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This module contains operators defined to work with problems whose dtypes are real numbers (e.g. torch.float32).

CosynePermutation (CopyingOperator)

Representation of permutation operation on a SolutionBatch.

For each decision variable index, a permutation operation across all or a subset of solutions, is performed. The result is returned on a new SolutionBatch. The original SolutionBatch remains unmodified.


F.Gomez, J.Schmidhuber, R.Miikkulainen (2008).
Accelerated Neural Evolution through Cooperatively Coevolved Synapses
Journal of Machine Learning Research 9, 937-965
Source code in evotorch/operators/
class CosynePermutation(CopyingOperator):
    Representation of permutation operation on a SolutionBatch.

    For each decision variable index, a permutation operation across
    all or a subset of solutions, is performed.
    The result is returned on a new SolutionBatch.
    The original SolutionBatch remains unmodified.


        F.Gomez, J.Schmidhuber, R.Miikkulainen (2008).
        Accelerated Neural Evolution through Cooperatively Coevolved Synapses
        Journal of Machine Learning Research 9, 937-965

    def __init__(self, problem: Problem, obj_index: Optional[int] = None, *, permute_all: bool = False):
        `__init__(...)`: Initialize the CosynePermutation.

            problem: The problem object to work on.
            obj_index: The index of the objective according to which the
                candidates for permutation will be selected.
                Can be left as None if the problem is single-objective,
                or if `permute_all` is given as True (in which case there
                will be no candidate selection as the entire population will
                be subject to permutation).
            permute_all: Whether or not to apply permutation on the entire
                population, instead of using a selective permutation.

        if permute_all:
            if obj_index is not None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "When `permute_all` is given as True (which seems to be the case)"
                    " `obj_index` is expected as None,"
                    " because the operator is independent of any objective and any fitness in this mode."
                    " However, `permute_all` was found to be something other than None."
            self._obj_index = None
            self._obj_index = problem.normalize_obj_index(obj_index)


        self._permute_all = bool(permute_all)

    def obj_index(self) -> Optional[int]:
        """Objective index according to which the operator will run.
        If `permute_all` was given as True, objectives are irrelevant, in which case
        `obj_index` is returned as None.
        If `permute_all` was given as False, the relevant `obj_index` is provided
        as an integer.
        return self._obj_index

    def _do(self, batch: SolutionBatch) -> SolutionBatch:
        indata = batch._data

        if not self._permute_all:
            n = batch.solution_length
            ranks = batch.utility(self._obj_index, ranking_method="centered")
            # fitnesses = batch.evals[:, self._obj_index].clone().reshape(-1)
            # ranks = rank(
            #    fitnesses, ranking_method="centered", higher_is_better=(self.problem.senses[self.obj_index] == "max")
            # )
            prob_permute = (1 - (ranks + 0.5).pow(1 / float(n))).unsqueeze(1).expand(len(batch), batch.solution_length)
            prob_permute = torch.ones_like(indata)

        perm_mask = self.problem.make_uniform_shaped_like(prob_permute) <= prob_permute

        perm_mask_sorted = torch.sort(, descending=True, dim=0)[0].to(
        )  # Sort permutations

        perm_rand = self.problem.make_uniform_shaped_like(prob_permute)
        perm_rand[torch.logical_not(perm_mask)] = 1.0
        permutations = torch.argsort(perm_rand, dim=0)  # Generate permutations

        perm_sort = (
            torch.arange(0, perm_mask.shape[0], device=indata.device).unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, perm_mask.shape[1])
        perm_sort[torch.logical_not(perm_mask)] += perm_mask.shape[0] + 1
        perm_sort = torch.sort(perm_sort, dim=0)[0]  # Generate the origin of permutations

        _, permutation_columns = torch.nonzero(perm_mask_sorted, as_tuple=True)
        permutation_origin_indices = perm_sort[perm_mask_sorted]
        permutation_target_indices = permutations[perm_mask_sorted]

        newbatch = SolutionBatch(like=batch, empty=True)
        newdata = newbatch._data
        newdata[:] = indata[:]
        newdata[permutation_origin_indices, permutation_columns] = newdata[
            permutation_target_indices, permutation_columns

        return newbatch

obj_index: Optional[int] property readonly

Objective index according to which the operator will run. If permute_all was given as True, objectives are irrelevant, in which case obj_index is returned as None. If permute_all was given as False, the relevant obj_index is provided as an integer.

