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Utility functions for evotorch-related unit testing.

TestingError (Exception)

An Exception type to be raised when a unit testing function encounters illegal arguments.

Source code in evotorch/
class TestingError(Exception):
    An Exception type to be raised when a unit testing function
    encounters illegal arguments.


assert_allclose(actual, desired, *, rtol=None, atol=None, equal_nan=True)

This function is similar to numpy.testing.assert_allclose(...) except that atol and rtol are keyword-only arguments (which encourages one to be more explicit when writing tests) and that the default dtype is "float32" when the provided arguments are neither numpy arrays nor torch tensors. Having "float32" as the default target dtype is a behavior that is compatible with PyTorch.

This function first casts actual into the dtype of desired, then uses numpy's assert_allclose(...) for testing the closeness of the values.


Name Type Description Default
actual Iterable

An iterable of numbers.

desired Iterable

An iterable of numbers. These numbers represent the values that we expect the actual to contain. If the numbers contained by actual are significantly different than desired, the assertion will fail.

rtol Optional[float]

Relative tolerance. Can be left as None if only atol is to be used. See the documentation of numpy.testing.assert_allclose(...) for details about how rtol affects the tolerance.

atol Optional[float]

Absolute tolerance. Can be left as None if only rtol is to be used. See the documentation of numpy.testing.assert_allclose(...) for details about how atol affects the tolerance.

equal_nan bool

If True, nan values will be counted as equal.



Type Description

if the numerical difference between actual and desired are beyond the tolerance expressed by atol and rtol.


If both rtol and atol are given as None.

Source code in evotorch/
def assert_allclose(
    actual: Iterable,
    desired: Iterable,
    rtol: Optional[float] = None,
    atol: Optional[float] = None,
    equal_nan: bool = True,
    This function is similar to `numpy.testing.assert_allclose(...)` except
    that `atol` and `rtol` are keyword-only arguments (which encourages
    one to be more explicit when writing tests) and that the default dtype
    is "float32" when the provided arguments are neither numpy arrays nor
    torch tensors. Having "float32" as the default target dtype is a behavior
    that is compatible with PyTorch.

    This function first casts `actual` into the dtype of `desired`, then
    uses numpy's `assert_allclose(...)` for testing the closeness of the

        actual: An iterable of numbers.
        desired: An iterable of numbers. These numbers represent the values
            that we expect the `actual` to contain. If the numbers contained
            by `actual` are significantly different than `desired`, the
            assertion will fail.
        rtol: Relative tolerance.
            Can be left as None if only `atol` is to be used.
            See the documentation of `numpy.testing.assert_allclose(...)`
            for details about how `rtol` affects the tolerance.
        atol: Absolute tolerance.
            Can be left as None if only `rtol` is to be used.
            See the documentation of `numpy.testing.assert_allclose(...)`
            for details about how `atol` affects the tolerance.
        equal_nan: If True, `nan` values will be counted as equal.
        AssertionError: if the numerical difference between `actual`
            and `desired` are beyond the tolerance expressed by `atol`
            and `rtol`.
        TestingError: If both `rtol` and `atol` are given as None.

    if rtol is None and atol is None:
        raise TestingError(
            "Both `rtol` and `atol` were found to be None. Please either specify `rtol`, `atol`, or both."
    elif rtol is None:
        rtol = 0.0
    elif atol is None:
        atol = 0.0

    desired = _to_numpy(desired)
    actual = _to_numpy(actual, dtype=desired.dtype)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(actual, desired, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=bool(equal_nan))

assert_almost_between(x, lb, ub, *, atol=None)

Assert that the given Iterable has its values between the desired bounds.


Name Type Description Default
x Iterable

An Iterable containing numeric (float) values.

lb Union[float, Iterable]

Lower bound for the desired interval. Can be a scalar or an iterable of values.

ub Union[float, Iterable]

Upper bound for the desired interval. Can be a scalar or an iterable of values.

atol Optional[float]

Absolute tolerance. If given, then the effective interval will be [lb-atol; ub+atol] instead of [lb; ub].



Type Description

if any element of x violates the boundaries.

