "Solution", obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> bool:
Check whether or not the first solution is worse.
It is assumed that both solutions are already evaluated.
a: The first solution.
b: The second solution.
obj_index: The objective index according to which the comparison
will be made.
Can be left as None if the problem is single-objective.
True if `a` is worse; False otherwise.
return self.compare_solutions(a, b, obj_index) < 0
def _prepare(self) -> None:
"""Prepare a worker instance of the problem for evaluation. To be overridden by the user"""
def _prepare_main(self) -> None:
"""Prepare the main instance of the problem for evaluation."""
def _start_preparations(self) -> None:
"""Prepare the problem for evaluation. Calls self._prepare() if the self._prepared flag is not True."""
if not self._prepared:
if self.actors is None or self._num_actors == 0:
# Call prepare method for any problem class that is expected to do work
if self.is_main:
# Call share method to distribute shared attributes to actors
self._prepared = True
def _nonserialized_attribs(self) -> List[str]:
return []
def _share_attributes(self) -> None:
if (self._actors is not None) and (len(self._actors) > 0):
for attrib_name in self._shared_attribs:
obj_ref = ray.put(getattr(self, attrib_name))
for actor in self.actors:"put_ray_object", [], {"obj_ref": obj_ref, "attrib_name": attrib_name})
def put_ray_object(self, obj_ref: ray.ObjectRef, attrib_name: str) -> None:
setattr(self, attrib_name, ray.get(obj_ref))
def _shared_attribs(self) -> List[str]:
return []
def _device_of_fitness_function(self) -> Optional[Device]:
def device_of_fn(fn: Optional[Callable]) -> Optional[Device]:
if fn is None:
return None
if hasattr(fn, "__evotorch_on_aux_device__") and fn.__evotorch_on_aux_device__:
return self.aux_device
elif hasattr(fn, "device"):
return fn.device
return None
for candidate_fn in (self._objective_func, self._evaluate_all, self._evaluate_batch, self._evaluate):
device = device_of_fn(candidate_fn)
if device is not None:
if candidate_fn is self._evaluate_all:
raise RuntimeError(
"It seems that the `_evaluate_all(...)` method of this Problem object is either decorated"
" by @on_aux_device or by @on_device, or it is specifying a target device via a `device`"
" attribute. However, these decorators (or the `device` attribute) are not supported in the"
" case of `_evaluate_all(...)`."
" The reason is that the checking of the target device and the operations of moving the batch"
" onto the target device are handled by the default implementation of `_evaluate_all` itself."
" To specify a target device, consider decorating `_evaluate_batch(...)` or `_evaluate(...)`"
" instead."
return device
return None
def evaluate(self, x: Union["SolutionBatch", "Solution"]):
Evaluate the given Solution or SolutionBatch.
x: The SolutionBatch to be evaluated.
if isinstance(x, Solution):
batch = x.to_batch()
elif isinstance(x, SolutionBatch):
batch = x
raise TypeError(
f"The method `evaluate(...)` expected a Solution or a SolutionBatch as its argument."
f" However, the received object is {repr(x)}, which is of type {repr(type(x))}."
if self.is_main:
must_sync_after = self._sync_before()
if must_sync_after:
if self.is_main:
self._after_eval_status = {}
best_and_worst = self._get_best_and_worst(batch)
if best_and_worst is not None:
def _evaluate_all(self, batch: "SolutionBatch"):
if self._actors is None:
fitness_device = self._device_of_fitness_function()
if fitness_device is None:
original_device = batch.device
moved_batch =
if self._num_subbatches is not None:
pieces = batch.split(self._num_subbatches)
elif self._subbatch_size is not None:
pieces = batch.split(max_size=self._subbatch_size)
pieces = batch.split(len(self._actors))
# mapresult = a, v: a.evaluate_batch.remote(v), list(pieces))
# for i, evals in enumerate(mapresult):
# row_begin, row_end = pieces.indices_of(i)
# batch._evdata[row_begin:row_end, :] = evals
mapresult = self._actor_pool.map_unordered(
lambda a, v: a.evaluate_batch_piece.remote(v[0], v[1]), list(enumerate(pieces))
for i, evals in mapresult:
row_begin, row_end = pieces.indices_of(i)
batch._evdata[row_begin:row_end, :] = evals
def _evaluate_batch(self, batch: "SolutionBatch"):
if self._vectorized and (self._objective_func is not None):
result = self._objective_func(batch.values)
if isinstance(result, tuple):
for sln in batch:
def _evaluate(self, solution: "Solution"):
if self._objective_func is not None:
result = self._objective_func(solution.values)
if isinstance(result, tuple):
raise NotImplementedError
def stores_solution_stats(self) -> Optional[bool]:
Whether or not the best and worst solutions are kept.
return self._store_solution_stats
def status(self) -> dict:
Status dictionary of the problem object, updated after the last
evaluation operation.
The dictionaries returned by the functions in `after_eval_hook`
are accumulated, and reported in this status dictionary.
return self._after_eval_status
def ensure_numeric(self):
Ensure that the problem has a numeric dtype.
ValueError: if the problem has a non-numeric dtype.
if is_dtype_object(self.dtype):
raise ValueError("Expected a problem with numeric dtype, but the dtype is object.")
def ensure_unbounded(self):
Ensure that the problem has no strict lower and upper bounds.
ValueError: if the problem has strict lower and upper bounds.
if not (self.lower_bounds is None and self.upper_bounds is None):
raise ValueError("Expected an unbounded problem, but this problem has lower and/or upper bounds.")
def ensure_single_objective(self):
Ensure that the problem has only one objective.
ValueError: if the problem is multi-objective.
n = len(self.senses)
if n > 1:
raise ValueError(f"Expected a single-objective problem, but this problem has {n} objectives.")
def normalize_obj_index(self, obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
Normalize the objective index.
If the provided index is non-negative, it is ensured that the index
is valid.
If the provided index is negative, the objectives are counted in the
reverse order, and the corresponding non-negative index is returned.
For example, -1 is converted to a non-negative integer corresponding to
the last objective.
If the provided index is None and if the problem is single-objective,
the returned value is 0, which represents the only objective.
If the provided index is None and if the problem is multi-objective,
an error is raised.
obj_index: The non-normalized objective index.
The normalized objective index, as a non-negative integer.
if obj_index is None:
if len(self.senses) == 1:
return 0
raise ValueError(
"This problem is multi-objective, therefore, an explicit objective index was expected."
" However, `obj_index` was found to be None."
obj_index = int(obj_index)
if obj_index < 0:
obj_index = len(self.senses) + obj_index
if obj_index < 0 or obj_index >= len(self.senses):
raise IndexError("Objective index out of range.")
return obj_index
def _get_cloned_state(self, *, memo: dict) -> dict:
# Collect the inner states of the remote Problem clones
if self._actors is not None:
self._remote_states = ray.get(
["_make_pickle_data_for_main", [], {}) for actor in self._actors]
# Prepare the main state dictionary
result = {}
for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
if k in ("_actors", "_actor_pool") or k in self._nonserialized_attribs:
result[k] = None
v_id = id(v)
if v_id in memo:
result[k] = memo[v_id]
with _no_grad_if_basic_dtype(self.dtype):
result[k] = deep_clone(
return result
def _get_local_interaction_count(self) -> int:
Get the number of simulator interactions this Problem encountered.
For problems focused on reinforcement learning, it is expected
that the subclass overrides this method to describe its own way
of getting the local interaction count.
When working on parallelized problems, what is returned here is
not necessarily synchronized with the other parallelized instance.
raise NotImplementedError
def _get_local_episode_count(self) -> int:
Get the number of episodes this Problem encountered.
For problems focused on reinforcement learning, it is expected
that the subclass overrides this method to describe its own way
of getting the local episode count.
When working on parallelized problems, what is returned here is
not necessarily synchronized with the other parallelized instance.
raise NotImplementedError
def sample_and_compute_gradients(
popsize: int,
num_interactions: Optional[int] = None,
popsize_max: Optional[int] = None,
obj_index: Optional[int] = None,
ranking_method: Optional[str] = None,
with_stats: bool = True,
ensure_even_popsize: bool = False,
) -> Union[list, dict]:
Sample new solutions from the distribution and compute gradients.
The distribution can then be updated according to the computed
If the problem is not parallelized, and `with_stats` is False,
then the result will be a single dictionary of gradients.
For example, in the case of a Gaussian distribution, the returned
gradients dictionary would look like this:
"mu": ..., # the gradient for the mean
"sigma": ..., # the gradient for the standard deviation
If the problem is not parallelized, and `with_stats` is True,
then the result will be a dictionary which contains in itself
the gradients dictionary, and additional elements for providing
further information. In the case of a Gaussian distribution,
the returned dictionary with additional stats would look like
"gradients": {
"mu": ..., # the gradient for the mean
"sigma": ..., # the gradient for the standard deviation
"num_solutions": ..., # how many solutions were sampled
"mean_eval": ..., # Mean of all evaluations
If the problem is parallelized, then the gradient computation will
be distributed among the remote actors. In more details, each actor
will sample its own solutions (such that the total population size
across all remote actors will be near the provided `popsize`)
and will compute its own gradients, and will produce its own
additional stats (if `with_stats` is given as True).
These remote results will then be collected by the main process,
and the final result of this method will be a list of dictionaries,
each dictionary being the result of a remote gradient computation.
The sampled solutions are temporary, and will not be kept
(and will not be returned).
To customize how solutions are sampled and how gradients are
computed, one is encouraged to override
`_sample_and_compute_gradients(...)` (instead of overriding this
method directly.
distribution: The search distribution from which the solutions
will be sampled, and according to which the gradients will
be computed.
popsize: The number of solutions which will be sampled.
num_interactions: Number of simulator interactions that must
be completed (more solutions will be sampled until this
threshold is reached). This argument is to be used when
the problem has characteristics similar to reinforcement
learning, and an adaptive population size, depending on
the interactions made, is desired.
Otherwise, one can leave this argument as None, in which
case, there will not be any threshold based on number
of interactions.
popsize_max: To be used when `num_interactions` is provided,
as an additional criterion for ending the solution sampling
phase. This argument can be used to prevent the population
size from growing too much while trying to satisfy the
`num_interactions`. If not needed, `popsize_max` can be left
as None.
obj_index: Index of the objective according to which the gradients
will be computed. Can be left as None if the problem has only
one objective.
ranking_method: The solution ranking method to be used when
computing the gradients.
If not specified, the raw fitnesses will be used.
with_stats: If given as False, then the results dictionary will
only contain the gradients information. If given as True,
then the results dictionary will contain within itself
the gradients dictionary, and also additional elements for
providing further information.
The default is True.
ensure_even_popsize: If `ensure_even_popsize` is True and the
problem is not parallelized, then a `popsize` given as an odd
number will cause an error. If `ensure_even_popsize` is True
and the problem is parallelized, then the remote actors will
sample their own sub-populations in such a way that their
sizes are even.
If `ensure_even_popsize` is False, whether or not the
`popsize` is even will not be checked.
When the provided `distribution` is a symmetric (or
"mirrored", or "antithetic"), then this argument must be
given as True.
A results dictionary when the problem is not parallelized,
or list of results dictionaries when the problem is parallelized.
# For problems which are configured for parallelization, make sure that the actors are created.
# Below we check if there is an inconsistency in arguments.
if (num_interactions is None) and (popsize_max is not None):
# If `num_interactions` is None, then we assume that the user does not wish an adaptive population size.
# However, at the same time, if `popsize_max` is not None, then there is an inconsistency,
# because, `popsize_max` without `num_interactions` (therefore without adaptive population size)
# does not make sense.
# This is probably a configuration error, so, we inform the user by raising an error.
raise ValueError(
f"`popsize_max` was expected as None, because `num_interactions` is None."
f" However, `popsize_max` was found as {popsize_max}."
# The problem instance in the main process should trigger the `before_grad_hook`.
if self.is_main:
if self.is_main and (self._actors is not None) and (len(self._actors) > 0):
# If this is the main process and the problem is parallelized, then we need to split the request
# into multiple tasks, and then execute those tasks in parallel using the problem's actor pool.
if self._subbatch_size is not None:
# If `subbatch_size` is provided, then we first make sure that `popsize` is divisible by
# `subbatch_size`
if (popsize % self._subbatch_size) != 0:
raise ValueError(
f"This Problem was created with `subbatch_size` as {self._subbatch_size}."
f" When doing remote gradient computation, the requested population size must be divisible by"
f" the `subbatch_size`."
f" However, the requested population size is {popsize}, and the remainder after dividing it"
f" by `subbatch_size` is not 0 (it is {popsize % self._subbatch_size})."
# After making sure that `popsize` and `subbatch_size` configurations are compatible, we declare that
# we are going to have n tasks, each task imposing a sample size of `subbatch_size`.
n = int(popsize // self._subbatch_size)
popsize_per_task = [self._subbatch_size for _ in range(n)]
elif self._num_subbatches is not None:
# If `num_subbatches` is provided, then we are going to have n tasks where n is equal to the given
# `num_subbatches`.
popsize_per_task = split_workload(popsize, self._num_subbatches)
# If neither `subbatch_size` nor `num_subbatches` is given, then we will split the workload in such
# a way that each actor will have its share.
popsize_per_task = split_workload(popsize, len(self._actors))
if ensure_even_popsize:
# If `ensure_even_popsize` argument is True, then we need to make sure that each tasks's popsize is
# an even number.
for i in range(len(popsize_per_task)):
if (popsize_per_task[i] % 2) != 0:
# If the i-th actor's assigned popsize is not even, increase its assigned popsize by 1.
popsize_per_task[i] += 1
# The number of tasks is finally determined by the length of `popsize_per_task` list we created above.
num_tasks = len(popsize_per_task)
if num_interactions is None:
# If the argument `num_interactions` is not given, then, for each task, we declare that
# `num_interactions` is None.
num_inter_per_task = [None for _ in range(num_tasks)]
# If the argument `num_interactions` is given, then we compute each task's target number of
# interactions from its sample size.
num_inter_per_task = [
math.ceil((popsize_per_task[i] / popsize) * num_interactions) for i in range(num_tasks)
if popsize_max is None:
# If the argument `popsize_max` is not given, then, for each task, we declare that
# `popsize_max` is None.
popsize_max_per_task = [None for _ in range(num_tasks)]
# If the argument `popsize_max` is given, then we compute each task's target maximum population size
# from its sample size.
popsize_max_per_task = [
math.ceil((popsize_per_task[i] / popsize) * popsize_max) for i in range(num_tasks)
# We trigger the synchronization between the main process and the remote actors.
# If this problem instance has nothing to synchronize, then `must_sync_after` will be False.
must_sync_after = self._sync_before()
# Because we want to send the distribution to remote actors, we first copy the distribution to cpu
# (unless it is already on cpu)
dist_on_cpu ="cpu")
# Here, we use our actor pool to execute our tasks in parallel.
result = list(
lambda a, v:
[dist_on_cpu, v[0]],
"obj_index": obj_index,
"num_interactions": v[1],
"popsize_max": v[2],
"ranking_method": ranking_method,
list(zip(popsize_per_task, num_inter_per_task, popsize_max_per_task)),
# At this point, all the tensors within our collected results are on the CPU.
if torch.device(self.device) != torch.device("cpu"):
# If the main device of this problem instance is not CPU, then we move the tensors to the main device.
result = cast_tensors_in_container(result, device=self.device)
if must_sync_after:
# If a post-gradient synchronization is required, we trigger the synchronization operations.
# ####################################################
# # If this is the main process and the problem is parallelized, then we need to split the workload among
# # the remote actors, and then request each of them to compute their gradients.
# # We begin by getting the number of actors, and computing the `popsize` for each actor.
# num_actors = len(self._actors)
# popsize_per_actor = split_workload(popsize, num_actors)
# if ensure_even_popsize:
# # If `ensure_even_popsize` argument is True, then we need to make sure that each actor's popsize is
# # an even number.
# for i in range(len(popsize_per_actor)):
# if (popsize_per_actor[i] % 2) != 0:
# # If the i-th actor's assigned popsize is not even, increase its assigned popsize by 1.
# popsize_per_actor[i] += 1
# if num_interactions is None:
# # If `num_interactions` is None, then the `num_interactions` argument for each actor must also be
# # passed as None.
# num_int_per_actor = [None] * num_actors
# else:
# # If `num_interactions` is not None, then we split the `num_interactions` workload among the actors.
# num_int_per_actor = split_workload(num_interactions, num_actors)
# if popsize_max is None:
# # If `popsize_max` is None, then the `popsize_max` argument for each actor must also be None.
# popsize_max_per_actor = [None] * num_actors
# else:
# # If `popsize_max` is not None, then we split the `popsize_max` workload among the actors.
# popsize_max_per_actor = split_workload(popsize_max, num_actors)
# # We trigger the synchronization between the main process and the remote actors.
# # If this problem instance has nothing to synchronize, then `must_sync_after` will be False.
# must_sync_after = self._sync_before()
# # Because we want to send the distribution to remote actors, we first copy the distribution to cpu
# # (unless it is already on cpu)
# dist_on_cpu ="cpu")
# # To each actor, we send the request of computing the gradients, and then collect the results
# result = ray.get(
# [
# self._actors[i].call.remote(
# "_gradient_computation_helper",
# [dist_on_cpu, popsize_per_actor[i]],
# dict(
# num_interactions=num_int_per_actor[i],
# popsize_max=popsize_max_per_actor[i],
# obj_index=obj_index,
# ranking_method=ranking_method,
# with_stats=with_stats,
# move_results_to_device="cpu",
# ),
# )
# for i in range(num_actors)
# ]
# )
# # At this point, all the tensors within our collected results are on the CPU.
# if torch.device(self.device) != torch.device("cpu"):
# # If the main device of this problem instance is not CPU, then we move the tensors to the main device.
# result = cast_tensors_in_container(result, device=device)
# if must_sync_after:
# # If a post-gradient synchronization is required, we trigger the synchronization operations.
# self._sync_after()
# If the problem is not parallelized, then we request this instance itself to compute the gradients.
result = self._gradient_computation_helper(
# The problem instance in the main process should trigger the `after_grad_hook`.
if self.is_main:
self._after_eval_status = self._after_grad_hook.accumulate_dict(result)
# We finally return the results
return result
def _gradient_computation_helper(
popsize: int,
num_interactions: Optional[int] = None,
popsize_max: Optional[int] = None,
obj_index: Optional[int] = None,
ranking_method: Optional[str] = None,
with_stats: bool = True,
move_results_to_device: Optional[Device] = None,
) -> dict:
# This is a helper method which makes sure that the provided distribution is in the correct dtype and device.
# This method also makes sure that the results are moved to the desired device.
# At first, we make sure that the objective index is normalized
# (for example, the objective -1 is converted to the index of the last objective).
obj_index = self.normalize_obj_index(obj_index)
if (distribution.dtype != self.dtype) or (distribution.device != self.device):
# Make sure that the distribution is in the correct dtype and device
distribution = distribution.modified_copy(dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device)
# Call the protected method responsible for sampling solutions and computing the gradients
result = self._sample_and_compute_gradients(
if move_results_to_device is not None:
# If `move_results_to_device` is provided, move the results to the desired device
result = cast_tensors_in_container(result, device=move_results_to_device)
# Finally, return the result
if with_stats:
return result
return result["gradients"]
def _grad_device(self) -> Device:
Get the device in which new solutions will be made in distributed mode.
In more details, in distributed mode, each actor creates its own
sub-populations, evaluates them, and computes its own gradient
(all such actor gradients eventually being collected by the
distribution-based search algorithm in the main process).
For some problem types, it can make sense for the remote actors to
create their temporary sub-populations on another device
(e.g. on the GPU that is allocated specifically for them).
For such situations, one is encouraged to override this property
and make it return whatever device is to be used.
Note that this property is used by the default implementation of the
method named `_sample_and_compute_grad(...)`. If the method named
`_sample_and_compute_grad(...)` is overriden, this property might not
be called at all.
This is the default (i.e. not-yet-overriden) implementation in the
Problem class, and performs the following operations to decide the
(i) if the Problem object was given an external fitness function that
is decorated by @[on_device][evotorch.decorators.on_device],
or by @[on_aux_device][evotorch.decorators.on_aux_device],
or has a `device` attribute, then return the device requested by that
function; otherwise
(ii) if either one of the methods `_evaluate_batch`, and `_evaluate`
was decorated by @[on_device][evotorch.decorators.on_device]
or by @[on_aux_device][evotorch.decorators.on_aux_device],
or has a `device` attribute, then return the device requested by that
method; otherwise
(iii) return the main device of the Problem object.
fitness_device = self._device_of_fitness_function()
return self.device if fitness_device is None else fitness_device
def _sample_and_compute_gradients(
popsize: int,
obj_index: int,
num_interactions: Optional[int] = None,
popsize_max: Optional[int] = None,
ranking_method: Optional[str] = None,
) -> dict:
This method contains the description of how the solutions are sampled
and the gradients are computed according to the given distribution.
One might override this method for customizing the procedure of
sampling solutions and the gradient computation, but this method does
have a default implementation.
This returns a dictionary which contains the gradients for the given
distribution, and also further information. For example, considering
a Gaussian distribution with parameters 'mu' and 'sigma', the result
is expected to look like this:
"gradients": {
"mu": ..., # the gradient for the mean (tensor)
"sigma": ..., # the gradient for the (tensor)
"num_solutions": ..., # how many solutions were sampled (int)
"mean_eval": ..., # Mean of all evaluations (float)
A customized version of this method can add more items to the outer
distribution: The search distribution from which the solutions
will be sampled and according to which the gradients will
be computed. This method assumes that `distribution` is
given with this problem instance's dtype, and in this problem
instance's device.
popsize: Number of solutions to sample.
obj_index: Objective index, expected as an integer.
num_interactions: Number of simulator interactions that must be
reached before computing the gradients.
Having this argument as an integer implies that adaptive
population is requested: more solutions are to be sampled
until this number of simulator interactions are made.
Can also be None if this threshold is not needed.
popsize_max: Maximum population size for when the population
size is adaptive (where the adaptiveness is enabled when
`num_interactions` is not None).
Can be left as None if a maximum population size limit
is not needed.
ranking_method: Ranking method to be used when computing the
gradients. Can be left as None, in which case the raw
fitnesses will be used.
A dictionary which contains the gradients, number of solutions,
mean of all the evaluation results, and optionally further
items (if customized to do so).
# Annotate the variable which will store the temporary SolutionBatch for computing the local gradient.
resulting_batch: SolutionBatch
# Get the device in which the new solutions will be made.
grad_device = torch.device(self._grad_device)
distribution =
# Below we define an inner utility function which samples and evaluates a new SolutionBatch.
# This newly evaluated SolutionBatch is returned.
def sample_evaluated_batch() -> SolutionBatch:
batch = SolutionBatch(self, popsize, device=grad_device)
distribution.sample(out=batch.access_values(), generator=self.generator)
return batch
if num_interactions is None:
# If a `num_interactions` threshold is not given (i.e. is left as None), then we assume that an adaptive
# population is not desired.
# We therefore simply sample and evaluate a single SolutionBatch, and declare it as our main batch.
resulting_batch = sample_evaluated_batch()
# If we have a `num_interactions` threshold, then we might have to sample more than one SolutionBatch
# (until `num_interactions` is reached).
# We start by defining a list (`batches`) which is to store all the batches we will sample.
batches = []
# We will have to count the number of all simulator interactions that we have encountered during the
# execution of this method. So, to count it correctly, we first get the interaction count that we already
# have before sampling and evaluating our new solutions.
interaction_count_at_first = self._get_local_interaction_count()
# Below is an inner function which returns how many simulator interactions we have done so far.
# It makes use of the variable `interaction_count_at_first` defined above.
def current_num_interactions() -> int:
return self._get_local_interaction_count() - interaction_count_at_first
# We also keep track of the total number of solutions.
# We might need this if there is a `popsize_max` threshold.
current_popsize = 0
# The main loop of the adaptive sampling.
while True:
# Sample and evaluate a new SolutionBatch, and add it to our batches list.
# Increase our total population size by the size of the most recent batch.
current_popsize += popsize
if current_num_interactions() > num_interactions:
# If the number of interactions has reached or exceeded the `num_interactions` threshold,
# we exit the loop.
if (popsize_max is not None) and (current_popsize >= popsize_max):
# If we have `popsize_max` threshold and our total population size have reached or exceeded
# the `popsize_max` threshold, we exit the loop.
if len(batches) == 1:
# If we have only one batch in our batches list, that batch can be declared as our main batch.
resulting_batch = batches[0]
# If we have multiple batches in our batches list, we concatenate all those batches and
# declare the result of the concatenation as our main batch.
resulting_batch =
# We take the solutions (`samples`) and the fitnesses from our main batch.
samples = resulting_batch.access_values(keep_evals=True)
fitnesses = resulting_batch.access_evals(obj_index)
# With the help of `samples` and `fitnesses`, we now compute our gradients.
grads = distribution.compute_gradients(
samples, fitnesses, objective_sense=self.senses[obj_index], ranking_method=ranking_method
if grad_device != self.device:
grads = cast_tensors_in_container(grads, device=self.device)
# Finally, we return the result, which is a dictionary containing the gradients and further information.
return {
"gradients": grads,
"num_solutions": len(resulting_batch),
"mean_eval": float(torch.mean(resulting_batch.access_evals(obj_index))),
def is_on_cpu(self) -> bool:
Whether or not the Problem object has its device set as "cpu".
return str(self.device) == "cpu"
def make_callable_evaluator(self, *, obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> "ProblemBoundEvaluator":
Get a callable evaluator for evaluating the given solutions.
