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Optimizers (like Adam or ClipUp) to be used with distribution-based search algorithms.

Adam (TorchOptimizer)

The Adam optimizer.


Kingma, D. P. and J. Ba (2015).
Adam: A method for stochastic optimization.
In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Learning Representations.
Source code in evotorch/
class Adam(TorchOptimizer):
    The Adam optimizer.


        Kingma, D. P. and J. Ba (2015).
        Adam: A method for stochastic optimization.
        In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Learning Representations.

    def __init__(
        solution_length: int,
        dtype: DType,
        device: Device = "cpu",
        stepsize: Optional[float] = None,
        beta1: Optional[float] = None,
        beta2: Optional[float] = None,
        epsilon: Optional[float] = None,
        amsgrad: Optional[bool] = None,
        `__init__(...)`: Initialize the Adam optimizer.

            solution_length: Length of a solution of the problem which is
                being worked on.
            dtype: The dtype of the problem which is being worked on.
            device: The device on which the solutions are kept.
            stepsize: The step size (i.e. the learning rate) employed
                by the optimizer.
            beta1: The beta1 hyperparameter. None means the default.
            beta2: The beta2 hyperparameter. None means the default.
            epsilon: The epsilon hyperparameters. None means the default.
            amsgrad: Whether or not to use the amsgrad behavior.
                None means the default behavior.
                See `torch.optim.Adam` for details.

        config = {}

        if stepsize is not None:
            config["lr"] = float(stepsize)

        if beta1 is None and beta2 is None:
            pass  # nothing to do
        elif beta1 is not None and beta2 is not None:
            config["betas"] = (float(beta1), float(beta2))
            raise ValueError(
                "The arguments beta1 and beta2 were expected"
                " as both None, or as both real numbers."
                " However, one of them was encountered as None and"
                " the other was encountered as something other than None."

        if epsilon is not None:
            config["eps"] = float(epsilon)

        if amsgrad is not None:
            config["amsgrad"] = bool(amsgrad)

        super().__init__(torch.optim.Adam, solution_length=solution_length, dtype=dtype, device=device, config=config)

__init__(self, *, solution_length, dtype, device='cpu', stepsize=None, beta1=None, beta2=None, epsilon=None, amsgrad=None) special

__init__(...): Initialize the Adam optimizer.


Name Type Description Default
solution_length int

Length of a solution of the problem which is being worked on.

dtype Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

The dtype of the problem which is being worked on.

device Union[str, torch.device]

The device on which the solutions are kept.

stepsize Optional[float]

The step size (i.e. the learning rate) employed by the optimizer.

beta1 Optional[float]

The beta1 hyperparameter. None means the default.

beta2 Optional[float]

The beta2 hyperparameter. None means the default.

epsilon Optional[float]

The epsilon hyperparameters. None means the default.

amsgrad Optional[bool]

Whether or not to use the amsgrad behavior. None means the default behavior. See torch.optim.Adam for details.

Source code in evotorch/
def __init__(
    solution_length: int,
    dtype: DType,
    device: Device = "cpu",
    stepsize: Optional[float] = None,
    beta1: Optional[float] = None,
    beta2: Optional[float] = None,
    epsilon: Optional[float] = None,
    amsgrad: Optional[bool] = None,
    `__init__(...)`: Initialize the Adam optimizer.

        solution_length: Length of a solution of the problem which is
            being worked on.
        dtype: The dtype of the problem which is being worked on.
        device: The device on which the solutions are kept.
        stepsize: The step size (i.e. the learning rate) employed
            by the optimizer.
        beta1: The beta1 hyperparameter. None means the default.
        beta2: The beta2 hyperparameter. None means the default.
        epsilon: The epsilon hyperparameters. None means the default.
        amsgrad: Whether or not to use the amsgrad behavior.
            None means the default behavior.
            See `torch.optim.Adam` for details.

    config = {}

    if stepsize is not None:
        config["lr"] = float(stepsize)

    if beta1 is None and beta2 is None:
        pass  # nothing to do
    elif beta1 is not None and beta2 is not None:
        config["betas"] = (float(beta1), float(beta2))
        raise ValueError(
            "The arguments beta1 and beta2 were expected"
            " as both None, or as both real numbers."
            " However, one of them was encountered as None and"
            " the other was encountered as something other than None."

    if epsilon is not None:
        config["eps"] = float(epsilon)

    if amsgrad is not None:
        config["amsgrad"] = bool(amsgrad)

    super().__init__(torch.optim.Adam, solution_length=solution_length, dtype=dtype, device=device, config=config)


The ClipUp optimizer.

