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Genetic algorithm variants: GeneticAlgorithm, Cosyne.

Cosyne (SearchAlgorithm, SinglePopulationAlgorithmMixin)

Implementation of the CoSyNE algorithm.


F.Gomez, J.Schmidhuber, R.Miikkulainen, M.Mitchell (2008).
Accelerated Neural Evolution through Cooperatively Coevolved Synapses.
Journal of Machine Learning Research 9 (5).
Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
class Cosyne(SearchAlgorithm, SinglePopulationAlgorithmMixin):
    Implementation of the CoSyNE algorithm.


        F.Gomez, J.Schmidhuber, R.Miikkulainen, M.Mitchell (2008).
        Accelerated Neural Evolution through Cooperatively Coevolved Synapses.
        Journal of Machine Learning Research 9 (5).

    def __init__(
        problem: Problem,
        popsize: int,
        tournament_size: int,
        mutation_stdev: Optional[float],
        mutation_probability: Optional[float] = None,
        permute_all: bool = False,
        num_elites: Optional[int] = None,
        elitism_ratio: Optional[float] = None,
        eta: Optional[float] = None,
        num_children: Optional[int] = None,
        `__init__(...)`: Initialize the Cosyne instance.

            problem: The problem object to work on.
            popsize: Population size, as an integer.
            tournament_size: Tournament size, for tournament selection.
            mutation_stdev: Standard deviation of the Gaussian mutation.
                See [GaussianMutation][evotorch.operators.real.GaussianMutation] for more information.
            mutation_probability: Elementwise Gaussian mutation probability.
                Defaults to None.
                See [GaussianMutation][evotorch.operators.real.GaussianMutation] for more information.
            permute_all: If given as True, all solutions are subject to
                permutation. If given as False (which is the default),
                there will be a selection procedure for each decision
            num_elites: Optionally expected as an integer, specifying the
                number of elites to pass to the next generation.
                Cannot be used together with the argument `elitism_ratio`.
            elitism_ratio: Optionally expected as a real number between
                0 and 1, specifying the amount of elites to pass to the
                next generation. For example, 0.1 means that the best 10%
                of the population are accepted as elites and passed onto
                the next generation.
                Cannot be used together with the argument `num_elites`.
            eta: Optionally expected as an integer, specifying the eta
                hyperparameter for the simulated binary cross-over (SBX).
                If left as None, one-point cross-over will be used instead.
            num_children: Number of children to generate at each iteration.
                If left as None, then this number is half of the population


        SearchAlgorithm.__init__(self, problem)

        if mutation_stdev is None:
            if mutation_probability is not None:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"`mutation_probability` was set to {mutation_probability}, but `mutation_stdev` is None, "
                    "which means, mutation is disabled. If you want to enable the mutation, be sure to provide "
                    "`mutation_stdev` as well."
            self.mutation_op = None
            self.mutation_op = GaussianMutation(

        cross_over_kwargs = {"tournament_size": tournament_size}
        if num_children is None:
            cross_over_kwargs["cross_over_rate"] = 2.0
            cross_over_kwargs["num_children"] = num_children

        if eta is None:
            self._cross_over_op = OnePointCrossOver(self._problem, **cross_over_kwargs)
            self._cross_over_op = SimulatedBinaryCrossOver(self._problem, eta=eta, **cross_over_kwargs)

        self._permutation_op = CosynePermutation(self._problem, permute_all=permute_all)

        self._popsize = int(popsize)

        if num_elites is not None and elitism_ratio is None:
            self._num_elites = int(num_elites)
        elif num_elites is None and elitism_ratio is not None:
            self._num_elites = int(self._popsize * elitism_ratio)
        elif num_elites is None and elitism_ratio is None:
            self._num_elites = None
            raise ValueError(
                "Received both `num_elites` and `elitism_ratio`. Please provide only one of them, or none of them."

        self._population = SolutionBatch(problem, device=problem.device, popsize=self._popsize)
        self._first_generation: bool = True

        # GAStatusMixin.__init__(self)

    def population(self) -> SolutionBatch:
        return self._population

    def _step(self):
        if self._first_generation:
            self._first_generation = False

        to_merge = []

        num_elites = self._num_elites
        num_parents = int(self._popsize / 4)
        num_relevant = max((0 if num_elites is None else num_elites), num_parents)

        sorted_relevant = self._population.take_best(num_relevant)

        if self._num_elites is not None and self._num_elites >= 1:

        parents = sorted_relevant[:num_parents]
        children = self._cross_over_op(parents)
        if self.mutation_op is not None:
            children = self.mutation_op(children)

        permuted = self._permutation_op(self._population)

        to_merge.extend([children, permuted])

        extended_population = SolutionBatch(merging_of=to_merge)
        self._population = extended_population.take_best(self._popsize)

__init__(self, problem, *, popsize, tournament_size, mutation_stdev, mutation_probability=None, permute_all=False, num_elites=None, elitism_ratio=None, eta=None, num_children=None) special

__init__(...): Initialize the Cosyne instance.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

The problem object to work on.

popsize int

Population size, as an integer.

tournament_size int

Tournament size, for tournament selection.

mutation_stdev Optional[float]

Standard deviation of the Gaussian mutation. See GaussianMutation for more information.