Let us assume that we have a [Problem][evotorch.core.Problem]
declared like this:
from evotorch import Problem
my_problem = Problem(
Using the regular API of EvoTorch, one has to generate solutions for this
problem as follows:
population_size = ...
my_solutions = my_problem.generate_batch(population_size)
For editing the decision values within the
[SolutionBatch][evotorch.core.SolutionBatch] `my_solutions`, one has to
do the following:
new_decision_values = ...
Finally, to evaluate `my_solutions`, one would have to do these:
fitnesses = my_problem.evals
One could desire a different interface which is more compatible with
functional programming paradigm, especially when planning to use the
functional algorithms (such as, for example, the functional
To achieve this, one can do the following:
f = my_problem.make_callable_evaluator()
Now, we have a new object `f`, which behaves like a function.
This function-like object expects a tensor of decision values, and
returns fitnesses, as shown below:
random_decision_values = torch.randn(
fitnesses = f(random_decision_values)
**Parallelized fitness evaluation.**
If a `Problem` object is condifured to use parallelized evaluation with
the help of multiple actors, a callable evaluator made out of that
`Problem` object will also make use of those multiple actors.
**Additional batch dimensions.**
If a callable evaluator receives a tensor with 3 or more dimensions,
those extra leftmost dimensions will be considered as batch
dimensions. The returned fitness tensor will also preserve those batch
**Notes on vmap.**
`ProblemBoundEvaluator` is a shallow wrapper around a `Problem` object.
It does NOT transform the underlying problem object to its stateless
counterpart, and therefore it does NOT conform to pure functional
programming paradigm. Being stateful, it will NOT work correctly with
`vmap`. For batched evaluations, it is recommended to use extra batch
dimensions, instead of using `vmap`.
obj_index: The index of the objective according to which the
evaluations will be done. If the problem is single-objective,
this is not required. If the problem is multi-objective, this
needs to be given as an integer.
A callable fitness evaluator, bound to this problem object.
return ProblemBoundEvaluator(self, obj_index=obj_index)
actor_index: Optional[int]
Return the actor index if this is a remote worker. If this is not a remote worker, return None.
actors: Optional[list]
Get the ray actors, if the Problem object is distributed. If the Problem object is not distributed and therefore has no actors, then, the result will be None.
after_eval_hook: Hook
Get the Hook which stores the functions to call just after evaluating a SolutionBatch.
The functions to be stored in this hook are expected to accept one argument, that one argument being the SolutionBatch whose evaluation has just been completed.
The dictionaries returned by the functions in this hook are accumulated, and reported in the status dictionary of this problem object.
after_grad_hook: Hook
Get the Hook which stores the functions to call just after
its sample_and_compute_gradients(...)
The functions to be stored in this hook are expected to accept one argument, that one argument being the gradients dictionary (which was produced by the Problem object, but not yet followed by the search algorithm).
The dictionaries returned by the functions in this hook are accumulated, and reported in the status dictionary of this problem object.
aux_device: Union[str, torch.device]
Auxiliary device to help with the computations, most commonly for speeding up the solution evaluations.
An auxiliary device is different than the main device of the Problem
object (the main device being expressed by the device
While the main device of the Problem object determines where the
solutions and the populations are stored (and also using which device
should a SearchAlgorithm instance communicate with the problem),
an auxiliary device is a device that might be used by the Problem
instance itself for its own computations (e.g. computations defined
within the methods _evaluate(...)
or _evaluate_batch(...)
If the problem's main device is something other than "cpu", that main device is also seen as the auxiliary device, and therefore returned by this property.
If the problem's main device is "cpu", then the auxiliary device
is decided as follows. If num_gpus_per_actor
of the Problem object
was set as "all" and if this instance is a remote instance, then the
auxiliary device is guessed as "cuda:N" where N is the actor index.
In all other cases, the auxiliary device is "cuda" if cuda is
available, and "cpu" otherwise.
before_eval_hook: Hook
Get the Hook which stores the functions to call just before evaluating a SolutionBatch.
The functions to be stored in this hook are expected to accept one positional argument, that one argument being the SolutionBatch which is about to be evaluated.
before_grad_hook: Hook
Get the Hook which stores the functions to call just before
its sample_and_compute_gradients(...)
device: Union[str, torch.device]
device of the Problem object.
New solutions and populations will be generated in this device.
dtype: Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]
dtype of the Problem object.
The decision variables of the optimization problem are of this dtype.
eval_data_length: int
Length of the extra evaluation data vector for each solution.
eval_dtype: Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]
evaluation dtype of the Problem object.
The evaluation results of the solutions are stored according to this dtype.
generator: Optional[torch._C.Generator]
Random generator used by this Problem object.
Can also be None, which means that the Problem object will use the global random generator of PyTorch.
has_own_generator: bool
Whether or not the Problem object has its own random generator.
If this is True, then the Problem object will use its own random generator when creating random values or tensors. If this is False, then the Problem object will use the global random generator when creating random values or tensors.
initial_lower_bounds: Optional[torch.Tensor]
Initial lower bounds, for when initializing a new solution.
If such a bound was declared during the initialization phase, the returned value is a torch tensor (in the form of a vector or in the form of a scalar). If no such bound was declared, the returned value is None.
initial_upper_bounds: Optional[torch.Tensor]
Initial upper bounds, for when initializing a new solution.
If such a bound was declared during the initialization phase, the returned value is a torch tensor (in the form of a vector or in the form of a scalar). If no such bound was declared, the returned value is None.
is_main: bool
Returns True if this problem object lives in the main process and not in a remote actor. Otherwise, returns False.
is_multi_objective: bool
Whether or not the problem is multi-objective
is_remote: bool
Returns True if this problem object lives in a remote ray actor. Otherwise, returns False.
is_single_objective: bool
Whether or not the problem is single-objective
lower_bounds: Optional[torch.Tensor]
Lower bounds for the allowed values of a solution.
If such a bound was declared during the initialization phase, the returned value is a torch tensor (in the form of a vector or in the form of a scalar). If no such bound was declared, the returned value is None.
num_actors: int
Number of actors (to be) used for parallelization. If the problem is configured for no parallelization, the result will be 0.
objective_sense: Union[str, Iterable[str]]
Get the objective sense.
If the problem is single-objective, then a single string is returned. If the problem is multi-objective, then the objective senses will be returned in a list.
The returned string in the single-objective case, or each returned string in the multi-objective case, is "min" or "max".
remote_hook: Hook
Get the Hook which stores the functions to call when this Problem object is (re)created on a remote actor.
The functions in this hook should expect one positional argument, that is the Problem object itself.
senses: Iterable[str]
Get the objective senses.
The return value is a list of strings, each string being "min" or "max".
solution_length: Optional[int]
Get the solution length.
Problems with dtype=None
do not have solution lengths.
For such problems, this property returns None.
status: dict
Status dictionary of the problem object, updated after the last evaluation operation.
The dictionaries returned by the functions in after_eval_hook
are accumulated, and reported in this status dictionary.
stores_solution_stats: Optional[bool]
Whether or not the best and worst solutions are kept.
upper_bounds: Optional[torch.Tensor]
Upper bounds for the allowed values of a solution.
If such a bound was declared during the initialization phase, the returned value is a torch tensor (in the form of a vector or in the form of a scalar). If no such bound was declared, the returned value is None.
__init__(self, objective_sense, objective_func=None, *, initial_bounds=None, bounds=None, solution_length=None, dtype=None, eval_dtype=None, device=None, eval_data_length=None, seed=None, num_actors=None, actor_config=None, num_gpus_per_actor=None, num_subbatches=None, subbatch_size=None, store_solution_stats=None, vectorized=None)
: Initialize the Problem object.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
objective_sense |
Union[str, Iterable[str]] |
A string, or a sequence of strings.
For a single-objective problem, a single string
("min" or "max", for minimization or maximization)
is enough.
For a problem with |
required |
initial_bounds |
Union[Iterable[Union[float, Iterable[float], torch.Tensor]], evotorch.core.BoundsPair] |
In which interval will the values of a
new solution will be initialized.
Expected as a tuple, each element being either a
scalar, or a vector of length |
None |
bounds |
Union[Iterable[Union[float, Iterable[float], torch.Tensor]], evotorch.core.BoundsPair] |
Interval in which all the solutions must always
Expected as a tuple, each element being either a
scalar, or a vector of length |
None |
solution_length |
Optional[int] |
Length of a solution.
Required for all fixed-length numeric optimization
For variable-length problems (which might or might not
be numeric), one is expected to leave |
None |
dtype |
Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type] |
dtype (data type) of the data stored by a solution.
Can be given as a string (e.g. "float32"),
or as a numpy dtype (e.g. |
None |
eval_dtype |
Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type] |
dtype to be used for storing the evaluations
(or fitnesses, or scores, or costs, or losses)
of the solutions.
Can be given as a string (e.g. "float32"),
or as a numpy dtype (e.g. |
None |
device |
Union[str, torch.device] |
Default device in which a new population will be
generated. For non-numeric problems, this must be "cpu".
For numeric problems, this can be any device supported
by PyTorch (e.g. "cuda").
Note that, if the number of actors of the problem is configured
to be more than 1, |
None |
eval_data_length |
Optional[int] |
In addition to evaluation results (which are (un)fitnesses, or scores, or costs, or losses), each solution can store extra evaluation data. If storage of such extra evaluation data is required, one can set this argument to an integer bigger than 0. |
None |
seed |
Optional[int] |
Random seed to be used by the random number generator attached to the problem object. If left as None, no random number generator will be attached, and the global random number generator of PyTorch will be used instead. |
None |
num_actors |
Union[int, str] |
Number of actors to create for parallelized
evaluation of the solutions.
Certain string values are also accepted.
When given as "max" or as "num_cpus", the number of actors
will be equal to the number of all available CPUs in the ray
When given as "num_gpus", the number of actors will be
equal to the number of all available GPUs in the ray
cluster, and each actor will be assigned a GPU.
There is also an option, "num_devices", which means that
both the numbers of CPUs and GPUs will be analyzed, and
new actors and GPUs for them will be allocated,
in a one-to-one mapping manner, if possible.
In more details, with |
None |
actor_config |
Optional[dict] |
A dictionary, representing the keyword arguments
to be passed to the options(...) used when creating the
ray actor objects. To be used for explicitly allocating
resources per each actor.
For example, for declaring that each actor is to use a GPU,
one can pass |
None |
num_gpus_per_actor |
Union[int, float, str] |
Number of GPUs to be allocated by each
remote actor.
The default behavior is to NOT allocate any GPU at all
(which is the default behavior of the ray library as well).
When given as a number |
None |
num_subbatches |
Optional[int] |
If |
None |
subbatch_size |
Optional[int] |
If |
None |
store_solution_stats |
Optional[bool] |
Whether or not the problem object should keep track of the best and worst solutions. Can also be left as None (which is the default behavior), in which case, it will store the best and worst solutions only when the first solution batch it encounters is on the cpu. This default behavior is to ensure that there is no transfer between the cpu and a foreign computation device (like the gpu) just for the sake of keeping the best and the worst solutions. |
None |
vectorized |
Optional[bool] |
Set this to True if the provided fitness function
is vectorized but is not decorated via |
None |
Source code in evotorch/
def __init__(
objective_sense: ObjectiveSense,
objective_func: Optional[Callable] = None,
initial_bounds: Optional[BoundsPairLike] = None,
bounds: Optional[BoundsPairLike] = None,
solution_length: Optional[int] = None,
dtype: Optional[DType] = None,
eval_dtype: Optional[DType] = None,
device: Optional[Device] = None,
eval_data_length: Optional[int] = None,
seed: Optional[int] = None,
num_actors: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None,
actor_config: Optional[dict] = None,
num_gpus_per_actor: Optional[Union[int, float, str]] = None,
num_subbatches: Optional[int] = None,
subbatch_size: Optional[int] = None,
store_solution_stats: Optional[bool] = None,
vectorized: Optional[bool] = None,
`__init__(...)`: Initialize the Problem object.
objective_sense: A string, or a sequence of strings.
For a single-objective problem, a single string
("min" or "max", for minimization or maximization)
is enough.
For a problem with `n` objectives, a sequence
of strings (e.g. a list of strings) of length `n` is
required, each string in the sequence being "min" or
"max". This argument specifies the goal of the
initial_bounds: In which interval will the values of a
new solution will be initialized.
Expected as a tuple, each element being either a
scalar, or a vector of length `n`, `n` being the
length of a solution.
If a manual solution initialization is preferred
(instead of an interval-based initialization),
one can leave `initial_bounds` as None, and override
the `_fill(...)` method in the inheriting subclass.
bounds: Interval in which all the solutions must always
Expected as a tuple, each element being either a
scalar, or a vector of length `n`, `n` being the
length of a solution.
This argument is optional, and can be left as None
if one does not wish to declare hard bounds on the
decision values of the problem.
If `bounds` is specified, `initial_bounds` is missing,
and `_fill(...)` is not overriden, then `bounds` will
also serve as the `initial_bounds`.
solution_length: Length of a solution.
Required for all fixed-length numeric optimization
For variable-length problems (which might or might not
be numeric), one is expected to leave `solution_length`
as None, and declare `dtype` as `object`.
dtype: dtype (data type) of the data stored by a solution.
Can be given as a string (e.g. "float32"),
or as a numpy dtype (e.g. `numpy.dtype("float32")`),
or as a PyTorch dtype (e.g. `torch.float32`).
Alternatively, if the problem is variable-length
and/or non-numeric, one is expected to declare `dtype`
as `object`.
eval_dtype: dtype to be used for storing the evaluations
(or fitnesses, or scores, or costs, or losses)
of the solutions.
Can be given as a string (e.g. "float32"),
or as a numpy dtype (e.g. `numpy.dtype("float32")`),
or as a PyTorch dtype (e.g. `torch.float32`).
`eval_dtype` must always refer to a "float" data type,
therefore, `object` is not accepted as a valid `eval_dtype`.
If `eval_dtype` is not specified (i.e. left as None),
then the following actions are taken to determine the
if `dtype` is "float16", `eval_dtype` becomes "float16";
if `dtype` is "bfloat16", `eval_dtype` becomes "bfloat16";
if `dtype` is "float32", `eval_dtype` becomes "float32";
if `dtype` is "float64", `eval_dtype` becomes "float64";
and for any other `dtype`, `eval_dtype` becomes "float32".
device: Default device in which a new population will be
generated. For non-numeric problems, this must be "cpu".
For numeric problems, this can be any device supported
by PyTorch (e.g. "cuda").
Note that, if the number of actors of the problem is configured
to be more than 1, `device` has to be "cpu" (or, equivalently,
left as None).
eval_data_length: In addition to evaluation results
(which are (un)fitnesses, or scores, or costs, or losses),
each solution can store extra evaluation data.
If storage of such extra evaluation data is required,
one can set this argument to an integer bigger than 0.
seed: Random seed to be used by the random number generator
attached to the problem object.
If left as None, no random number generator will be
attached, and the global random number generator of
PyTorch will be used instead.
num_actors: Number of actors to create for parallelized
evaluation of the solutions.
Certain string values are also accepted.
When given as "max" or as "num_cpus", the number of actors
will be equal to the number of all available CPUs in the ray
When given as "num_gpus", the number of actors will be
equal to the number of all available GPUs in the ray
cluster, and each actor will be assigned a GPU.
There is also an option, "num_devices", which means that
both the numbers of CPUs and GPUs will be analyzed, and
new actors and GPUs for them will be allocated,
in a one-to-one mapping manner, if possible.
In more details, with `num_actors="num_devices"`, if
`device` is given as a GPU device, then it will be inferred
that the user wishes to put everything (including the
population) on a single GPU, and therefore there won't be
any allocation of actors nor GPUs.
With `num_actors="num_devices"` and with `device` set as
"cpu" (or as left as None), if there are multiple CPUs
and multiple GPUs, then `n` actors will be allocated
where `n` is the minimum among the number of CPUs
and the number of GPUs, so that there can be one-to-one
mapping between CPUs and GPUs (i.e. such that each actor
can be assigned an entire GPU).
If `num_actors` is given as "num_gpus" or "num_devices",
the argument `num_gpus_per_actor` must not be used,
and the `actor_config` dictionary must not contain the
key "num_gpus".
If `num_actors` is given as something other than "num_gpus"
or "num_devices", and if you wish to assign GPUs to each
actor, then please see the argument `num_gpus_per_actor`.
actor_config: A dictionary, representing the keyword arguments
to be passed to the options(...) used when creating the
ray actor objects. To be used for explicitly allocating
resources per each actor.
For example, for declaring that each actor is to use a GPU,
one can pass `actor_config=dict(num_gpus=1)`.
Can also be given as None (which is the default),
if no such options are to be passed.
num_gpus_per_actor: Number of GPUs to be allocated by each
remote actor.
The default behavior is to NOT allocate any GPU at all
(which is the default behavior of the ray library as well).
When given as a number `n`, each actor will be given
`n` GPUs (where `n` can be an integer, or can be a `float`
for fractional allocation).
When given as a string "max", then the available GPUs
across the entire ray cluster (or within the local computer
in the simplest cases) will be equally distributed among
the actors.
When given as a string "all", then each actor will have
access to all the GPUs (this will be achieved by suppressing
the environment variable `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` for each
When the problem is not distributed (i.e. when there are
no actors), this argument is expected to be left as None.
num_subbatches: If `num_subbatches` is None (assuming that
`subbatch_size` is also None), then, when evaluating a
population, the population will be split into n pieces, `n`
being the number of actors, and each actor will evaluate
its assigned piece. If `num_subbatches` is an integer `m`,
then the population will be split into `m` pieces,
and actors will continually accept the next unevaluated
piece as they finish their current tasks.
The arguments `num_subbatches` and `subbatch_size` cannot
be given values other than None at the same time.
While using a distributed algorithm, this argument determines
how many sub-batches will be generated, and therefore,
how many gradients will be computed by the remote actors.
subbatch_size: If `subbatch_size` is None (assuming that
`num_subbatches` is also None), then, when evaluating a
population, the population will be split into `n` pieces, `n`
being the number of actors, and each actor will evaluate its
assigned piece. If `subbatch_size` is an integer `m`,
then the population will be split into pieces of size `m`,
and actors will continually accept the next unevaluated
piece as they finish their current tasks.
When there can be significant difference across the solutions
in terms of computational requirements, specifying a
`subbatch_size` can be beneficial, because, while one
actor is busy with a subbatch containing computationally
challenging solutions, other actors can accept more
tasks and save time.
The arguments `num_subbatches` and `subbatch_size` cannot
be given values other than None at the same time.
While using a distributed algorithm, this argument determines
the size of a sub-batch (or sub-population) sampled by a
remote actor for computing a gradient.
In distributed mode, it is expected that the population size
is divisible by `subbatch_size`.
store_solution_stats: Whether or not the problem object should
keep track of the best and worst solutions.
Can also be left as None (which is the default behavior),
in which case, it will store the best and worst solutions
only when the first solution batch it encounters is on the
cpu. This default behavior is to ensure that there is no
transfer between the cpu and a foreign computation device
(like the gpu) just for the sake of keeping the best and
the worst solutions.
vectorized: Set this to True if the provided fitness function
is vectorized but is not decorated via `@vectorized`.
# Set the dtype for the decision variables of the Problem
if dtype is None:
self._dtype = torch.float32
elif is_dtype_object(dtype):
self._dtype = object
self._dtype = to_torch_dtype(dtype), f"The `dtype` for the problem's decision variables is set as {self._dtype}"))
# Set the dtype for the solution evaluations (i.e. fitnesses and evaluation data)
if eval_dtype is not None:
# If an `eval_dtype` is explicitly stated, then accept it as the `_eval_dtype` of the Problem
self._eval_dtype = to_torch_dtype(eval_dtype)
# This is the case where an `eval_dtype` is not explicitly stated by the user.
# We need to choose a default.
if self._dtype in (torch.float16, torch.bfloat16, torch.float64):
# If the `dtype` of the problem is a non-32-bit float type (i.e. float16, bfloat16, float64)
# then we use that as our `_eval_dtype` as well.
self._eval_dtype = self._dtype
# For any other `dtype`, we use float32 as our `_eval_dtype`.
self._eval_dtype = torch.float32
self, f"`eval_dtype` (the dtype of the fitnesses and evaluation data) is set as {self._eval_dtype}"
# Set the main device of the Problem object
self._device = torch.device("cpu") if device is None else torch.device(device), f"The `device` of the problem is set as {self._device}"))
# Declare the internal variable that might store the random number generator
self._generator: Optional[torch.Generator] = None
# Set the seed of the Problem object, if a seed is provided
# Declare the internal variables that will store the bounds and the solution length
self._initial_lower_bounds: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
self._initial_upper_bounds: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
self._lower_bounds: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
self._upper_bounds: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
self._solution_length: Optional[int] = None
if self._dtype is object:
# If dtype is given as `object`, then there are some runtime sanity checks to perform
if bounds is not None or initial_bounds is not None:
# With dtype as object, if bounds are given then we raise an error.
# This is because the `object` dtype implies that the decision values are not necessarily numeric,
# and therefore, we cannot have the guarantee of satisfying numeric bounds.
raise ValueError(
f"With dtype as {repr(dtype)}, expected to receive `initial_bounds` and/or `bounds` as None."
f" However, one or both of them is/are set as value(s) other than None."
if solution_length is not None:
# With dtype as object, if `solution_length` is provided, then we raise an error.
# This is because the `object` dtype implies that the solutions can be expressed via various
# containers, each with its own length, and therefore, a fixed solution length cannot be guaranteed.
raise ValueError(
f"With dtype as {repr(dtype)}, expected to receive `solution_length` as None."
f" However, received `solution_length` as {repr(solution_length)}."
if str(self._device) != "cpu":
# With dtype as object, if `device` is something other than "cpu", then we raise an error.
# This is because the `object` dtype implies that the decision values are stored by an ObjectArray,
# whose device is always "cpu".
raise ValueError(
f"With dtype as {repr(dtype)}, expected to receive `device` as 'cpu'."
f" However, received `device` as {repr(device)}."
# If dtype is something other than `object`, then we need to make sure that we have a valid length for
# solutions, and also properly store the given numeric bounds.
if solution_length is None:
# With a numeric dtype, if solution length is missing, then we raise an error.
raise ValueError(
f"Together with a numeric dtype ({repr(dtype)}),"
f" expected to receive `solution_length` as an integer."
f" However, `solution_length` is None."