__init__(self, problem, obj_index=None, *, permute_all=False) special

__init__(...): Initialize the CosynePermutation.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

The problem object to work on.

obj_index Optional[int]

The index of the objective according to which the candidates for permutation will be selected. Can be left as None if the problem is single-objective, or if permute_all is given as True (in which case there will be no candidate selection as the entire population will be subject to permutation).

permute_all bool

Whether or not to apply permutation on the entire population, instead of using a selective permutation.

Source code in evotorch/operators/
def __init__(self, problem: Problem, obj_index: Optional[int] = None, *, permute_all: bool = False):
    `__init__(...)`: Initialize the CosynePermutation.

        problem: The problem object to work on.
        obj_index: The index of the objective according to which the
            candidates for permutation will be selected.
            Can be left as None if the problem is single-objective,
            or if `permute_all` is given as True (in which case there
            will be no candidate selection as the entire population will
            be subject to permutation).
        permute_all: Whether or not to apply permutation on the entire
            population, instead of using a selective permutation.

    if permute_all:
        if obj_index is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "When `permute_all` is given as True (which seems to be the case)"
                " `obj_index` is expected as None,"
                " because the operator is independent of any objective and any fitness in this mode."
                " However, `permute_all` was found to be something other than None."
        self._obj_index = None
        self._obj_index = problem.normalize_obj_index(obj_index)


    self._permute_all = bool(permute_all)

GaussianMutation (CopyingOperator)

Gaussian mutation operator.

Follows the algorithm description in:

Sean Luke, 2013, Essentials of Metaheuristics, Lulu, second edition
available for free at
Source code in evotorch/operators/
class GaussianMutation(CopyingOperator):
    Gaussian mutation operator.

    Follows the algorithm description in:

        Sean Luke, 2013, Essentials of Metaheuristics, Lulu, second edition
        available for free at

    def __init__(self, problem: Problem, *, stdev: float, mutation_probability: Optional[float] = 1.0):
        `__init__(...)`: Initialize the GaussianMutation.

            problem: The problem object to work with.
            stdev: The standard deviation of the Gaussian noise to apply on
                each decision variable.
            mutation_probability: The probability of mutation, for each
                decision variable.
                By default, the value of this argument is 1.0, which means
                that all of the decision variables will be affected by the

        self._mutation_probability = float(mutation_probability)
        self._stdev = float(stdev)

    def _do(self, batch: SolutionBatch) -> SolutionBatch:
        result = deepcopy(batch)
        data = result.access_values()
        mutation_matrix = self.problem.make_uniform_shaped_like(data) <= self._mutation_probability
        data[mutation_matrix] += self._stdev * self.problem.make_gaussian_shaped_like(data[mutation_matrix])
        data[:] = self._respect_bounds(data)
        return result

__init__(self, problem, *, stdev, mutation_probability=1.0) special

__init__(...): Initialize the GaussianMutation.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

The problem object to work with.

stdev float

The standard deviation of the Gaussian noise to apply on each decision variable.

mutation_probability Optional[float]

The probability of mutation, for each decision variable. By default, the value of this argument is 1.0, which means that all of the decision variables will be affected by the mutation.

Source code in evotorch/operators/
def __init__(self, problem: Problem, *, stdev: float, mutation_probability: Optional[float] = 1.0):
    `__init__(...)`: Initialize the GaussianMutation.

        problem: The problem object to work with.
        stdev: The standard deviation of the Gaussian noise to apply on
            each decision variable.
        mutation_probability: The probability of mutation, for each
            decision variable.
            By default, the value of this argument is 1.0, which means
            that all of the decision variables will be affected by the

    self._mutation_probability = float(mutation_probability)
    self._stdev = float(stdev)

OnePointCrossOver (CrossOver)

Representation of a one-point cross-over operator.

