This namespace contains the GymNE
GymNE (NEProblem)
Representation of a NeuroevolutionProblem where the goal is to maximize
the total reward obtained in a gym
Source code in evotorch/neuroevolution/
class GymNE(NEProblem):
Representation of a NeuroevolutionProblem where the goal is to maximize
the total reward obtained in a `gym` environment.
def __init__(
env_name: str,
network: Union[str, nn.Module, Callable[[], nn.Module]],
network_args: Optional[dict] = None,
env_config: Optional[Mapping] = None,
observation_normalization: bool = False,
num_episodes: int = 1,
episode_length: Optional[int] = None,
decrease_rewards_by: Optional[float] = None,
num_actors: Optional[Union[int, str]] = "max",
actor_config: Optional[dict] = None,
num_subbatches: Optional[int] = None,
subbatch_size: Optional[int] = None,
initial_bounds: Optional[BoundsPairLike] = (-0.00001, 0.00001),
`__init__(...)`: Initialize the GymNE.
env_name: Name of the `gym` environment.
network: A network structure string, or a Callable (which can be
a class inheriting from `torch.nn.Module`, or a function
which returns a `torch.nn.Module` instance), or an instance
of `torch.nn.Module`.
The object provided here determines the structure of the
neural network policy whose parameters will be evolved.
A network structure string is a string which can be processed
by ``.
Please see the documentation of the function
`` to see how such
a neural network structure string looks like.
network_args: Optionally a dict-like object, storing keyword
arguments to be passed to the network while instantiating it.
env_config: Keyword arguments to pass to `gym.make(...)` while
creating the `gym` environment.
observation_normalization: Whether or not to do online observation
num_episodes: Number of episodes over which a single solution will
be evaluated.
episode_length: Maximum amount of simulator interactions allowed
in a single episode. If left as None, whether or not an episode
is terminated is determined only by the `gym` environment
decrease_rewards_by: Some gym env.s are defined in such a way that
the agent gets a constant reward for each timestep
it survives. This constant reward can also be called
"survival bonus". Such a rewarding scheme can lead the
evolution to local optima where the agent does nothing
but does not die either, just to collect the survival
bonuses. To prevent this, it can be desired to
remove the survival bonuses from each reward obtained.
If this is the case with the problem at hand,
the user can set the argument `decrease_rewards_by`
to a positive float number, and that number will
be subtracted from each reward.
num_actors: Number of actors to create for parallelized
evaluation of the solutions.
One can also set this as "max", which means that
an actor will be created on each available CPU.
When the parallelization is enabled each actor will have its
own instance of the `gym` environment.
In the case of `GymNE`, the default value for this argument
is "max", which means there will be full parallelization,
utilizing all the available CPUs.
actor_config: A dictionary, representing the keyword arguments
to be passed to the options(...) used when creating the
ray actor objects. To be used for explicitly allocating
resources per each actor.
For example, for declaring that each actor is to use a GPU,
one can pass `actor_config=dict(num_gpus=1)`.
Can also be given as None (which is the default),
if no such options are to be passed.
num_subbatches: If `num_subbatches` is None (assuming that
`subbatch_size` is also None), then, when evaluating a
population, the population will be split into n pieces, `n`
being the number of actors, and each actor will evaluate
its assigned piece. If `num_subbatches` is an integer `m`,
then the population will be split into `m` pieces,
and actors will continually accept the next unevaluated
piece as they finish their current tasks.
The arguments `num_subbatches` and `subbatch_size` cannot
be given values other than None at the same time.
subbatch_size: If `subbatch_size` is None (assuming that
`num_subbatches` is also None), then, when evaluating a
population, the population will be split into `n` pieces, `n`
being the number of actors, and each actor will evaluate its
assigned piece. If `subbatch_size` is an integer `m`,
then the population will be split into pieces of size `m`,
and actors will continually accept the next unevaluated
piece as they finish their current tasks.
When there can be significant difference across the solutions
in terms of computational requirements, specifying a
`subbatch_size` can be beneficial, because, while one
actor is busy with a subbatch containing computationally
challenging solutions, other actors can accept more
tasks and save time.
The arguments `num_subbatches` and `subbatch_size` cannot
be given values other than None at the same time.
initial_bounds: Specifies an interval from which the values of the
initial policy parameters will be drawn.