Although this optimizer has the very same interface with SGD and Adam, it is not a PyTorch optimizer. Therefore, it does not inherit from TorchOptimizer.


Toklu, N. E., Liskowski, P., & Srivastava, R. K. (2020, September).
ClipUp: A Simple and Powerful Optimizer for Distribution-Based Policy Evolution.
In International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (pp. 515-527).
Springer, Cham.
Source code in evotorch/
class ClipUp:
    The ClipUp optimizer.

    Although this optimizer has the very same interface with SGD and Adam,
    it is not a PyTorch optimizer. Therefore, it does not inherit from


        Toklu, N. E., Liskowski, P., & Srivastava, R. K. (2020, September).
        ClipUp: A Simple and Powerful Optimizer for Distribution-Based Policy Evolution.
        In International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (pp. 515-527).
        Springer, Cham.

    def __init__(
        solution_length: int,
        dtype: DType,
        stepsize: float,
        momentum: float = 0.9,
        max_speed: Optional[float] = None,
        device: Device = "cpu",
        `__init__(...)`: Initialize the ClipUp optimizer.

            solution_length: Length of a solution of the problem which is
                being worked on.
            dtype: The dtype of the problem which is being worked on.
            stepsize: The step size (i.e. the learning rate) employed
                by the optimizer.
            momentum: The momentum coefficient. None means the default.
            max_speed: The maximum speed. If given as None, the
                `max_speed` will be taken as two times the stepsize.
            device: The device on which the solutions are kept.

        stepsize = float(stepsize)
        momentum = float(momentum)
        if max_speed is None:
            max_speed = stepsize * 2.0
            max_speed = float(max_speed)
        solution_length = int(solution_length)

        if stepsize < 0.0:
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid stepsize: {stepsize}")
        if momentum < 0.0 or momentum > 1.0:
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid momentum: {momentum}")
        if max_speed < 0.0:
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid max_speed: {max_speed}")

        self._stepsize = stepsize
        self._momentum = momentum
        self._max_speed = max_speed

        self._velocity: Optional[torch.Tensor] = torch.zeros(
            solution_length, dtype=to_torch_dtype(dtype), device=device

        self._dtype = to_torch_dtype(dtype)
        self._device = device

    def _clip(x: torch.Tensor, limit: float) -> torch.Tensor:
        with torch.no_grad():
            normx = torch.norm(x)
            if normx > limit:
                ratio = limit / normx
                return x * ratio
                return x

    def ascent(self, globalg: RealOrVector, *, cloned_result: bool = True) -> torch.Tensor:
        Compute the ascent, i.e. the step to follow.

            globalg: The estimated gradient.
            cloned_result: If `cloned_result` is True, then the result is a
                copy, guaranteed not to be the view of any other tensor
                internal to the TorchOptimizer class.
                If `cloned_result` is False, then the result is not a copy.
                Use `cloned_result=False` only when you are sure that your
                algorithm will never do direct modification on the ascent
                vector it receives.
                Important: if you set `cloned_result=False`, and do in-place
                modifications on the returned result of `ascent(...)`, then
                the internal velocity of ClipUp will be corrupted!
            The ascent vector, representing the step to follow.

        globalg = ensure_tensor_length_and_dtype(

        grad = (globalg / torch.norm(globalg)) * self._stepsize

        self._velocity = self._clip((self._momentum * self._velocity) + grad, self._max_speed)

        result = self._velocity

        if cloned_result:
            result = result.clone()

        return result

__init__(self, *, solution_length, dtype, stepsize, momentum=0.9, max_speed=None, device='cpu') special

__init__(...): Initialize the ClipUp optimizer.


Name Type Description Default
solution_length int

Length of a solution of the problem which is being worked on.

dtype Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

The dtype of the problem which is being worked on.

stepsize float

The step size (i.e. the learning rate) employed by the optimizer.

momentum float

The momentum coefficient. None means the default.

max_speed Optional[float]

The maximum speed. If given as None, the max_speed will be taken as two times the stepsize.

device Union[str, torch.device]

The device on which the solutions are kept.

