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Using Loggers

Loggers allow automatic accumulation, storage and visualisation of the status dictionary of a SearchAlgorithm instance. When we create a Logger instance, we attach it to a SearchAlgorithm instance, and the internal code will do the rest.

from evotorch import Problem
from evotorch.algorithms import SNES
import torch

def sphere(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    return torch.sum(x.pow(2.))

problem = Problem(
    solution_length = 10,
    initial_bounds = (-1, 1),
searcher = SNES(problem, stdev_init = 5)

# Create the logger, attaching it to the searcher
from evotorch.logging import StdOutLogger
logger = StdOutLogger(searcher)

Once a Logger instance has been created and attached to a SearchAlgorithm instance searcher, it will log searcher.status every time searcher.step() is called.

Most loggers also support the argument interval. This allows you to control how often the Logger instance is updated. For example, if we instead do

logger = StdOutLogger(searcher, interval = 10)

then logger will only log to the stdout every \(10\) iterations.

Direct Logging with StdOutLogger

The StdOutLogger class facilitates the logging of the status directly to the standard output. For example, calling with a StdOutLogger attached to searcher will print the status dictionary of the searcher in each of the 3 calls to step(), producing an output such as below:

logger = StdOutLogger(searcher)
            iter : 1
        mean_eval : 166.8264923095703
    median_eval : 134.81417846679688
    pop_best_eval : 74.62313079833984
        best_eval : 74.62313079833984
    worst_eval : 274.99029541015625

            iter : 2
        mean_eval : 241.93557739257812
    median_eval : 201.2202911376953
    pop_best_eval : 125.85945892333984
        best_eval : 74.62313079833984
    worst_eval : 413.692626953125

            iter : 3
        mean_eval : 199.49822998046875
    median_eval : 199.6777801513672
    pop_best_eval : 93.25483703613281
        best_eval : 74.62313079833984
    worst_eval : 413.692626953125

Locally Collecting the Logs via Pandas

One might want to collect the logs into a local progress report for performing analysis and plotting training/evolution curves. A PandasLogger is provided which collects such logs into a pandas.DataFrame during the execution of the evolutionary algorithm.

Given that one has a SearchAlgorithm instance (e.g. SNES, PGPE, etc.) stored by the variable searcher, a PandasLogger can be instantiated as shown below:

from evotorch.logging import PandasLogger

# Instantiate a PandasLogger before the generations are executed
pandas_logger = PandasLogger(searcher)

# Run the evolutionary process (for 100 generations)

When a local progress report is desired (most probably after the evolutionary algorithm is finished), one can obtain a pandas.DataFrame via:

my_data_frame = pandas_logger.to_dataframe()

The mean evaluation (represented by that status key "mean_eval") can then be plotted via:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


Remote Logging with mlflow

There is also a logger class named MlflowLogger which logs the metrics via the mlflow library. With the help of mlflow, the logs can be stored into the local disk or into a remote server.

In the simplest case, a script which stores its logs with the help of mlflow looks like this:

from evotorch import Problem
from evotorch.algorithms import SNES
from evotorch.logginer import StdOutLogger, MlFlowLoger

# Somehow instantiate the problem
problem = Problem(...)

# Somehow instantiate the search algorithm
searcher = SNES(problem, ...)

# Instantiate a standard output logger so that the local screen
# shows the progress.
# Instantiating a standard output logger is not mandatory, but
# one might wish to monitor the progress from the standard output.
_ = StdOutLogger(searcher)

# In addition, instantiate an MlflowLogger so that the logs are stored
# via mlflow.
import mlflow
client = mlflow.tracking.MlflowClient()  # Create the Mlflow client
run = mlflow.start_run()  # Start an mlflow run to log to
_ = MlflowLogger(searcher, client = client, run = run)

# Run the search algorithm

Remote Logging with sacred

As an alternative to mlflow, one might want to log the metrics with the help of the sacred library. The basic structure of a script using sacred is as follows:

from evotorch import Problem
from evotorch.algorithms import SNES
from evotorch.logginer import StdOutLogger, SacredLogger

from sacred import Experiment
from import SuppressSacredExperiment

# Instantiate an experiment only if this Python file is executed
# as a script.
if __name__ == "__main__":
    ex = Experiment()
    ex = SuppressSacredExperiment()

def main():
    # Somehow instantiate the problem
    problem = Problem(...)

    # Somehow instantiate the search algorithm
    searcher = SNES(problem, ...)

    # Instantiate a standard output logger so that the local screen
    # shows the progress.
    # Instantiating a standard output logger is not mandatory, but
    # one might wish to monitor the progress from the standard output.
    _ = StdOutLogger(searcher)

    # In addition, instantiate a SacredLogger so that the logs are stored
    # via the sacred library.
    # The SacredLogger is bound to the SearchAlgorithm instance `searcher`
    # and the experiment `ex`.
    # The main result of the experiment is declared as the status item
    # with the key "mean_eval".
    _ = SacredLogger(searcher, ex, "mean_eval")

    # Run the search algorithm