# Store various environment information
self._env_name = env_name
self._env_config = {} if env_config is None else deepcopy(dict(env_config))
self._decrease_rewards_by = 0.0 if decrease_rewards_by is None else float(decrease_rewards_by)
self._observation_normalization = bool(observation_normalization)
self._num_episodes = int(num_episodes)
self._episode_length = None if episode_length is None else int(episode_length)
self._info_keys = dict(cumulative_reward="avg", interaction_count="sum")
self._env: Optional[gym.Env] = None
self._obs_stats: Optional[RunningStat] = None
self._collected_stats: Optional[RunningStat] = None
# Create a temporary environment to read its dimensions
tmp_env = gym.make(self._env_name, **(self._env_config))
# Store the temporary environment's dimensions
self._obs_length = len(tmp_env.observation_space.low)
if isinstance(tmp_env.action_space, gym.spaces.Discrete):
self._act_length = tmp_env.action_space.n
self._act_length = len(tmp_env.action_space.low)
self._obs_shape = tmp_env.observation_space.low.shape
# Validate the space types of the environment
if self._observation_normalization:
self._obs_stats = RunningStat()
self._collected_stats = RunningStat()
self._obs_stats = None
self._collected_stats = None
self._interaction_count: int = 0
self._episode_count: int = 0
objective_sense="max", # RL is maximization
network=network, # Using the policy as the network
def _network_constants(self) -> dict:
return {"obs_length": self._obs_length, "act_length": self._act_length, "obs_space": self._obs_shape}
def _get_env(self) -> gym.Env:
if self._env is None:
self._env = gym.make(self._env_name, **(self._env_config))
return self._env
def _normalize_observation(self, observation: Iterable, *, update_stats: bool = True) -> Iterable:
observation = np.asarray(observation, dtype="float32")
if self.observation_normalization:
if update_stats:
return self._obs_stats.normalize(observation)
return observation
def _use_policy(self, observation: Iterable, policy: nn.Module) -> Iterable:
with torch.no_grad():
result = policy(torch.as_tensor(observation, dtype=torch.float32, device="cpu")).numpy()
env = self._get_env()
if isinstance(env.action_space, gym.spaces.Discrete):
result = np.argmax(result)
elif isinstance(env.action_space, gym.spaces.Box):
result = np.clip(result, env.action_space.low, env.action_space.high)
return result
def _prepare(self) -> None:
def _rollout(
policy: nn.Module,
update_stats: bool = True,
visualize: bool = False,
decrease_rewards_by: Optional[float] = None,
) -> dict:
"""Peform a rollout of a network"""
if decrease_rewards_by is None:
decrease_rewards_by = self._decrease_rewards_by
decrease_rewards_by = float(decrease_rewards_by)
env = self._get_env()
observation = self._normalize_observation(reset_env(env), update_stats=update_stats)
if visualize:
t = 0
cumulative_reward = 0.0
while True:
observation, raw_reward, done, info = take_step_in_env(env, self._use_policy(observation, policy))
reward = raw_reward - decrease_rewards_by
t += 1
if update_stats:
self._interaction_count += 1
if visualize:
observation = self._normalize_observation(observation, update_stats=update_stats)
cumulative_reward += reward
if done or ((self._episode_length is not None) and (t >= self._episode_length)):
if update_stats:
self._episode_count += 1
final_info = dict(cumulative_reward=cumulative_reward, interaction_count=t)
for k in self._info_keys:
if k not in final_info:
final_info[k] = info[k]
return final_info
def _nonserialized_attribs(self) -> List[str]:
return super()._nonserialized_attribs + ["_env"]
def run(
policy: nn.Module,
update_stats: bool = False,
visualize: bool = False,
num_episodes: Optional[int] = None,
decrease_rewards_by: Optional[float] = None,
) -> dict:
"""Evaluate the policy parameters on the gym environment."""
if num_episodes is None:
num_episodes = self._num_episodes
episode_results = [
for _ in range(num_episodes)
results = _accumulate_all_across_dicts(episode_results, self._info_keys)
return results
def visualize(
policy: nn.Module,
update_stats: bool = False,
num_episodes: Optional[int] = 1,
decrease_rewards_by: Optional[float] = None,
) -> dict:
def _ensure_obsnorm(self):
if not self.observation_normalization:
raise ValueError("This feature can only be used when observation_normalization=True.")