Source code in evotorch/
def __init__(
    solution_length: int,
    dtype: DType,
    stepsize: float,
    momentum: float = 0.9,
    max_speed: Optional[float] = None,
    device: Device = "cpu",
    `__init__(...)`: Initialize the ClipUp optimizer.

        solution_length: Length of a solution of the problem which is
            being worked on.
        dtype: The dtype of the problem which is being worked on.
        stepsize: The step size (i.e. the learning rate) employed
            by the optimizer.
        momentum: The momentum coefficient. None means the default.
        max_speed: The maximum speed. If given as None, the
            `max_speed` will be taken as two times the stepsize.
        device: The device on which the solutions are kept.

    stepsize = float(stepsize)
    momentum = float(momentum)
    if max_speed is None:
        max_speed = stepsize * 2.0
        max_speed = float(max_speed)
    solution_length = int(solution_length)

    if stepsize < 0.0:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid stepsize: {stepsize}")
    if momentum < 0.0 or momentum > 1.0:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid momentum: {momentum}")
    if max_speed < 0.0:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid max_speed: {max_speed}")

    self._stepsize = stepsize
    self._momentum = momentum
    self._max_speed = max_speed

    self._velocity: Optional[torch.Tensor] = torch.zeros(
        solution_length, dtype=to_torch_dtype(dtype), device=device

    self._dtype = to_torch_dtype(dtype)
    self._device = device

ascent(self, globalg, *, cloned_result=True)

Compute the ascent, i.e. the step to follow.


Name Type Description Default
globalg Union[float, Iterable[float], torch.Tensor]

The estimated gradient.

cloned_result bool

If cloned_result is True, then the result is a copy, guaranteed not to be the view of any other tensor internal to the TorchOptimizer class. If cloned_result is False, then the result is not a copy. Use cloned_result=False only when you are sure that your algorithm will never do direct modification on the ascent vector it receives. Important: if you set cloned_result=False, and do in-place modifications on the returned result of ascent(...), then the internal velocity of ClipUp will be corrupted!



Type Description

The ascent vector, representing the step to follow.

Source code in evotorch/
def ascent(self, globalg: RealOrVector, *, cloned_result: bool = True) -> torch.Tensor:
    Compute the ascent, i.e. the step to follow.

        globalg: The estimated gradient.
        cloned_result: If `cloned_result` is True, then the result is a
            copy, guaranteed not to be the view of any other tensor
            internal to the TorchOptimizer class.
            If `cloned_result` is False, then the result is not a copy.
            Use `cloned_result=False` only when you are sure that your
            algorithm will never do direct modification on the ascent
            vector it receives.
            Important: if you set `cloned_result=False`, and do in-place
            modifications on the returned result of `ascent(...)`, then
            the internal velocity of ClipUp will be corrupted!
        The ascent vector, representing the step to follow.

    globalg = ensure_tensor_length_and_dtype(

    grad = (globalg / torch.norm(globalg)) * self._stepsize

    self._velocity = self._clip((self._momentum * self._velocity) + grad, self._max_speed)

    result = self._velocity

    if cloned_result:
        result = result.clone()

    return result

SGD (TorchOptimizer)

The SGD optimizer.

Reference regarding the momentum behavior:

Polyak, B. T. (1964).
Some methods of speeding up the convergence of iteration methods.
USSR Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 4(5):1–17.

Reference regarding the Nesterov behavior:

Yurii Nesterov (1983).
A method for unconstrained convex minimization problem with the rate ofconvergence o(1/k2).
Doklady ANSSSR (translated as Soviet.Math.Docl.), 269:543–547.
Source code in evotorch/
class SGD(TorchOptimizer):
    The SGD optimizer.

    Reference regarding the momentum behavior:

        Polyak, B. T. (1964).
        Some methods of speeding up the convergence of iteration methods.
        USSR Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 4(5):1–17.

