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Miscellaneous utility functions

DTypeAndDevice (tuple)

DTypeAndDevice(dtype, device)

__getnewargs__(self) special

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def __getnewargs__(self):
    'Return self as a plain tuple.  Used by copy and pickle.'
    return _tuple(self)

__new__(_cls, dtype, device) special staticmethod

Create new instance of DTypeAndDevice(dtype, device)

__repr__(self) special

Return a nicely formatted representation string

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def __repr__(self):
    'Return a nicely formatted representation string'
    return self.__class__.__name__ + repr_fmt % self


Representation of a caught error being returned as a result.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
class ErroneousResult:
    Representation of a caught error being returned as a result.

    def __init__(self, error: Exception):
        self.error = error

    def _to_string(self) -> str:
        return f"<{type(self).__name__}, error: {self.error}>"

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self._to_string()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return self._to_string()

    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
        return False

    def call(f, *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
        Call a function with the given arguments.
        If the function raises an error, wrap the error in an ErroneousResult
        object, and return that ErroneousResult object instead.

            The result of the function if there was no error,
            or an ErroneousResult if there was an error.
            result = f(*args, **kwargs)
        except Exception as ex:
            result = ErroneousResult(ex)
        return result

call(f, *args, **kwargs) staticmethod

Call a function with the given arguments. If the function raises an error, wrap the error in an ErroneousResult object, and return that ErroneousResult object instead.


Type Description

The result of the function if there was no error, or an ErroneousResult if there was an error.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def call(f, *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
    Call a function with the given arguments.
    If the function raises an error, wrap the error in an ErroneousResult
    object, and return that ErroneousResult object instead.

        The result of the function if there was no error,
        or an ErroneousResult if there was an error.
        result = f(*args, **kwargs)
    except Exception as ex:
        result = ErroneousResult(ex)
    return result

as_tensor(x, *, dtype=None, device=None)

Get the tensor counterpart of the given object x.

This function can be used to convert native Python objects to tensors:

my_tensor = as_tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], dtype="float32")

One can also use this function to convert an existing tensor to another dtype:

my_new_tensor = as_tensor(my_tensor, dtype="float16")

This function can also be used for moving a tensor from one device to another:

my_gpu_tensor = as_tensor(my_tensor, device="cuda:0")

This function can also create ObjectArray instances when dtype is given as object or Any or "object" or "O".

my_objects = as_tensor([1, {"a": 3}], dtype=object)


Name Type Description Default
x Any

Any object to be converted to a tensor.

dtype Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

Optionally a string (e.g. "float32") or a PyTorch dtype (e.g. torch.float32) or, for creating an ObjectArray, "object" (as string) or object or Any. If dtype is not specified, the default behavior of torch.as_tensor(...) will be used, that is, dtype will be inferred from x.

device Union[str, torch.device]

The device in which the resulting tensor will be stored.



Type Description

The tensor counterpart of the given object x.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def as_tensor(x: Any, *, dtype: Optional[DType] = None, device: Optional[Device] = None) -> Iterable:
    Get the tensor counterpart of the given object `x`.

    This function can be used to convert native Python objects to tensors:

        my_tensor = as_tensor([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], dtype="float32")

    One can also use this function to convert an existing tensor to another

        my_new_tensor = as_tensor(my_tensor, dtype="float16")

    This function can also be used for moving a tensor from one device to

        my_gpu_tensor = as_tensor(my_tensor, device="cuda:0")

    This function can also create ObjectArray instances when dtype is
    given as `object` or `Any` or "object" or "O".

        my_objects = as_tensor([1, {"a": 3}], dtype=object)

        x: Any object to be converted to a tensor.
        dtype: Optionally a string (e.g. "float32") or a PyTorch dtype
            (e.g. torch.float32) or, for creating an `ObjectArray`,
            "object" (as string) or `object` or `Any`.
            If `dtype` is not specified, the default behavior of
            `torch.as_tensor(...)` will be used, that is, dtype will be
            inferred from `x`.
        device: The device in which the resulting tensor will be stored.
        The tensor counterpart of the given object `x`.
    from .objectarray import ObjectArray

    if (dtype is None) and isinstance(x, (torch.Tensor, ObjectArray)):
        if (device is None) or (str(device) == "cpu"):
            return x
            raise ValueError(
                f"An ObjectArray cannot be moved into a device other than 'cpu'." f" The received device is: {device}."
    elif is_dtype_object(dtype):
        if (device is None) or (str(device) == "cpu"):
            raise ValueError(
                f"An ObjectArray cannot be created on a device other than 'cpu'." f" The received device is: {device}."
        if isinstance(x, ObjectArray):
            return x
            x = list(x)
            n = len(x)
            result = ObjectArray(n)
            result[:] = x
            return result
        dtype = to_torch_dtype(dtype)
        return torch.as_tensor(x, dtype=dtype, device=device)

clip_tensor(x, lb=None, ub=None, ensure_copy=True)

Clip the values of a tensor with respect to the given bounds.


Name Type Description Default
x Tensor

The PyTorch tensor whose values will be clipped.

lb Union[float, Iterable]

Lower bounds, as a PyTorch tensor. Can be None if there are no lower bounds.

ub Union[float, Iterable]

Upper bounds, as a PyTorch tensor. Can be None if there are no upper bonuds.

ensure_copy bool

If ensure_copy is True, the result will be a clipped copy of the original tensor. If ensure_copy is False, and both lb and ub are None, then there is nothing to do, so, the result will be the original tensor itself, not a copy of it.



Type Description

The clipped tensor.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def clip_tensor(
    x: torch.Tensor,
    lb: Optional[Union[float, Iterable]] = None,
    ub: Optional[Union[float, Iterable]] = None,
    ensure_copy: bool = True,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    Clip the values of a tensor with respect to the given bounds.

        x: The PyTorch tensor whose values will be clipped.
        lb: Lower bounds, as a PyTorch tensor.
            Can be None if there are no lower bounds.
        ub: Upper bounds, as a PyTorch tensor.
            Can be None if there are no upper bonuds.
        ensure_copy: If `ensure_copy` is True, the result will be
            a clipped copy of the original tensor.
            If `ensure_copy` is False, and both `lb` and `ub`
            are None, then there is nothing to do, so, the result
            will be the original tensor itself, not a copy of it.
        The clipped tensor.
    result = x
    if lb is not None:
        lb = torch.as_tensor(lb, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device)
        result = torch.max(result, lb)
    if ub is not None:
        ub = torch.as_tensor(ub, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device)
        result = torch.min(result, ub)
    if ensure_copy and result is x:
        result = x.clone()
    return result

clone(x, *, memo=None)

Get a deep copy of the given object.

The cloning is done in no_grad mode.


Type Description

The deep copy of the given object.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def clone(x: Any, *, memo: Optional[dict] = None) -> Any:
    Get a deep copy of the given object.

    The cloning is done in no_grad mode.

        The deep copy of the given object.
    return copy.deepcopy(x, memo=memo)


Get the device of the given object.


Name Type Description Default
x Any

The object whose device is being queried. The object can be a PyTorch tensor, or a PyTorch module (in which case the device of the first parameter tensor will be returned), or an ObjectArray (in which case the returned device will be the cpu device), or any object with the attribute device.



Type Description
Union[str, torch.device]

The device of the given object.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def device_of(x: Any) -> Device:
    Get the device of the given object.

        x: The object whose device is being queried.
            The object can be a PyTorch tensor, or a PyTorch module
            (in which case the device of the first parameter tensor
            will be returned), or an ObjectArray (in which case
            the returned device will be the cpu device), or any object
            with the attribute `device`.
        The device of the given object.
    if isinstance(x, nn.Module):
        result = None
        for param in x.parameters():
            result = param.device
        if result is None:
            raise ValueError(f"Cannot determine the device of the module {x}")
        return result
        return x.device


Get the device of the given container.

It is assumed that the given container stores PyTorch tensors from which the device information will be extracted. If the container contains only basic types like int, float, string, bool, or None, or if the container is empty, then the returned device will be None. If the container contains unrecognized objects, an error will be raised.


Name Type Description Default
container Any

A sequence or a dictionary of objects from which the device information will be extracted.



Type Description

The device if available, None otherwise.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def device_of_container(container: Any) -> Optional[torch.device]:
    Get the device of the given container.

    It is assumed that the given container stores PyTorch tensors from
    which the device information will be extracted.
    If the container contains only basic types like int, float, string,
    bool, or None, or if the container is empty, then the returned device
    will be None.
    If the container contains unrecognized objects, an error will be

        container: A sequence or a dictionary of objects from which the
            device information will be extracted.
        The device if available, None otherwise.

    class result:
        device: Optional[torch.device] = None

        def update(cls, new_device: Optional[torch.device]):
            if new_device is not None:
                if cls.device is None:
                    cls.device = new_device
                    if new_device != cls.device:
                        raise ValueError(f"Encountered tensors whose `device`s mismatch: {new_device}, {cls.device}")

    if isinstance(container, torch.Tensor):
    elif (container is None) or isinstance(container, (Number, str, bytes, bool)):
    elif isinstance(container, Mapping):
        for _, v in container.items():
    elif isinstance(container, Iterable):
        for v in container:
        raise TypeError(f"Encountered an object of unrecognized type: {type(container)}")

    return result.device


Get the dtype of the given object.