# With a numeric dtype, if a solution length is provided, we make sure that it is integer.
solution_length = int(solution_length)
# Store the solution length
self._solution_length = solution_length
if (bounds is not None) or (initial_bounds is not None):
# This is the case where we have a dtype other than `object`, and either `bounds` or `initial_bounds`
# was provided.
initbnd_tuple_name = "initial_bounds"
bnd_tuple_name = "bounds"
if (bounds is not None) and (initial_bounds is None):
# With a numeric dtype, if strict bounds are given but initial bounds are not given, then we assume
# that the strict bounds also serve as the initial bounds.
# Therefore, we take clones of the strict bounds and use this clones as the initial bounds.
initial_bounds = clone(bounds)
initbnd_tuple_name = "bounds"
# Below is an internal helper function for some common operations for the (strict) bounds
# and for the initial bounds.
def process_bounds(bounds_tuple: BoundsPairLike, tuple_name: str) -> BoundsPair:
# This function receives the bounds_tuple (a tuple containing lower and upper bounds),
# and the string name of the bounds argument ("bounds" or "initial_bounds").
# What is returned is the bounds expressed as PyTorch tensors in the correct dtype and device.
nonlocal solution_length
# Extract the lower and upper bounds from the received bounds tuple.
lb, ub = bounds_tuple
# Make sure that the lower and upper bounds are expressed as tensors of correct dtype and device.
lb = self.make_tensor(lb)
ub = self.make_tensor(ub)
for bound_array in (lb, ub): # For each boundary tensor (lb and ub)
if bound_array.ndim not in (0, 1):
# If the boundary tensor is not as scalar and is not a 1-dimensional vector, then raise an
# error.
raise ValueError(
f"Lower and upper bounds are expected as scalars or as 1-dimensional vectors."
f" However, these given boundaries have incompatible shape:"
f" {bound_array} (of shape {bound_array.shape})."
if bound_array.ndim == 1:
if len(bound_array) != solution_length:
# In the case where the boundary tensor is a 1-dimensional vector, if this vector's length
# is not equal to the solution length, then we raise an error.
raise ValueError(
f"When boundaries are expressed as 1-dimensional vectors, their length are"
f" expected as the solution length of the Problem object."
f" However, while the problem's solution length is {solution_length},"
f" these given boundaries have incompatible length:"
f" {bound_array} (of length {len(bound_array)})."
# Return the processed forms of the lower and upper boundary tensors.
return lb, ub
# Process the initial bounds with the help of the internal function `process_bounds(...)`
init_lb, init_ub = process_bounds(initial_bounds, initbnd_tuple_name)
# Store the processed initial bounds
self._initial_lower_bounds = init_lb
self._initial_upper_bounds = init_ub
if bounds is not None:
# If there are strict bounds, then process those bounds with the help of `process_bounds(...)`.
lb, ub = process_bounds(bounds, bnd_tuple_name)
# Store the processed bounds
self._lower_bounds = lb
self._upper_bounds = ub
# Annotate the variable that will store the objective sense(s) of the problem
self._objective_sense: ObjectiveSense
# Below is an internal function which makes sure that a provided objective sense has a valid value
# (where valid values are "min" or "max")
def validate_sense(s: str):
if s not in ("min", "max"):
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid objective sense: {repr(s)}."
f"Instead, please provide the objective sense as 'min' or 'max'."
if not is_sequence(objective_sense):
# If the provided objective sense is not a sequence, then convert it to a single-element list
senses = [objective_sense]
num_senses = 1
# If the provided objective sense is a sequence, then take a list copy of it
senses = list(objective_sense)
num_senses = len(objective_sense)
# Ensure that each provided objective sense is valid
for sense in senses:
if num_senses == 0:
# If the given sequence of objective senses is empty, then we raise an error.
raise ValueError(
"Encountered an empty sequence via `objective_sense`."
" For a single-objective problem, please set `objective_sense` as 'min' or 'max'."
" For a multi-objective problem, please set `objective_sense` as a sequence,"
" each element being 'min' or 'max'."
# Store the objective senses
self._senses: Iterable[str] = senses
# Store the provided objective function (which can be None)
self._objective_func: Optional[Callable] = objective_func
# Declare the instance variable that will store whether or not the external fitness function is
# vectorized, if such an external fitness function is given.
self._vectorized: Optional[bool]
# Store the information which indicates whether or not the given objective function is vectorized
if self._objective_func is None:
# This is the case where an external fitness function is not given.
# In this case, we expect the keyword argument `vectorized` to be left as None.
if vectorized is not None:
# If the keyword argument `vectorized` is something other than None, then we raise an error
# to let the user know.
raise ValueError(
f"This problem object received no external fitness function."
f" When not using an external fitness function, the keyword argument `vectorized`"
f" is expected to be left as None."
f" However, the value of the keyword argument `vectorized` is {vectorized}."
# At this point, we know that we do not have an external fitness function.
# The variable which is supposed to tell us whether or not the external fitness function is vectorized
# is therefore irrelevant. We just set it as None.
self._vectorized = None
# This is the case where an external fitness function is given.
if (
hasattr(self._objective_func, "__evotorch_vectorized__")
and self._objective_func.__evotorch_vectorized__
# If the external fitness function has an attribute `__evotorch_vectorized__`, and the value of this
# attribute evaluates to True, then this is an indication that the fitness function was decorated
# with `@vectorized`.
if vectorized is not None:
# At this point, we know (or at least have the assumption) that the fitness function was decorated
# with `@vectorized`. Any boolean value given via the keyword argument `vectorized` would therefore
# be either redundant or conflicting.
# Therefore, in this case, if the keyword argument `vectorized` is anything other than None, we
# raise an error to inform the user.
raise ValueError(
f"Received a fitness function that was decorated via @vectorized."
f" When using such a fitness function, the keyword argument `vectorized`"
f" is expected to be left as None."
f" However, the value of the keyword argument `vectorized` is {vectorized}."
# Since we know that our fitness function declares itself as vectorized, we set the instance variable
# _vectorized as True.
self._vectorized = True
# This is the case in which the fitness function does not appear to be decorated via `@vectorized`.
# In this case, if the keyword argument `vectorized` has a value that is equivalent to True,
# then the value of `_vectorized` becomes True. On the other hand, if the keyword argument `vectorized`
# was left as None or if it has a value that is equivalent to False, `_vectorized` becomes False.
self._vectorized = bool(vectorized)
# If the evaluation data length is explicitly stated, then convert it to an integer and store it.
# Otherwise, store the evaluation data length as 0.
self._eval_data_length = 0 if eval_data_length is None else int(eval_data_length)
# Initialize the actor index.
# If the problem is configured to be parallelized and the parallelization is triggered, then each remote
# copy will have a different integer value for `_actor_index`.
self._actor_index: Optional[int] = None
# Initialize the variable that might store the list of actors as None.
# If the problem is configured to be parallelized and the parallelization is triggered, then this variable
# will store references to the remote actors (each remote actor storing its own copy of this Problem
# instance).
self._actors: Optional[list] = None
# Initialize the variable that might store the ray ActorPool.
# If the problem is configured to be parallelized and the parallelization is triggered, then this variable
# will store the ray ActorPool that is generated out of the remote actors.
self._actor_pool: Optional[ActorPool] = None
# Store the ray actor configuration dictionary provided by the user (if any).
# When (or if) the parallelization is triggered, each actor will be created with this given configuration.
self._actor_config: Optional[dict] = None if actor_config is None else deepcopy(dict(actor_config))
# If given, store the sub-batch size or number of sub-batches.
# When the problem is parallelized, a sub-batch size determines the maximum size for a SolutionBatch
# that will be sent to a remote actor for parallel solution evaluation.
# Alternatively, num_subbatches determines into how many pieces will a SolutionBatch be split
# for parallelization.
# If both are None, then the main SolutionBatch will be split among the actors.
if (num_subbatches is not None) and (subbatch_size is not None):
raise ValueError(
f"Encountered both `num_subbatches` and `subbatch_size` as values other than None."
f" num_subbatches={num_subbatches}, subbatch_size={subbatch_size}."
f" Having both of them as values other than None cannot be accepted."
self._num_subbatches: Optional[int] = None if num_subbatches is None else int(num_subbatches)
self._subbatch_size: Optional[int] = None if subbatch_size is None else int(subbatch_size)
# Initialize the additional states to be loaded by the remote actor as None.
# If there are such additional states for remote actors, the inheriting class can fill this as a list
# of dictionaries.
self._remote_states: Optional[Iterable[dict]] = None
# Initialize a temporary internal variable which stores the resources available in the ray cluster.
# Most probably, we are interested in the resources "CPU" and "GPU".
ray_resources: Optional[dict] = None
# The following is an internal helper function which returns the amount of availability for a given
# resource in the ray cluster.
# If the requested resource is not available at all, None will be returned.
def get_ray_resource(resource_name: str) -> Any:
# Ensure that the ray cluster is initialized
nonlocal ray_resources
if ray_resources is None:
# If the ray resource information was not fetched, then fetch them and store them.
ray_resources = ray.available_resources()
# Return the information regarding the requested resource from the fetched resource information.
# If it turns out that the requested resource is not available at all, the result will be None.
return ray_resources.get(resource_name, None)
# Annotate the variable that will store the number of actors (to be created when the parallelization
# is triggered).
self._num_actors: int
if num_actors is None:
# If the argument `num_actors` is left as None, then we set `_num_actors` as 0, which means that
# there will be no parallelization.
self._num_actors = 0
elif isinstance(num_actors, str):
# This is the case where `num_actors` has a string value
if num_actors in ("max", "num_cpus"):
# If the `num_actors` argument was given as "max" or as "num_cpus", then we first read how many CPUs
# are available in the ray cluster, then convert it to integer (via computing its ceil value), and
# finally set `_num_actors` as this integer.
self._num_actors = math.ceil(get_ray_resource("CPU"))
elif num_actors == "num_gpus":
# If the `num_actors` argument was given as "num_gpus", then we first read how many GPUs are
# available in the ray cluster.
num_gpus = get_ray_resource("GPU")
if num_gpus is None:
# If there are no GPUs at all, then we raise an error
raise ValueError(
"The argument `num_actors` was encountered as 'num_gpus'."
" However, there does not seem to be any GPU available."
if num_gpus < 1e-4:
# If the number of available GPUs are 0 or close to 0, then we raise an error
raise ValueError(
f"The argument `num_actors` was encountered as 'num_gpus'."
f" However, the number of available GPUs are either 0 or close to 0 (= {num_gpus})."
if (actor_config is not None) and ("num_gpus" in actor_config):
# With `num_actors` argument given as "num_gpus", we will also allocate each GPU to an actor.
# If `actor_config` contains an item with key "num_gpus", then that configuration item would
# conflict with the GPU allocation we are about to do here.
# So, we raise an error.
raise ValueError(
"The argument `num_actors` was encountered as 'num_gpus'."
" With this configuration, the number of GPUs assigned to an actor is automatically determined."
" However, at the same time, the `actor_config` argument was received with the key 'num_gpus',"
" which causes a conflict."
if num_gpus_per_actor is not None:
# With `num_actors` argument given as "num_gpus", we will also allocate each GPU to an actor.
# If the argument `num_gpus_per_actor` is also stated, then such a configuration item would
# conflict with the GPU allocation we are about to do here.
# So, we raise an error.
raise ValueError(
f"The argument `num_actors` was encountered as 'num_gpus'."
f" With this configuration, the number of GPUs assigned to an actor is automatically determined."
f" However, at the same time, the `num_gpus_per_actor` argument was received with a value other"
f" than None ({repr(num_gpus_per_actor)}), which causes a conflict."
# Set the number of actors as the ceiled integer counterpart of the number of available GPUs
self._num_actors = math.ceil(num_gpus)
# We assign a GPU for each actor (by overriding the value for the argument `num_gpus_per_actor`).
num_gpus_per_actor = num_gpus / self._num_actors
elif num_actors == "num_devices":
# This is the case where `num_actors` has the string value "num_devices".
# With `num_actors` set as "num_devices", if there are any GPUs, the behavior is to assign a GPU
# to each actor. If there are conflicting configurations regarding how many GPUs are to be assigned
# to each actor, then we raise an error.
if (actor_config is not None) and ("num_gpus" in actor_config):
raise ValueError(
"The argument `num_actors` was encountered as 'num_devices'."
" With this configuration, the number of GPUs assigned to an actor is automatically determined."
" However, at the same time, the `actor_config` argument was received with the key 'num_gpus',"
" which causes a conflict."
if num_gpus_per_actor is not None:
raise ValueError(
f"The argument `num_actors` was encountered as 'num_devices'."
f" With this configuration, the number of GPUs assigned to an actor is automatically determined."
f" However, at the same time, the `num_gpus_per_actor` argument was received with a value other"
f" than None ({repr(num_gpus_per_actor)}), which causes a conflict."
if self._device != torch.device("cpu"):
# If the main device is not CPU, then the user most probably wishes to put all the
# computations (both evaluations and the population) on the GPU, without allocating
# any actor.
# So, we set `_num_actors` as None, and overwrite `num_gpus_per_actor` with None.
self._num_actors = None
num_gpus_per_actor = None
# If the device argument is "cpu" or left as None, then we assume that actor allocations
# might be desired.
# Read how many CPUs and GPUs are available in the ray cluster.
num_cpus = get_ray_resource("CPU")
num_gpus = get_ray_resource("GPU")
# If we have multiple CPUs, then we continue with the actor allocation procedures.
if (num_gpus is None) or (num_gpus < 1e-4):
# If there are no GPUs, then we set the number of actors as the number of CPUs, and we
# set the number of GPUs per actor as None (which means that there will be no GPU
# assignment)
self._num_actors = math.ceil(num_cpus)
num_gpus_per_actor = None
# If there are GPUs available, then we compute the minimum among the number of CPUs and
# GPUs, and this minimum value becomes the number of actors (so that there can be
# one-to-one mapping between actors and GPUs).
self._num_actors = math.ceil(min(num_cpus, num_gpus))
# We assign a GPU for each actor (by overriding the value for the argument
# `num_gpus_per_actor`).
if self._num_actors <= num_gpus:
num_gpus_per_actor = 1
num_gpus_per_actor = num_gpus / self._num_actors
# This is the case where `num_actors` is given as an unexpected string. We raise an error here.
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid string value for `num_actors`: {repr(num_actors)}."
f" The acceptable string values for `num_actors` are 'max', 'num_cpus', 'num_gpus', 'num_devices'."
# This is the case where `num_actors` has a value which is not a string.
# In this case, we make sure that the given value is an integer, and then use this integer as our
# number of actors.
self._num_actors = int(num_actors)
if self._num_actors == 1:
"The number of actors that will be allocated for parallelized evaluation was encountered as 1."
" This number is automatically dropped to 0,"
" because having only 1 actor does not bring any benefit in terms of parallelization."
# Creating a single actor does not bring any benefit of parallelization.
# Therefore, at the end of all the computations above regarding the number of actors, if it turns out
# that the target number of actors is 1, we reduce it to 0 (meaning that no actor will be initialized).
self._num_actors = 0
# Since we are to allocate no actor, the value of the argument `num_gpus_per_actor` is meaningless.
# We therefore overwrite the value of that argument with None.
num_gpus_per_actor = None
self, f"The number of actors that will be allocated for parallelized evaluation is {self._num_actors}"
if (self._num_actors >= 2) and (self._device != torch.device("cpu")):
detailed_error_msg = (
f"The number of actors that will be allocated for parallelized evaluation is {self._num_actors}."
" When the number of actors is at least 2,"
' the only supported value for the `device` argument is "cpu".'
f" However, `device` was received as {self._device}."
"\n\n---- Possible ways to fix the error: ----"
" If both the population and the fitness evaluation operations can fit into the same device,"
f" try setting `device={self._device}` and `num_actors=0`."
" If you would like to use N number of GPUs in parallel for fitness evaluation (where N>1),"
' set `device="cpu"` (so that the main process will keep the population on the cpu), set'
" `num_actors=N` and `num_gpus_per_actor=1` (to allocate an actor for each of the `N` GPUs),"
" and then, decorate your fitness function using `evotorch.decorators.on_cuda`"
" so that the fitness evaluation will be performed on the cuda device assigned to the actor."
" The code for achieving this can look like this:"
" from evotorch import Problem\n"
" from evotorch.decorators import on_cuda, vectorized\n"
" import torch\n"
" @on_cuda\n"
" @vectorized\n"
" def f(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:\n"
" ...\n"
' problem = Problem("min", f, device="cpu", num_actors=N, num_gpus_per_actor=1)\n'
"Or, it can look like this:\n"
" from evotorch import Problem, SolutionBatch\n"
" from evotorch.decorators import on_cuda\n"
" import torch\n"
" class MyProblem(Problem):\n"
" def __init__(self, ...):\n"
" super().__init__(\n"
' objective_sense="min", device="cpu", num_actors=N, num_gpus_per_actor=1, ...\n'
" )\n"
" @on_cuda\n"
" def _evaluate_batch(self, batch: SolutionBatch):\n"
" ...\n"
" problem = MyProblem(...)\n"
" Similarly to option (2), for when you wish to use N number of GPUs for fitness evaluation,"
' set `device="cpu"`, set `num_actors=N` and `num_gpus_per_actor=1`, then, within the evaluation'
' function, manually use the device `"cuda"` to accelerate the computation.'
"Note for cases (2) and (3): if you are on a computer or on a ray cluster with multiple GPUs, you"
' might prefer to set `num_actors` as the string "num_gpus" instead of an integer N,'
" which will cause the number of available GPUs to be counted, and the number of actors to be"
" configured as that count."
raise ValueError(detailed_error_msg)
# Annotate the variable which will determine how many GPUs are to be assigned to each actor.
self._num_gpus_per_actor: Optional[Union[str, int, float]]
if (actor_config is not None) and ("num_gpus" in actor_config) and (num_gpus_per_actor is not None):
# If `actor_config` dictionary has the item "num_gpus" and also `num_gpus_per_actor` is not None,
# then there is a conflicting (or redundant) configuration. We raise an error here.
raise ValueError(
'The `actor_config` dictionary contains the key "num_gpus".'
" At the same time, `num_gpus_per_actor` has a value other than None."
" These two configurations are conflicting."
" Please specify the number of GPUs per actor either via the `actor_config` dictionary,"
" or via the `num_gpus_per_actor` argument, but not via both."
if num_gpus_per_actor is None:
# If the argument `num_gpus_per_actor` is not specified, then we set the attribute
# `_num_gpus_per_actor` as None, which means that no GPUs will be assigned to the actors.
self._num_gpus_per_actor = None
elif isinstance(num_gpus_per_actor, str):
# This is the case where `num_gpus_per_actor` is given as a string.
if num_gpus_per_actor == "max":
# This is the case where `num_gpus_per_actor` is given as "max".
num_gpus = get_ray_resource("GPU")
if num_gpus is None:
# With `num_gpus_per_actor` as "max", if there is no GPU available, then we set the attribute
# `_num_gpus_per_actor` as None, which means there will be no GPU assignment to the actors.
self._num_gpus_per_actor = None
# With `num_gpus_per_actor` as "max", if there are GPUs available, then the available GPUs will
# be shared among the actors.
self._num_gpus_per_actor = num_gpus / self._num_actors
elif num_gpus_per_actor == "all":
# When `num_gpus_per_actor` is "all", we also set the attribute `_num_gpus_per_actor` as "all".
# When a remote actor is initialized, the remote actor will see that the Problem instance has its
# `_num_gpus_per_actor` set as "all", and it will remove the environment variable named
# "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES" in its own environment.
# With "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES" removed, an actor will see all the GPUs available in its own
# environment.
self._num_gpus_per_actor = "all"
# This is the case where `num_gpus_per_actor` argument has an unexpected string value.
# We raise an error.
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid string value for `num_gpus_per_actor`: {repr(num_gpus_per_actor)}."
f' Acceptable string values for `num_gpus_per_actor` are: "max", "all".'
elif isinstance(num_gpus_per_actor, int):
# When the argument `num_gpus_per_actor` is set as an integer we just set the attribute
# `_num_gpus_per_actor` as this integer.
self._num_gpus_per_actor = num_gpus_per_actor
# For anything else, we assume that `num_gpus_per_actor` is an object that is convertible to float.
# Therefore, we convert it to float and store it in the attribute `_num_gpus_per_actor`.
# Also, remember that, when `num_actors` is given as "num_gpus" or as "num_devices",
# the code above overrides the value for the argument `num_gpus_per_actor`, which means,
# this is the case that is activated when `num_actors` is "num_gpus" or "num_devices".
self._num_gpus_per_actor = float(num_gpus_per_actor)
if self._num_actors > 0:
message_from(self, f"Number of GPUs that will be allocated per actor is {self._num_gpus_per_actor}")
# Initialize the Hook instances (and the related status dictionary for the `_after_eval_hook`)
self._before_eval_hook: Hook = Hook()
self._after_eval_hook: Hook = Hook()
self._after_eval_status: dict = {}
self._remote_hook: Hook = Hook()
self._before_grad_hook: Hook = Hook()
self._after_grad_hook: Hook = Hook()
# Initialize various stats regarding the solutions encountered by this Problem instance.
self._store_solution_stats = None if store_solution_stats is None else bool(store_solution_stats)
self._best: Optional[list] = None
self._worst: Optional[list] = None
self._best_evals: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
self._worst_evals: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None
# Initialize the boolean attribute which indicates whether or not this Problem instance (which can be
# the main instance or a remote instance on an actor) is "prepared" via the `_prepare` method.
self._prepared: bool = False
Get an accessor which is used for running a method on all remote reinforcement learning environments.
This method can only be used on parallelized Problem
objects which have their get_env()
methods defined.
For example, one can use this feature on a parallelized
As an example, let us consider a parallelized GymProblem
object named my_problem
. Given that my_problem
remote actors, a method f()
can be executed
on all remote reinforcement learning environments as
results = my_problem.all_remote_envs().f()
The variable results
is a list of length n
, the i-th
item of the list belonging to the method f's result
from the i-th actor.
Type | Description |
AllRemoteEnvs |
A method accessor for all the remote reinforcement learning environments. |
Source code in evotorch/
def all_remote_envs(self) -> AllRemoteEnvs:
Get an accessor which is used for running a method
on all remote reinforcement learning environments.
This method can only be used on parallelized Problem
objects which have their `get_env()` methods defined.
For example, one can use this feature on a parallelized
As an example, let us consider a parallelized GymProblem
object named `my_problem`. Given that `my_problem` has
`n` remote actors, a method `f()` can be executed
on all remote reinforcement learning environments as
results = my_problem.all_remote_envs().f()
The variable `results` is a list of length `n`, the i-th
item of the list belonging to the method f's result
from the i-th actor.
A method accessor for all the remote reinforcement
learning environments.
if self.is_remote:
raise RuntimeError(
"The method `all_remote_envs()` can only be used on the main (i.e. non-remote)"
" Problem instance."
" However, this Problem instance is on a remote actor."
return AllRemoteEnvs(self._actors)
Get an accessor which is used for running a method on all remote clones of this Problem object.
For example, given a Problem object named my_problem
also assuming that this Problem object is parallelized,
and therefore has n
remote actors, a method f()
can be executed on all the remote instances as follows:
results = my_problem.all_remote_problems().f()
The variable results
is a list of length n
, the i-th
item of the list belonging to the method f's result
from the i-th actor.
Type | Description |
AllRemoteProblems |
A method accessor for all the remote Problem objects. |
Source code in evotorch/
def all_remote_problems(self) -> AllRemoteProblems:
Get an accessor which is used for running a method
on all remote clones of this Problem object.
For example, given a Problem object named `my_problem`,
also assuming that this Problem object is parallelized,
and therefore has `n` remote actors, a method `f()`
can be executed on all the remote instances as follows:
results = my_problem.all_remote_problems().f()
The variable `results` is a list of length `n`, the i-th
item of the list belonging to the method f's result
from the i-th actor.
A method accessor for all the remote Problem objects.
if self.is_remote:
raise RuntimeError(
"The method `all_remote_problems()` can only be used on the main (i.e. non-remote)"
" Problem instance."