    Reference regarding the Nesterov behavior:

        Yurii Nesterov (1983).
        A method for unconstrained convex minimization problem with the rate ofconvergence o(1/k2).
        Doklady ANSSSR (translated as Soviet.Math.Docl.), 269:543–547.

    def __init__(
        solution_length: int,
        dtype: DType,
        stepsize: float,
        device: Device = "cpu",
        momentum: Optional[float] = None,
        dampening: Optional[bool] = None,
        nesterov: Optional[bool] = None,
        `__init__(...)`: Initialize the SGD optimizer.

            solution_length: Length of a solution of the problem which is
                being worked on.
            dtype: The dtype of the problem which is being worked on.
            stepsize: The step size (i.e. the learning rate) employed
                by the optimizer.
            device: The device on which the solutions are kept.
            momentum: The momentum coefficient. None means the default.
            dampening: Whether or not to activate the dampening behavior.
                None means the default.
                See `torch.optim.SGD` for details.
            nesterov: Whether or not to activate the nesterov behavior.
                None means the default.
                See `torch.optim.SGD` for details.

        config = {}

        config["lr"] = float(stepsize)

        if momentum is not None:
            config["momentum"] = float(momentum)

        if dampening is not None:
            config["dampening"] = float(dampening)

        if nesterov is not None:
            config["nesterov"] = bool(nesterov)

        super().__init__(torch.optim.SGD, solution_length=solution_length, dtype=dtype, device=device, config=config)

__init__(self, *, solution_length, dtype, stepsize, device='cpu', momentum=None, dampening=None, nesterov=None) special

__init__(...): Initialize the SGD optimizer.


Name Type Description Default
solution_length int

Length of a solution of the problem which is being worked on.

dtype Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

The dtype of the problem which is being worked on.

stepsize float

The step size (i.e. the learning rate) employed by the optimizer.

device Union[str, torch.device]

The device on which the solutions are kept.

momentum Optional[float]

The momentum coefficient. None means the default.

dampening Optional[bool]

Whether or not to activate the dampening behavior. None means the default. See torch.optim.SGD for details.

nesterov Optional[bool]

Whether or not to activate the nesterov behavior. None means the default. See torch.optim.SGD for details.

Source code in evotorch/
def __init__(
    solution_length: int,
    dtype: DType,
    stepsize: float,
    device: Device = "cpu",
    momentum: Optional[float] = None,
    dampening: Optional[bool] = None,
    nesterov: Optional[bool] = None,
    `__init__(...)`: Initialize the SGD optimizer.

        solution_length: Length of a solution of the problem which is
            being worked on.
        dtype: The dtype of the problem which is being worked on.
        stepsize: The step size (i.e. the learning rate) employed
            by the optimizer.
        device: The device on which the solutions are kept.
        momentum: The momentum coefficient. None means the default.
        dampening: Whether or not to activate the dampening behavior.
            None means the default.
            See `torch.optim.SGD` for details.
        nesterov: Whether or not to activate the nesterov behavior.
            None means the default.
            See `torch.optim.SGD` for details.

    config = {}

    config["lr"] = float(stepsize)

    if momentum is not None:
        config["momentum"] = float(momentum)

    if dampening is not None:
        config["dampening"] = float(dampening)

    if nesterov is not None:
        config["nesterov"] = bool(nesterov)

    super().__init__(torch.optim.SGD, solution_length=solution_length, dtype=dtype, device=device, config=config)


Base class for using a PyTorch optimizer

Source code in evotorch/
class TorchOptimizer:
    Base class for using a PyTorch optimizer

    def __init__(
        torch_optimizer: Type,
        config: dict,
        solution_length: int,
        dtype: DType,
        device: Device = "cpu",
        `__init__(...)`: Initialize the TorchOptimizer.

            torch_optimizer: The class which represents a PyTorch optimizer.
            config: The configuration dictionary to be passed to the optimizer
                as keyword arguments.
            solution_length: Length of a solution of the problem on which the
                optimizer will work.
            dtype: The dtype of the problem.
            device: The device on which the solutions are kept.
        self._data = torch.empty(int(solution_length), dtype=to_torch_dtype(dtype), device=device)
        self._optim = torch_optimizer([self._data], **config)

    def ascent(self, globalg: RealOrVector, *, cloned_result: bool = True) -> torch.Tensor:
        Compute the ascent, i.e. the step to follow.

            globalg: The estimated gradient.
            cloned_result: If `cloned_result` is True, then the result is a
                copy, guaranteed not to be the view of any other tensor
                internal to the TorchOptimizer class.
                If `cloned_result` is False, then the result is not a copy.
                Use `cloned_result=False` only when you are sure that your
                algorithm will never do direct modification on the ascent
                vector it receives.
            The ascent vector, representing the step to follow.