Name Type Description Default
x Any

The object whose dtype is being queried. The object can be a PyTorch tensor, or a PyTorch module (in which case the dtype of the first parameter tensor will be returned), or an ObjectArray (in which case the returned dtype will be object), or any object with the attribute dtype.



Type Description
Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

The dtype of the given object.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def dtype_of(x: Any) -> DType:
    Get the dtype of the given object.

        x: The object whose dtype is being queried.
            The object can be a PyTorch tensor, or a PyTorch module
            (in which case the dtype of the first parameter tensor
            will be returned), or an ObjectArray (in which case
            the returned dtype will be `object`), or any object with
            the attribute `dtype`.
        The dtype of the given object.
    if isinstance(x, nn.Module):
        result = None
        for param in x.parameters():
            result = param.dtype
        if result is None:
            raise ValueError(f"Cannot determine the dtype of the module {x}")
        return result
        return x.dtype


Get the dtype of the given container.

It is assumed that the given container stores PyTorch tensors from which the dtype information will be extracted. If the container contains only basic types like int, float, string, bool, or None, or if the container is empty, then the returned dtype will be None. If the container contains unrecognized objects, an error will be raised.


Name Type Description Default
container Any

A sequence or a dictionary of objects from which the dtype information will be extracted.



Type Description

The dtype if available, None otherwise.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def dtype_of_container(container: Any) -> Optional[torch.dtype]:
    Get the dtype of the given container.

    It is assumed that the given container stores PyTorch tensors from
    which the dtype information will be extracted.
    If the container contains only basic types like int, float, string,
    bool, or None, or if the container is empty, then the returned dtype
    will be None.
    If the container contains unrecognized objects, an error will be

        container: A sequence or a dictionary of objects from which the
            dtype information will be extracted.
        The dtype if available, None otherwise.

    class result:
        dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None

        def update(cls, new_dtype: Optional[torch.dtype]):
            if new_dtype is not None:
                if cls.dtype is None:
                    cls.dtype = new_dtype
                    if new_dtype != cls.dtype:
                        raise ValueError(f"Encountered tensors whose `dtype`s mismatch: {new_dtype}, {cls.dtype}")

    if isinstance(container, torch.Tensor):
    elif (container is None) or isinstance(container, (Number, str, bytes, bool)):
    elif isinstance(container, Mapping):
        for _, v in container.items():
    elif isinstance(container, Iterable):
        for v in container:
        raise TypeError(f"Encountered an object of unrecognized type: {type(container)}")

    return result.dtype

empty_tensor_like(source, *, shape=None, length=None, dtype=None, device=None)

Make an empty tensor with attributes taken from a source tensor.

The source tensor can be a PyTorch tensor, or an ObjectArray.

Unlike torch.empty_like(...), this function allows one to redefine the shape and/or length of the new empty tensor.


Name Type Description Default
source Any

The source tensor whose shape, dtype, and device will be used by default for the new empty tensor.

shape Union[tuple, int]

If given as None (which is the default), then the shape of the source tensor will be used for the new empty tensor. If given as a tuple or a torch.Size instance, then the new empty tensor will be in this given shape instead. This argument cannot be used together with length.

length Optional[int]

If given as None (which is the default), then the length of the new empty tensor will be equal to the length of the source tensor (where length here means the size of the outermost dimension, i.e., what is returned by len(...)). If given as an integer, the length of the empty tensor will be this given length instead. This argument cannot be used together with shape.

dtype Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

If given as None, the dtype of the new empty tensor will be the dtype of the source tensor. If given as a torch.dtype instance, then the dtype of the tensor will be this given dtype instead.

device Union[str, torch.device]

If given as None, the device of the new empty tensor will be the device of the source tensor. If given as a torch.device instance, then the device of the tensor will be this given device instead.



Type Description

The new empty tensor.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def empty_tensor_like(
    source: Any,
    shape: Optional[Union[tuple, int]] = None,
    length: Optional[int] = None,
    dtype: Optional[DType] = None,
    device: Optional[Device] = None,
) -> Any:
    Make an empty tensor with attributes taken from a source tensor.

    The source tensor can be a PyTorch tensor, or an ObjectArray.

    Unlike `torch.empty_like(...)`, this function allows one to redefine the
    shape and/or length of the new empty tensor.

        source: The source tensor whose shape, dtype, and device will be used
            by default for the new empty tensor.
        shape: If given as None (which is the default), then the shape of the
            source tensor will be used for the new empty tensor.
            If given as a tuple or a `torch.Size` instance, then the new empty
            tensor will be in this given shape instead.
            This argument cannot be used together with `length`.
        length: If given as None (which is the default), then the length of
            the new empty tensor will be equal to the length of the source
            tensor (where length here means the size of the outermost
            dimension, i.e., what is returned by `len(...)`).
            If given as an integer, the length of the empty tensor will be
            this given length instead.
            This argument cannot be used together with `shape`.
        dtype: If given as None, the dtype of the new empty tensor will be
            the dtype of the source tensor.
            If given as a `torch.dtype` instance, then the dtype of the
            tensor will be this given dtype instead.
        device: If given as None, the device of the new empty tensor will be
            the device of the source tensor.
            If given as a `torch.device` instance, then the device of the
            tensor will be this given device instead.
        The new empty tensor.
    from .objectarray import ObjectArray

    if isinstance(source, ObjectArray):
        if length is not None and shape is None:
            n = int(length)
        elif shape is not None and length is None:
            if isinstance(shape, Iterable):
                if len(shape) != 1:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"An ObjectArray must always be 1-dimensional."
                        f" Therefore, this given shape is incompatible: {shape}"
                n = int(shape[0])
        elif length is None and shape is None:
            n = len(source)
            raise ValueError("`length` and `shape` cannot be used together")

        if device is not None:
            if str(device) != "cpu":
                raise ValueError(
                    f"An ObjectArray can only be allocated on cpu. However, the specified `device` is: {device}."

        if dtype is not None:
            if not is_dtype_object(dtype):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"The dtype of an ObjectArray can only be `object`. However, the specified `dtype` is: {dtype}."

        return ObjectArray(n)
    elif isinstance(source, torch.Tensor):
        if length is not None:
            if shape is not None:
                raise ValueError("`length` and `shape` cannot be used together")
            if source.ndim == 0:
                raise ValueError("`length` can only be used when the source tensor is at least 1-dimensional")
            newshape = [int(length)]
            shape = tuple(newshape)

        if not ((dtype is None) or isinstance(dtype, torch.dtype)):
            dtype = to_torch_dtype(dtype)

        return torch.empty(
            source.shape if shape is None else shape,
            dtype=(source.dtype if dtype is None else dtype),
            device=(source.device if device is None else device),
        raise TypeError(f"The source tensor is of an unrecognized type: {type(source)}")


Ensure that the ray parallelization engine is initialized. If ray is already initialized, this function does nothing.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def ensure_ray():
    Ensure that the ray parallelization engine is initialized.
    If ray is already initialized, this function does nothing.
    import ray

    if not ray.is_initialized():

ensure_tensor_length_and_dtype(t, length, dtype, about=None, *, allow_scalar=False, device=None)

Return the given sequence as a tensor while also confirming its length, dtype, and device. If the given object is already a tensor conforming to the desired length, dtype, and device, the object will be returned as it is (there will be no copying).


Name Type Description Default
t Any

The tensor, or a sequence which is convertible to a tensor.

length int

The length to which the tensor is expected to conform.

dtype Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

The dtype to which the tensor is expected to conform.

about Optional[str]

The prefix for the error message. Can be left as None.

allow_scalar bool

Whether or not to accept scalars in addition to vector of the desired length. If allow_scalar is False, then scalars will be converted to sequences of the desired length. The sequence will contain the same scalar, repeated. If allow_scalar is True, then the scalar itself will be converted to a PyTorch scalar, and then will be returned.

device Union[str, torch.device]

The device in which the sequence is to be stored. If the given sequence is on a different device than the desired device, a copy on the correct device will be made. If device is None, the default behavior of torch.tensor(...) will be used, that is: if t is already a tensor, the result will be on the same device, otherwise, the result will be on the cpu.



Type Description

The sequence whose correctness in terms of length, dtype, and device is ensured.