" However, this Problem instance is on a remote actor."
return AllRemoteProblems(self._actors)
compare_solutions(self, a, b, obj_index=None)
Compare two solutions. It is assumed that both solutions are already evaluated.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
a |
Solution |
The first solution. |
required |
b |
Solution |
The second solution. |
required |
obj_index |
Optional[int] |
The objective index according to which the comparison will be made. Can be left as None if the problem is single-objective. |
None |
Type | Description |
float |
A positive number if |
Source code in evotorch/
def compare_solutions(self, a: "Solution", b: "Solution", obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> float:
Compare two solutions.
It is assumed that both solutions are already evaluated.
a: The first solution.
b: The second solution.
obj_index: The objective index according to which the comparison
will be made.
Can be left as None if the problem is single-objective.
A positive number if `a` is better;
a negative number if `b` is better;
0 if there is a tie.
senses = self.senses
obj_index = self.normalize_obj_index(obj_index)
sense = senses[obj_index]
def score(s: Solution):
return s.evals[obj_index]
if sense == "max":
return score(a) - score(b)
elif sense == "min":
return score(b) - score(a)
raise ValueError("Unrecognized sense: " + repr(sense))
Ensure that the problem has a numeric dtype.
Type | Description |
ValueError |
if the problem has a non-numeric dtype. |
Ensure that the problem has only one objective.
Type | Description |
ValueError |
if the problem is multi-objective. |
Source code in evotorch/
Ensure that the problem has no strict lower and upper bounds.
Type | Description |
ValueError |
if the problem has strict lower and upper bounds. |
Source code in evotorch/
def ensure_unbounded(self):
Ensure that the problem has no strict lower and upper bounds.
ValueError: if the problem has strict lower and upper bounds.
if not (self.lower_bounds is None and self.upper_bounds is None):
raise ValueError("Expected an unbounded problem, but this problem has lower and/or upper bounds.")
evaluate(self, x)
Evaluate the given Solution or SolutionBatch.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
x |
Union[SolutionBatch, Solution] |
The SolutionBatch to be evaluated. |
required |
Source code in evotorch/
def evaluate(self, x: Union["SolutionBatch", "Solution"]):
Evaluate the given Solution or SolutionBatch.
x: The SolutionBatch to be evaluated.
if isinstance(x, Solution):
batch = x.to_batch()
elif isinstance(x, SolutionBatch):
batch = x
raise TypeError(
f"The method `evaluate(...)` expected a Solution or a SolutionBatch as its argument."
f" However, the received object is {repr(x)}, which is of type {repr(type(x))}."
if self.is_main:
must_sync_after = self._sync_before()
if must_sync_after:
if self.is_main:
self._after_eval_status = {}
best_and_worst = self._get_best_and_worst(batch)
if best_and_worst is not None:
generate_batch(self, popsize=None, *, empty=False, center=None, stdev=None, symmetric=False)
Generate a new SolutionBatch.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
popsize |
Optional[int] |
Number of solutions that will be contained in the new batch. |
None |
empty |
bool |
Set this as True if you would like to receive the solutions un-initialized. |
False |
center |
Union[float, Iterable[float], torch.Tensor] |
Center point of the Gaussian distribution from which
the decision values will be sampled, as a scalar or as a
1-dimensional vector.
Can also be left as None.
If |
None |
stdev |
Union[float, Iterable[float], torch.Tensor] |
Can be None (default) if the SolutionBatch is to contain
decision values sampled from the interval specified by
None |
symmetric |
bool |
To be used only when |
False |
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def generate_batch(
popsize: Optional[int] = None,
empty: bool = False,
center: Optional[RealOrVector] = None,
stdev: Optional[RealOrVector] = None,
symmetric: bool = False,
) -> "SolutionBatch":
Generate a new SolutionBatch.
popsize: Number of solutions that will be contained in the new
empty: Set this as True if you would like to receive the solutions
center: Center point of the Gaussian distribution from which
the decision values will be sampled, as a scalar or as a
1-dimensional vector.
Can also be left as None.
If `center` is None and `stdev` is None, all the decision
values will be sampled from the interval specified by
`initial_bounds` (or by `bounds` if `initial_bounds` was not
If `center` is None and `stdev` is not None, a center point
will be sampled from within the interval specified by
`initial_bounds` or `bounds`, and the decision values will be
sampled from a Gaussian distribution around this center point.
stdev: Can be None (default) if the SolutionBatch is to contain
decision values sampled from the interval specified by
`initial_bounds` (or by `bounds` if `initial_bounds` was not
provided during the initialization phase).
Alternatively, a scalar or a 1-dimensional vector specifying
the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution from which
the decision values will be sampled.
symmetric: To be used only when `stdev` is not None.
If `symmetric` is True, decision values will be sampled from
the Gaussian distribution in a symmetric (i.e. antithetic)
Otherwise, the decision values will be sampled in the
non-antithetic manner.
if (center is None) and (stdev is None):
if symmetric:
raise ValueError(
f"The argument `symmetric` can be set as True only when `center` and `stdev` are provided."
f" Although `center` and `stdev` are None, `symmetric` was received as {symmetric}."
return SolutionBatch(self, popsize, empty=empty, device=self.device)
elif (center is not None) and (stdev is not None):
if empty:
raise ValueError(
f"When `center` and `stdev` are provided, the argument `empty` must be False."
f" However, the received value for `empty` is {empty}."
result = SolutionBatch(self, popsize, device=self.device, empty=True)
self.make_gaussian(out=result.access_values(), center=center, stdev=stdev, symmetric=symmetric)
return result
raise ValueError(
f"The arguments `center` and `stdev` were expected to be None or non-None at the same time."
f" Received `center`: {center}."
f" Received `stdev`: {stdev}."
generate_values(self, num_solutions)
Generate decision values.
This function returns a tensor containing the decision values
for n
new solutions, n
being the integer passed as the num_rows
For numeric problems, this function generates the decision values
which respect initial_bounds
(or bounds
, if initial_bounds
was not provided).
If this type of initialization is not desired, one can override
this function and define a manual initialization scheme in the
inheriting subclass.
For non-numeric problems, it is expected that the inheriting subclass
will override the method _fill(...)
Name | Type | Description | Default |
num_solutions |
int |
For how many solutions will new decision values be generated. |
required |
Type | Description |
Union[torch.Tensor,] |
A PyTorch tensor for numeric problems, an ObjectArray for non-numeric problems. |
Source code in evotorch/
def generate_values(self, num_solutions: int) -> Union[torch.Tensor, ObjectArray]:
Generate decision values.
This function returns a tensor containing the decision values
for `n` new solutions, `n` being the integer passed as the `num_rows`
For numeric problems, this function generates the decision values
which respect `initial_bounds` (or `bounds`, if `initial_bounds`
was not provided).
If this type of initialization is not desired, one can override
this function and define a manual initialization scheme in the
inheriting subclass.
For non-numeric problems, it is expected that the inheriting subclass
will override the method `_fill(...)`.
num_solutions: For how many solutions will new decision values be
A PyTorch tensor for numeric problems, an ObjectArray for
non-numeric problems.
if self.dtype is object:
result = self.make_empty(num_solutions=num_solutions)
result = torch.empty(tuple(), dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device)
result = result.expand(num_solutions, self.solution_length)
result = result + make_batched_false_for_vmap(result.device)
return result
When sorting the solutions from best to worst according to each objective i, is the ordering descending?
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def get_obj_order_descending(self) -> Iterable[bool]:
"""When sorting the solutions from best to worst according to each objective i, is the ordering descending?"""
result = []
for s in self.senses:
if s == "min":
elif s == "max":
raise ValueError(f"Invalid sense: {repr(s)}")
return result
is_better(self, a, b, obj_index=None)
Check whether or not the first solution is better. It is assumed that both solutions are already evaluated.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
a |
Solution |
The first solution. |
required |
b |
Solution |
The second solution. |
required |
obj_index |
Optional[int] |
The objective index according to which the comparison will be made. Can be left as None if the problem is single-objective. |
None |
Type | Description |
bool |
True if |
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def is_better(self, a: "Solution", b: "Solution", obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> bool:
Check whether or not the first solution is better.
It is assumed that both solutions are already evaluated.
a: The first solution.
b: The second solution.
obj_index: The objective index according to which the comparison
will be made.
Can be left as None if the problem is single-objective.
True if `a` is better; False otherwise.
return self.compare_solutions(a, b, obj_index) > 0
is_worse(self, a, b, obj_index=None)
Check whether or not the first solution is worse. It is assumed that both solutions are already evaluated.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
a |
Solution |
The first solution. |
required |
b |
Solution |
The second solution. |
required |
obj_index |
Optional[int] |
The objective index according to which the comparison will be made. Can be left as None if the problem is single-objective. |
None |
Type | Description |
bool |
True if |
Source code in evotorch/
def is_worse(self, a: "Solution", b: "Solution", obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> bool:
Check whether or not the first solution is worse.
It is assumed that both solutions are already evaluated.
a: The first solution.
b: The second solution.
obj_index: The objective index according to which the comparison
will be made.
Can be left as None if the problem is single-objective.
True if `a` is worse; False otherwise.
return self.compare_solutions(a, b, obj_index) < 0
Kill all the remote actors used by the Problem instance.
One might use this method to release the resources used by the remote actors.
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def kill_actors(self):
Kill all the remote actors used by the Problem instance.
One might use this method to release the resources used by the
remote actors.
if not self.is_main:
raise RuntimeError(
"The method `kill_actors()` can only be used on the main (i.e. non-remote)"
" Problem instance."
" However, this Problem instance is on a remote actor."
for actor in self._actors:
self._actors = None
self._actor_pool = None
make_callable_evaluator(self, *, obj_index=None)
Get a callable evaluator for evaluating the given solutions.
Let us assume that we have a Problem declared like this:
Using the regular API of EvoTorch, one has to generate solutions for this problem as follows:
For editing the decision values within the
SolutionBatch my_solutions
, one has to
do the following:
Finally, to evaluate my_solutions
, one would have to do these:
One could desire a different interface which is more compatible with functional programming paradigm, especially when planning to use the functional algorithms (such as, for example, the functional cem). To achieve this, one can do the following:
Now, we have a new object f
, which behaves like a function.
This function-like object expects a tensor of decision values, and
returns fitnesses, as shown below:
random_decision_values = torch.randn(
fitnesses = f(random_decision_values)
Parallelized fitness evaluation.
If a Problem
object is condifured to use parallelized evaluation with
the help of multiple actors, a callable evaluator made out of that
object will also make use of those multiple actors.
Additional batch dimensions. If a callable evaluator receives a tensor with 3 or more dimensions, those extra leftmost dimensions will be considered as batch dimensions. The returned fitness tensor will also preserve those batch dimensions.
Notes on vmap.
is a shallow wrapper around a Problem
It does NOT transform the underlying problem object to its stateless
counterpart, and therefore it does NOT conform to pure functional
programming paradigm. Being stateful, it will NOT work correctly with
. For batched evaluations, it is recommended to use extra batch
dimensions, instead of using vmap
Name | Type | Description | Default |
obj_index |
Optional[int] |
The index of the objective according to which the evaluations will be done. If the problem is single-objective, this is not required. If the problem is multi-objective, this needs to be given as an integer. |
None |
Type | Description |
ProblemBoundEvaluator |
A callable fitness evaluator, bound to this problem object. |
Source code in evotorch/
def make_callable_evaluator(self, *, obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> "ProblemBoundEvaluator":
Get a callable evaluator for evaluating the given solutions.
Let us assume that we have a [Problem][evotorch.core.Problem]
declared like this:
from evotorch import Problem
my_problem = Problem(
Using the regular API of EvoTorch, one has to generate solutions for this
problem as follows:
population_size = ...
my_solutions = my_problem.generate_batch(population_size)
For editing the decision values within the
[SolutionBatch][evotorch.core.SolutionBatch] `my_solutions`, one has to
do the following:
new_decision_values = ...
Finally, to evaluate `my_solutions`, one would have to do these:
fitnesses = my_problem.evals
One could desire a different interface which is more compatible with
functional programming paradigm, especially when planning to use the
functional algorithms (such as, for example, the functional
To achieve this, one can do the following:
f = my_problem.make_callable_evaluator()
Now, we have a new object `f`, which behaves like a function.
This function-like object expects a tensor of decision values, and
returns fitnesses, as shown below:
random_decision_values = torch.randn(
fitnesses = f(random_decision_values)
**Parallelized fitness evaluation.**
If a `Problem` object is condifured to use parallelized evaluation with
the help of multiple actors, a callable evaluator made out of that
`Problem` object will also make use of those multiple actors.
**Additional batch dimensions.**
If a callable evaluator receives a tensor with 3 or more dimensions,
those extra leftmost dimensions will be considered as batch
dimensions. The returned fitness tensor will also preserve those batch
**Notes on vmap.**
`ProblemBoundEvaluator` is a shallow wrapper around a `Problem` object.
It does NOT transform the underlying problem object to its stateless
counterpart, and therefore it does NOT conform to pure functional
programming paradigm. Being stateful, it will NOT work correctly with
`vmap`. For batched evaluations, it is recommended to use extra batch
dimensions, instead of using `vmap`.
obj_index: The index of the objective according to which the
evaluations will be done. If the problem is single-objective,
this is not required. If the problem is multi-objective, this
needs to be given as an integer.
A callable fitness evaluator, bound to this problem object.
return ProblemBoundEvaluator(self, obj_index=obj_index)
manual_seed(self, seed=None)
Provide a manual seed for the Problem object.
If the given seed is None, then the Problem object will remove its own stored generator, and start using the global generator of PyTorch instead. If the given seed is an integer, then the Problem object will instantiate its own generator with the given seed.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
seed |
Optional[int] |
None for using the global PyTorch generator; an integer for instantiating a new PyTorch generator with this given integer seed, specific to this Problem object. |
None |
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def manual_seed(self, seed: Optional[int] = None):
Provide a manual seed for the Problem object.
If the given seed is None, then the Problem object will remove
its own stored generator, and start using the global generator
of PyTorch instead.
If the given seed is an integer, then the Problem object will
instantiate its own generator with the given seed.
seed: None for using the global PyTorch generator; an integer
for instantiating a new PyTorch generator with this given
integer seed, specific to this Problem object.
if seed is None:
self._generator = None
if self._generator is None:
self._generator = torch.Generator(device=self.device)
normalize_obj_index(self, obj_index=None)
Normalize the objective index.
If the provided index is non-negative, it is ensured that the index is valid.
If the provided index is negative, the objectives are counted in the reverse order, and the corresponding non-negative index is returned. For example, -1 is converted to a non-negative integer corresponding to the last objective.
If the provided index is None and if the problem is single-objective, the returned value is 0, which represents the only objective.
If the provided index is None and if the problem is multi-objective, an error is raised.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
obj_index |
Optional[int] |
The non-normalized objective index. |
None |
Type | Description |
int |
The normalized objective index, as a non-negative integer. |
Source code in evotorch/
def normalize_obj_index(self, obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
Normalize the objective index.
If the provided index is non-negative, it is ensured that the index
is valid.
If the provided index is negative, the objectives are counted in the
reverse order, and the corresponding non-negative index is returned.
For example, -1 is converted to a non-negative integer corresponding to
the last objective.
If the provided index is None and if the problem is single-objective,
the returned value is 0, which represents the only objective.
If the provided index is None and if the problem is multi-objective,
an error is raised.
obj_index: The non-normalized objective index.
The normalized objective index, as a non-negative integer.
if obj_index is None:
if len(self.senses) == 1:
return 0
raise ValueError(
"This problem is multi-objective, therefore, an explicit objective index was expected."
" However, `obj_index` was found to be None."
obj_index = int(obj_index)
if obj_index < 0:
obj_index = len(self.senses) + obj_index
if obj_index < 0 or obj_index >= len(self.senses):
raise IndexError("Objective index out of range.")
return obj_index
sample_and_compute_gradients(self, distribution, popsize, *, num_interactions=None, popsize_max=None, obj_index=None, ranking_method=None, with_stats=True, ensure_even_popsize=False)
Sample new solutions from the distribution and compute gradients.
The distribution can then be updated according to the computed gradients.
If the problem is not parallelized, and with_stats
is False,
then the result will be a single dictionary of gradients.
For example, in the case of a Gaussian distribution, the returned
gradients dictionary would look like this:
"mu": ..., # the gradient for the mean
"sigma": ..., # the gradient for the standard deviation
If the problem is not parallelized, and with_stats
is True,
then the result will be a dictionary which contains in itself
the gradients dictionary, and additional elements for providing
further information. In the case of a Gaussian distribution,
the returned dictionary with additional stats would look like
"gradients": {
"mu": ..., # the gradient for the mean
"sigma": ..., # the gradient for the standard deviation
"num_solutions": ..., # how many solutions were sampled
"mean_eval": ..., # Mean of all evaluations
If the problem is parallelized, then the gradient computation will
be distributed among the remote actors. In more details, each actor
will sample its own solutions (such that the total population size
across all remote actors will be near the provided popsize
and will compute its own gradients, and will produce its own
additional stats (if with_stats
is given as True).
These remote results will then be collected by the main process,
and the final result of this method will be a list of dictionaries,
each dictionary being the result of a remote gradient computation.
The sampled solutions are temporary, and will not be kept (and will not be returned).
To customize how solutions are sampled and how gradients are
computed, one is encouraged to override
(instead of overriding this
method directly.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
distribution |
The search distribution from which the solutions will be sampled, and according to which the gradients will be computed. |
required | |
popsize |
int |
The number of solutions which will be sampled. |
required |
num_interactions |
Optional[int] |
Number of simulator interactions that must be completed (more solutions will be sampled until this threshold is reached). This argument is to be used when the problem has characteristics similar to reinforcement learning, and an adaptive population size, depending on the interactions made, is desired. Otherwise, one can leave this argument as None, in which case, there will not be any threshold based on number of interactions. |
None |
popsize_max |
Optional[int] |
To be used when |
None |
obj_index |
Optional[int] |
Index of the objective according to which the gradients will be computed. Can be left as None if the problem has only one objective. |
None |
ranking_method |
Optional[str] |
The solution ranking method to be used when computing the gradients. If not specified, the raw fitnesses will be used. |
None |
with_stats |
bool |
If given as False, then the results dictionary will only contain the gradients information. If given as True, then the results dictionary will contain within itself the gradients dictionary, and also additional elements for providing further information. The default is True. |
True |
ensure_even_popsize |
bool |
If |
False |
Type | Description |
Union[list, dict] |
A results dictionary when the problem is not parallelized, or list of results dictionaries when the problem is parallelized. |
Source code in evotorch/
def sample_and_compute_gradients(
popsize: int,
num_interactions: Optional[int] = None,
popsize_max: Optional[int] = None,
obj_index: Optional[int] = None,
ranking_method: Optional[str] = None,
with_stats: bool = True,
ensure_even_popsize: bool = False,
) -> Union[list, dict]:
Sample new solutions from the distribution and compute gradients.
The distribution can then be updated according to the computed
If the problem is not parallelized, and `with_stats` is False,
then the result will be a single dictionary of gradients.
For example, in the case of a Gaussian distribution, the returned
gradients dictionary would look like this:
"mu": ..., # the gradient for the mean
"sigma": ..., # the gradient for the standard deviation
If the problem is not parallelized, and `with_stats` is True,
then the result will be a dictionary which contains in itself
the gradients dictionary, and additional elements for providing
further information. In the case of a Gaussian distribution,
the returned dictionary with additional stats would look like
"gradients": {
"mu": ..., # the gradient for the mean
"sigma": ..., # the gradient for the standard deviation
"num_solutions": ..., # how many solutions were sampled
"mean_eval": ..., # Mean of all evaluations
If the problem is parallelized, then the gradient computation will
be distributed among the remote actors. In more details, each actor
will sample its own solutions (such that the total population size
across all remote actors will be near the provided `popsize`)
and will compute its own gradients, and will produce its own
additional stats (if `with_stats` is given as True).
These remote results will then be collected by the main process,
and the final result of this method will be a list of dictionaries,
each dictionary being the result of a remote gradient computation.
The sampled solutions are temporary, and will not be kept
(and will not be returned).
To customize how solutions are sampled and how gradients are
computed, one is encouraged to override
`_sample_and_compute_gradients(...)` (instead of overriding this
method directly.
distribution: The search distribution from which the solutions
will be sampled, and according to which the gradients will
be computed.
popsize: The number of solutions which will be sampled.
num_interactions: Number of simulator interactions that must
be completed (more solutions will be sampled until this
threshold is reached). This argument is to be used when
the problem has characteristics similar to reinforcement
learning, and an adaptive population size, depending on
the interactions made, is desired.
Otherwise, one can leave this argument as None, in which
case, there will not be any threshold based on number
of interactions.
popsize_max: To be used when `num_interactions` is provided,
as an additional criterion for ending the solution sampling
phase. This argument can be used to prevent the population
size from growing too much while trying to satisfy the
`num_interactions`. If not needed, `popsize_max` can be left
as None.
obj_index: Index of the objective according to which the gradients
will be computed. Can be left as None if the problem has only
one objective.
ranking_method: The solution ranking method to be used when
computing the gradients.
If not specified, the raw fitnesses will be used.
with_stats: If given as False, then the results dictionary will
only contain the gradients information. If given as True,
then the results dictionary will contain within itself
the gradients dictionary, and also additional elements for
providing further information.
The default is True.
ensure_even_popsize: If `ensure_even_popsize` is True and the
problem is not parallelized, then a `popsize` given as an odd
number will cause an error. If `ensure_even_popsize` is True
and the problem is parallelized, then the remote actors will
sample their own sub-populations in such a way that their
sizes are even.
If `ensure_even_popsize` is False, whether or not the
`popsize` is even will not be checked.
When the provided `distribution` is a symmetric (or
"mirrored", or "antithetic"), then this argument must be
given as True.
A results dictionary when the problem is not parallelized,
or list of results dictionaries when the problem is parallelized.
# For problems which are configured for parallelization, make sure that the actors are created.
# Below we check if there is an inconsistency in arguments.
if (num_interactions is None) and (popsize_max is not None):
# If `num_interactions` is None, then we assume that the user does not wish an adaptive population size.
# However, at the same time, if `popsize_max` is not None, then there is an inconsistency,
# because, `popsize_max` without `num_interactions` (therefore without adaptive population size)
# does not make sense.
# This is probably a configuration error, so, we inform the user by raising an error.
raise ValueError(
f"`popsize_max` was expected as None, because `num_interactions` is None."
f" However, `popsize_max` was found as {popsize_max}."
# The problem instance in the main process should trigger the `before_grad_hook`.
if self.is_main:
if self.is_main and (self._actors is not None) and (len(self._actors) > 0):
# If this is the main process and the problem is parallelized, then we need to split the request
# into multiple tasks, and then execute those tasks in parallel using the problem's actor pool.
if self._subbatch_size is not None:
# If `subbatch_size` is provided, then we first make sure that `popsize` is divisible by
# `subbatch_size`
if (popsize % self._subbatch_size) != 0:
raise ValueError(
f"This Problem was created with `subbatch_size` as {self._subbatch_size}."
f" When doing remote gradient computation, the requested population size must be divisible by"
f" the `subbatch_size`."
f" However, the requested population size is {popsize}, and the remainder after dividing it"
f" by `subbatch_size` is not 0 (it is {popsize % self._subbatch_size})."