def get_observation_stats(self) -> RunningStat:
"""Get the observation stats"""
return self._obs_stats
def _make_sync_data_for_actors(self) -> Any:
if self.observation_normalization:
return dict(obs_stats=self.get_observation_stats())
return None
def set_observation_stats(self, rs: RunningStat):
"""Set the observation stats"""
def _use_sync_data_from_main(self, received: dict):
for k, v in received.items():
if k == "obs_stats":
def pop_observation_stats(self) -> RunningStat:
"""Get and clear the collected observation stats"""
result = self._collected_stats
self._collected_stats = RunningStat()
return result
def _make_sync_data_for_main(self) -> Any:
result = dict(episode_count=self.episode_count, interaction_count=self.interaction_count)
if self.observation_normalization:
result["obs_stats_delta"] = self.pop_observation_stats()
return result
def update_observation_stats(self, rs: RunningStat):
"""Update the observation stats via another RunningStat instance"""
def _use_sync_data_from_actors(self, received: list):
total_episode_count = 0
total_interaction_count = 0
for data in received:
data: dict
total_episode_count += data["episode_count"]
total_interaction_count += data["interaction_count"]
if self.observation_normalization:
def _make_pickle_data_for_main(self) -> dict:
# For when the main Problem object (the non-remote one) gets pickled,
# this function returns the counters of this remote Problem instance,
# to be sent to the main one.
return dict(interaction_count=self.interaction_count, episode_count=self.episode_count)
def _use_pickle_data_from_main(self, state: dict):
# For when a newly unpickled Problem object gets (re)parallelized,
# this function restores the inner states specific to this remote
# worker. In the case of GymNE, those inner states are episode
# and interaction counters.
for k, v in state.items():
if k == "episode_count":
elif k == "interaction_count":
raise ValueError(f"When restoring the inner state of a remote worker, unrecognized state key: {k}")
def _extra_status(self, batch: SolutionBatch):
return dict(total_interaction_count=self.interaction_count, total_episode_count=self.episode_count)
def observation_normalization(self) -> bool:
Get whether or not observation normalization is enabled.
return self._observation_normalization
def set_episode_count(self, n: int):
Set the episode count manually.
self._episode_count = int(n)
def set_interaction_count(self, n: int):
Set the interaction count manually.
self._interaction_count = int(n)
def interaction_count(self) -> int:
Get the total number of simulator interactions made.
return self._interaction_count
def episode_count(self) -> int:
Get the total number of episodes completed.
return self._episode_count
def _get_local_episode_count(self) -> int:
return self.episode_count
def _get_local_interaction_count(self) -> int:
return self.interaction_count
def _evaluate_network(self, policy: nn.Module) -> Union[float, torch.Tensor]:
result =
return result["cumulative_reward"]
def to_policy(self, x: Iterable, *, trainable_stats: bool = False, clip_actions: bool = True) -> nn.Module:
Convert the given parameter vector to a policy as a PyTorch module.
If the problem is configured to have observation normalization,
the PyTorch module also contains an additional normalization layer.
x: An sequence of real numbers, containing the parameters
of a policy. Can be a PyTorch tensor, a numpy array,
or a SolutionVector.
trainable_stats: Whether or not the observation stats within
the observation normalization layer are to be stored as
trainable parameters.
clip_actions: Whether or not to add an action clipping layer so
that the generated actions will always be within an
acceptable range for the environment.
The policy expressed by the parameters.
policy = [self.make_net(x)]
if self.observation_normalization:
policy.insert(0, ObsNormLayer(self._obs_stats, trainable_stats=trainable_stats))
if clip_actions and isinstance(self._get_env().action_space, gym.spaces.Box):
if len(policy) == 1:
return policy[0]
return nn.Sequential(*policy)
def get_env(self) -> gym.Env:
Get the gym environment stored by this GymNE instance
return self._get_env()
episode_count: int
Get the total number of episodes completed.
interaction_count: int
Get the total number of simulator interactions made.
observation_normalization: bool
Get whether or not observation normalization is enabled.
__init__(self, env_name, network, *, network_args=None, env_config=None, observation_normalization=False, num_episodes=1, episode_length=None, decrease_rewards_by=None, num_actors='max', actor_config=None, num_subbatches=None, subbatch_size=None, initial_bounds=(-1e-05, 1e-05))
: Initialize the GymNE.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
env_name |
str |
Name of the |
required |
network |
Union[str, torch.nn.modules.module.Module, Callable[[], torch.nn.modules.module.Module]] |
A network structure string, or a Callable (which can be
a class inheriting from |
required |
network_args |
Optional[dict] |
Optionally a dict-like object, storing keyword arguments to be passed to the network while instantiating it. |
None |
env_config |
Optional[] |
Keyword arguments to pass to |
None |
observation_normalization |
bool |
Whether or not to do online observation normalization. |
False |
num_episodes |
int |
Number of episodes over which a single solution will be evaluated. |
1 |
episode_length |
Optional[int] |
Maximum amount of simulator interactions allowed
in a single episode. If left as None, whether or not an episode
is terminated is determined only by the |
None |
decrease_rewards_by |
Optional[float] |
Some gym env.s are defined in such a way that
the agent gets a constant reward for each timestep
it survives. This constant reward can also be called
"survival bonus". Such a rewarding scheme can lead the
evolution to local optima where the agent does nothing
but does not die either, just to collect the survival
bonuses. To prevent this, it can be desired to
remove the survival bonuses from each reward obtained.