Type Description

if there is a length mismatch.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def ensure_tensor_length_and_dtype(
    t: Any,
    length: int,
    dtype: DType,
    about: Optional[str] = None,
    allow_scalar: bool = False,
    device: Optional[Device] = None,
    Return the given sequence as a tensor while also confirming its
    length, dtype, and device.
    If the given object is already a tensor conforming to the desired
    length, dtype, and device, the object will be returned as it is
    (there will be no copying).

        t: The tensor, or a sequence which is convertible to a tensor.
        length: The length to which the tensor is expected to conform.
        dtype: The dtype to which the tensor is expected to conform.
        about: The prefix for the error message. Can be left as None.
        allow_scalar: Whether or not to accept scalars in addition
            to vector of the desired length.
            If `allow_scalar` is False, then scalars will be converted
            to sequences of the desired length. The sequence will contain
            the same scalar, repeated.
            If `allow_scalar` is True, then the scalar itself will be
            converted to a PyTorch scalar, and then will be returned.
        device: The device in which the sequence is to be stored.
            If the given sequence is on a different device than the
            desired device, a copy on the correct device will be made.
            If device is None, the default behavior of `torch.tensor(...)`
            will be used, that is: if `t` is already a tensor, the result
            will be on the same device, otherwise, the result will be on
            the cpu.
        The sequence whose correctness in terms of length, dtype, and
        device is ensured.
        ValueError: if there is a length mismatch.
    device_args = {}
    if device is not None:
        device_args["device"] = device

    t = as_tensor(t, dtype=dtype, **device_args)

    if t.ndim == 0:
        if allow_scalar:
            return t
            return t.repeat(length)
        if t.ndim != 1 or len(t) != length:
            if about is not None:
                err_prefix = about + ": "
                err_prefix = ""
            raise ValueError(
                f"{err_prefix}Expected a 1-dimensional tensor of length {length}, but got a tensor with shape: {t.shape}"
        return t

expect_none(msg_prefix, **kwargs)

Expect the values associated with the given keyword arguments to be None. If not, raise error.


Name Type Description Default
msg_prefix str

Prefix of the error message.


Keyword arguments whose values are expected to be None.



Type Description

if at least one of the keyword arguments has a value other than None.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def expect_none(msg_prefix: str, **kwargs):
    Expect the values associated with the given keyword arguments
    to be None. If not, raise error.

        msg_prefix: Prefix of the error message.
        kwargs: Keyword arguments whose values are expected to be None.
        ValueError: if at least one of the keyword arguments has a value
            other than None.
    for k, v in kwargs.items():
        if v is not None:
            raise ValueError(f"{msg_prefix}: expected `{k}` as None, however, it was found to be {repr(v)}")


Return True if x represents a bool.


Name Type Description Default
x Any

An object whose type is being queried.



Type Description

True if x is a bool; False otherwise.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def is_bool(x: Any) -> bool:
    Return True if `x` represents a bool.

        x: An object whose type is being queried.
        True if `x` is a bool; False otherwise.
    if isinstance(x, (bool, np.bool_)):
        return True
    elif isinstance(x, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray)):
        if x.ndim > 0:
            return False
            return is_dtype_bool(x.dtype)
        return False


Return True if x is a vector consisting of bools.


Name Type Description Default
x Any

An object whose elements' types are to be queried.



Type Description

True if the elements of x are bools; False otherwise.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def is_bool_vector(x: Any):
    Return True if `x` is a vector consisting of bools.

        x: An object whose elements' types are to be queried.
        True if the elements of `x` are bools; False otherwise.
    if isinstance(x, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray)):
        if x.ndim != 1:
            return False
            return is_dtype_bool(x.dtype)
    elif isinstance(x, Iterable):
        for item in x:
            if not is_bool(item):
                return False
        return True
        return False


Return True if the given dtype is an bool type.


Name Type Description Default
t Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

The dtype, which can be a dtype string, a numpy dtype, or a PyTorch dtype.



Type Description

True if t is a bool type; False otherwise.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def is_dtype_bool(t: DType) -> bool:
    Return True if the given dtype is an bool type.

        t: The dtype, which can be a dtype string, a numpy dtype,
            or a PyTorch dtype.
        True if t is a bool type; False otherwise.
    t: np.dtype = to_numpy_dtype(t)
    return t.kind.startswith("b")


Return True if the given dtype is an float type.


Name Type Description Default
t Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

The dtype, which can be a dtype string, a numpy dtype, or a PyTorch dtype.



Type Description

True if t is an float type; False otherwise.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def is_dtype_float(t: DType) -> bool:
    Return True if the given dtype is an float type.

        t: The dtype, which can be a dtype string, a numpy dtype,
            or a PyTorch dtype.
        True if t is an float type; False otherwise.
    t: np.dtype = to_numpy_dtype(t)
    return t.kind.startswith("f")


Return True if the given dtype is an integer type.


Name Type Description Default
t Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

The dtype, which can be a dtype string, a numpy dtype, or a PyTorch dtype.



Type Description

True if t is an integer type; False otherwise.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def is_dtype_integer(t: DType) -> bool:
    Return True if the given dtype is an integer type.

        t: The dtype, which can be a dtype string, a numpy dtype,
            or a PyTorch dtype.
        True if t is an integer type; False otherwise.
    t: np.dtype = to_numpy_dtype(t)
    return t.kind.startswith("u") or t.kind.startswith("i")


Return True if the given dtype is object or Any.


Type Description

True if the given dtype is object or Any; False otherwise.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def is_dtype_object(dtype: DType) -> bool:
    Return True if the given dtype is `object` or `Any`.

        True if the given dtype is `object` or `Any`; False otherwise.
    if isinstance(dtype, str):
        return dtype in ("object", "Any", "O")
    elif dtype is object or dtype is Any:
        return True
        return False


Return True if the given dtype represents real numbers (i.e. if dtype is an integer type or is a float type).


Name Type Description Default
t Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

The dtype, which can be a dtype string, a numpy dtype, or a PyTorch dtype.



Type Description

True if t represents a real numbers type; False otherwise.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def is_dtype_real(t: DType) -> bool:
    Return True if the given dtype represents real numbers
    (i.e. if dtype is an integer type or is a float type).

        t: The dtype, which can be a dtype string, a numpy dtype,
            or a PyTorch dtype.
        True if t represents a real numbers type; False otherwise.
    return is_dtype_float(t) or is_dtype_integer(t)


Return True if x is an integer.

Note that this function does NOT consider booleans as integers.


Name Type Description Default
x Any

An object whose type is being queried.



Type Description

True if x is an integer; False otherwise.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def is_integer(x: Any) -> bool:
    Return True if `x` is an integer.

    Note that this function does NOT consider booleans as integers.

        x: An object whose type is being queried.
        True if `x` is an integer; False otherwise.
    if is_bool(x):
        return False
    elif isinstance(x, Integral):
        return True
    elif isinstance(x, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray)):
        if x.ndim > 0:
            return False
            return is_dtype_integer(x.dtype)
        return False


Return True if x is a vector consisting of integers.


Name Type Description Default
x Any

An object whose elements' types are to be queried.



Type Description

True if the elements of x are integers; False otherwise.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def is_integer_vector(x: Any):
    Return True if `x` is a vector consisting of integers.

        x: An object whose elements' types are to be queried.
        True if the elements of `x` are integers; False otherwise.
    if isinstance(x, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray)):
        if x.ndim != 1:
            return False
            return is_dtype_integer(x.dtype)
    elif isinstance(x, Iterable):
        for item in x:
            if not is_integer(item):
                return False
        return True
        return False


Return True if x is a real number.

Note that this function does NOT consider booleans as real numbers.


Name Type Description Default
x Any

An object whose type is being queried.



Type Description

True if x is a real number; False otherwise.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def is_real(x: Any) -> bool:
    Return True if `x` is a real number.

    Note that this function does NOT consider booleans as real numbers.

        x: An object whose type is being queried.
        True if `x` is a real number; False otherwise.
    if is_bool(x):
        return False
    elif isinstance(x, Real):
        return True
    elif isinstance(x, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray)):
        if x.ndim > 0:
            return False
            return is_dtype_real(x.dtype)
        return False


Return True if x is a vector consisting of real numbers.


Name Type Description Default
x Any

An object whose elements' types are to be queried.



Type Description

True if the elements of x are real numbers; False otherwise.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def is_real_vector(x: Any):
    Return True if `x` is a vector consisting of real numbers.

        x: An object whose elements' types are to be queried.
        True if the elements of `x` are real numbers; False otherwise.
    if isinstance(x, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray)):
        if x.ndim != 1:
            return False
            return is_dtype_real(x.dtype)
    elif isinstance(x, Iterable):
        for item in x:
            if not is_real(item):
                return False
        return True
        return False


Return True if x is a sequence. Note that this function considers str and bytes as scalars, not as sequences.


Name Type Description Default
x Any

The object whose sequential nature is being queried.