# After making sure that `popsize` and `subbatch_size` configurations are compatible, we declare that
# we are going to have n tasks, each task imposing a sample size of `subbatch_size`.
n = int(popsize // self._subbatch_size)
popsize_per_task = [self._subbatch_size for _ in range(n)]
elif self._num_subbatches is not None:
# If `num_subbatches` is provided, then we are going to have n tasks where n is equal to the given
# `num_subbatches`.
popsize_per_task = split_workload(popsize, self._num_subbatches)
# If neither `subbatch_size` nor `num_subbatches` is given, then we will split the workload in such
# a way that each actor will have its share.
popsize_per_task = split_workload(popsize, len(self._actors))
if ensure_even_popsize:
# If `ensure_even_popsize` argument is True, then we need to make sure that each tasks's popsize is
# an even number.
for i in range(len(popsize_per_task)):
if (popsize_per_task[i] % 2) != 0:
# If the i-th actor's assigned popsize is not even, increase its assigned popsize by 1.
popsize_per_task[i] += 1
# The number of tasks is finally determined by the length of `popsize_per_task` list we created above.
num_tasks = len(popsize_per_task)
if num_interactions is None:
# If the argument `num_interactions` is not given, then, for each task, we declare that
# `num_interactions` is None.
num_inter_per_task = [None for _ in range(num_tasks)]
# If the argument `num_interactions` is given, then we compute each task's target number of
# interactions from its sample size.
num_inter_per_task = [
math.ceil((popsize_per_task[i] / popsize) * num_interactions) for i in range(num_tasks)
if popsize_max is None:
# If the argument `popsize_max` is not given, then, for each task, we declare that
# `popsize_max` is None.
popsize_max_per_task = [None for _ in range(num_tasks)]
# If the argument `popsize_max` is given, then we compute each task's target maximum population size
# from its sample size.
popsize_max_per_task = [
math.ceil((popsize_per_task[i] / popsize) * popsize_max) for i in range(num_tasks)
# We trigger the synchronization between the main process and the remote actors.
# If this problem instance has nothing to synchronize, then `must_sync_after` will be False.
must_sync_after = self._sync_before()
# Because we want to send the distribution to remote actors, we first copy the distribution to cpu
# (unless it is already on cpu)
dist_on_cpu ="cpu")
# Here, we use our actor pool to execute our tasks in parallel.
result = list(
lambda a, v:
[dist_on_cpu, v[0]],
"obj_index": obj_index,
"num_interactions": v[1],
"popsize_max": v[2],
"ranking_method": ranking_method,
list(zip(popsize_per_task, num_inter_per_task, popsize_max_per_task)),
# At this point, all the tensors within our collected results are on the CPU.
if torch.device(self.device) != torch.device("cpu"):
# If the main device of this problem instance is not CPU, then we move the tensors to the main device.
result = cast_tensors_in_container(result, device=self.device)
if must_sync_after:
# If a post-gradient synchronization is required, we trigger the synchronization operations.
# ####################################################
# # If this is the main process and the problem is parallelized, then we need to split the workload among
# # the remote actors, and then request each of them to compute their gradients.
# # We begin by getting the number of actors, and computing the `popsize` for each actor.
# num_actors = len(self._actors)
# popsize_per_actor = split_workload(popsize, num_actors)
# if ensure_even_popsize:
# # If `ensure_even_popsize` argument is True, then we need to make sure that each actor's popsize is
# # an even number.
# for i in range(len(popsize_per_actor)):
# if (popsize_per_actor[i] % 2) != 0:
# # If the i-th actor's assigned popsize is not even, increase its assigned popsize by 1.
# popsize_per_actor[i] += 1
# if num_interactions is None:
# # If `num_interactions` is None, then the `num_interactions` argument for each actor must also be
# # passed as None.
# num_int_per_actor = [None] * num_actors
# else:
# # If `num_interactions` is not None, then we split the `num_interactions` workload among the actors.
# num_int_per_actor = split_workload(num_interactions, num_actors)
# if popsize_max is None:
# # If `popsize_max` is None, then the `popsize_max` argument for each actor must also be None.
# popsize_max_per_actor = [None] * num_actors
# else:
# # If `popsize_max` is not None, then we split the `popsize_max` workload among the actors.
# popsize_max_per_actor = split_workload(popsize_max, num_actors)
# # We trigger the synchronization between the main process and the remote actors.
# # If this problem instance has nothing to synchronize, then `must_sync_after` will be False.
# must_sync_after = self._sync_before()
# # Because we want to send the distribution to remote actors, we first copy the distribution to cpu
# # (unless it is already on cpu)
# dist_on_cpu ="cpu")
# # To each actor, we send the request of computing the gradients, and then collect the results
# result = ray.get(
# [
# self._actors[i].call.remote(
# "_gradient_computation_helper",
# [dist_on_cpu, popsize_per_actor[i]],
# dict(
# num_interactions=num_int_per_actor[i],
# popsize_max=popsize_max_per_actor[i],
# obj_index=obj_index,
# ranking_method=ranking_method,
# with_stats=with_stats,
# move_results_to_device="cpu",
# ),
# )
# for i in range(num_actors)
# ]
# )
# # At this point, all the tensors within our collected results are on the CPU.
# if torch.device(self.device) != torch.device("cpu"):
# # If the main device of this problem instance is not CPU, then we move the tensors to the main device.
# result = cast_tensors_in_container(result, device=device)
# if must_sync_after:
# # If a post-gradient synchronization is required, we trigger the synchronization operations.
# self._sync_after()
# If the problem is not parallelized, then we request this instance itself to compute the gradients.
result = self._gradient_computation_helper(
# The problem instance in the main process should trigger the `after_grad_hook`.
if self.is_main:
self._after_eval_status = self._after_grad_hook.accumulate_dict(result)
# We finally return the results
return result
A callable fitness evaluator, bound to the given Problem
A callable evaluator returned by the method
is an instance of this class.
For details, please see the documentation of
Problem, and of its method
Source code in evotorch/
class ProblemBoundEvaluator:
A callable fitness evaluator, bound to the given `Problem`.
A callable evaluator returned by the method
`Problem.make_callable_evaluator` is an instance of this class.
For details, please see the documentation of
[Problem][evotorch.core.Problem], and of its method
def __init__(self, problem: Problem, *, obj_index: Optional[int] = None):
`__init__(...)`: Initialize the `ProblemBoundEvaluator`.
problem: The problem object to be wrapped.
obj_index: The objective index. Optional if the problem being
wrapped is single-objective. If the problem being wrapped
is multi-objective, this is expected as an integer.
self._problem = problem
if not isinstance(self._problem, Problem):
clsname = type(self).__name__
raise TypeError(
f"In its initialization phase, {clsname} expected a `Problem` object,"
f" but found: {repr(self._problem)} (of type {repr(type(self._problem))})"
self._obj_index = self._problem.normalize_obj_index(obj_index)
if problem.dtype != problem.eval_dtype:
raise TypeError(
"The dtype of the decision values is not the same with the dtype of the evaluations."
" Currently, it is not supported to make callable evaluators out of problems whose"
" decision value dtypes are different than their evaluation dtypes."
def _make_empty_solution_batch(self, popsize: int) -> SolutionBatch:
return SolutionBatch(self._problem, popsize=popsize, empty=True, device="meta")
def _prepare_evaluated_solution_batch(self, values_2d: torch.Tensor) -> SolutionBatch:
num_solutions, solution_length = values_2d.shape
batch = self._make_empty_solution_batch(num_solutions)
batch._data = values_2d
batch._evdata = torch.empty_like(batch._evdata, device=values_2d.device)
return batch
def __call__(self, values: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Evaluate the solutions expressed by the given `values` tensor.
values: Decision values. Expected as a tensor with at least
2 dimensions. If the number of dimensions is more than 2,
the extra leftmost dimensions will be considered as batch
The fitnesses, as a tensor.
ndim = values.ndim
if ndim == 0:
clsname = type(self).__name__
raise ValueError(
f"{clsname} was expecting a tensor with at least 1 dimension for solution evaluation."
f" However, it received a scalar: {values}"
solution_length = values.shape[-1]
original_batch_shape = values.shape[:-1]
values = values.reshape(-1, solution_length)
evaluated_batch = self._prepare_evaluated_solution_batch(values)
evals = evaluated_batch.evals[:, self._obj_index]
return evals.reshape(original_batch_shape).as_subclass(torch.Tensor)
__call__(self, values)
Evaluate the solutions expressed by the given values
Name | Type | Description | Default |
values |
Tensor |
Decision values. Expected as a tensor with at least 2 dimensions. If the number of dimensions is more than 2, the extra leftmost dimensions will be considered as batch dimensions. |
required |
Type | Description |
Tensor |
The fitnesses, as a tensor. |
Source code in evotorch/
def __call__(self, values: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Evaluate the solutions expressed by the given `values` tensor.
values: Decision values. Expected as a tensor with at least
2 dimensions. If the number of dimensions is more than 2,
the extra leftmost dimensions will be considered as batch
The fitnesses, as a tensor.
ndim = values.ndim
if ndim == 0:
clsname = type(self).__name__
raise ValueError(
f"{clsname} was expecting a tensor with at least 1 dimension for solution evaluation."
f" However, it received a scalar: {values}"
solution_length = values.shape[-1]
original_batch_shape = values.shape[:-1]
values = values.reshape(-1, solution_length)
evaluated_batch = self._prepare_evaluated_solution_batch(values)
evals = evaluated_batch.evals[:, self._obj_index]
return evals.reshape(original_batch_shape).as_subclass(torch.Tensor)
__init__(self, problem, *, obj_index=None)
: Initialize the ProblemBoundEvaluator
Name | Type | Description | Default |
problem |
Problem |
The problem object to be wrapped. |
required |
obj_index |
Optional[int] |
The objective index. Optional if the problem being wrapped is single-objective. If the problem being wrapped is multi-objective, this is expected as an integer. |
None |
Source code in evotorch/
def __init__(self, problem: Problem, *, obj_index: Optional[int] = None):
`__init__(...)`: Initialize the `ProblemBoundEvaluator`.
problem: The problem object to be wrapped.
obj_index: The objective index. Optional if the problem being
wrapped is single-objective. If the problem being wrapped
is multi-objective, this is expected as an integer.
self._problem = problem
if not isinstance(self._problem, Problem):
clsname = type(self).__name__
raise TypeError(
f"In its initialization phase, {clsname} expected a `Problem` object,"
f" but found: {repr(self._problem)} (of type {repr(type(self._problem))})"
self._obj_index = self._problem.normalize_obj_index(obj_index)
if problem.dtype != problem.eval_dtype:
raise TypeError(
"The dtype of the decision values is not the same with the dtype of the evaluations."
" Currently, it is not supported to make callable evaluators out of problems whose"
" decision value dtypes are different than their evaluation dtypes."
Representation of a method on a remote actor's contained Problem or reinforcement learning environment
Source code in evotorch/
class RemoteMethod:
Representation of a method on a remote actor's contained Problem
or reinforcement learning environment
def __init__(self, method_name: str, actors: list, on_env: bool = False):
self._method_name = str(method_name)
self._actors = actors
self._on_env = bool(on_env)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
def invoke(actor):
if self._on_env:
return actor.call_on_env.remote(self._method_name, args, kwargs)
return, args, kwargs)
return ray.get([invoke(actor) for actor in self._actors])
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self._on_env:
further = ", on_env=True"
further = ""
return f"<{type(self).__name__} {repr(self._method_name)}{further}>"
Solution (Serializable)
Representation of a single Solution.
A Solution can be a reference to a row of a SolutionBatch (in which case it shares its storage with the SolutionBatch), or can be an independent solution. When the Solution shares its storage with a SolutionBatch, any modifications to its decision values and/or evaluation results will affect its parent SolutionBatch as well.
When a Solution object is cloned (via its clone()
or via the functions copy.copy(...)
and copy.deepcopy(...)
a new independent Solution object will be created.
This new independent copy will NOT share its storage with
its original SolutionBatch anymore.
Source code in evotorch/
class Solution(Serializable):
Representation of a single Solution.
A Solution can be a reference to a row of a SolutionBatch
(in which case it shares its storage with the SolutionBatch),
or can be an independent solution.
When the Solution shares its storage with a SolutionBatch,
any modifications to its decision values and/or evaluation
results will affect its parent SolutionBatch as well.
When a Solution object is cloned (via its `clone()` method,
or via the functions `copy.copy(...)` and `copy.deepcopy(...)`,
a new independent Solution object will be created.
This new independent copy will NOT share its storage with
its original SolutionBatch anymore.
def __init__(self, parent: SolutionBatch, index: int):
`__init__(...)`: Initialize the Solution object.
parent: The parent SolutionBatch which stores the Solution.
index: Index of the solution in SolutionBatch.
if not isinstance(parent, SolutionBatch):
raise TypeError(
f"Expected a SolutionBatch as a parent, but encountered {repr(parent)},"
f" which is of type {repr(type(parent))}."
index = int(index)
if index < 0:
index = len(parent) + index
if not ((index >= 0) and (index <= len(parent))):
raise IndexError(f"Invalid index: {index}")
self._batch: SolutionBatch = parent[index : index + 1]
def access_values(self, *, keep_evals: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor:
Access the decision values tensor of the solution.
The received tensor will be mutable.
By default, it will be assumed that the user wishes to
obtain this tensor to change the decision values, and therefore,
the evaluation results associated with this solution will be
cleared (i.e. will be NaN).
keep_evals: When this is set to True, the evaluation results
associated with this solution will be kept (i.e. will NOT
be cleared).
The decision values tensor of the solution.
return self._batch.access_values(keep_evals=keep_evals)[0]
def access_evals(self) -> torch.Tensor:
Access the evaluation results of the solution.
The received tensor will be mutable.
The evaluation results tensor of the solution.
return self._batch.access_evals()[0]
def values(self) -> Any:
Decision values of the solution
return self._batch.values[0]
def evals(self) -> torch.Tensor:
Evaluation results of the solution in a 1-dimensional tensor.
return self._batch.evals[0]
def evaluation(self) -> torch.Tensor:
Get the evaluation result.
If the problem is single-objective and the problem does not
allocate any space for extra evaluation data, then a scalar
is returned.
Otherwise, this property becomes equivalent to the `evals`
property, and a 1-dimensional tensor is returned.
result = self.evals
if len(result) == 1:
result = result[0]
return result
def set_values(self, values: Any):
Set the decision values of the Solution.
Note that modifying the decision values will result in the
evaluation results being getting cleared (in more details,
the evaluation results tensor will be filled with NaN values).
values: New decision values for this Solution.
if is_dtype_object(self.dtype):
value_tensor = ObjectArray(1)
value_tensor[0] = values
value_tensor = torch.as_tensor(values, dtype=self.dtype).reshape(1, -1)
def set_evals(self, evals: torch.Tensor, eval_data: Optional[Iterable] = None):
Set the evaluation results of the Solution.
evals: New evaluation result(s) for the Solution.
For single-objective problems, this argument can be given
as a scalar.
When this argument is given as a scalar (for single-objective
cases) or as a tensor which is long enough to cover for
all the objectives but not for the extra evaluation data,
then the extra evaluation data will be cleared
(in more details, extra evaluation data will be filled with
NaN values).
eval_data: Optionally, the argument `eval_data` can be used to
specify extra evaluation data separately.
`eval_data` is expected as a 1-dimensional sequence.
evals = torch.as_tensor(evals, dtype=self.eval_dtype, device=self.device)
if evals.ndim in (0, 1):
evals = evals.reshape(1, -1)
raise ValueError(
f"`set_evals(...)` method of a Solution expects a 1-dimensional or a 2-dimensional"
f" evaluation tensor. However, the received evaluation tensor has {evals.ndim} dimensions"
f" (having a shape of {evals.shape})."
if eval_data is not None:
eval_data = torch.as_tensor(eval_data, dtype=self.eval_dtype, device=self.device)
if eval_data.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError(
f"The argument `eval_data` was expected as a 1-dimensional sequence."
f" However, the shape of `eval_data` is {eval_data.shape}."
eval_data = eval_data.reshape(1, -1)
self._batch.set_evals(evals, eval_data)
def set_evaluation(self, evaluation: RealOrVector, eval_data: Optional[Iterable] = None):
Set the evaluation results of the Solution.
This method is an alias for `set_evals(...)`, added for having
a setter counterpart for the `evaluation` property of the Solution
evaluation: New evaluation result(s) for the Solution.
For single-objective problems, this argument can be given
as a scalar.
When this argument is given as a scalar (for single-objective
cases) or as a tensor which is long enough to cover for
all the objectives but not for the extra evaluation data,
then the extra evaluation data will be cleared
(in more details, extra evaluation data will be filled with
NaN values).
eval_data: Optionally, the argument `eval_data` can be used to
specify extra evaluation data separately.
`eval_data` is expected as a 1-dimensional sequence.
self.set_evals(evaluation, eval_data)
def objective_sense(self) -> ObjectiveSense:
Get the objective sense(s) of this Solution's associated Problem.
If the problem is single-objective, then a single string is returned.
If the problem is multi-objective, then the objective senses will be
returned in a list.
The returned string in the single-objective case, or each returned
string in the multi-objective case, is "min" or "max".
return self._batch.objective_sense
def senses(self) -> Iterable[str]:
Objective sense(s) of this Solution's associated Problem.
This is a list of strings, each string being "min" or "max".
return self._batch.senses
def is_evaluated(self) -> bool:
Whether or not the Solution is fully evaluated.
This property returns True only when all of the evaluation results
for all objectives have numeric values other than NaN.
This property assumes that the extra evaluation data is optional,
and therefore does not take into consideration whether or not the
extra evaluation data contains NaN values.
In other words, while determining whether or not a solution is fully
evaluated, only the evaluation results corresponding to the
objectives are taken into account.
num_objs = len(self.senses)
with torch.no_grad():
return not bool(torch.any(torch.isnan(self._batch.evals[0, :num_objs])))
def dtype(self) -> DType:
dtype of the decision values
return self._batch.dtype
def device(self) -> Device:
The device storing the Solution
return self._batch.device
def eval_dtype(self) -> DType:
dtype of the evaluation results
return self._batch.eval_dtype
def _rightmost_shape(shape: Iterable) -> torch.Size:
if len(shape) >= 2:
return torch.Size([int(shape[-1])])
return torch.Size([])
def shape(self) -> torch.Size:
Shape of the decision values of the Solution
return self._rightmost_shape(self._batch.values_shape)
def size(self) -> torch.Size:
Shape of the decision values of the Solution
return self.shape
def eval_shape(self) -> torch.Size:
Shape of the evaluation results
return self._rightmost_shape(self._batch.eval_shape)
def ndim(self) -> int:
Number of dimensions of the decision values.
For numeric solutions (e.g. of dtype `torch.float32`), this returns
1, since such numeric solutions are kepts as 1-dimensional vectors.
When dtype is `object`, `ndim` is reported as whatever the contained
object reports as its `ndim`, or 0 if the contained object does not
have an `ndim` attribute.
values = self.values
if hasattr(values, "ndim"):
return values.ndim
return 0
def dim(self) -> int:
This method returns the `ndim` attribute of this Solution.
return self.ndim
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.values)
def __iter__(self):
return self.values.__iter__()
def __reversed__(self):
return self.values.__reversed__()
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.values.__getitem__(i)
def _to_string(self) -> str:
clsname = type(self).__name__
result = []
values = self._batch.access_values(keep_evals=True)[0]
evals = self._batch.access_evals()[0]
def write(*args):
for arg in args:
write("<", clsname, " values=", values)
if not torch.all(torch.isnan(evals)):
write(", evals=", evals)
return "".join(result)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self._to_string()
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self._to_string()
def _get_cloned_state(self, *, memo: dict) -> dict:
with _no_grad_if_basic_dtype(self.dtype):
return deep_clone(
def to(self, device: Device) -> "Solution":
Get the counterpart of this Solution on the new device.
If the specified device is the device of this Solution,
then this Solution itself is returned.
If the specified device is a different device, then a clone
of this Solution on this different device is first
created, and then this new clone is returned.
Please note that the `to(...)` method is not supported when
the dtype is `object`.
device: The device on which the resulting Solution
will be stored.
The Solution on the specified device.
return Solution(, 0)
def to_batch(self) -> SolutionBatch:
Get the single-row SolutionBatch counterpart of the Solution.
The returned SolutionBatch and the Solution have shared
storage, meaning that modifying one of them affects the other.
The SolutionBatch counterpart of the Solution.
return self._batch
device: Union[str, torch.device]
The device storing the Solution
dtype: Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]
dtype of the decision values
eval_dtype: Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]
dtype of the evaluation results
eval_shape: Size
Shape of the evaluation results
evals: Tensor
Evaluation results of the solution in a 1-dimensional tensor.
evaluation: Tensor
Get the evaluation result.
If the problem is single-objective and the problem does not
allocate any space for extra evaluation data, then a scalar
is returned.
Otherwise, this property becomes equivalent to the evals
property, and a 1-dimensional tensor is returned.
is_evaluated: bool
Whether or not the Solution is fully evaluated.
This property returns True only when all of the evaluation results for all objectives have numeric values other than NaN.
This property assumes that the extra evaluation data is optional, and therefore does not take into consideration whether or not the extra evaluation data contains NaN values. In other words, while determining whether or not a solution is fully evaluated, only the evaluation results corresponding to the objectives are taken into account.
ndim: int
Number of dimensions of the decision values.
For numeric solutions (e.g. of dtype torch.float32
), this returns
1, since such numeric solutions are kepts as 1-dimensional vectors.
When dtype is object
, ndim
is reported as whatever the contained
object reports as its ndim
, or 0 if the contained object does not
have an ndim
senses: Iterable[str]
Objective sense(s) of this Solution's associated Problem.
This is a list of strings, each string being "min" or "max".
shape: Size
Shape of the decision values of the Solution
values: Any
Decision values of the solution
__init__(self, parent, index)
: Initialize the Solution object.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
parent |
SolutionBatch |
The parent SolutionBatch which stores the Solution. |
required |
index |
int |
Index of the solution in SolutionBatch. |
required |
Source code in evotorch/
def __init__(self, parent: SolutionBatch, index: int):
`__init__(...)`: Initialize the Solution object.
parent: The parent SolutionBatch which stores the Solution.
index: Index of the solution in SolutionBatch.
if not isinstance(parent, SolutionBatch):
raise TypeError(
f"Expected a SolutionBatch as a parent, but encountered {repr(parent)},"
f" which is of type {repr(type(parent))}."
index = int(index)
if index < 0:
index = len(parent) + index
if not ((index >= 0) and (index <= len(parent))):
raise IndexError(f"Invalid index: {index}")
self._batch: SolutionBatch = parent[index : index + 1]
Access the evaluation results of the solution. The received tensor will be mutable.
Type | Description |
Tensor |
The evaluation results tensor of the solution. |
access_values(self, *, keep_evals=False)
Access the decision values tensor of the solution. The received tensor will be mutable.
By default, it will be assumed that the user wishes to obtain this tensor to change the decision values, and therefore, the evaluation results associated with this solution will be cleared (i.e. will be NaN).
Name | Type | Description | Default |
keep_evals |
bool |
When this is set to True, the evaluation results associated with this solution will be kept (i.e. will NOT be cleared). |
False |
Type | Description |
Tensor |
The decision values tensor of the solution. |
Source code in evotorch/
def access_values(self, *, keep_evals: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor:
Access the decision values tensor of the solution.
The received tensor will be mutable.
By default, it will be assumed that the user wishes to
obtain this tensor to change the decision values, and therefore,
the evaluation results associated with this solution will be
cleared (i.e. will be NaN).
keep_evals: When this is set to True, the evaluation results
associated with this solution will be kept (i.e. will NOT
be cleared).
The decision values tensor of the solution.
return self._batch.access_values(keep_evals=keep_evals)[0]
Get the objective sense(s) of this Solution's associated Problem.
If the problem is single-objective, then a single string is returned. If the problem is multi-objective, then the objective senses will be returned in a list.
The returned string in the single-objective case, or each returned string in the multi-objective case, is "min" or "max".
Source code in evotorch/
def objective_sense(self) -> ObjectiveSense:
Get the objective sense(s) of this Solution's associated Problem.
If the problem is single-objective, then a single string is returned.
If the problem is multi-objective, then the objective senses will be
returned in a list.
The returned string in the single-objective case, or each returned
string in the multi-objective case, is "min" or "max".
return self._batch.objective_sense
set_evals(self, evals, eval_data=None)
Set the evaluation results of the Solution.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
evals |
Tensor |
New evaluation result(s) for the Solution. For single-objective problems, this argument can be given as a scalar. When this argument is given as a scalar (for single-objective cases) or as a tensor which is long enough to cover for all the objectives but not for the extra evaluation data, then the extra evaluation data will be cleared (in more details, extra evaluation data will be filled with NaN values). |
required |
eval_data |
Optional[Iterable] |
Optionally, the argument |
None |
Source code in evotorch/
def set_evals(self, evals: torch.Tensor, eval_data: Optional[Iterable] = None):
Set the evaluation results of the Solution.
evals: New evaluation result(s) for the Solution.