When this operator is applied on a SolutionBatch, a tournament selection technique is used for selecting parent solutions from the batch, and then those parent solutions are mated via cutting from a random position and recombining. The result of these recombination operations is a new SolutionBatch, containing the children solutions. The original SolutionBatch stays unmodified.

Source code in evotorch/operators/
class OnePointCrossOver(CrossOver):
    Representation of a one-point cross-over operator.

    When this operator is applied on a SolutionBatch,
    a tournament selection technique is used for selecting
    parent solutions from the batch, and then those parent
    solutions are mated via cutting from a random position
    and recombining. The result of these recombination
    operations is a new SolutionBatch, containing the children
    solutions. The original SolutionBatch stays unmodified.

    def __init__(
        problem: Problem,
        tournament_size: int,
        obj_index: Optional[int] = None,
        num_children: Optional[int] = None,
        cross_over_rate: Optional[float] = None,
        `__init__(...)`: Initialize the OnePointCrossOver.

            problem: The problem object to work on.
            tournament_size: What is the size (or length) of a tournament
                when selecting a parent candidate from a population
            obj_index: Objective index according to which the selection
                will be done.
            num_children: Optionally a number of children to produce by the
                cross-over operation.
                Not to be used together with `cross_over_rate`.
                If `num_children` and `cross_over_rate` are both None,
                then the number of children is equal to the number
                of solutions received.
            cross_over_rate: Optionally expected as a real number between
                0.0 and 1.0. Specifies the number of cross-over operations
                to perform. 1.0 means `1.0 * len(solution_batch)` amount of
                cross overs will be performed, resulting in
                `2.0 * len(solution_batch)` amount of children.
                Not to be used together with `num_children`.
                If `num_children` and `cross_over_rate` are both None,
                then the number of children is equal to the number
                of solutions received.


    def _do_cross_over(self, parents1: torch.Tensor, parents2: torch.Tensor) -> SolutionBatch:
        # What we expect here is this:
        #    parents1      parents2
        #    ==========    ==========
        #    parents1[0]   parents2[0]
        #    parents1[1]   parents2[1]
        #    ...           ...
        #    parents1[N]   parents2[N]
        # where parents1 and parents2 are 2D tensors, each containing values of N solutions.
        # For each row i, we will apply cross-over on parents1[i] and parents2[i].
        # From each cross-over, we will obtain 2 children.
        # This means, there are N pairings, and 2N children.

        num_pairings = parents1.shape[0]
        # num_children = num_pairings * 2

        device = parents1[0].device
        dtype = parents1[0].dtype
        solution_length = len(parents1[0])

        # For each pairing, generate a gene index at which the parent solutions will be cut and recombined
        crossover_point = self.problem.make_randint((num_pairings, 1), n=(solution_length - 1), device=device) + 1

        # For each pairing, generate all gene indices (i.e. [0, 1, 2, ...] for each pairing)
        gene_indices = (
            torch.arange(0, solution_length, device=device).unsqueeze(0).expand(num_pairings, solution_length)

        # Make a mask for crossing over. (0: take the value from one parent, 1: take the value from the other parent)
        # For gene indices less than crossover_point of that pairing, the mask takes the value 0.
        # Otherwise, the mask takes the value 1.
        crossover_mask = (gene_indices >= crossover_point).to(dtype)

        # Using the mask, generate two children.
        children1 = crossover_mask * parents1 + (1 - crossover_mask) * parents2
        children2 = crossover_mask * parents2 + (1 - crossover_mask) * parents1

        # Combine the children tensors in one big tensor
        children =[children1, children2], dim=0)

        # Write the children solutions into a new SolutionBatch, and return the new batch
        result = self._make_children_batch(children)
        return result