Type Description

True if x is a sequence; False otherwise.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def is_sequence(x: Any) -> bool:
    Return True if `x` is a sequence.
    Note that this function considers `str` and `bytes` as scalars,
    not as sequences.

        x: The object whose sequential nature is being queried.
        True if `x` is a sequence; False otherwise.
    if isinstance(x, (str, bytes)):
        return False
    elif isinstance(x, (np.ndarray, torch.Tensor)):
        return x.ndim > 0
    elif isinstance(x, Iterable):
        return True
        return False


Return True of the given PyTorch tensor or ObjectArray is on cpu.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def is_tensor_on_cpu(tensor) -> bool:
    Return True of the given PyTorch tensor or ObjectArray is on cpu.
    return str(tensor.device) == "cpu"

make_I(size=None, out=None, dtype=None, device=None)

Make a new identity matrix (I), or change an existing tensor into one.

The following example creates a 3x3 identity matrix:

identity_matrix = make_I(3, dtype="float32")

The following example changes an already existing square matrix such that its values will store an identity matrix:



Name Type Description Default
size Optional[int]

A single integer specifying the length of the target square matrix. In this context, "length" means both rowwise length and columnwise length, since the target is a square matrix. Note that, if the user wishes to fill an existing tensor with identity values, then size is expected to be left as None.

out Optional[torch.Tensor]

Optionally, the existing tensor whose values will be changed so that they represent an identity matrix. If an out tensor is given, then size is expected as None.

dtype Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

Optionally a string (e.g. "float32") or a PyTorch dtype (e.g. torch.float32). If dtype is not specified, the default choice of torch.empty(...) is used, that is, torch.float32. If an out tensor is specified, then dtype is expected as None.

device Union[str, torch.device]

The device in which the new tensor will be stored. If not specified, "cpu" will be used. If an out tensor is specified, then device is expected as None.



Type Description

The created or modified tensor after placing the I matrix values

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def make_I(
    size: Optional[int] = None,
    out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
    dtype: Optional[DType] = None,
    device: Optional[Device] = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    Make a new identity matrix (I), or change an existing tensor into one.

    The following example creates a 3x3 identity matrix:

        identity_matrix = make_I(3, dtype="float32")

    The following example changes an already existing square matrix such that
    its values will store an identity matrix:


        size: A single integer specifying the length of the target square
            matrix. In this context, "length" means both rowwise length
            and columnwise length, since the target is a square matrix.
            Note that, if the user wishes to fill an existing tensor with
            identity values, then `size` is expected to be left as None.
        out: Optionally, the existing tensor whose values will be changed
            so that they represent an identity matrix.
            If an `out` tensor is given, then `size` is expected as None.
        dtype: Optionally a string (e.g. "float32") or a PyTorch dtype
            (e.g. torch.float32).
            If `dtype` is not specified, the default choice of
            `torch.empty(...)` is used, that is, `torch.float32`.
            If an `out` tensor is specified, then `dtype` is expected
            as None.
        device: The device in which the new tensor will be stored.
            If not specified, "cpu" will be used.
            If an `out` tensor is specified, then `device` is expected
            as None.
        The created or modified tensor after placing the I matrix values
    if size is None:
        if out is None:
            raise ValueError(
                " When the `size` argument is missing, `make_I(...)` expects an `out` tensor."
                " However, the `out` argument was received as None."
        size = tuple()
        n = int(size)
        size = (n, n)
    out = _out_tensor(*size, out=out, dtype=dtype, device=device)
    return out

make_empty(*size, *, dtype=None, device=None)

Make an empty tensor.


Name Type Description Default
size Union[int, torch.Size]

Shape of the empty tensor to be created. expected as multiple positional arguments of integers, or as a single positional argument containing a tuple of integers. Note that when the user wishes to create an ObjectArray (i.e. when dtype is given as object), then the size is expected as a single integer, or as a single-element tuple containing an integer (because ObjectArray can only be one-dimensional).

dtype Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

Optionally a string (e.g. "float32") or a PyTorch dtype (e.g. torch.float32) or, for creating an ObjectArray, "object" (as string) or object or Any. If dtype is not specified, the default choice of torch.empty(...) is used, that is, torch.float32.

device Union[str, torch.device]

The device in which the new empty tensor will be stored. If not specified, "cpu" will be used.



Type Description

The new empty tensor, which can be a PyTorch tensor or an ObjectArray.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def make_empty(
    *size: Size,
    dtype: Optional[DType] = None,
    device: Optional[Device] = None,
) -> Iterable:
    Make an empty tensor.

        size: Shape of the empty tensor to be created.
            expected as multiple positional arguments of integers,
            or as a single positional argument containing a tuple of
            Note that when the user wishes to create an `ObjectArray`
            (i.e. when `dtype` is given as `object`), then the size
            is expected as a single integer, or as a single-element
            tuple containing an integer (because `ObjectArray` can only
            be one-dimensional).
        dtype: Optionally a string (e.g. "float32") or a PyTorch dtype
            (e.g. torch.float32) or, for creating an `ObjectArray`,
            "object" (as string) or `object` or `Any`.
            If `dtype` is not specified, the default choice of
            `torch.empty(...)` is used, that is, `torch.float32`.
        device: The device in which the new empty tensor will be stored.
            If not specified, "cpu" will be used.
        The new empty tensor, which can be a PyTorch tensor or an
    from .objectarray import ObjectArray

    if (dtype is not None) and is_dtype_object(dtype):
        if (device is None) or (str(device) == "cpu"):
            if len(size) == 1:
                size = size[0]
            return ObjectArray(size)
            return ValueError(
                f"Invalid device for ObjectArray: {repr(device)}. Note: an ObjectArray can only be stored on 'cpu'."
        kwargs = {}
        if dtype is not None:
            kwargs["dtype"] = to_torch_dtype(dtype)
        if device is not None:
            kwargs["device"] = device
        return torch.empty(*size, **kwargs)

make_gaussian(*size, *, center=None, stdev=None, symmetric=False, out=None, dtype=None, device=None, generator=None)

Make a new or existing tensor filled by Gaussian distributed values. This function can work only with float dtypes.


Name Type Description Default
size Union[int, torch.Size]

Size of the new tensor to be filled with Gaussian distributed values. This can be given as multiple positional arguments, each such positional argument being an integer, or as a single positional argument of a tuple, the tuple containing multiple integers. Note that, if the user wishes to fill an existing tensor instead, then no positional argument is expected.

center Union[float, Iterable[float], torch.Tensor]

Center point (i.e. mean) of the Gaussian distribution. Can be a scalar, or a tensor. If not specified, the center point will be taken as 0. Note that, if one specifies center, then stdev is also expected to be explicitly specified.

stdev Union[float, Iterable[float], torch.Tensor]

Standard deviation for the Gaussian distributed values. Can be a scalar, or a tensor. If not specified, the standard deviation will be taken as 1. Note that, if one specifies stdev, then center is also expected to be explicitly specified.

symmetric bool

Whether or not the values should be sampled in a symmetric (i.e. antithetic) manner. The default is False.

out Optional[torch.Tensor]

Optionally, the tensor to be filled by Gaussian distributed values. If an out tensor is given, then no size argument is expected.

dtype Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

Optionally a string (e.g. "float32") or a PyTorch dtype (e.g. torch.float32). If dtype is not specified, the default choice of torch.empty(...) is used, that is, torch.float32. If an out tensor is specified, then dtype is expected as None.

device Union[str, torch.device]

The device in which the new tensor will be stored. If not specified, "cpu" will be used. If an out tensor is specified, then device is expected as None.

generator Any

Pseudo-random number generator to be used when sampling the values. Can be a torch.Generator, or an object with a generator attribute (such as Problem). If left as None, the global generator of PyTorch will be used.



Type Description

The created or modified tensor after placing the Gaussian distributed values.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def make_gaussian(
    *size: Size,
    center: Optional[RealOrVector] = None,
    stdev: Optional[RealOrVector] = None,
    symmetric: bool = False,
    out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
    dtype: Optional[DType] = None,
    device: Optional[Device] = None,
    generator: Any = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    Make a new or existing tensor filled by Gaussian distributed values.
    This function can work only with float dtypes.