Source code in evotorch/
def assert_almost_between(
    x: Iterable, lb: Union[float, Iterable], ub: Union[float, Iterable], *, atol: Optional[float] = None
    Assert that the given Iterable has its values between the desired bounds.

        x: An Iterable containing numeric (float) values.
        lb: Lower bound for the desired interval.
            Can be a scalar or an iterable of values.
        ub: Upper bound for the desired interval.
            Can be a scalar or an iterable of values.
        atol: Absolute tolerance. If given, then the effective interval will
            be `[lb-atol; ub+atol]` instead of `[lb; ub]`.
        AssertionError: if any element of `x` violates the boundaries.

    x = _to_numpy(x)
    lb = _to_numpy(lb)
    ub = _to_numpy(ub)

    if lb.shape != x.shape:
        lb = np.broadcast_to(lb, x.shape)
    if ub.shape != x.shape:
        ub = np.broadcast_to(ub, x.shape)

    lb = np.asarray(lb, dtype=x.dtype)
    ub = np.asarray(ub, dtype=x.dtype)

    if atol is not None:
        atol = float(atol)
        tolerant_lb = lb - atol
        tolerant_ub = ub + atol
        tolerant_lb = lb
        tolerant_ub = ub

    assert np.all((x >= tolerant_lb) & (x <= tolerant_ub)), (
        f"The provided array is not within the desired boundaries."
        f"Provided array: {x}. Lower bound: {lb}. Upper bound: {ub}. Absolute tolerance: {atol}."

assert_dtype_matches(x, dtype)

Assert that the dtype of x is compatible with the given dtype.


Name Type Description Default
x Iterable

An object with dtype attribute (e.g. can be numpy array, a torch tensor, an ObjectArray, a SolutionVector, etc.)

dtype Union[str, Type, numpy.dtype, torch.dtype]

The dtype which x is expected to have. Can be given as a string, as a numpy dtype, as a torch dtype, or as a native type (e.g. int, float, bool, object).



Type Description

if x has a different dtype.

Source code in evotorch/
def assert_dtype_matches(x: Iterable, dtype: Union[str, Type, np.dtype, torch.dtype]):
    Assert that the dtype of `x` is compatible with the given `dtype`.

        x: An object with `dtype` attribute (e.g. can be numpy array,
            a torch tensor, an ObjectArray, a SolutionVector, etc.)
        dtype: The dtype which `x` is expected to have.
            Can be given as a string, as a numpy dtype, as a torch dtype,
            or as a native type (e.g. int, float, bool, object).
        AssertionError: if `x` has a different dtype.
    actual_dtype = x.dtype

    if isinstance(actual_dtype, torch.dtype):
        actual_dtype = torch.tensor([], dtype=actual_dtype).numpy().dtype
        actual_dtype = np.dtype(actual_dtype)

    if dtype == "Any" or dtype is Any:
        dtype = np.dtype(object)
    elif isinstance(dtype, torch.dtype):
        dtype = torch.tensor([], dtype=dtype).numpy().dtype
        dtype = np.dtype(dtype)

    assert dtype == actual_dtype, f"dtype mismatch. Encountered dtype: {actual_dtype}, expected dtype: {dtype}"

assert_eachclose(x, value, *, rtol=None, atol=None)

Assert that the given tensor or array consists of a single value.


Name Type Description Default
x Iterable

The tensor in which each value will be compared against value

value Any

A scalar



Type Description

if at least one value is different enough

Source code in evotorch/
def assert_eachclose(x: Iterable, value: Any, *, rtol: Optional[float] = None, atol: Optional[float] = None):
    Assert that the given tensor or array consists of a single value.

        x: The tensor in which each value will be compared against `value`
        value: A scalar
        AssertionError: if at least one value is different enough

    # If the given scalar is not a Real, then try to cast it to float
    if not isinstance(value, Real):
        value = float(value)

    x = _to_numpy(x)
    desired = np.empty_like(x)
    desired[:] = value

    assert_allclose(x, desired, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)

assert_shape_matches(x, shape)

Assert that the dtype of x matches the given shape


Name Type Description Default
x Iterable

An object which can be converted to a PyTorch tensor.

shape Union[tuple, int]

A tuple, or a torch.Size, or an integer.



Type Description

if there is a shape mismatch.

Source code in evotorch/
def assert_shape_matches(x: Iterable, shape: Union[tuple, int]):
    Assert that the dtype of `x` matches the given shape

        x: An object which can be converted to a PyTorch tensor.
        shape: A tuple, or a torch.Size, or an integer.
        AssertionError: if there is a shape mismatch.
    if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor):
        pass  # nothing to do
    elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
        x = torch.from_numpy(x)
        x = torch.tensor(x)

    if not isinstance(shape, Iterable):
        shape = (int(shape),)

    assert x.shape == shape, f"Encountered a shape mismatch. Shape of the tensor: {x.shape}. Expected shape: {shape}"