For single-objective problems, this argument can be given
as a scalar.
When this argument is given as a scalar (for single-objective
cases) or as a tensor which is long enough to cover for
all the objectives but not for the extra evaluation data,
then the extra evaluation data will be cleared
(in more details, extra evaluation data will be filled with
NaN values).
eval_data: Optionally, the argument `eval_data` can be used to
specify extra evaluation data separately.
`eval_data` is expected as a 1-dimensional sequence.
evals = torch.as_tensor(evals, dtype=self.eval_dtype, device=self.device)
if evals.ndim in (0, 1):
evals = evals.reshape(1, -1)
raise ValueError(
f"`set_evals(...)` method of a Solution expects a 1-dimensional or a 2-dimensional"
f" evaluation tensor. However, the received evaluation tensor has {evals.ndim} dimensions"
f" (having a shape of {evals.shape})."
if eval_data is not None:
eval_data = torch.as_tensor(eval_data, dtype=self.eval_dtype, device=self.device)
if eval_data.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError(
f"The argument `eval_data` was expected as a 1-dimensional sequence."
f" However, the shape of `eval_data` is {eval_data.shape}."
eval_data = eval_data.reshape(1, -1)
self._batch.set_evals(evals, eval_data)
set_evaluation(self, evaluation, eval_data=None)
Set the evaluation results of the Solution.
This method is an alias for set_evals(...)
, added for having
a setter counterpart for the evaluation
property of the Solution
Name | Type | Description | Default |
evaluation |
Union[float, Iterable[float], torch.Tensor] |
New evaluation result(s) for the Solution. For single-objective problems, this argument can be given as a scalar. When this argument is given as a scalar (for single-objective cases) or as a tensor which is long enough to cover for all the objectives but not for the extra evaluation data, then the extra evaluation data will be cleared (in more details, extra evaluation data will be filled with NaN values). |
required |
eval_data |
Optional[Iterable] |
Optionally, the argument |
None |
Source code in evotorch/
def set_evaluation(self, evaluation: RealOrVector, eval_data: Optional[Iterable] = None):
Set the evaluation results of the Solution.
This method is an alias for `set_evals(...)`, added for having
a setter counterpart for the `evaluation` property of the Solution
evaluation: New evaluation result(s) for the Solution.
For single-objective problems, this argument can be given
as a scalar.
When this argument is given as a scalar (for single-objective
cases) or as a tensor which is long enough to cover for
all the objectives but not for the extra evaluation data,
then the extra evaluation data will be cleared
(in more details, extra evaluation data will be filled with
NaN values).
eval_data: Optionally, the argument `eval_data` can be used to
specify extra evaluation data separately.
`eval_data` is expected as a 1-dimensional sequence.
self.set_evals(evaluation, eval_data)
set_values(self, values)
Set the decision values of the Solution.
Note that modifying the decision values will result in the evaluation results being getting cleared (in more details, the evaluation results tensor will be filled with NaN values).
Name | Type | Description | Default |
values |
Any |
New decision values for this Solution. |
required |
Source code in evotorch/
def set_values(self, values: Any):
Set the decision values of the Solution.
Note that modifying the decision values will result in the
evaluation results being getting cleared (in more details,
the evaluation results tensor will be filled with NaN values).
values: New decision values for this Solution.
if is_dtype_object(self.dtype):
value_tensor = ObjectArray(1)
value_tensor[0] = values
value_tensor = torch.as_tensor(values, dtype=self.dtype).reshape(1, -1)
to(self, device)
Get the counterpart of this Solution on the new device.
If the specified device is the device of this Solution, then this Solution itself is returned. If the specified device is a different device, then a clone of this Solution on this different device is first created, and then this new clone is returned.
Please note that the to(...)
method is not supported when
the dtype is object
Name | Type | Description | Default |
device |
Union[str, torch.device] |
The device on which the resulting Solution will be stored. |
required |
Type | Description |
Solution |
The Solution on the specified device. |
Source code in evotorch/
def to(self, device: Device) -> "Solution":
Get the counterpart of this Solution on the new device.
If the specified device is the device of this Solution,
then this Solution itself is returned.
If the specified device is a different device, then a clone
of this Solution on this different device is first
created, and then this new clone is returned.
Please note that the `to(...)` method is not supported when
the dtype is `object`.
device: The device on which the resulting Solution
will be stored.
The Solution on the specified device.
return Solution(, 0)
Get the single-row SolutionBatch counterpart of the Solution. The returned SolutionBatch and the Solution have shared storage, meaning that modifying one of them affects the other.
Type | Description |
SolutionBatch |
The SolutionBatch counterpart of the Solution. |
Source code in evotorch/
def to_batch(self) -> SolutionBatch:
Get the single-row SolutionBatch counterpart of the Solution.
The returned SolutionBatch and the Solution have shared
storage, meaning that modifying one of them affects the other.
The SolutionBatch counterpart of the Solution.
return self._batch
SolutionBatch (Serializable)
Representation of a batch of solutions.
A SolutionBatch stores the decision values of multiple solutions in a single contiguous tensor. For numeric and fixed-length problems, this contiguous tensor is a PyTorch tensor. For not-necessarily-numeric and not-necessarily-fixed-length problems, this contiguous tensor is an ObjectArray.
The evalution results and extra evaluation data of the solutions are also stored in an additional contiguous tensor.
Interface-wise, a SolutionBatch behaves like a sequence of
Solution objects. One can get single Solution from a SolutionBatch
via the indexing operator ([]
Additionally, one can iterate over each solution using
the for ... in ...
One can also get a slice of a SolutionBatch.
The slicing of a SolutionBatch results in a new SolutionBatch.
With simple slicing, the obtained SolutionBatch shares its
memory with the original SolutionBatch.
With advanced slicing (i.e. the kind of slicing where the
solution indices are specified one by one, like:
mybatch[[0, 4, 2, 5]]
), the obtained SolutionBatch is a copy,
and does not share any memory with its original.
The decision values of all the stored solutions in the batch can be obtained in a read-only tensor via:
values = batch.values
If one has modified decision values and wishes to put them
into the batch, the set_values(...)
method can be used
as follows:
The evaluation results of the solutions can be obtained in a read-only tensor via:
evals = batch.evals
If one has newly computed evaluation results, and wishes
to put them into the batch, the set_evals(...)
can be used as follows:
Source code in evotorch/
class SolutionBatch(Serializable):
Representation of a batch of solutions.
A SolutionBatch stores the decision values of multiple solutions
in a single contiguous tensor. For numeric and fixed-length
problems, this contiguous tensor is a PyTorch tensor.
For not-necessarily-numeric and not-necessarily-fixed-length
problems, this contiguous tensor is an ObjectArray.
The evalution results and extra evaluation data of the solutions
are also stored in an additional contiguous tensor.
Interface-wise, a SolutionBatch behaves like a sequence of
Solution objects. One can get single Solution from a SolutionBatch
via the indexing operator (`[]`).
Additionally, one can iterate over each solution using
the `for ... in ...` statement.
One can also get a slice of a SolutionBatch.
The slicing of a SolutionBatch results in a new SolutionBatch.
With simple slicing, the obtained SolutionBatch shares its
memory with the original SolutionBatch.
With advanced slicing (i.e. the kind of slicing where the
solution indices are specified one by one, like:
`mybatch[[0, 4, 2, 5]]`), the obtained SolutionBatch is a copy,
and does not share any memory with its original.
The decision values of all the stored solutions in the batch
can be obtained in a read-only tensor via:
values = batch.values
If one has modified decision values and wishes to put them
into the batch, the `set_values(...)` method can be used
as follows:
The evaluation results of the solutions can be obtained
in a read-only tensor via:
evals = batch.evals
If one has newly computed evaluation results, and wishes
to put them into the batch, the `set_evals(...)` method
can be used as follows:
def __init__(
problem: Optional[Problem] = None,
popsize: Optional[int] = None,
device: Optional[Device] = None,
slice_of: Optional[Union[tuple, SolutionBatchSliceInfo]] = None,
like: Optional["SolutionBatch"] = None,
merging_of: Iterable["SolutionBatch"] = None,
empty: Optional[bool] = None,
self._num_objs: int
self._data: Union[torch.Tensor, ObjectArray]
self._descending: Iterable[bool]
self._slice: Optional[IndicesOrSlice] = None
if slice_of is not None:
"While making a new SolutionBatch via slicing",
source: "SolutionBatch"
slice_info: IndicesOrSlice
source, slice_info = slice_of
def safe_slice(t: torch.Tensor, slice_info):
d0 = t.ndim
t = t[slice_info]
d1 = t.ndim
if d0 != d1:
raise ValueError(
"Encountered an illegal slicing operation which would"
" change the shape of the stored tensor(s) of the"
" SolutionBatch."
return t
with torch.no_grad():
# self._data = source._data[slice_info]
# self._evdata = source._evdata[slice_info]
self._data = safe_slice(source._data, slice_info)
self._evdata = safe_slice(source._evdata, slice_info)
self._slice = slice_info
self._descending = source._descending
shares_storage = storage_ptr(self._data) == storage_ptr(source._data)
if not shares_storage:
self._descending = deepcopy(self._descending)
self._num_objs = source._num_objs
elif like is not None:
"While making a new SolutionBatch via the like=... argument",
self._data = empty_tensor_like(like._data, length=popsize, device=device)
self._evdata = empty_tensor_like(like._evdata, length=popsize, device=device)
self._evdata[:] = float("nan")
self._descending = like._descending
self._num_objs = like._num_objs
if not _opt_bool(empty, default=False):
elif merging_of is not None:
"While making a new SolutionBatch via merging",
# Convert `merging_of` into a list.
# While doing that, also count the total number of rows
batches = []
total_rows = 0
for batch in merging_of:
total_rows += len(batch)
# Get essential attributes from the first batch
self._descending = deepcopy(batches[0]._descending)
self._num_objs = batches[0]._num_objs
if isinstance(batches[0]._data, ObjectArray):
def process_data(x):
return deepcopy(x)
self._data = ObjectArray(total_rows)
def process_data(x):
return x
self._data = empty_tensor_like(batches[0]._data, length=total_rows)
self._evdata = empty_tensor_like(batches[0]._evdata, length=total_rows)
row_begin = 0
for batch in batches:
row_end = row_begin + len(batch)
self._data[row_begin:row_end] = process_data(batch._data)
self._evdata[row_begin:row_end] = batch._evdata
row_begin = row_end
elif problem is not None:
"While making a new SolutionBatch with a given problem",
if device is None:
device = problem.device
self._num_objs = len(problem.senses)
if problem.dtype is object:
if str(device) != "cpu":
raise ValueError("Cannot create a batch containing arbitrary objects on a device other than cpu")
self._data = ObjectArray(popsize)
self._data = torch.empty((popsize, problem.solution_length), device=device, dtype=problem.dtype)
if not _opt_bool(empty, default=False):
self._data[:] = problem.generate_values(len(self._data))
self._evdata = problem.make_nan(
popsize, self._num_objs + problem.eval_data_length, device=device, use_eval_dtype=True
self._descending = problem.get_obj_order_descending()
raise ValueError("Invalid call to the __init__(...) of SolutionBatch")
def _normalize_row_index(self, i: int) -> int:
i = int(i)
org_i = i
if i < 0:
i = int(self._data.shape[0]) + i
if (i < 0) or (i > (self._data.shape[0] - 1)):
raise IndexError(f"Invalid row: {org_i}")
return i
def _normalize_obj_index(self, i: int) -> int:
i = int(i)
org_i = i
if i < 0:
i = self._num_objs + i
if (i < 0) or (i > (self._num_objs)):
raise IndexError(f"Invalid objective index: {org_i}")
return i
def _optionally_get_obj_index(self, i: Optional[int]) -> int:
if i is None:
if self._num_objs != 1:
raise ValueError(
f"The objective index was given as None."
f" However, the number of objectives is not 1,"
f" it is {self._num_objs}."
f" Therefore, the objective index is not optional,"
f" and must be provided as an integer, not as None."
return 0
return self._normalize_obj_index(i)
def argsort(self, obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Return the indices of solutions, sorted from best to worst.
obj_index: The objective index. Can be passed as None
if the problem is single-objective. Otherwise,
expected as an int.
A PyTorch tensor, containing the solution indices,
sorted from the best solution to the worst.
obj_index = self._optionally_get_obj_index(obj_index)
descending = self._descending[obj_index]
ev_col = self._evdata[:, obj_index]
return torch.argsort(ev_col, descending=descending)
def compute_pareto_ranks(self, crowdsort: bool = True) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
Compute the pareto-ranks of the solutions in the batch.
crowdsort: If given as True, each front in itself
will be sorted from the least crowding solution
to the most crowding solution.
If given as False, there will be no crowd-sorting.
ranks (torch.Tensor): The computed pareto ranks, of shape [num_samples,]
Ranks are encoded in the form 'lowest is best'. So solutions in the pareto front will be assigned rank 0,
solutions in the next non-dominated set (excluding the pareto front) will be assigned rank 1, and so on.
crowdsort_ranks (Optional[torch.Tensor]): The computed crowd sort ranks, only returned if crowdsort=True. Otherwise, None is returned.
Solutions within a front are assigned a crowding score, as described in the above paper.
Then, the solution with the best crowding score within a front of size K is assigned rank 0, and the solution with the
worst crowding score within a front is assigned rank K-1.
utils = self.utils()
ranks, crowdsort_ranks = _compute_pareto_ranks(utils, crowdsort)
return ranks, crowdsort_ranks
def arg_pareto_sort(self, crowdsort: bool = True) -> ParetoInfo:
Pareto-sort the solutions in the batch.
The result is a namedtuple consisting of two elements:
`fronts` and `ranks`.
Let us assume that we have 5 solutions, and after a
pareto-sorting they ended up in this order:
front 0 (best front) : solution 1, solution 2
front 1 : solution 0, solution 4
front 2 (worst front): solution 3
Considering the example ordering above, the returned
ParetoInfo instance looks like this:
fronts=[[1, 2], [0, 4], [3]],
ranks=tensor([1, 0, 0, 2, 1])
where `fronts` stores the solution indices grouped by
pareto fronts; and `ranks` stores, as a tensor of int64,
the pareto rank for each solution (where 0 means best
crowdsort: If given as True, each front in itself
will be sorted from the least crowding solution
to the most crowding solution.
If given as False, there will be no crowd-sorting.
A ParetoInfo instance
utils = self.utils()
fronts, ranks = _pareto_sort(utils, crowdsort)
return ParetoInfo(fronts=fronts, ranks=ranks)
def argbest(self, obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Return the best solution's index
obj_index: The objective index. Can be passed as None
if the problem is single-objective. Otherwise,
expected as an int.
The index of the best solution.
obj_index = self._optionally_get_obj_index(obj_index)
descending = self._descending[obj_index]
argf = torch.argmax if descending else torch.argmin
return argf(self._evdata[:, obj_index])
def argworst(self, obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Return the worst solution's index
obj_index: The objective index. Can be passed as None
if the problem is single-objective. Otherwise,
expected as an int.
The index of the worst solution.
obj_index = self._optionally_get_obj_index(obj_index)
descending = self._descending[obj_index]
argf = torch.argmin if descending else torch.argmax
return argf(self._evdata[:, obj_index])
def _get_objective_sign(self, i_obj: int) -> float:
if self._descending[i_obj]:
return 1.0
return -1.0
def set_values(self, values: Any, *, solutions: MaybeIndicesOrSlice = None):
Set the decision values of the solutions.
values: New decision values.
solutions: Optionally a list of integer indices or an instance
of `slice(...)`, to be used if one wishes to set the
decision values of only some of the solutions.
if solutions is None:
solutions = slice(None, None, None)
self._data[solutions] = values
self._evdata[solutions] = float("nan")
def set_evals(
evals: torch.Tensor,
eval_data: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
solutions: MaybeIndicesOrSlice = None,
Set the evaluations of the solutions.
evals: A numeric tensor which contains the evaluation results.
Acceptable shapes are as follows:
`(n,)` only to be used for single-objective problems, sets
the evaluation results of the target `n` solutions, and clears
(where clearing means to fill with NaN values)
extra evaluation data (if the problem has allocations for such
extra evaluation data);
`(n,m)` where `m` is the number of objectives, sets the
evaluation results of the target `n` solutions, and clears
their extra evaluation data;
`(n,m+q)` where `m` is the number of objectives and `q` is the
length of extra evaluation data, sets the evaluation result
and extra data of the target `n` solutions.
eval_data: To be used only when the problem has extra evaluation
data. Optionally, one can pass the extra evaluation data
separately via this argument (instead of jointly through
a single tensor via `evals`).
The expected shape of this tensor is `(n,q)` where `n`
is the number of solutions and `q` is the length of the
extra evaluation data.
solutions: Optionally a list of integer indices or an instance
of `slice(...)`, to be used if one wishes to set the
evaluations of only some of the solutions.
ValueError: if the given tensor has an incompatible shape.
if solutions is None:
solutions = slice(None, None, None)
num_solutions = self._evdata.shape[0]
elif isinstance(solutions, slice):
num_solutions = self._evdata[solutions].shape[0]
elif is_sequence(solutions):
num_solutions = len(solutions)
total_eval_width = self._evdata.shape[1]
num_objs = self._num_objs
num_data = total_eval_width - num_objs
if evals.ndim == 1:
if num_objs != 1:
raise ValueError(
f"The method `set_evals(...)` was given a 1-dimensional tensor."
f" However, the number of objectives of the problem at hand is {num_objs}, not 1."
f" 1-dimensional evaluation tensors can only be accepted if the problem"
f" has one objective."
evals = evals.reshape(-1, 1)
elif evals.ndim == 2:
pass # nothing to do here
if num_objs == 1:
raise ValueError(
f"The method `set_evals(...)` received a tensor with {evals.ndim} dimensions."
f" Since the problem at hand has only one objective,"
f" 1-dimensional or 2-dimensional tensors are acceptable, but not {evals.ndim}-dimensional ones."
raise ValueError(
f"The method `set_evals(...)` received a tensor with {evals.ndim} dimensions."
f" Since the problem at hand has more than one objective (there are {num_objs} objectives),"
f" only 2-dimensional tensors are acceptable, not {evals.ndim}-dimensional ones."
[nrows, ncols] = evals.shape
if nrows != num_solutions:
raise ValueError(
f"Trying to set the evaluations of {num_solutions} solutions, but the given tensor has {nrows} rows."
if eval_data is not None:
if eval_data.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError(
f"The `eval_data` argument was expected as a 2-dimensional tensor."
f" However, the shape of the given `eval_data` is {eval_data.shape}."
if eval_data.shape[1] != num_data:
raise ValueError(
f"The `eval_data` argument was expected to have {num_data} columns."
f" However, the received `eval_data` has the shape: {eval_data.shape}."
if ncols != num_objs:
raise ValueError(
f"The method `set_evals(...)` was used with `evals` and `eval_data` arguments."
f" When both of these arguments are provided, `evals` is expected either as a 1-dimensional tensor"
f" (for single-objective cases only), or as a tensor of shape (n, m) where n is the number of"
f" solutions, and m is the number of objectives."
f" However, while the problem at hand has {num_objs} objectives,"
f" the `evals` tensor has {ncols} columns."
if evals.shape[0] != eval_data.shape[0]:
raise ValueError(
f"The provided `evals` and `eval_data` tensors have incompatible shapes."
f" Shape of `evals`: {evals.shape},"
f" shape of `eval_data`: {eval_data.shape}."
self._evdata[solutions, :] = torch.hstack([evals, eval_data])
if ncols == num_objs:
self._evdata[solutions, :num_objs] = evals
self._evdata[solutions, num_objs:] = float("nan")
elif ncols == total_eval_width:
self._evdata[solutions, :] = evals
raise ValueError(
f"The method `set_evals(...)` received a tensor with {ncols} columns, which is incompatible."
f" Acceptable number of columns are: {num_objs}"
f" (for setting only the objective-associated evaluations and leave extra evaluation data as NaN), or"
f" {total_eval_width} (for setting both objective-associated evaluations and extra evaluation data)."
def evals(self) -> torch.Tensor:
Evaluation results of the solutions, in a ReadOnlyTensor
from .tools.readonlytensor import as_read_only_tensor
with torch.no_grad():
return as_read_only_tensor(self._evdata)
def values(self) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Iterable]:
Decision values of the solutions, in a read-only tensor-like object
from .tools.readonlytensor import as_read_only_tensor
with torch.no_grad():
return as_read_only_tensor(self._data)
# @property
# def unsafe_evals(self) -> torch.Tensor:
# """
# It is not recommended to use this property.
# Grants mutable access to the evaluations of the solutions.
# """
# return self._evdata
# @property
# def unsafe_values(self) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Iterable]:
# """
# It is not recommended to use this property.
# Grants mutable access to the decision values of the solutions.
# """
# return self._data
def access_evals(self, obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> torch.Tensor:
Get the internal mutable tensor storing the evaluations.
IMPORTANT: This method exposes the evaluation tensor of the batch
as it is, in mutable mode. It is therefore considered unsafe to rely
on this method. Before using this method, please consider using the
`evals` property for reading the evaluation results, and using the
`set_evals(...)` method which allows one to update the evaluations
without exposing any internal tensor.
When this method is used without any argument, the returned tensor
will be of shape `(n, m)`, where `n` is the number of solutions,
and `m` is the number of objectives plus the length of extra
evaluation data.
When this method is used with an integer argument specifying an
objective index, the returned tensor will be 1-dimensional
having a length of `n`, where `n` is the number of solutions.
In this case, the returned 1-dimensional tensor will be a view
upon the evaluation results of the specified objective.
The value `nan` (not-a-number) means not evaluated yet.
obj_index: None for getting the entire 2-dimensional evaluation
tensor; an objective index (as integer) for getting a
1-dimensional mutable slice of the evaluation tensor,
the slice being a view upon the evaluation results
regarding the specified objective.
The mutable tensor storing the evaluation information.
if obj_index is None:
return self._evdata
return self._evdata[:, self._normalize_obj_index(obj_index)]
def access_values(self, *, keep_evals: bool = False) -> Union[torch.Tensor, ObjectArray]:
Get the internal mutable tensor storing the decision values.
IMPORTANT: This method exposes the internal decision values tensor of
the batch as it is, in mutable mode. It is therefore considered unsafe
to rely on this method. Before using this method, please consider
using the `values` property for reading the decision values, and using
the `set_values(...)` method which allows one to update the decision
values without exposing any internal tensor.
IMPORTANT: The default assumption of this method is that the tensor
is requested for modification purposes. Therefore, by default, as soon
as this method is called, the evaluation results of the solutions will
be cleared (where clearing means that the evaluation results will be
filled with `NaN`s).
The reasoning behind this default behavior is to prevent the modified
solutions from having outdated evaluation results.
keep_evals: If set as False, the evaluation data of the solutions
will be cleared (i.e. will be filled with `NaN`s).
If set as True, the existing evaluation data will be kept.
The mutable tensor storing the decision values.
if not keep_evals:
return self._data
def forget_evals(self, *, solutions: MaybeIndicesOrSlice = None):
Forget the evaluations of the solutions.
The evaluation results will be cleared, which means that they will
be filled with `NaN`s.
if solutions is None:
solutions = slice(None, None, None)
self._evdata[solutions, :] = float("nan")
def utility(
obj_index: Optional[int] = None,
ranking_method: Optional[str] = None,
check_nans: bool = True,
using_values_dtype: bool = False,
) -> torch.Tensor:
Return numeric scores for each solution.
Utility scores are different from evaluation results,
in the sense that utilities monotonically increase from
bad solutions to good solutions, regardless of the
objective sense.
**If ranking method is passed as None:**
if the objective sense is 'max', the evaluation results are returned
as the utility scores; otherwise, if the objective sense is 'min',
the evaluation results multiplied by -1 are returned as the
utility scores.