        size: Size of the new tensor to be filled with Gaussian distributed
            values. This can be given as multiple positional arguments, each
            such positional argument being an integer, or as a single
            positional argument of a tuple, the tuple containing multiple
            integers. Note that, if the user wishes to fill an existing
            tensor instead, then no positional argument is expected.
        center: Center point (i.e. mean) of the Gaussian distribution.
            Can be a scalar, or a tensor.
            If not specified, the center point will be taken as 0.
            Note that, if one specifies `center`, then `stdev` is also
            expected to be explicitly specified.
        stdev: Standard deviation for the Gaussian distributed values.
            Can be a scalar, or a tensor.
            If not specified, the standard deviation will be taken as 1.
            Note that, if one specifies `stdev`, then `center` is also
            expected to be explicitly specified.
        symmetric: Whether or not the values should be sampled in a
            symmetric (i.e. antithetic) manner.
            The default is False.
        out: Optionally, the tensor to be filled by Gaussian distributed
            values. If an `out` tensor is given, then no `size` argument is
        dtype: Optionally a string (e.g. "float32") or a PyTorch dtype
            (e.g. torch.float32).
            If `dtype` is not specified, the default choice of
            `torch.empty(...)` is used, that is, `torch.float32`.
            If an `out` tensor is specified, then `dtype` is expected
            as None.
        device: The device in which the new tensor will be stored.
            If not specified, "cpu" will be used.
            If an `out` tensor is specified, then `device` is expected
            as None.
        generator: Pseudo-random number generator to be used when sampling
            the values. Can be a `torch.Generator`, or an object with
            a `generator` attribute (such as `Problem`).
            If left as None, the global generator of PyTorch will be used.
        The created or modified tensor after placing the Gaussian
        distributed values.
    scalar_requested = _scalar_requested(*size)
    if scalar_requested:
        size = (1,)

    out = _out_tensor(*size, out=out, dtype=dtype, device=device)
    gen_kwargs = _generator_kwargs(generator)

    if symmetric:
        leftmost_dim = out.shape[0]
        if (leftmost_dim % 2) != 0:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Symmetric sampling cannot be done if the leftmost dimension of the target tensor is odd."
                f" The shape of the target tensor is: {repr(out.shape)}."
        out[0::2, ...].normal_(**gen_kwargs)
        out[1::2, ...] = out[0::2, ...]
        out[1::2, ...] *= -1

    if (center is None) and (stdev is None):
        pass  # do nothing
    elif (center is not None) and (stdev is not None):
        stdev = torch.as_tensor(stdev, dtype=out.dtype, device=out.device)
        out *= stdev
        center = torch.as_tensor(center, dtype=out.dtype, device=out.device)
        out += center
        raise ValueError(
            f"Please either specify none of `stdev` and `center`, or both of them."
            f" Currently, `center` is {center}"
            f" and `stdev` is {stdev}."

    if scalar_requested:
        out = out[0]

    return out

make_nan(*size, *, out=None, dtype=None, device=None)

Make a new tensor filled with NaN, or fill an existing tensor with NaN.

The following example creates a float32 tensor filled with NaN values, of shape (3, 5):

nan_values = make_nan(3, 5, dtype="float32")

The following example fills an existing tensor with NaNs.



Name Type Description Default
size Union[int, torch.Size]

Size of the new tensor to be filled with NaNs. This can be given as multiple positional arguments, each such positional argument being an integer, or as a single positional argument of a tuple, the tuple containing multiple integers. Note that, if the user wishes to fill an existing tensor with NaN values, then no positional argument is expected.

out Optional[torch.Tensor]

Optionally, the tensor to be filled by NaN values. If an out tensor is given, then no size argument is expected.

dtype Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

Optionally a string (e.g. "float32") or a PyTorch dtype (e.g. torch.float32). If dtype is not specified, the default choice of torch.empty(...) is used, that is, torch.float32. If an out tensor is specified, then dtype is expected as None.

device Union[str, torch.device]

The device in which the new tensor will be stored. If not specified, "cpu" will be used. If an out tensor is specified, then device is expected as None.



Type Description

The created or modified tensor after placing NaN values.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def make_nan(
    *size: Size,
    out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
    dtype: Optional[DType] = None,
    device: Optional[Device] = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    Make a new tensor filled with NaN, or fill an existing tensor with NaN.

    The following example creates a float32 tensor filled with NaN values,
    of shape (3, 5):

        nan_values = make_nan(3, 5, dtype="float32")

    The following example fills an existing tensor with NaNs.


        size: Size of the new tensor to be filled with NaNs.
            This can be given as multiple positional arguments, each such
            positional argument being an integer, or as a single positional
            argument of a tuple, the tuple containing multiple integers.
            Note that, if the user wishes to fill an existing tensor with
            NaN values, then no positional argument is expected.
        out: Optionally, the tensor to be filled by NaN values.
            If an `out` tensor is given, then no `size` argument is expected.
        dtype: Optionally a string (e.g. "float32") or a PyTorch dtype
            (e.g. torch.float32).
            If `dtype` is not specified, the default choice of
            `torch.empty(...)` is used, that is, `torch.float32`.
            If an `out` tensor is specified, then `dtype` is expected
            as None.
        device: The device in which the new tensor will be stored.
            If not specified, "cpu" will be used.
            If an `out` tensor is specified, then `device` is expected
            as None.
        The created or modified tensor after placing NaN values.
    if _scalar_requested(*size):
        return _scalar_tensor(float("nan"), out=out, dtype=dtype, device=device)
        out = _out_tensor(*size, out=out, dtype=dtype, device=device)
        out[:] = float("nan")
        return out

make_ones(*size, *, out=None, dtype=None, device=None)

Make a new tensor filled with 1, or fill an existing tensor with 1.

The following example creates a float32 tensor filled with 1 values, of shape (3, 5):

zero_values = make_ones(3, 5, dtype="float32")

The following example fills an existing tensor with 1s:



Name Type Description Default
size Union[int, torch.Size]

Size of the new tensor to be filled with 1. This can be given as multiple positional arguments, each such positional argument being an integer, or as a single positional argument of a tuple, the tuple containing multiple integers. Note that, if the user wishes to fill an existing tensor with 1 values, then no positional argument is expected.

out Optional[torch.Tensor]

Optionally, the tensor to be filled by 1 values. If an out tensor is given, then no size argument is expected.

dtype Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

Optionally a string (e.g. "float32") or a PyTorch dtype (e.g. torch.float32). If dtype is not specified, the default choice of torch.empty(...) is used, that is, torch.float32. If an out tensor is specified, then dtype is expected as None.

device Union[str, torch.device]

The device in which the new tensor will be stored. If not specified, "cpu" will be used. If an out tensor is specified, then device is expected as None.



Type Description

The created or modified tensor after placing 1 values.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def make_ones(
    *size: Size,
    out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
    dtype: Optional[DType] = None,
    device: Optional[Device] = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    Make a new tensor filled with 1, or fill an existing tensor with 1.

    The following example creates a float32 tensor filled with 1 values,
    of shape (3, 5):

        zero_values = make_ones(3, 5, dtype="float32")

    The following example fills an existing tensor with 1s:


        size: Size of the new tensor to be filled with 1.
            This can be given as multiple positional arguments, each such
            positional argument being an integer, or as a single positional
            argument of a tuple, the tuple containing multiple integers.
            Note that, if the user wishes to fill an existing tensor with
            1 values, then no positional argument is expected.
        out: Optionally, the tensor to be filled by 1 values.
            If an `out` tensor is given, then no `size` argument is expected.
        dtype: Optionally a string (e.g. "float32") or a PyTorch dtype
            (e.g. torch.float32).
            If `dtype` is not specified, the default choice of
            `torch.empty(...)` is used, that is, `torch.float32`.
            If an `out` tensor is specified, then `dtype` is expected
            as None.
        device: The device in which the new tensor will be stored.
            If not specified, "cpu" will be used.
            If an `out` tensor is specified, then `device` is expected
            as None.
        The created or modified tensor after placing 1 values.
    if _scalar_requested(*size):
        return _scalar_tensor(1, out=out, dtype=dtype, device=device)
        out = _out_tensor(*size, out=out, dtype=dtype, device=device)
        out[:] = 1
        return out

make_randint(*size, *, n, out=None, dtype=None, device=None, generator=None)

Make a new or existing tensor filled by random integers. The integers are uniformly distributed within [0 ... n-1]. This function can be used with integer or float dtypes.


Name Type Description Default
size Union[int, torch.Size]

Size of the new tensor to be filled with uniformly distributed values. This can be given as multiple positional arguments, each such positional argument being an integer, or as a single positional argument of a tuple, the tuple containing multiple integers. Note that, if the user wishes to fill an existing tensor instead, then no positional argument is expected.

n Union[int, float, torch.Tensor]

Number of choice(s) for integer sampling. The lowest possible value will be 0, and the highest possible value will be n - 1. n can be a scalar, or a tensor.

out Optional[torch.Tensor]

Optionally, the tensor to be filled by the random integers. If an out tensor is given, then no size argument is expected.

dtype Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

Optionally a string (e.g. "int64") or a PyTorch dtype (e.g. torch.int64). If dtype is not specified, torch.int64 will be used.

device Union[str, torch.device]

The device in which the new tensor will be stored. If not specified, "cpu" will be used. If an out tensor is specified, then device is expected as None.

generator Any

Pseudo-random number generator to be used when sampling the values. Can be a torch.Generator, or an object with a generator attribute (such as Problem). If left as None, the global generator of PyTorch will be used.