__init__(self, problem, *, tournament_size, obj_index=None, num_children=None, cross_over_rate=None) special

__init__(...): Initialize the OnePointCrossOver.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

The problem object to work on.

tournament_size int

What is the size (or length) of a tournament when selecting a parent candidate from a population

obj_index Optional[int]

Objective index according to which the selection will be done.

num_children Optional[int]

Optionally a number of children to produce by the cross-over operation. Not to be used together with cross_over_rate. If num_children and cross_over_rate are both None, then the number of children is equal to the number of solutions received.

cross_over_rate Optional[float]

Optionally expected as a real number between 0.0 and 1.0. Specifies the number of cross-over operations to perform. 1.0 means 1.0 * len(solution_batch) amount of cross overs will be performed, resulting in 2.0 * len(solution_batch) amount of children. Not to be used together with num_children. If num_children and cross_over_rate are both None, then the number of children is equal to the number of solutions received.

Source code in evotorch/operators/
def __init__(
    problem: Problem,
    tournament_size: int,
    obj_index: Optional[int] = None,
    num_children: Optional[int] = None,
    cross_over_rate: Optional[float] = None,
    `__init__(...)`: Initialize the OnePointCrossOver.

        problem: The problem object to work on.
        tournament_size: What is the size (or length) of a tournament
            when selecting a parent candidate from a population
        obj_index: Objective index according to which the selection
            will be done.
        num_children: Optionally a number of children to produce by the
            cross-over operation.
            Not to be used together with `cross_over_rate`.
            If `num_children` and `cross_over_rate` are both None,
            then the number of children is equal to the number
            of solutions received.
        cross_over_rate: Optionally expected as a real number between
            0.0 and 1.0. Specifies the number of cross-over operations
            to perform. 1.0 means `1.0 * len(solution_batch)` amount of
            cross overs will be performed, resulting in
            `2.0 * len(solution_batch)` amount of children.
            Not to be used together with `num_children`.
            If `num_children` and `cross_over_rate` are both None,
            then the number of children is equal to the number
            of solutions received.


SimulatedBinaryCrossOver (CrossOver)

Representation of a simulated binary cross-over (SBX).

When this operator is applied on a SolutionBatch, a tournament selection technique is used for selecting parent solutions from the batch, and then those parent solutions are mated via SBX. The generated children solutions are given in a new SolutionBatch. The original SolutionBatch stays unmodified.


Kalyanmoy Deb, Hans-Georg Beyer (2001).
Self-Adaptive Genetic Algorithms with Simulated Binary Crossover.
Source code in evotorch/operators/
class SimulatedBinaryCrossOver(CrossOver):
    Representation of a simulated binary cross-over (SBX).

    When this operator is applied on a SolutionBatch,
    a tournament selection technique is used for selecting
    parent solutions from the batch, and then those parent
    solutions are mated via SBX. The generated children
    solutions are given in a new SolutionBatch.
    The original SolutionBatch stays unmodified.


        Kalyanmoy Deb, Hans-Georg Beyer (2001).
        Self-Adaptive Genetic Algorithms with Simulated Binary Crossover.

    def __init__(
        problem: Problem,
        tournament_size: int,
        eta: float,
        obj_index: Optional[int] = None,
        num_children: Optional[int] = None,
        cross_over_rate: Optional[float] = None,
        `__init__(...)`: Initialize the SimulatedBinaryCrossOver.

            problem: Problem object to work with.
            tournament_size: What is the size (or length) of a tournament
                when selecting a parent candidate from a population.
            eta: The crowding index, expected as a float.
                Bigger eta values result in children closer
                to their parents.
            obj_index: Objective index according to which the selection
                will be done.
            num_children: Optionally a number of children to produce by the
                cross-over operation.
                Not to be used together with `cross_over_rate`.
                If `num_children` and `cross_over_rate` are both None,
                then the number of children is equal to the number
                of solutions received.
            cross_over_rate: Optionally expected as a real number between
                0.0 and 1.0. Specifies the number of cross-over operations
                to perform. 1.0 means `1.0 * len(solution_batch)` amount of
                cross overs will be performed, resulting in
                `2.0 * len(solution_batch)` amount of children.
                Not to be used together with `num_children`.
                If `num_children` and `cross_over_rate` are both None,
                then the number of children is equal to the number
                of solutions received.