If this is the case with the problem at hand,
the user can set the argument |
None |
num_actors |
Union[int, str] |
Number of actors to create for parallelized
evaluation of the solutions.
One can also set this as "max", which means that
an actor will be created on each available CPU.
When the parallelization is enabled each actor will have its
own instance of the |
'max' |
actor_config |
Optional[dict] |
A dictionary, representing the keyword arguments
to be passed to the options(...) used when creating the
ray actor objects. To be used for explicitly allocating
resources per each actor.
For example, for declaring that each actor is to use a GPU,
one can pass |
None |
num_subbatches |
Optional[int] |
If |
None |
subbatch_size |
Optional[int] |
If |
None |
initial_bounds |
Union[Iterable[Union[float, Iterable[float], torch.Tensor]], evotorch.core.BoundsPair] |
Specifies an interval from which the values of the initial policy parameters will be drawn. |
(-1e-05, 1e-05) |
Source code in evotorch/neuroevolution/
def __init__(
env_name: str,
network: Union[str, nn.Module, Callable[[], nn.Module]],
network_args: Optional[dict] = None,
env_config: Optional[Mapping] = None,
observation_normalization: bool = False,
num_episodes: int = 1,
episode_length: Optional[int] = None,
decrease_rewards_by: Optional[float] = None,
num_actors: Optional[Union[int, str]] = "max",
actor_config: Optional[dict] = None,
num_subbatches: Optional[int] = None,
subbatch_size: Optional[int] = None,
initial_bounds: Optional[BoundsPairLike] = (-0.00001, 0.00001),
`__init__(...)`: Initialize the GymNE.
env_name: Name of the `gym` environment.
network: A network structure string, or a Callable (which can be
a class inheriting from `torch.nn.Module`, or a function
which returns a `torch.nn.Module` instance), or an instance
of `torch.nn.Module`.
The object provided here determines the structure of the
neural network policy whose parameters will be evolved.
A network structure string is a string which can be processed
by ``.
Please see the documentation of the function
`` to see how such
a neural network structure string looks like.
network_args: Optionally a dict-like object, storing keyword
arguments to be passed to the network while instantiating it.
env_config: Keyword arguments to pass to `gym.make(...)` while
creating the `gym` environment.
observation_normalization: Whether or not to do online observation
num_episodes: Number of episodes over which a single solution will
be evaluated.
episode_length: Maximum amount of simulator interactions allowed
in a single episode. If left as None, whether or not an episode
is terminated is determined only by the `gym` environment
decrease_rewards_by: Some gym env.s are defined in such a way that
the agent gets a constant reward for each timestep
it survives. This constant reward can also be called
"survival bonus". Such a rewarding scheme can lead the
evolution to local optima where the agent does nothing
but does not die either, just to collect the survival
bonuses. To prevent this, it can be desired to
remove the survival bonuses from each reward obtained.
If this is the case with the problem at hand,
the user can set the argument `decrease_rewards_by`
to a positive float number, and that number will
be subtracted from each reward.
num_actors: Number of actors to create for parallelized
evaluation of the solutions.
One can also set this as "max", which means that
an actor will be created on each available CPU.
When the parallelization is enabled each actor will have its
own instance of the `gym` environment.
In the case of `GymNE`, the default value for this argument
is "max", which means there will be full parallelization,
utilizing all the available CPUs.
actor_config: A dictionary, representing the keyword arguments
to be passed to the options(...) used when creating the
ray actor objects. To be used for explicitly allocating
resources per each actor.
For example, for declaring that each actor is to use a GPU,
one can pass `actor_config=dict(num_gpus=1)`.
Can also be given as None (which is the default),
if no such options are to be passed.
num_subbatches: If `num_subbatches` is None (assuming that
`subbatch_size` is also None), then, when evaluating a
population, the population will be split into n pieces, `n`
being the number of actors, and each actor will evaluate
its assigned piece. If `num_subbatches` is an integer `m`,
then the population will be split into `m` pieces,
and actors will continually accept the next unevaluated
piece as they finish their current tasks.