Type Description

The created or modified tensor after placing the uniformly distributed values.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def make_randint(
    *size: Size,
    n: Union[int, float, torch.Tensor],
    out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
    dtype: Optional[DType] = None,
    device: Optional[Device] = None,
    generator: Any = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    Make a new or existing tensor filled by random integers.
    The integers are uniformly distributed within `[0 ... n-1]`.
    This function can be used with integer or float dtypes.

        size: Size of the new tensor to be filled with uniformly distributed
            values. This can be given as multiple positional arguments, each
            such positional argument being an integer, or as a single
            positional argument of a tuple, the tuple containing multiple
            integers. Note that, if the user wishes to fill an existing
            tensor instead, then no positional argument is expected.
        n: Number of choice(s) for integer sampling.
            The lowest possible value will be 0, and the highest possible
            value will be n - 1.
            `n` can be a scalar, or a tensor.
        out: Optionally, the tensor to be filled by the random integers.
            If an `out` tensor is given, then no `size` argument is
        dtype: Optionally a string (e.g. "int64") or a PyTorch dtype
            (e.g. torch.int64).
            If `dtype` is not specified, torch.int64 will be used.
        device: The device in which the new tensor will be stored.
            If not specified, "cpu" will be used.
            If an `out` tensor is specified, then `device` is expected
            as None.
        generator: Pseudo-random number generator to be used when sampling
            the values. Can be a `torch.Generator`, or an object with
            a `generator` attribute (such as `Problem`).
            If left as None, the global generator of PyTorch will be used.
            The created or modified tensor after placing the uniformly
            distributed values.
    scalar_requested = _scalar_requested(*size)
    if scalar_requested:
        size = (1,)

    if (dtype is None) and (out is None):
        dtype = torch.int64
    out = _out_tensor(*size, out=out, dtype=dtype, device=device)
    gen_kwargs = _generator_kwargs(generator)
    out %= n

    if scalar_requested:
        out = out[0]

    return out

make_tensor(data, *, dtype=None, device=None, read_only=False)

Make a new tensor.

This function can be used to create PyTorch tensors, or ObjectArray instances with or without read-only behavior.

The following example creates a 2-dimensional PyTorch tensor:

my_tensor = make_tensor(
    [[1, 2], [3, 4]],
    dtype="float32",    # alternatively, torch.float32

The following example creates an ObjectArray from a list that contains arbitrary data:

my_obj_tensor = make_tensor(["a_string", (1, 2)], dtype=object)


Name Type Description Default
data Any

The data to be converted to a tensor. If one wishes to create a PyTorch tensor, this can be anything that can be stored by a PyTorch tensor. If one wishes to create an ObjectArray and therefore passes dtype=object, then the provided data is expected as an Iterable.

dtype Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

Optionally a string (e.g. "float32"), or a PyTorch dtype (e.g. torch.float32), or object or "object" (as a string) or Any if one wishes to create an ObjectArray. If dtype is not specified, it will be assumed that the user wishes to create a PyTorch tensor (not an ObjectArray) and then dtype will be inferred from the provided data (according to the default behavior of PyTorch).

device Union[str, torch.device]

The device in which the tensor will be stored. If device is not specified, it will be understood from the given data (according to the default behavior of PyTorch).

read_only bool

Whether or not the created tensor will be read-only. By default, this is False.



Type Description

A PyTorch tensor or an ObjectArray.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def make_tensor(
    data: Any,
    dtype: Optional[DType] = None,
    device: Optional[Device] = None,
    read_only: bool = False,
) -> Iterable:
    Make a new tensor.

    This function can be used to create PyTorch tensors, or ObjectArray
    instances with or without read-only behavior.

    The following example creates a 2-dimensional PyTorch tensor:

        my_tensor = make_tensor(
            [[1, 2], [3, 4]],
            dtype="float32",    # alternatively, torch.float32

    The following example creates an ObjectArray from a list that contains
    arbitrary data:

        my_obj_tensor = make_tensor(["a_string", (1, 2)], dtype=object)

        data: The data to be converted to a tensor.
            If one wishes to create a PyTorch tensor, this can be anything
            that can be stored by a PyTorch tensor.
            If one wishes to create an `ObjectArray` and therefore passes
            `dtype=object`, then the provided `data` is expected as an
        dtype: Optionally a string (e.g. "float32"), or a PyTorch dtype
            (e.g. torch.float32), or `object` or "object" (as a string)
            or `Any` if one wishes to create an `ObjectArray`.
            If `dtype` is not specified, it will be assumed that the user
            wishes to create a PyTorch tensor (not an `ObjectArray`) and
            then `dtype` will be inferred from the provided `data`
            (according to the default behavior of PyTorch).
        device: The device in which the tensor will be stored.
            If `device` is not specified, it will be understood from the
            given `data` (according to the default behavior of PyTorch).
        read_only: Whether or not the created tensor will be read-only.
            By default, this is False.
        A PyTorch tensor or an ObjectArray.
    from .objectarray import ObjectArray
    from .readonlytensor import as_read_only_tensor

    if (dtype is not None) and is_dtype_object(dtype):
        data = list(data)
        n = len(data)
        result = ObjectArray(n)
        result[:] = data
        kwargs = {}
        if dtype is not None:
            kwargs["dtype"] = to_torch_dtype(dtype)
        if device is not None:
            kwargs["device"] = device
        result = torch.tensor(data, **kwargs)

    if read_only:
        result = as_read_only_tensor(result)

    return result

make_uniform(*size, *, lb=None, ub=None, out=None, dtype=None, device=None, generator=None)

Make a new or existing tensor filled by uniformly distributed values. Both lower and upper bounds are inclusive. This function can work with both float and int dtypes.


Name Type Description Default
size Union[int, torch.Size]

Size of the new tensor to be filled with uniformly distributed values. This can be given as multiple positional arguments, each such positional argument being an integer, or as a single positional argument of a tuple, the tuple containing multiple integers. Note that, if the user wishes to fill an existing tensor instead, then no positional argument is expected.

lb Union[float, Iterable[float], torch.Tensor]

Lower bound for the uniformly distributed values. Can be a scalar, or a tensor. If not specified, the lower bound will be taken as 0. Note that, if one specifies lb, then ub is also expected to be explicitly specified.

ub Union[float, Iterable[float], torch.Tensor]

Upper bound for the uniformly distributed values. Can be a scalar, or a tensor. If not specified, the upper bound will be taken as 1. Note that, if one specifies ub, then lb is also expected to be explicitly specified.

out Optional[torch.Tensor]

Optionally, the tensor to be filled by uniformly distributed values. If an out tensor is given, then no size argument is expected.

dtype Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

Optionally a string (e.g. "float32") or a PyTorch dtype (e.g. torch.float32). If dtype is not specified, the default choice of torch.empty(...) is used, that is, torch.float32. If an out tensor is specified, then dtype is expected as None.

device Union[str, torch.device]

The device in which the new tensor will be stored. If not specified, "cpu" will be used. If an out tensor is specified, then device is expected as None.

generator Any

Pseudo-random number generator to be used when sampling the values. Can be a torch.Generator, or an object with a generator attribute (such as Problem). If left as None, the global generator of PyTorch will be used.



Type Description

The created or modified tensor after placing the uniformly distributed values.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def make_uniform(
    *size: Size,
    lb: Optional[RealOrVector] = None,
    ub: Optional[RealOrVector] = None,
    out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
    dtype: Optional[DType] = None,
    device: Optional[Device] = None,
    generator: Any = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    Make a new or existing tensor filled by uniformly distributed values.
    Both lower and upper bounds are inclusive.
    This function can work with both float and int dtypes.

        size: Size of the new tensor to be filled with uniformly distributed
            values. This can be given as multiple positional arguments, each
            such positional argument being an integer, or as a single
            positional argument of a tuple, the tuple containing multiple
            integers. Note that, if the user wishes to fill an existing
            tensor instead, then no positional argument is expected.
        lb: Lower bound for the uniformly distributed values.
            Can be a scalar, or a tensor.
            If not specified, the lower bound will be taken as 0.
            Note that, if one specifies `lb`, then `ub` is also expected to
            be explicitly specified.
        ub: Upper bound for the uniformly distributed values.
            Can be a scalar, or a tensor.
            If not specified, the upper bound will be taken as 1.
            Note that, if one specifies `ub`, then `lb` is also expected to
            be explicitly specified.
        out: Optionally, the tensor to be filled by uniformly distributed
            values. If an `out` tensor is given, then no `size` argument is
        dtype: Optionally a string (e.g. "float32") or a PyTorch dtype
            (e.g. torch.float32).
            If `dtype` is not specified, the default choice of
            `torch.empty(...)` is used, that is, `torch.float32`.
            If an `out` tensor is specified, then `dtype` is expected
            as None.
        device: The device in which the new tensor will be stored.
            If not specified, "cpu" will be used.
            If an `out` tensor is specified, then `device` is expected
            as None.
        generator: Pseudo-random number generator to be used when sampling
            the values. Can be a `torch.Generator`, or an object with
            a `generator` attribute (such as `Problem`).
            If left as None, the global generator of PyTorch will be used.
        The created or modified tensor after placing the uniformly
        distributed values.

    scalar_requested = _scalar_requested(*size)
    if scalar_requested:
        size = (1,)

    def _invalid_bound_args():
        raise ValueError(
            f"Expected both `lb` and `ub` as None, or both `lb` and `ub` as not None."
            f" It appears that one of them is None, while the other is not."
            f" lb: {repr(lb)}."
            f" ub: {repr(ub)}."

    out = _out_tensor(*size, out=out, dtype=dtype, device=device)
    gen_kwargs = _generator_kwargs(generator)

    def _cast_bounds():
        nonlocal lb, ub
        lb = torch.as_tensor(lb, dtype=out.dtype, device=out.device)
        ub = torch.as_tensor(ub, dtype=out.dtype, device=out.device)

    if out.dtype in (torch.uint8, torch.int8, torch.int16, torch.int32, torch.int64):
        if (lb is None) and (ub is None):
            out %= 2
        elif (lb is not None) and (ub is not None):
            diff = (ub - lb) + 1
            out -= lb
            out %= diff
            out += lb
        if (lb is None) and (ub is None):
            pass  # nothing to do
        elif (lb is not None) and (ub is not None):
            diff = ub - lb
            out *= diff
            out += lb

    if scalar_requested:
        out = out[0]

    return out

make_zeros(*size, *, out=None, dtype=None, device=None)

Make a new tensor filled with 0, or fill an existing tensor with 0.