        globalg = ensure_tensor_length_and_dtype(

        self._data.grad = globalg
        result = -1.0 * self._data

        return result

__init__(self, torch_optimizer, *, config, solution_length, dtype, device='cpu') special

__init__(...): Initialize the TorchOptimizer.


Name Type Description Default
torch_optimizer Type

The class which represents a PyTorch optimizer.

config dict

The configuration dictionary to be passed to the optimizer as keyword arguments.

solution_length int

Length of a solution of the problem on which the optimizer will work.

dtype Union[str, torch.dtype, numpy.dtype, Type]

The dtype of the problem.

device Union[str, torch.device]

The device on which the solutions are kept.

Source code in evotorch/
def __init__(
    torch_optimizer: Type,
    config: dict,
    solution_length: int,
    dtype: DType,
    device: Device = "cpu",
    `__init__(...)`: Initialize the TorchOptimizer.

        torch_optimizer: The class which represents a PyTorch optimizer.
        config: The configuration dictionary to be passed to the optimizer
            as keyword arguments.
        solution_length: Length of a solution of the problem on which the
            optimizer will work.
        dtype: The dtype of the problem.
        device: The device on which the solutions are kept.
    self._data = torch.empty(int(solution_length), dtype=to_torch_dtype(dtype), device=device)
    self._optim = torch_optimizer([self._data], **config)

ascent(self, globalg, *, cloned_result=True)

Compute the ascent, i.e. the step to follow.


Name Type Description Default
globalg Union[float, Iterable[float], torch.Tensor]

The estimated gradient.

cloned_result bool

If cloned_result is True, then the result is a copy, guaranteed not to be the view of any other tensor internal to the TorchOptimizer class. If cloned_result is False, then the result is not a copy. Use cloned_result=False only when you are sure that your algorithm will never do direct modification on the ascent vector it receives.



Type Description

The ascent vector, representing the step to follow.

Source code in evotorch/
def ascent(self, globalg: RealOrVector, *, cloned_result: bool = True) -> torch.Tensor:
    Compute the ascent, i.e. the step to follow.

        globalg: The estimated gradient.
        cloned_result: If `cloned_result` is True, then the result is a
            copy, guaranteed not to be the view of any other tensor
            internal to the TorchOptimizer class.
            If `cloned_result` is False, then the result is not a copy.
            Use `cloned_result=False` only when you are sure that your
            algorithm will never do direct modification on the ascent
            vector it receives.
        The ascent vector, representing the step to follow.

    globalg = ensure_tensor_length_and_dtype(

    self._data.grad = globalg
    result = -1.0 * self._data

    return result

get_optimizer_class(s, optimizer_config=None)

Get the optimizer class from the given string.


Name Type Description Default
s str

A string, referring to the optimizer class. "clipsgd", "clipsga", "clipup" refers to ClipUp. "adam" refers to Adam. "sgd" or "sga" refers to SGD.

optimizer_config Optional[dict]

A dictionary containing the configurations to be passed to the optimizer. If this argument is not None, then, instead of the class being referred to, a dynamically generated factory function will be returned, which will pass these configurations to the actual class upon being called.



Type Description

The class, or a factory function instantiating that class.

Source code in evotorch/
def get_optimizer_class(s: str, optimizer_config: Optional[dict] = None) -> Callable:
    Get the optimizer class from the given string.

        s: A string, referring to the optimizer class.
            "clipsgd", "clipsga", "clipup" refers to ClipUp.
            "adam" refers to Adam.
            "sgd" or "sga" refers to SGD.
        optimizer_config: A dictionary containing the configurations to be
            passed to the optimizer. If this argument is not None,
            then, instead of the class being referred to, a dynamically
            generated factory function will be returned, which will pass
            these configurations to the actual class upon being called.
        The class, or a factory function instantiating that class.
    if s in ("clipsgd", "clipsga", "clipup"):
        cls = ClipUp
    elif s == "adam":
        cls = Adam
    elif s in ("sgd", "sga"):
        cls = SGD
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown optimizer: {repr(s)}")

    if optimizer_config is None:
        return cls

        def f(*args, **kwargs):
            nonlocal cls, optimizer_config
            conf = {}
            return cls(*args, **conf)

        return f