**If the name of a ranking method is given** (e.g. 'centered'):
then the solutions are ranked (best solutions having the
highest rank), and those ranks are returned as the utility
**If an objective index is not provided:** (i.e. passed as None)
if the problem is multi-objective, the utility scores
for each objective is given, in a tensor shaped (n, m),
n being the number of solutions and m being the number
of objectives; otherwise, if the problem is single-objective,
the utility scores for each objective is given in a 1-dimensional
tensor of length n, n being the number of solutions.
**If an objective index is provided as an int:**
the utility scores are returned in a 1-dimensional tensor
of length n, n being the number of solutions.
obj_index: Expected as None, or as an integer.
In the single-objective case, None is equivalent to 0.
In the multi-objective case, None means "for each
ranking_method: If the utility scores are to be generated
according to a certain ranking method, pass here the name
of that ranking method as a str (e.g. 'centered').
check_nans: Check for nan (not-a-number) values in the
evaluation results, which is an indication of
unevaluated solutions.
using_values_dtype: If True, the utility values will be returned
using the dtype of the decision values.
If False, the utility values will be returned using the dtype
of the evaluation data.
The default is False.
Utility scores, in a PyTorch tensor.
if obj_index is not None:
obj_index = self._normalize_obj_index(obj_index)
evdata = self._evdata[:, obj_index]
if check_nans:
if torch.any(torch.isnan(evdata)):
raise ValueError(
"Cannot compute the utility values, because there are solutions which are not evaluated yet."
if ranking_method is None:
result = evdata * self._get_objective_sign(obj_index)
result = rank(evdata, ranking_method=ranking_method, higher_is_better=self._descending[obj_index])
if using_values_dtype:
result = torch.as_tensor(result, dtype=self._data.dtype, device=self._data.device)
return result
if self._num_objs == 1:
return self.utility(
0, ranking_method=ranking_method, check_nans=check_nans, using_values_dtype=using_values_dtype
return torch.stack(
for j in range(self._num_objs)
def utils(
ranking_method: Optional[str] = None,
check_nans: bool = True,
using_values_dtype: bool = False,
) -> torch.Tensor:
Return numeric scores for each solution, and for each objective.
Utility scores are different from evaluation results,
in the sense that utilities monotonically increase from
bad solutions to good solutions, regardless of the
objective sense.
Unlike the method called `utility(...)`, this function returns
a 2-dimensional tensor even when the problem is single-objective.
The result of this method is always a 2-dimensional tensor of
shape `(n, m)`, `n` being the number of solutions, `m` being the
number of objectives.
ranking_method: If the utility scores are to be generated
according to a certain ranking method, pass here the name
of that ranking method as a str (e.g. 'centered').
check_nans: Check for nan (not-a-number) values in the
evaluation results, which is an indication of
unevaluated solutions.
using_values_dtype: If True, the utility values will be returned
using the dtype of the decision values.
If False, the utility values will be returned using the dtype
of the evaluation data.
The default is False.
Utility scores, in a 2-dimensional PyTorch tensor.
result = self.utility(
ranking_method=ranking_method, check_nans=check_nans, using_values_dtype=using_values_dtype
if result.ndim == 1:
result = result.view(len(result), 1)
return result
def split(self, num_pieces: Optional[int] = None, *, max_size: Optional[int] = None) -> "SolutionBatchPieces":
"""Split this SolutionBatch into a specified number of pieces,
or into an unspecified number of pieces where the maximum
size of each piece is specified.
num_pieces: Can be provided as an integer n, which means
that the this SolutionBatch will be split to n pieces.
Alternatively, can be left as None if the user intends
to set max_size as an integer instead.
max_size: Can be provided as an integer n, which means
that this SolutionBatch will be split to multiple
pieces, each piece containing n solutions at most.
Alternatively, can be left as None if the user intends
to set num_pieces as an integer instead.
A SolutionBatchPieces object, which behaves like a list of
SolutionBatch objects, each object in the list being a
slice view of this SolutionBatch object.
return SolutionBatchPieces(self, num_pieces=num_pieces, max_size=max_size)
def concat(self, other: Union["SolutionBatch", Iterable]) -> "SolutionBatch":
"""Concatenate this SolutionBatch with the other(s).
In this context, concatenation means that the solutions of
this SolutionBatch and of the others are collected in one big
SolutionBatch object.
other: A SolutionBatch, or a sequence of SolutionBatch objects.
A new SolutionBatch object which is the result of the
if isinstance(other, SolutionBatch):
lst = [self, other]
lst = [self]
return SolutionBatch(merging_of=lst)
def take(self, indices: Iterable) -> "SolutionBatch":
"""Make a new SolutionBatch containing the specified solutions.
indices: A sequence of solution indices. These specified
solutions will make it to the newly made SolutionBatch.
The new SolutionBatch.
if is_sequence(indices):
return type(self)(slice_of=(self, indices))
raise TypeError("Expected a sequence of solution indices, but got a `{type(indices)}`")
def take_best(self, n: int, *, obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> "SolutionBatch":
"""Make a new SolutionBatch containing the best `n` solutions.
n: Number of solutions which will be taken.
obj_index: Objective index according to which the best ones
will be taken.
If `obj_index` is left as None and the problem is multi-
objective, then the solutions will be ranked according to
their fronts, and according how crowding they are, and then
the topmost `n` solutions will be taken.
If `obj_index` is left as None and the problem is single-
objective, then that single objective will be taken as the
ranking criterion.
The new SolutionBatch.
if obj_index is None and self._num_objs >= 2:
ranks, crowdsort_ranks = self.compute_pareto_ranks(crowdsort=True)
# Combine the ranks, such that solutions with a better crowdsort rank are weighted above solutions with the same pareto rank **only**
combined_ranks = + 0.1 * / len(self)
indices = torch.argsort(combined_ranks)[:n]
indices = self.argsort(obj_index)[:n]
return type(self)(slice_of=(self, indices))
def __getitem__(self, i):
if isinstance(i, slice) or is_sequence(i) or isinstance(i, type(...)):
return type(self)(slice_of=(self, i))
return Solution(parent=self, index=i)
def __len__(self):
return int(self._data.shape[0])
def __iter__(self):
for i in range(len(self)):
yield self[i]
def _get_cloned_state(self, *, memo: dict) -> dict:
with _no_grad_if_basic_dtype(self.dtype):
return deep_clone(
def to(self, device: Device) -> "SolutionBatch":
Get the counterpart of this SolutionBatch on the new device.
If the specified device is the device of this SolutionBatch,
then this SolutionBatch itself is returned.
If the specified device is a different device, then a clone
of this SolutionBatch on this different device is first
created, and then this new clone is returned.
Please note that the `to(...)` method is not supported when
the dtype is `object`.
device: The device on which the resulting SolutionBatch
will be stored.
The SolutionBatch on the specified device.
if isinstance(self._data, ObjectArray):
raise ValueError("The `to(...)` method is not supported when the dtype is `object`.")
device = torch.device(device)
if device == self.device:
return self
new_batch = SolutionBatch(like=self, device=device, empty=True)
with torch.no_grad():
new_batch._data[:] =
new_batch._evdata[:] =
return new_batch
def device(self) -> Device:
The device in which the solutions are stored.
return self._data.device
def dtype(self) -> DType:
The dtype of the decision values of the solutions.
This property exists as an alias for the property
return self._data.dtype
def values_dtype(self) -> DType:
The dtype of the decision values of the solutions.
return self._data.dtype
def eval_dtype(self) -> DType:
The dtype of the evaluation results and extra evaluation data
of the solutions.
return self._evdata.dtype
def values_shape(self) -> torch.Size:
The shape of the batch's decision values tensor, as a tuple (n, l),
where `n` is the number of solutions, and `l` is the length
of a single solution.
If `dtype=None`, then there is no fixed length.
Therefore, the shape is returned as (n,).
return self._data.shape
def eval_shape(self) -> torch.Size:
The shape of the batch's evaluation tensor, as a tuple (n, l),
where `n` is the number of solutions, and `l` is an integer
which is equal to number of objectives plus the length of the
extra evaluation data, if any.
return self._evdata.shape
def solution_length(self) -> Optional[int]:
Get the length of a solution, if this batch is numeric.
For non-numeric batches (i.e. batches with dtype=object),
`solution_length` is given as None.
if self._data.ndim == 2:
return self._data.shape[1]
return None
def objective_sense(self) -> ObjectiveSense:
Get the objective sense(s) of this batch's associated Problem.
If the problem is single-objective, then a single string is returned.
If the problem is multi-objective, then the objective senses will be
returned in a list.
The returned string in the single-objective case, or each returned
string in the multi-objective case, is "min" or "max".
if len(self.senses) == 1:
return self.senses[0]
return self.senses
def senses(self) -> Iterable[str]:
Objective sense(s) of this batch's associated Problem.
This is a list of strings, each string being "min" or "max".
def desc_to_sense(desc: bool) -> str:
return "max" if desc else "min"
return [desc_to_sense(desc) for desc in self._descending]
def cat(solution_batches: Iterable) -> "SolutionBatch":
Concatenate multiple SolutionBatch instances into one.
solution_batches: An Iterable of SolutionBatch objects to
The result of the concatenation, as a new SolutionBatch.
first = None
rest = []
for i, batch in enumerate(solution_batches):
if not isinstance(batch, SolutionBatch):
raise TypeError(f"Expected a SolutionBatch but got {repr(batch)}")
if i == 0:
first = batch
return first.concat(rest)
device: Union[str, torch.device]
The device in which the solutions are stored.
dtype: Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]
The dtype of the decision values of the solutions.
This property exists as an alias for the property
eval_dtype: Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]
The dtype of the evaluation results and extra evaluation data of the solutions.
eval_shape: Size
The shape of the batch's evaluation tensor, as a tuple (n, l),
where n
is the number of solutions, and l
is an integer
which is equal to number of objectives plus the length of the
extra evaluation data, if any.
evals: Tensor
Evaluation results of the solutions, in a ReadOnlyTensor
objective_sense: Union[str, Iterable[str]]
Get the objective sense(s) of this batch's associated Problem.
If the problem is single-objective, then a single string is returned. If the problem is multi-objective, then the objective senses will be returned in a list.
The returned string in the single-objective case, or each returned string in the multi-objective case, is "min" or "max".
senses: Iterable[str]
Objective sense(s) of this batch's associated Problem.
This is a list of strings, each string being "min" or "max".
solution_length: Optional[int]
Get the length of a solution, if this batch is numeric.
For non-numeric batches (i.e. batches with dtype=object),
is given as None.
values: Union[torch.Tensor, Iterable]
Decision values of the solutions, in a read-only tensor-like object
values_dtype: Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]
The dtype of the decision values of the solutions.
values_shape: Size
The shape of the batch's decision values tensor, as a tuple (n, l),
where n
is the number of solutions, and l
is the length
of a single solution.
If dtype=None
, then there is no fixed length.
Therefore, the shape is returned as (n,).
access_evals(self, obj_index=None)
Get the internal mutable tensor storing the evaluations.
IMPORTANT: This method exposes the evaluation tensor of the batch
as it is, in mutable mode. It is therefore considered unsafe to rely
on this method. Before using this method, please consider using the
property for reading the evaluation results, and using the
method which allows one to update the evaluations
without exposing any internal tensor.
When this method is used without any argument, the returned tensor
will be of shape (n, m)
, where n
is the number of solutions,
and m
is the number of objectives plus the length of extra
evaluation data.
When this method is used with an integer argument specifying an
objective index, the returned tensor will be 1-dimensional
having a length of n
, where n
is the number of solutions.
In this case, the returned 1-dimensional tensor will be a view
upon the evaluation results of the specified objective.
The value nan
(not-a-number) means not evaluated yet.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
obj_index |
Optional[int] |
None for getting the entire 2-dimensional evaluation tensor; an objective index (as integer) for getting a 1-dimensional mutable slice of the evaluation tensor, the slice being a view upon the evaluation results regarding the specified objective. |
None |
Type | Description |
Tensor |
The mutable tensor storing the evaluation information. |
Source code in evotorch/
def access_evals(self, obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> torch.Tensor:
Get the internal mutable tensor storing the evaluations.
IMPORTANT: This method exposes the evaluation tensor of the batch
as it is, in mutable mode. It is therefore considered unsafe to rely
on this method. Before using this method, please consider using the
`evals` property for reading the evaluation results, and using the
`set_evals(...)` method which allows one to update the evaluations
without exposing any internal tensor.
When this method is used without any argument, the returned tensor
will be of shape `(n, m)`, where `n` is the number of solutions,
and `m` is the number of objectives plus the length of extra
evaluation data.
When this method is used with an integer argument specifying an
objective index, the returned tensor will be 1-dimensional
having a length of `n`, where `n` is the number of solutions.
In this case, the returned 1-dimensional tensor will be a view
upon the evaluation results of the specified objective.
The value `nan` (not-a-number) means not evaluated yet.
obj_index: None for getting the entire 2-dimensional evaluation
tensor; an objective index (as integer) for getting a
1-dimensional mutable slice of the evaluation tensor,
the slice being a view upon the evaluation results
regarding the specified objective.
The mutable tensor storing the evaluation information.
if obj_index is None:
return self._evdata
return self._evdata[:, self._normalize_obj_index(obj_index)]
access_values(self, *, keep_evals=False)
Get the internal mutable tensor storing the decision values.
IMPORTANT: This method exposes the internal decision values tensor of
the batch as it is, in mutable mode. It is therefore considered unsafe
to rely on this method. Before using this method, please consider
using the values
property for reading the decision values, and using
the set_values(...)
method which allows one to update the decision
values without exposing any internal tensor.
IMPORTANT: The default assumption of this method is that the tensor
is requested for modification purposes. Therefore, by default, as soon
as this method is called, the evaluation results of the solutions will
be cleared (where clearing means that the evaluation results will be
filled with NaN
The reasoning behind this default behavior is to prevent the modified
solutions from having outdated evaluation results.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
keep_evals |
bool |
If set as False, the evaluation data of the solutions
will be cleared (i.e. will be filled with |
False |
Type | Description |
Union[torch.Tensor,] |
The mutable tensor storing the decision values. |
Source code in evotorch/
def access_values(self, *, keep_evals: bool = False) -> Union[torch.Tensor, ObjectArray]:
Get the internal mutable tensor storing the decision values.
IMPORTANT: This method exposes the internal decision values tensor of
the batch as it is, in mutable mode. It is therefore considered unsafe
to rely on this method. Before using this method, please consider
using the `values` property for reading the decision values, and using
the `set_values(...)` method which allows one to update the decision
values without exposing any internal tensor.
IMPORTANT: The default assumption of this method is that the tensor
is requested for modification purposes. Therefore, by default, as soon
as this method is called, the evaluation results of the solutions will
be cleared (where clearing means that the evaluation results will be
filled with `NaN`s).
The reasoning behind this default behavior is to prevent the modified
solutions from having outdated evaluation results.
keep_evals: If set as False, the evaluation data of the solutions
will be cleared (i.e. will be filled with `NaN`s).
If set as True, the existing evaluation data will be kept.
The mutable tensor storing the decision values.
if not keep_evals:
return self._data
arg_pareto_sort(self, crowdsort=True)
Pareto-sort the solutions in the batch.
The result is a namedtuple consisting of two elements:
and ranks
Let us assume that we have 5 solutions, and after a
pareto-sorting they ended up in this order:
front 0 (best front) : solution 1, solution 2
front 1 : solution 0, solution 4
front 2 (worst front): solution 3
Considering the example ordering above, the returned ParetoInfo instance looks like this:
fronts=[[1, 2], [0, 4], [3]],
ranks=tensor([1, 0, 0, 2, 1])
where fronts
stores the solution indices grouped by
pareto fronts; and ranks
stores, as a tensor of int64,
the pareto rank for each solution (where 0 means best
Name | Type | Description | Default |
crowdsort |
bool |
If given as True, each front in itself will be sorted from the least crowding solution to the most crowding solution. If given as False, there will be no crowd-sorting. |
True |
Type | Description |
ParetoInfo |
A ParetoInfo instance |
Source code in evotorch/
def arg_pareto_sort(self, crowdsort: bool = True) -> ParetoInfo:
Pareto-sort the solutions in the batch.
The result is a namedtuple consisting of two elements:
`fronts` and `ranks`.
Let us assume that we have 5 solutions, and after a
pareto-sorting they ended up in this order:
front 0 (best front) : solution 1, solution 2
front 1 : solution 0, solution 4
front 2 (worst front): solution 3
Considering the example ordering above, the returned
ParetoInfo instance looks like this:
fronts=[[1, 2], [0, 4], [3]],
ranks=tensor([1, 0, 0, 2, 1])
where `fronts` stores the solution indices grouped by
pareto fronts; and `ranks` stores, as a tensor of int64,
the pareto rank for each solution (where 0 means best
crowdsort: If given as True, each front in itself
will be sorted from the least crowding solution
to the most crowding solution.
If given as False, there will be no crowd-sorting.
A ParetoInfo instance
utils = self.utils()
fronts, ranks = _pareto_sort(utils, crowdsort)
return ParetoInfo(fronts=fronts, ranks=ranks)
argbest(self, obj_index=None)
Return the best solution's index
Name | Type | Description | Default |
obj_index |
Optional[int] |
The objective index. Can be passed as None if the problem is single-objective. Otherwise, expected as an int. |
None |
Type | Description |
Tensor |
The index of the best solution. |
Source code in evotorch/
def argbest(self, obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Return the best solution's index
obj_index: The objective index. Can be passed as None
if the problem is single-objective. Otherwise,
expected as an int.
The index of the best solution.
obj_index = self._optionally_get_obj_index(obj_index)
descending = self._descending[obj_index]
argf = torch.argmax if descending else torch.argmin
return argf(self._evdata[:, obj_index])
argsort(self, obj_index=None)
Return the indices of solutions, sorted from best to worst.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
obj_index |
Optional[int] |
The objective index. Can be passed as None if the problem is single-objective. Otherwise, expected as an int. |
None |
Type | Description |
Tensor |
A PyTorch tensor, containing the solution indices, sorted from the best solution to the worst. |
Source code in evotorch/
def argsort(self, obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Return the indices of solutions, sorted from best to worst.
obj_index: The objective index. Can be passed as None
if the problem is single-objective. Otherwise,
expected as an int.
A PyTorch tensor, containing the solution indices,
sorted from the best solution to the worst.
obj_index = self._optionally_get_obj_index(obj_index)
descending = self._descending[obj_index]
ev_col = self._evdata[:, obj_index]
return torch.argsort(ev_col, descending=descending)
argworst(self, obj_index=None)
Return the worst solution's index
Name | Type | Description | Default |
obj_index |
Optional[int] |
The objective index. Can be passed as None if the problem is single-objective. Otherwise, expected as an int. |
None |
Type | Description |
Tensor |
The index of the worst solution. |
Source code in evotorch/
def argworst(self, obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Return the worst solution's index
obj_index: The objective index. Can be passed as None
if the problem is single-objective. Otherwise,
expected as an int.
The index of the worst solution.
obj_index = self._optionally_get_obj_index(obj_index)
descending = self._descending[obj_index]
argf = torch.argmin if descending else torch.argmax
return argf(self._evdata[:, obj_index])
Concatenate multiple SolutionBatch instances into one.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
solution_batches |
Iterable |
An Iterable of SolutionBatch objects to concatenate. |
required |
Type | Description |
SolutionBatch |
The result of the concatenation, as a new SolutionBatch. |
Source code in evotorch/
def cat(solution_batches: Iterable) -> "SolutionBatch":
Concatenate multiple SolutionBatch instances into one.
solution_batches: An Iterable of SolutionBatch objects to
The result of the concatenation, as a new SolutionBatch.
first = None
rest = []
for i, batch in enumerate(solution_batches):
if not isinstance(batch, SolutionBatch):
raise TypeError(f"Expected a SolutionBatch but got {repr(batch)}")
if i == 0:
first = batch
return first.concat(rest)
compute_pareto_ranks(self, crowdsort=True)
Compute the pareto-ranks of the solutions in the batch.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
crowdsort |
bool |
If given as True, each front in itself will be sorted from the least crowding solution to the most crowding solution. If given as False, there will be no crowd-sorting. |
True |
Type | Description |
ranks (torch.Tensor) |
The computed pareto ranks, of shape [num_samples,] Ranks are encoded in the form 'lowest is best'. So solutions in the pareto front will be assigned rank 0, solutions in the next non-dominated set (excluding the pareto front) will be assigned rank 1, and so on. crowdsort_ranks (Optional[torch.Tensor]): The computed crowd sort ranks, only returned if crowdsort=True. Otherwise, None is returned. Solutions within a front are assigned a crowding score, as described in the above paper. Then, the solution with the best crowding score within a front of size K is assigned rank 0, and the solution with the worst crowding score within a front is assigned rank K-1. |
Source code in evotorch/
def compute_pareto_ranks(self, crowdsort: bool = True) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
Compute the pareto-ranks of the solutions in the batch.
crowdsort: If given as True, each front in itself
will be sorted from the least crowding solution
to the most crowding solution.
If given as False, there will be no crowd-sorting.
ranks (torch.Tensor): The computed pareto ranks, of shape [num_samples,]
Ranks are encoded in the form 'lowest is best'. So solutions in the pareto front will be assigned rank 0,
solutions in the next non-dominated set (excluding the pareto front) will be assigned rank 1, and so on.
crowdsort_ranks (Optional[torch.Tensor]): The computed crowd sort ranks, only returned if crowdsort=True. Otherwise, None is returned.
Solutions within a front are assigned a crowding score, as described in the above paper.
Then, the solution with the best crowding score within a front of size K is assigned rank 0, and the solution with the
worst crowding score within a front is assigned rank K-1.
utils = self.utils()
ranks, crowdsort_ranks = _compute_pareto_ranks(utils, crowdsort)
return ranks, crowdsort_ranks
concat(self, other)
Concatenate this SolutionBatch with the other(s).
In this context, concatenation means that the solutions of this SolutionBatch and of the others are collected in one big SolutionBatch object.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
other |
Union[SolutionBatch, Iterable] |
A SolutionBatch, or a sequence of SolutionBatch objects. |
required |
Type | Description |
SolutionBatch |
A new SolutionBatch object which is the result of the concatenation. |
Source code in evotorch/
def concat(self, other: Union["SolutionBatch", Iterable]) -> "SolutionBatch":
"""Concatenate this SolutionBatch with the other(s).
In this context, concatenation means that the solutions of
this SolutionBatch and of the others are collected in one big
SolutionBatch object.
other: A SolutionBatch, or a sequence of SolutionBatch objects.
A new SolutionBatch object which is the result of the
if isinstance(other, SolutionBatch):
lst = [self, other]
lst = [self]
return SolutionBatch(merging_of=lst)
forget_evals(self, *, solutions=None)
Forget the evaluations of the solutions.
The evaluation results will be cleared, which means that they will
be filled with NaN
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def forget_evals(self, *, solutions: MaybeIndicesOrSlice = None):
Forget the evaluations of the solutions.
The evaluation results will be cleared, which means that they will
be filled with `NaN`s.
if solutions is None:
solutions = slice(None, None, None)
self._evdata[solutions, :] = float("nan")
set_evals(self, evals, eval_data=None, *, solutions=None)
Set the evaluations of the solutions.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
evals |
Tensor |
A numeric tensor which contains the evaluation results.
Acceptable shapes are as follows:
required |
eval_data |
Optional[torch.Tensor] |
To be used only when the problem has extra evaluation
data. Optionally, one can pass the extra evaluation data
separately via this argument (instead of jointly through
a single tensor via |
None |
solutions |
Union[int, Iterable[int], slice] |
Optionally a list of integer indices or an instance
of |
None |
Type | Description |
ValueError |
if the given tensor has an incompatible shape. |
Source code in evotorch/
def set_evals(
evals: torch.Tensor,
eval_data: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
solutions: MaybeIndicesOrSlice = None,
Set the evaluations of the solutions.
evals: A numeric tensor which contains the evaluation results.