The following example creates a float32 tensor filled with 0 values, of shape (3, 5):

zero_values = make_zeros(3, 5, dtype="float32")

The following example fills an existing tensor with 0s:



Name Type Description Default
size Union[int, torch.Size]

Size of the new tensor to be filled with 0. This can be given as multiple positional arguments, each such positional argument being an integer, or as a single positional argument of a tuple, the tuple containing multiple integers. Note that, if the user wishes to fill an existing tensor with 0 values, then no positional argument is expected.

out Optional[torch.Tensor]

Optionally, the tensor to be filled by 0 values. If an out tensor is given, then no size argument is expected.

dtype Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

Optionally a string (e.g. "float32") or a PyTorch dtype (e.g. torch.float32). If dtype is not specified, the default choice of torch.empty(...) is used, that is, torch.float32. If an out tensor is specified, then dtype is expected as None.

device Union[str, torch.device]

The device in which the new tensor will be stored. If not specified, "cpu" will be used. If an out tensor is specified, then device is expected as None.



Type Description

The created or modified tensor after placing 0 values.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def make_zeros(
    *size: Size,
    out: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
    dtype: Optional[DType] = None,
    device: Optional[Device] = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    Make a new tensor filled with 0, or fill an existing tensor with 0.

    The following example creates a float32 tensor filled with 0 values,
    of shape (3, 5):

        zero_values = make_zeros(3, 5, dtype="float32")

    The following example fills an existing tensor with 0s:


        size: Size of the new tensor to be filled with 0.
            This can be given as multiple positional arguments, each such
            positional argument being an integer, or as a single positional
            argument of a tuple, the tuple containing multiple integers.
            Note that, if the user wishes to fill an existing tensor with
            0 values, then no positional argument is expected.
        out: Optionally, the tensor to be filled by 0 values.
            If an `out` tensor is given, then no `size` argument is expected.
        dtype: Optionally a string (e.g. "float32") or a PyTorch dtype
            (e.g. torch.float32).
            If `dtype` is not specified, the default choice of
            `torch.empty(...)` is used, that is, `torch.float32`.
            If an `out` tensor is specified, then `dtype` is expected
            as None.
        device: The device in which the new tensor will be stored.
            If not specified, "cpu" will be used.
            If an `out` tensor is specified, then `device` is expected
            as None.
        The created or modified tensor after placing 0 values.
    if _scalar_requested(*size):
        return _scalar_tensor(0, out=out, dtype=dtype, device=device)
        out = _out_tensor(*size, out=out, dtype=dtype, device=device)
        return out

modify_tensor(original, target, lb=None, ub=None, max_change=None, in_place=False)

Return the modified version of the original tensor, with bounds checking.


Name Type Description Default
original Tensor

The original tensor.

target Tensor

The target tensor which contains the values to replace the old ones in the original tensor.

lb Union[float, torch.Tensor]

The lower bound(s), as a scalar or as an tensor. Values below these bounds are clipped in the resulting tensor. None means -inf.

ub Union[float, torch.Tensor]

The upper bound(s), as a scalar or as an tensor. Value above these bounds are clipped in the resulting tensor. None means +inf.

max_change Union[float, torch.Tensor]

The ratio of allowed change. In more details, when given as a real number r, modifications are allowed only within [original-(r*abs(original)) ... original+(r*abs(original))]. Modifications beyond this interval are clipped. This argument can also be left as None if no such limitation is needed.

in_place bool

Provide this as True if you wish the modification to be done within the original tensor. The default value of this argument is False, which means, the original tensor is not changed, and its modified version is returned as an independent copy.



Type Description

The modified tensor.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def modify_tensor(
    original: torch.Tensor,
    target: torch.Tensor,
    lb: Optional[Union[float, torch.Tensor]] = None,
    ub: Optional[Union[float, torch.Tensor]] = None,
    max_change: Optional[Union[float, torch.Tensor]] = None,
    in_place: bool = False,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Return the modified version of the original tensor, with bounds checking.

        original: The original tensor.
        target: The target tensor which contains the values to replace the
            old ones in the original tensor.
        lb: The lower bound(s), as a scalar or as an tensor.
            Values below these bounds are clipped in the resulting tensor.
            None means -inf.
        ub: The upper bound(s), as a scalar or as an tensor.
            Value above these bounds are clipped in the resulting tensor.
            None means +inf.
        max_change: The ratio of allowed change.
            In more details, when given as a real number r,
            modifications are allowed only within
            ``[original-(r*abs(original)) ... original+(r*abs(original))]``.
            Modifications beyond this interval are clipped.
            This argument can also be left as None if no such limitation
            is needed.
        in_place: Provide this as True if you wish the modification to be
            done within the original tensor. The default value of this
            argument is False, which means, the original tensor is not
            changed, and its modified version is returned as an independent
        The modified tensor.
    if (lb is None) and (ub is None) and (max_change is None):
        # If there is no restriction regarding how the tensor
        # should be modified (no lb, no ub, no max_change),
        # then we simply use the target values
        # themselves for modifying the tensor.

        if in_place:
            original[:] = target
            return original
            return target
        # If there are some restriction regarding how the tensor
        # should be modified, then we turn to the following
        # operations

        def convert_to_tensor(x, tensorname: str):
            if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor):
                converted = x
                converted = torch.as_tensor(x, dtype=original.dtype, device=original.device)
            if converted.ndim == 0 or converted.shape == original.shape:
                return converted
                raise IndexError(
                    f"Argument {tensorname}: shape mismatch."
                    f" Shape of the original tensor: {original.shape}."
                    f" Shape of {tensorname}: {converted.shape}."

        if lb is None:
            # If lb is None, then it should be taken as -inf
            lb = convert_to_tensor(float("-inf"), "lb")
            lb = convert_to_tensor(lb, "lb")

        if ub is None:
            # If ub is None, then it should be taken as +inf
            ub = convert_to_tensor(float("inf"), "ub")
            ub = convert_to_tensor(ub, "ub")

        if max_change is not None:
            # If max_change is provided as something other than None,
            # then we update the lb and ub so that they are tight
            # enough to satisfy the max_change restriction.

            max_change = convert_to_tensor(max_change, "max_change")
            allowed_amounts = torch.abs(original) * max_change
            allowed_lb = original - allowed_amounts
            allowed_ub = original + allowed_amounts
            lb = torch.max(lb, allowed_lb)
            ub = torch.min(ub, allowed_ub)

        ## If in_place is given as True, the clipping (that we are about
        ## to perform), should be in-place.
        # more_config = {}
        # if in_place:
        #    more_config['out'] = original
        ## Return the clipped version of the target values
        # return torch.clamp(target, lb, ub, **more_config)

        result = torch.max(target, lb)
        result = torch.min(result, ub)

        if in_place:
            original[:] = result
            return original
            return result

numpy_copy(x, dtype)

Return a numpy copy of the given iterable.


Name Type Description Default
x Iterable

Any Iterable whose numpy copy will be returned.

dtype Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

The desired dtype. Can be given as a numpy dtype, as a torch dtype, or a native dtype (e.g. int, float), or as a string (e.g. "float32").



Type Description

The numpy copy of the original iterable object.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def numpy_copy(x: Iterable, dtype: DType) -> np.ndarray:
    Return a numpy copy of the given iterable.

        x: Any Iterable whose numpy copy will be returned.
        dtype: The desired dtype. Can be given as a numpy dtype,
            as a torch dtype, or a native dtype (e.g. int, float),
            or as a string (e.g. "float32").
        The numpy copy of the original iterable object.
    dtype = to_numpy_dtype(dtype)
    if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor):
        x = x.cpu()
    return np.array(x, dtype=dtype)

split_workload(workload, num_actors)

Split a workload among actors.