        self._eta = float(eta)

    def _do_cross_over(self, parents1: torch.Tensor, parents2: torch.Tensor) -> SolutionBatch:
        # Generate u_i values which determine the spread
        u = self.problem.make_uniform_shaped_like(parents1)

        # Compute beta_i values from u_i values as the actual spread per dimension
        betas = (2 * u).pow(1.0 / (self._eta + 1.0))  # Compute all values for u_i < 0.5 first
        betas[u > 0.5] = (1.0 / (2 * (1.0 - u[u > 0.5]))).pow(
            1.0 / (self._eta + 1.0)
        )  # Replace the values for u_i >= 0.5
        children1 = 0.5 * (
            (1 + betas) * parents1 + (1 - betas) * parents2
        )  # Create the first set of children from the beta values
        children2 = 0.5 * (
            (1 + betas) * parents2 + (1 - betas) * parents1
        )  # Create the second set of children as a mirror of the first set of children

        # Combine the children tensors in one big tensor
        children =[children1, children2], dim=0)

        # Respect the lower and upper bounds defined by the problem object
        children = self._respect_bounds(children)

        # Write the children solutions into a new SolutionBatch, and return the new batch
        result = self._make_children_batch(children)

        return result

__init__(self, problem, *, tournament_size, eta, obj_index=None, num_children=None, cross_over_rate=None) special

__init__(...): Initialize the SimulatedBinaryCrossOver.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

Problem object to work with.

tournament_size int

What is the size (or length) of a tournament when selecting a parent candidate from a population.

eta float

The crowding index, expected as a float. Bigger eta values result in children closer to their parents.

obj_index Optional[int]

Objective index according to which the selection will be done.

num_children Optional[int]

Optionally a number of children to produce by the cross-over operation. Not to be used together with cross_over_rate. If num_children and cross_over_rate are both None, then the number of children is equal to the number of solutions received.

cross_over_rate Optional[float]

Optionally expected as a real number between 0.0 and 1.0. Specifies the number of cross-over operations to perform. 1.0 means 1.0 * len(solution_batch) amount of cross overs will be performed, resulting in 2.0 * len(solution_batch) amount of children. Not to be used together with num_children. If num_children and cross_over_rate are both None, then the number of children is equal to the number of solutions received.

Source code in evotorch/operators/
def __init__(
    problem: Problem,
    tournament_size: int,
    eta: float,
    obj_index: Optional[int] = None,
    num_children: Optional[int] = None,
    cross_over_rate: Optional[float] = None,
    `__init__(...)`: Initialize the SimulatedBinaryCrossOver.

        problem: Problem object to work with.
        tournament_size: What is the size (or length) of a tournament
            when selecting a parent candidate from a population.
        eta: The crowding index, expected as a float.
            Bigger eta values result in children closer
            to their parents.
        obj_index: Objective index according to which the selection
            will be done.
        num_children: Optionally a number of children to produce by the
            cross-over operation.
            Not to be used together with `cross_over_rate`.
            If `num_children` and `cross_over_rate` are both None,
            then the number of children is equal to the number
            of solutions received.
        cross_over_rate: Optionally expected as a real number between
            0.0 and 1.0. Specifies the number of cross-over operations
            to perform. 1.0 means `1.0 * len(solution_batch)` amount of
            cross overs will be performed, resulting in
            `2.0 * len(solution_batch)` amount of children.
            Not to be used together with `num_children`.
            If `num_children` and `cross_over_rate` are both None,
            then the number of children is equal to the number
            of solutions received.

    self._eta = float(eta)