Acceptable shapes are as follows:
`(n,)` only to be used for single-objective problems, sets
the evaluation results of the target `n` solutions, and clears
(where clearing means to fill with NaN values)
extra evaluation data (if the problem has allocations for such
extra evaluation data);
`(n,m)` where `m` is the number of objectives, sets the
evaluation results of the target `n` solutions, and clears
their extra evaluation data;
`(n,m+q)` where `m` is the number of objectives and `q` is the
length of extra evaluation data, sets the evaluation result
and extra data of the target `n` solutions.
eval_data: To be used only when the problem has extra evaluation
data. Optionally, one can pass the extra evaluation data
separately via this argument (instead of jointly through
a single tensor via `evals`).
The expected shape of this tensor is `(n,q)` where `n`
is the number of solutions and `q` is the length of the
extra evaluation data.
solutions: Optionally a list of integer indices or an instance
of `slice(...)`, to be used if one wishes to set the
evaluations of only some of the solutions.
ValueError: if the given tensor has an incompatible shape.
if solutions is None:
solutions = slice(None, None, None)
num_solutions = self._evdata.shape[0]
elif isinstance(solutions, slice):
num_solutions = self._evdata[solutions].shape[0]
elif is_sequence(solutions):
num_solutions = len(solutions)
total_eval_width = self._evdata.shape[1]
num_objs = self._num_objs
num_data = total_eval_width - num_objs
if evals.ndim == 1:
if num_objs != 1:
raise ValueError(
f"The method `set_evals(...)` was given a 1-dimensional tensor."
f" However, the number of objectives of the problem at hand is {num_objs}, not 1."
f" 1-dimensional evaluation tensors can only be accepted if the problem"
f" has one objective."
evals = evals.reshape(-1, 1)
elif evals.ndim == 2:
pass # nothing to do here
if num_objs == 1:
raise ValueError(
f"The method `set_evals(...)` received a tensor with {evals.ndim} dimensions."
f" Since the problem at hand has only one objective,"
f" 1-dimensional or 2-dimensional tensors are acceptable, but not {evals.ndim}-dimensional ones."
raise ValueError(
f"The method `set_evals(...)` received a tensor with {evals.ndim} dimensions."
f" Since the problem at hand has more than one objective (there are {num_objs} objectives),"
f" only 2-dimensional tensors are acceptable, not {evals.ndim}-dimensional ones."
[nrows, ncols] = evals.shape
if nrows != num_solutions:
raise ValueError(
f"Trying to set the evaluations of {num_solutions} solutions, but the given tensor has {nrows} rows."
if eval_data is not None:
if eval_data.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError(
f"The `eval_data` argument was expected as a 2-dimensional tensor."
f" However, the shape of the given `eval_data` is {eval_data.shape}."
if eval_data.shape[1] != num_data:
raise ValueError(
f"The `eval_data` argument was expected to have {num_data} columns."
f" However, the received `eval_data` has the shape: {eval_data.shape}."
if ncols != num_objs:
raise ValueError(
f"The method `set_evals(...)` was used with `evals` and `eval_data` arguments."
f" When both of these arguments are provided, `evals` is expected either as a 1-dimensional tensor"
f" (for single-objective cases only), or as a tensor of shape (n, m) where n is the number of"
f" solutions, and m is the number of objectives."
f" However, while the problem at hand has {num_objs} objectives,"
f" the `evals` tensor has {ncols} columns."
if evals.shape[0] != eval_data.shape[0]:
raise ValueError(
f"The provided `evals` and `eval_data` tensors have incompatible shapes."
f" Shape of `evals`: {evals.shape},"
f" shape of `eval_data`: {eval_data.shape}."
self._evdata[solutions, :] = torch.hstack([evals, eval_data])
if ncols == num_objs:
self._evdata[solutions, :num_objs] = evals
self._evdata[solutions, num_objs:] = float("nan")
elif ncols == total_eval_width:
self._evdata[solutions, :] = evals
raise ValueError(
f"The method `set_evals(...)` received a tensor with {ncols} columns, which is incompatible."
f" Acceptable number of columns are: {num_objs}"
f" (for setting only the objective-associated evaluations and leave extra evaluation data as NaN), or"
f" {total_eval_width} (for setting both objective-associated evaluations and extra evaluation data)."
set_values(self, values, *, solutions=None)
Set the decision values of the solutions.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
values |
Any |
New decision values. |
required |
solutions |
Union[int, Iterable[int], slice] |
Optionally a list of integer indices or an instance
of |
None |
Source code in evotorch/
def set_values(self, values: Any, *, solutions: MaybeIndicesOrSlice = None):
Set the decision values of the solutions.
values: New decision values.
solutions: Optionally a list of integer indices or an instance
of `slice(...)`, to be used if one wishes to set the
decision values of only some of the solutions.
if solutions is None:
solutions = slice(None, None, None)
self._data[solutions] = values
self._evdata[solutions] = float("nan")
split(self, num_pieces=None, *, max_size=None)
Split this SolutionBatch into a specified number of pieces, or into an unspecified number of pieces where the maximum size of each piece is specified.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
num_pieces |
Optional[int] |
Can be provided as an integer n, which means that the this SolutionBatch will be split to n pieces. Alternatively, can be left as None if the user intends to set max_size as an integer instead. |
None |
max_size |
Optional[int] |
Can be provided as an integer n, which means that this SolutionBatch will be split to multiple pieces, each piece containing n solutions at most. Alternatively, can be left as None if the user intends to set num_pieces as an integer instead. |
None |
Type | Description |
SolutionBatchPieces |
A SolutionBatchPieces object, which behaves like a list of SolutionBatch objects, each object in the list being a slice view of this SolutionBatch object. |
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def split(self, num_pieces: Optional[int] = None, *, max_size: Optional[int] = None) -> "SolutionBatchPieces":
"""Split this SolutionBatch into a specified number of pieces,
or into an unspecified number of pieces where the maximum
size of each piece is specified.
num_pieces: Can be provided as an integer n, which means
that the this SolutionBatch will be split to n pieces.
Alternatively, can be left as None if the user intends
to set max_size as an integer instead.
max_size: Can be provided as an integer n, which means
that this SolutionBatch will be split to multiple
pieces, each piece containing n solutions at most.
Alternatively, can be left as None if the user intends
to set num_pieces as an integer instead.
A SolutionBatchPieces object, which behaves like a list of
SolutionBatch objects, each object in the list being a
slice view of this SolutionBatch object.
return SolutionBatchPieces(self, num_pieces=num_pieces, max_size=max_size)
take(self, indices)
Make a new SolutionBatch containing the specified solutions.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
indices |
Iterable |
A sequence of solution indices. These specified solutions will make it to the newly made SolutionBatch. |
required |
Type | Description |
SolutionBatch |
The new SolutionBatch. |
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def take(self, indices: Iterable) -> "SolutionBatch":
"""Make a new SolutionBatch containing the specified solutions.
indices: A sequence of solution indices. These specified
solutions will make it to the newly made SolutionBatch.
The new SolutionBatch.
if is_sequence(indices):
return type(self)(slice_of=(self, indices))
raise TypeError("Expected a sequence of solution indices, but got a `{type(indices)}`")
take_best(self, n, *, obj_index=None)
Make a new SolutionBatch containing the best n
Name | Type | Description | Default |
n |
int |
Number of solutions which will be taken. |
required |
obj_index |
Optional[int] |
Objective index according to which the best ones
will be taken.
If |
None |
Type | Description |
SolutionBatch |
The new SolutionBatch. |
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def take_best(self, n: int, *, obj_index: Optional[int] = None) -> "SolutionBatch":
"""Make a new SolutionBatch containing the best `n` solutions.
n: Number of solutions which will be taken.
obj_index: Objective index according to which the best ones
will be taken.
If `obj_index` is left as None and the problem is multi-
objective, then the solutions will be ranked according to
their fronts, and according how crowding they are, and then
the topmost `n` solutions will be taken.
If `obj_index` is left as None and the problem is single-
objective, then that single objective will be taken as the
ranking criterion.
The new SolutionBatch.
if obj_index is None and self._num_objs >= 2:
ranks, crowdsort_ranks = self.compute_pareto_ranks(crowdsort=True)
# Combine the ranks, such that solutions with a better crowdsort rank are weighted above solutions with the same pareto rank **only**
combined_ranks = + 0.1 * / len(self)
indices = torch.argsort(combined_ranks)[:n]
indices = self.argsort(obj_index)[:n]
return type(self)(slice_of=(self, indices))
to(self, device)
Get the counterpart of this SolutionBatch on the new device.
If the specified device is the device of this SolutionBatch, then this SolutionBatch itself is returned. If the specified device is a different device, then a clone of this SolutionBatch on this different device is first created, and then this new clone is returned.
Please note that the to(...)
method is not supported when
the dtype is object
Name | Type | Description | Default |
device |
Union[str, torch.device] |
The device on which the resulting SolutionBatch will be stored. |
required |
Type | Description |
SolutionBatch |
The SolutionBatch on the specified device. |
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def to(self, device: Device) -> "SolutionBatch":
Get the counterpart of this SolutionBatch on the new device.
If the specified device is the device of this SolutionBatch,
then this SolutionBatch itself is returned.
If the specified device is a different device, then a clone
of this SolutionBatch on this different device is first
created, and then this new clone is returned.
Please note that the `to(...)` method is not supported when
the dtype is `object`.
device: The device on which the resulting SolutionBatch
will be stored.
The SolutionBatch on the specified device.
if isinstance(self._data, ObjectArray):
raise ValueError("The `to(...)` method is not supported when the dtype is `object`.")
device = torch.device(device)
if device == self.device:
return self
new_batch = SolutionBatch(like=self, device=device, empty=True)
with torch.no_grad():
new_batch._data[:] =
new_batch._evdata[:] =
return new_batch
utility(self, obj_index=None, *, ranking_method=None, check_nans=True, using_values_dtype=False)
Return numeric scores for each solution.
Utility scores are different from evaluation results, in the sense that utilities monotonically increase from bad solutions to good solutions, regardless of the objective sense.
If ranking method is passed as None: if the objective sense is 'max', the evaluation results are returned as the utility scores; otherwise, if the objective sense is 'min', the evaluation results multiplied by -1 are returned as the utility scores.
If the name of a ranking method is given (e.g. 'centered'): then the solutions are ranked (best solutions having the highest rank), and those ranks are returned as the utility scores.
If an objective index is not provided: (i.e. passed as None) if the problem is multi-objective, the utility scores for each objective is given, in a tensor shaped (n, m), n being the number of solutions and m being the number of objectives; otherwise, if the problem is single-objective, the utility scores for each objective is given in a 1-dimensional tensor of length n, n being the number of solutions.
If an objective index is provided as an int: the utility scores are returned in a 1-dimensional tensor of length n, n being the number of solutions.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
obj_index |
Optional[int] |
Expected as None, or as an integer. In the single-objective case, None is equivalent to 0. In the multi-objective case, None means "for each objective". |
None |
ranking_method |
Optional[str] |
If the utility scores are to be generated according to a certain ranking method, pass here the name of that ranking method as a str (e.g. 'centered'). |
None |
check_nans |
bool |
Check for nan (not-a-number) values in the evaluation results, which is an indication of unevaluated solutions. |
True |
using_values_dtype |
bool |
If True, the utility values will be returned using the dtype of the decision values. If False, the utility values will be returned using the dtype of the evaluation data. The default is False. |
False |
Type | Description |
Tensor |
Utility scores, in a PyTorch tensor. |
Source code in evotorch/
def utility(
obj_index: Optional[int] = None,
ranking_method: Optional[str] = None,
check_nans: bool = True,
using_values_dtype: bool = False,
) -> torch.Tensor:
Return numeric scores for each solution.
Utility scores are different from evaluation results,
in the sense that utilities monotonically increase from
bad solutions to good solutions, regardless of the
objective sense.
**If ranking method is passed as None:**
if the objective sense is 'max', the evaluation results are returned
as the utility scores; otherwise, if the objective sense is 'min',
the evaluation results multiplied by -1 are returned as the
utility scores.
**If the name of a ranking method is given** (e.g. 'centered'):
then the solutions are ranked (best solutions having the
highest rank), and those ranks are returned as the utility
**If an objective index is not provided:** (i.e. passed as None)
if the problem is multi-objective, the utility scores
for each objective is given, in a tensor shaped (n, m),
n being the number of solutions and m being the number
of objectives; otherwise, if the problem is single-objective,
the utility scores for each objective is given in a 1-dimensional
tensor of length n, n being the number of solutions.
**If an objective index is provided as an int:**
the utility scores are returned in a 1-dimensional tensor
of length n, n being the number of solutions.
obj_index: Expected as None, or as an integer.
In the single-objective case, None is equivalent to 0.
In the multi-objective case, None means "for each
ranking_method: If the utility scores are to be generated
according to a certain ranking method, pass here the name
of that ranking method as a str (e.g. 'centered').
check_nans: Check for nan (not-a-number) values in the
evaluation results, which is an indication of
unevaluated solutions.
using_values_dtype: If True, the utility values will be returned
using the dtype of the decision values.
If False, the utility values will be returned using the dtype
of the evaluation data.
The default is False.
Utility scores, in a PyTorch tensor.
if obj_index is not None:
obj_index = self._normalize_obj_index(obj_index)
evdata = self._evdata[:, obj_index]
if check_nans:
if torch.any(torch.isnan(evdata)):
raise ValueError(
"Cannot compute the utility values, because there are solutions which are not evaluated yet."
if ranking_method is None:
result = evdata * self._get_objective_sign(obj_index)
result = rank(evdata, ranking_method=ranking_method, higher_is_better=self._descending[obj_index])
if using_values_dtype:
result = torch.as_tensor(result, dtype=self._data.dtype, device=self._data.device)
return result
if self._num_objs == 1:
return self.utility(
0, ranking_method=ranking_method, check_nans=check_nans, using_values_dtype=using_values_dtype
return torch.stack(
for j in range(self._num_objs)
utils(self, *, ranking_method=None, check_nans=True, using_values_dtype=False)
Return numeric scores for each solution, and for each objective. Utility scores are different from evaluation results, in the sense that utilities monotonically increase from bad solutions to good solutions, regardless of the objective sense.
Unlike the method called utility(...)
, this function returns
a 2-dimensional tensor even when the problem is single-objective.
The result of this method is always a 2-dimensional tensor of
shape (n, m)
, n
being the number of solutions, m
being the
number of objectives.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
ranking_method |
Optional[str] |
If the utility scores are to be generated according to a certain ranking method, pass here the name of that ranking method as a str (e.g. 'centered'). |
None |
check_nans |
bool |
Check for nan (not-a-number) values in the evaluation results, which is an indication of unevaluated solutions. |
True |
using_values_dtype |
bool |
If True, the utility values will be returned using the dtype of the decision values. If False, the utility values will be returned using the dtype of the evaluation data. The default is False. |
False |
Type | Description |
Tensor |
Utility scores, in a 2-dimensional PyTorch tensor. |
Source code in evotorch/
def utils(
ranking_method: Optional[str] = None,
check_nans: bool = True,
using_values_dtype: bool = False,
) -> torch.Tensor:
Return numeric scores for each solution, and for each objective.
Utility scores are different from evaluation results,
in the sense that utilities monotonically increase from
bad solutions to good solutions, regardless of the
objective sense.
Unlike the method called `utility(...)`, this function returns
a 2-dimensional tensor even when the problem is single-objective.
The result of this method is always a 2-dimensional tensor of
shape `(n, m)`, `n` being the number of solutions, `m` being the
number of objectives.
ranking_method: If the utility scores are to be generated
according to a certain ranking method, pass here the name
of that ranking method as a str (e.g. 'centered').
check_nans: Check for nan (not-a-number) values in the
evaluation results, which is an indication of
unevaluated solutions.
using_values_dtype: If True, the utility values will be returned
using the dtype of the decision values.
If False, the utility values will be returned using the dtype
of the evaluation data.
The default is False.
Utility scores, in a 2-dimensional PyTorch tensor.
result = self.utility(
ranking_method=ranking_method, check_nans=check_nans, using_values_dtype=using_values_dtype
if result.ndim == 1:
result = result.view(len(result), 1)
return result
SolutionBatchPieces (Sequence)
A collection of SolutionBatch slice views.
An instance of this class behaves like a read-only collection of SolutionBatch objects (each being a sliced view of a bigger SolutionBatch).
Source code in evotorch/
class SolutionBatchPieces(Sequence):
"""A collection of SolutionBatch slice views.
An instance of this class behaves like a read-only collection of
SolutionBatch objects (each being a sliced view of a bigger
def __init__(self, batch: SolutionBatch, *, num_pieces: Optional[int] = None, max_size: Optional[int] = None):
`__init__(...)`: Initialize the SolutionBatchPieces.
batch: The SolutionBatch which will be split into
multiple SolutionBatch views.
Each view itself is a SolutionBatch object,
but not independent, meaning that any modification
done to a SolutionBatch view will reflect on this
main batch.
num_pieces: Can be provided as an integer n, which means
that the main SolutionBatch will be split to n pieces.
Alternatively, can be left as None if the user intends
to set max_size as an integer instead.
max_size: Can be provided as an integer n, which means
that the main SolutionBatch will be split to multiple
pieces, each piece containing n solutions at most.
Alternatively, can be left as None if the user intends
to set num_pieces as an integer instead.
self._batch = batch
self._pieces: List[SolutionBatch] = []
self._piece_sizes: List[int] = []
self._piece_slices: List[Tuple[int, int]] = []
total_size = len(self._batch)
if max_size is None and num_pieces is not None:
num_pieces = int(num_pieces)
# divide to pieces
base_size = total_size // num_pieces
rest = total_size - (base_size * num_pieces)
self._piece_sizes = [base_size] * num_pieces
for i in range(rest):
self._piece_sizes[i] += 1
elif max_size is not None and num_pieces is None:
max_size = int(max_size)
# divide to pieces
num_pieces = math.ceil(total_size / max_size)
current_total = 0
for i in range(num_pieces):
if current_total + max_size > total_size:
self._piece_sizes.append(total_size - current_total)
current_total += max_size
elif max_size is not None and num_pieces is not None:
raise ValueError("Expected either max_size or num_pieces, received both.")
elif max_size is None and num_pieces is None:
raise ValueError("Expected either max_size or num_pieces, received none.")
current_begin = 0
for size in self._piece_sizes:
current_end = current_begin + size
self._piece_slices.append((current_begin, current_end))
current_begin = current_end
for slice_begin, slice_end in self._piece_slices:
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._pieces)
def __getitem__(self, i: Union[int, slice]) -> SolutionBatch:
return self._pieces[i]
def iter_with_indices(self):
"""Iterate over each `(piece, (i_begin, i_end))`
where `piece` is a SolutionBatch view, `i_begin` is the beginning
index of the SolutionBatch view in the main batch, `j_begin` is the
ending index (exclusive) of the SolutionBatch view in the main batch.
for i in range(len(self._pieces)):
yield self._pieces[i], self._piece_slices[i]
def indices_of(self, n) -> tuple:
"""Get `(i_begin, i_end)` for the n-th piece
(i.e. the n-th sliced view of the main SolutionBatch)
where `i_begin` is the beginning index of the n-th piece,
`i_end` is the (exclusive) ending index of the n-th piece.
n: Specifies the index of the queried SolutionBatch view.
Beginning and ending indices of the SolutionBatch view,
in a tuple.
return self._piece_slices[n]
def batch(self) -> SolutionBatch:
"""Get the main SolutionBatch object, in its non-split form"""
return self._batch
def _to_string(self) -> str:
f = io.StringIO()
print(f"<{type(self).__name__}", file=f)
n = len(self._pieces)
for i, piece in enumerate(self._pieces):
print(f" {piece}", end="", file=f)
if (i + 1) == n:
print(",", file=f)
print(">", file=f)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self._to_string()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self._to_string()
batch: SolutionBatch
Get the main SolutionBatch object, in its non-split form
__init__(self, batch, *, num_pieces=None, max_size=None)
: Initialize the SolutionBatchPieces.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
batch |
SolutionBatch |
The SolutionBatch which will be split into multiple SolutionBatch views. Each view itself is a SolutionBatch object, but not independent, meaning that any modification done to a SolutionBatch view will reflect on this main batch. |
required |
num_pieces |
Optional[int] |
Can be provided as an integer n, which means that the main SolutionBatch will be split to n pieces. Alternatively, can be left as None if the user intends to set max_size as an integer instead. |
None |
max_size |
Optional[int] |
Can be provided as an integer n, which means that the main SolutionBatch will be split to multiple pieces, each piece containing n solutions at most. Alternatively, can be left as None if the user intends to set num_pieces as an integer instead. |
None |
Source code in evotorch/
def __init__(self, batch: SolutionBatch, *, num_pieces: Optional[int] = None, max_size: Optional[int] = None):
`__init__(...)`: Initialize the SolutionBatchPieces.
batch: The SolutionBatch which will be split into
multiple SolutionBatch views.
Each view itself is a SolutionBatch object,
but not independent, meaning that any modification
done to a SolutionBatch view will reflect on this
main batch.
num_pieces: Can be provided as an integer n, which means
that the main SolutionBatch will be split to n pieces.
Alternatively, can be left as None if the user intends
to set max_size as an integer instead.
max_size: Can be provided as an integer n, which means
that the main SolutionBatch will be split to multiple
pieces, each piece containing n solutions at most.
Alternatively, can be left as None if the user intends
to set num_pieces as an integer instead.
self._batch = batch
self._pieces: List[SolutionBatch] = []
self._piece_sizes: List[int] = []
self._piece_slices: List[Tuple[int, int]] = []
total_size = len(self._batch)
if max_size is None and num_pieces is not None:
num_pieces = int(num_pieces)
# divide to pieces
base_size = total_size // num_pieces
rest = total_size - (base_size * num_pieces)
self._piece_sizes = [base_size] * num_pieces
for i in range(rest):
self._piece_sizes[i] += 1
elif max_size is not None and num_pieces is None:
max_size = int(max_size)
# divide to pieces
num_pieces = math.ceil(total_size / max_size)
current_total = 0
for i in range(num_pieces):
if current_total + max_size > total_size:
self._piece_sizes.append(total_size - current_total)
current_total += max_size
elif max_size is not None and num_pieces is not None:
raise ValueError("Expected either max_size or num_pieces, received both.")
elif max_size is None and num_pieces is None:
raise ValueError("Expected either max_size or num_pieces, received none.")
current_begin = 0
for size in self._piece_sizes:
current_end = current_begin + size
self._piece_slices.append((current_begin, current_end))
current_begin = current_end
for slice_begin, slice_end in self._piece_slices:
indices_of(self, n)
Get (i_begin, i_end)
for the n-th piece
(i.e. the n-th sliced view of the main SolutionBatch)
where i_begin
is the beginning index of the n-th piece,
is the (exclusive) ending index of the n-th piece.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
n |
Specifies the index of the queried SolutionBatch view. |
required |
Type | Description |
tuple |
Beginning and ending indices of the SolutionBatch view, in a tuple. |
Source code in evotorch/
def indices_of(self, n) -> tuple:
"""Get `(i_begin, i_end)` for the n-th piece
(i.e. the n-th sliced view of the main SolutionBatch)
where `i_begin` is the beginning index of the n-th piece,
`i_end` is the (exclusive) ending index of the n-th piece.
n: Specifies the index of the queried SolutionBatch view.
Beginning and ending indices of the SolutionBatch view,
in a tuple.
return self._piece_slices[n]
Iterate over each (piece, (i_begin, i_end))
where piece
is a SolutionBatch view, i_begin
is the beginning
index of the SolutionBatch view in the main batch, j_begin
is the
ending index (exclusive) of the SolutionBatch view in the main batch.
Source code in evotorch/
def iter_with_indices(self):
"""Iterate over each `(piece, (i_begin, i_end))`
where `piece` is a SolutionBatch view, `i_begin` is the beginning
index of the SolutionBatch view in the main batch, `j_begin` is the
ending index (exclusive) of the SolutionBatch view in the main batch.
for i in range(len(self._pieces)):
yield self._pieces[i], self._piece_slices[i]