By "workload" what is meant is the total amount of a work, this amount being expressed by an integer. For example, if the "work" is the evaluation of a population, the "workload" would usually be the population size.


Name Type Description Default
workload int

Total amount of work, as an integer.

num_actors int

Number of actors (i.e. remote workers) among which the workload will be distributed.



Type Description

A list of integers. The i-th item of the returned list expresses the suggested workload for the i-th actor.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def split_workload(workload: int, num_actors: int) -> list:
    Split a workload among actors.

    By "workload" what is meant is the total amount of a work,
    this amount being expressed by an integer.
    For example, if the "work" is the evaluation of a population,
    the "workload" would usually be the population size.

        workload: Total amount of work, as an integer.
        num_actors: Number of actors (i.e. remote workers) among
            which the workload will be distributed.
        A list of integers. The i-th item of the returned list
        expresses the suggested workload for the i-th actor.
    base_workload = workload // num_actors
    extra_workload = workload % num_actors
    result = [base_workload] * num_actors
    for i in range(extra_workload):
        result[i] += 1
    return result

stdev_from_radius(radius, solution_length)

Get elementwise standard deviation from a given radius.

Sometimes, for a distribution-based search algorithm, the user might choose to configure the initial coverage area of the search distribution not via standard deviation, but via a radius value, as was done in the study of Toklu et al. (2020). This function takes the desired radius value and the solution length of the problem at hand, and returns the elementwise standard deviation value. Let us name this returned standard deviation value as s. When a new Gaussian distribution is constructed such that its initial standard deviation is [s, s, s, ...] (the length of this vector being equal to the solution length), this constructed distribution's radius corresponds with the desired radius.

Here, the "radius" of a Gaussian distribution is defined as the norm of the standard deviation vector. In the case of a standard normal distribution, this radius formulation serves as a simplified approximation to E[||Normal(0, I)||] (for which a closer approximation is used in the study of Hansen & Ostermeier (2001)).


Toklu, N.E., Liskowski, P., Srivastava, R.K. (2020).
ClipUp: A Simple and Powerful Optimizer
for Distribution-based Policy Evolution.
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN 2020).

Nikolaus Hansen, Andreas Ostermeier (2001).
Completely Derandomized Self-Adaptation in Evolution Strategies.


Name Type Description Default
radius float

The radius whose elementwise standard deviation counterpart will be returned.

solution_length int

Length of a solution for the problem at hand.



Type Description

An elementwise standard deviation value s, such that a Gaussian distribution constructed with the standard deviation [s, s, s, ...] has the desired radius.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def stdev_from_radius(radius: float, solution_length: int) -> float:
    Get elementwise standard deviation from a given radius.

    Sometimes, for a distribution-based search algorithm, the user might
    choose to configure the initial coverage area of the search distribution
    not via standard deviation, but via a radius value, as was done in the
    study of Toklu et al. (2020).
    This function takes the desired radius value and the solution length of
    the problem at hand, and returns the elementwise standard deviation value.
    Let us name this returned standard deviation value as `s`.
    When a new Gaussian distribution is constructed such that its initial
    standard deviation is `[s, s, s, ...]` (the length of this vector being
    equal to the solution length), this constructed distribution's radius
    corresponds with the desired radius.

    Here, the "radius" of a Gaussian distribution is defined as the norm
    of the standard deviation vector. In the case of a standard normal
    distribution, this radius formulation serves as a simplified approximation
    to `E[||Normal(0, I)||]` (for which a closer approximation is used in
    the study of Hansen & Ostermeier (2001)).


        Toklu, N.E., Liskowski, P., Srivastava, R.K. (2020).
        ClipUp: A Simple and Powerful Optimizer
        for Distribution-based Policy Evolution.
        Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN 2020).

        Nikolaus Hansen, Andreas Ostermeier (2001).
        Completely Derandomized Self-Adaptation in Evolution Strategies.

        radius: The radius whose elementwise standard deviation counterpart
            will be returned.
        solution_length: Length of a solution for the problem at hand.
        An elementwise standard deviation value `s`, such that a Gaussian
        distribution constructed with the standard deviation `[s, s, s, ...]`
        has the desired radius.
    radius = float(radius)
    solution_length = int(solution_length)
    return math.sqrt((radius**2) / solution_length)


Convert the given string or the given PyTorch dtype to a numpy dtype. If the argument is already a numpy dtype, then the argument is returned as it is.


Type Description

The dtype, converted to a numpy dtype.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def to_numpy_dtype(dtype: DType) -> np.dtype:
    Convert the given string or the given PyTorch dtype to a numpy dtype.
    If the argument is already a numpy dtype, then the argument is returned
    as it is.

        The dtype, converted to a numpy dtype.
    if isinstance(dtype, torch.dtype):
        return torch.tensor([], dtype=dtype).numpy().dtype
    elif is_dtype_object(dtype):
        return np.dtype(object)
    elif isinstance(dtype, np.dtype):
        return dtype
        return np.dtype(dtype)

to_stdev_init(*, solution_length, stdev_init=None, radius_init=None)

Ask for both standard deviation and radius, return the standard deviation.

It is very common among the distribution-based search algorithms to ask for both standard deviation and for radius for initializing the coverage area of the search distribution. During their initialization phases, these algorithms must check which one the user provided (radius or standard deviation), and return the result as the standard deviation so that a Gaussian distribution can easily be constructed.

This function serves as a helper function for such search algorithms by performing these actions:

  • If the user provided a standard deviation and not a radius, then this provided standard deviation is simply returned.
  • If the user provided a radius and not a standard deviation, then this provided radius is converted to its standard deviation counterpart, and then returned.
  • If both standard deviation and radius are missing, or they are both given at the same time, then an error is raised.


Name Type Description Default
solution_length int

Length of a solution for the problem at hand.

stdev_init Union[float, Iterable[float], torch.Tensor]

Standard deviation. If one wishes to provide a radius instead, then stdev_init is expected as None.

radius_init Union[float, Iterable[float], torch.Tensor]

Radius. If one wishes to provide a standard deviation instead, then radius_init is expected as None.



Type Description
Union[float, Iterable[float], torch.Tensor]

The standard deviation for the search distribution to be constructed.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def to_stdev_init(
    solution_length: int,
    stdev_init: Optional[RealOrVector] = None,
    radius_init: Optional[RealOrVector] = None,
) -> RealOrVector:
    Ask for both standard deviation and radius, return the standard deviation.

    It is very common among the distribution-based search algorithms to ask
    for both standard deviation and for radius for initializing the coverage
    area of the search distribution. During their initialization phases,
    these algorithms must check which one the user provided (radius or
    standard deviation), and return the result as the standard deviation
    so that a Gaussian distribution can easily be constructed.

    This function serves as a helper function for such search algorithms
    by performing these actions:

    - If the user provided a standard deviation and not a radius, then this
      provided standard deviation is simply returned.
    - If the user provided a radius and not a standard deviation, then this
      provided radius is converted to its standard deviation counterpart,
      and then returned.
    - If both standard deviation and radius are missing, or they are both
      given at the same time, then an error is raised.

        solution_length: Length of a solution for the problem at hand.
        stdev_init: Standard deviation. If one wishes to provide a radius
            instead, then `stdev_init` is expected as None.
        radius_init: Radius. If one wishes to provide a standard deviation
            instead, then `radius_init` is expected as None.
        The standard deviation for the search distribution to be constructed.
    if (stdev_init is not None) and (radius_init is None):
        return stdev_init
    elif (stdev_init is None) and (radius_init is not None):
        return stdev_from_radius(radius_init, solution_length)
    elif (stdev_init is None) and (radius_init is None):
        raise ValueError(
            "Received both `stdev_init` and `radius_init` as None."
            " Please provide a value either for `stdev_init` or for `radius_init`."
        raise ValueError(
            "Found both `stdev_init` and `radius_init` with values other than None."
            " Please provide a value either for `stdev_init` or for `radius_init`, but not for both."


Convert the given string or the given numpy dtype to a PyTorch dtype. If the argument is already a PyTorch dtype, then the argument is returned as it is.


Type Description

The dtype, converted to a PyTorch dtype.

Source code in evotorch/tools/
def to_torch_dtype(dtype: DType) -> torch.dtype:
    Convert the given string or the given numpy dtype to a PyTorch dtype.
    If the argument is already a PyTorch dtype, then the argument is returned
    as it is.

        The dtype, converted to a PyTorch dtype.
    if isinstance(dtype, str) and hasattr(torch, dtype):
        attrib_within_torch = getattr(torch, dtype)
        attrib_within_torch = None

    if isinstance(attrib_within_torch, torch.dtype):
        return attrib_within_torch
    elif isinstance(dtype, torch.dtype):
        return dtype
    elif dtype is Any or dtype is object:
        raise TypeError(f"Cannot make a numeric tensor with dtype {repr(dtype)}")
        return torch.from_numpy(np.array([], dtype=dtype)).dtype