The arguments `num_subbatches` and `subbatch_size` cannot
be given values other than None at the same time.
subbatch_size: If `subbatch_size` is None (assuming that
`num_subbatches` is also None), then, when evaluating a
population, the population will be split into `n` pieces, `n`
being the number of actors, and each actor will evaluate its
assigned piece. If `subbatch_size` is an integer `m`,
then the population will be split into pieces of size `m`,
and actors will continually accept the next unevaluated
piece as they finish their current tasks.
When there can be significant difference across the solutions
in terms of computational requirements, specifying a
`subbatch_size` can be beneficial, because, while one
actor is busy with a subbatch containing computationally
challenging solutions, other actors can accept more
tasks and save time.
The arguments `num_subbatches` and `subbatch_size` cannot
be given values other than None at the same time.
initial_bounds: Specifies an interval from which the values of the
initial policy parameters will be drawn.
# Store various environment information
self._env_name = env_name
self._env_config = {} if env_config is None else deepcopy(dict(env_config))
self._decrease_rewards_by = 0.0 if decrease_rewards_by is None else float(decrease_rewards_by)
self._observation_normalization = bool(observation_normalization)
self._num_episodes = int(num_episodes)
self._episode_length = None if episode_length is None else int(episode_length)
self._info_keys = dict(cumulative_reward="avg", interaction_count="sum")
self._env: Optional[gym.Env] = None
self._obs_stats: Optional[RunningStat] = None
self._collected_stats: Optional[RunningStat] = None
# Create a temporary environment to read its dimensions
tmp_env = gym.make(self._env_name, **(self._env_config))
# Store the temporary environment's dimensions
self._obs_length = len(tmp_env.observation_space.low)
if isinstance(tmp_env.action_space, gym.spaces.Discrete):
self._act_length = tmp_env.action_space.n
self._act_length = len(tmp_env.action_space.low)
self._obs_shape = tmp_env.observation_space.low.shape
# Validate the space types of the environment
if self._observation_normalization:
self._obs_stats = RunningStat()
self._collected_stats = RunningStat()
self._obs_stats = None
self._collected_stats = None
self._interaction_count: int = 0
self._episode_count: int = 0
objective_sense="max", # RL is maximization
network=network, # Using the policy as the network
run(self, policy, *, update_stats=False, visualize=False, num_episodes=None, decrease_rewards_by=None)
Evaluate the policy parameters on the gym environment.
Source code in evotorch/neuroevolution/
def run(
policy: nn.Module,
update_stats: bool = False,
visualize: bool = False,
num_episodes: Optional[int] = None,
decrease_rewards_by: Optional[float] = None,
) -> dict:
"""Evaluate the policy parameters on the gym environment."""
if num_episodes is None:
num_episodes = self._num_episodes
episode_results = [
for _ in range(num_episodes)
results = _accumulate_all_across_dicts(episode_results, self._info_keys)
return results
set_episode_count(self, n)
set_interaction_count(self, n)
set_observation_stats(self, rs)
to_policy(self, x, *, trainable_stats=False, clip_actions=True)
Convert the given parameter vector to a policy as a PyTorch module.
If the problem is configured to have observation normalization, the PyTorch module also contains an additional normalization layer.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
x |
Iterable |
An sequence of real numbers, containing the parameters of a policy. Can be a PyTorch tensor, a numpy array, or a SolutionVector. |
required |
trainable_stats |
bool |
Whether or not the observation stats within the observation normalization layer are to be stored as trainable parameters. |
False |
clip_actions |
bool |
Whether or not to add an action clipping layer so that the generated actions will always be within an acceptable range for the environment. |
True |
Type | Description |
Module |
The policy expressed by the parameters. |
Source code in evotorch/neuroevolution/
def to_policy(self, x: Iterable, *, trainable_stats: bool = False, clip_actions: bool = True) -> nn.Module:
Convert the given parameter vector to a policy as a PyTorch module.
If the problem is configured to have observation normalization,
the PyTorch module also contains an additional normalization layer.
x: An sequence of real numbers, containing the parameters
of a policy. Can be a PyTorch tensor, a numpy array,
or a SolutionVector.
trainable_stats: Whether or not the observation stats within
the observation normalization layer are to be stored as
trainable parameters.
clip_actions: Whether or not to add an action clipping layer so
that the generated actions will always be within an
acceptable range for the environment.
The policy expressed by the parameters.
policy = [self.make_net(x)]
if self.observation_normalization:
policy.insert(0, ObsNormLayer(self._obs_stats, trainable_stats=trainable_stats))
if clip_actions and isinstance(self._get_env().action_space, gym.spaces.Box):
if len(policy) == 1:
return policy[0]
return nn.Sequential(*policy)