mutation_probability Optional[float]

Elementwise Gaussian mutation probability. Defaults to None. See GaussianMutation for more information.

permute_all bool

If given as True, all solutions are subject to permutation. If given as False (which is the default), there will be a selection procedure for each decision variable.

num_elites Optional[int]

Optionally expected as an integer, specifying the number of elites to pass to the next generation. Cannot be used together with the argument elitism_ratio.

elitism_ratio Optional[float]

Optionally expected as a real number between 0 and 1, specifying the amount of elites to pass to the next generation. For example, 0.1 means that the best 10% of the population are accepted as elites and passed onto the next generation. Cannot be used together with the argument num_elites.

eta Optional[float]

Optionally expected as an integer, specifying the eta hyperparameter for the simulated binary cross-over (SBX). If left as None, one-point cross-over will be used instead.

num_children Optional[int]

Number of children to generate at each iteration. If left as None, then this number is half of the population size.

Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
def __init__(
    problem: Problem,
    popsize: int,
    tournament_size: int,
    mutation_stdev: Optional[float],
    mutation_probability: Optional[float] = None,
    permute_all: bool = False,
    num_elites: Optional[int] = None,
    elitism_ratio: Optional[float] = None,
    eta: Optional[float] = None,
    num_children: Optional[int] = None,
    `__init__(...)`: Initialize the Cosyne instance.

        problem: The problem object to work on.
        popsize: Population size, as an integer.
        tournament_size: Tournament size, for tournament selection.
        mutation_stdev: Standard deviation of the Gaussian mutation.
            See [GaussianMutation][evotorch.operators.real.GaussianMutation] for more information.
        mutation_probability: Elementwise Gaussian mutation probability.
            Defaults to None.
            See [GaussianMutation][evotorch.operators.real.GaussianMutation] for more information.
        permute_all: If given as True, all solutions are subject to
            permutation. If given as False (which is the default),
            there will be a selection procedure for each decision
        num_elites: Optionally expected as an integer, specifying the
            number of elites to pass to the next generation.
            Cannot be used together with the argument `elitism_ratio`.
        elitism_ratio: Optionally expected as a real number between
            0 and 1, specifying the amount of elites to pass to the
            next generation. For example, 0.1 means that the best 10%
            of the population are accepted as elites and passed onto
            the next generation.
            Cannot be used together with the argument `num_elites`.
        eta: Optionally expected as an integer, specifying the eta
            hyperparameter for the simulated binary cross-over (SBX).
            If left as None, one-point cross-over will be used instead.
        num_children: Number of children to generate at each iteration.
            If left as None, then this number is half of the population


    SearchAlgorithm.__init__(self, problem)

    if mutation_stdev is None:
        if mutation_probability is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                f"`mutation_probability` was set to {mutation_probability}, but `mutation_stdev` is None, "
                "which means, mutation is disabled. If you want to enable the mutation, be sure to provide "
                "`mutation_stdev` as well."
        self.mutation_op = None
        self.mutation_op = GaussianMutation(

    cross_over_kwargs = {"tournament_size": tournament_size}
    if num_children is None:
        cross_over_kwargs["cross_over_rate"] = 2.0
        cross_over_kwargs["num_children"] = num_children

    if eta is None:
        self._cross_over_op = OnePointCrossOver(self._problem, **cross_over_kwargs)
        self._cross_over_op = SimulatedBinaryCrossOver(self._problem, eta=eta, **cross_over_kwargs)

    self._permutation_op = CosynePermutation(self._problem, permute_all=permute_all)

    self._popsize = int(popsize)

    if num_elites is not None and elitism_ratio is None:
        self._num_elites = int(num_elites)
    elif num_elites is None and elitism_ratio is not None:
        self._num_elites = int(self._popsize * elitism_ratio)
    elif num_elites is None and elitism_ratio is None:
        self._num_elites = None
        raise ValueError(
            "Received both `num_elites` and `elitism_ratio`. Please provide only one of them, or none of them."

    self._population = SolutionBatch(problem, device=problem.device, popsize=self._popsize)
    self._first_generation: bool = True

    # GAStatusMixin.__init__(self)


A mixin class that provides the method _make_extended_population(...).

This mixin class assumes that the inheriting class has the properties problem (of type Problem), which provide and population (of type SolutionBatch), which provide the associated problem object and the current population, respectively.

The class which inherits this mixin class gains the method _make_extended_population(...). This new method applies the operators specified during the initialization phase of this mixin class on the current population, produces children, and then returns an extended population.

Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
class ExtendedPopulationMixin:
    A mixin class that provides the method `_make_extended_population(...)`.

    This mixin class assumes that the inheriting class has the properties
    `problem` (of type [Problem][evotorch.core.Problem]), which provide
    and `population` (of type [SolutionBatch][evotorch.core.SolutionBatch]),
    which provide the associated problem object and the current population,

    The class which inherits this mixin class gains the method
    `_make_extended_population(...)`. This new method applies the operators
    specified during the initialization phase of this mixin class on the
    current population, produces children, and then returns an extended

    def __init__(
        re_evaluate: bool,
        re_evaluate_parents_first: Optional[bool] = None,
        operators: Optional[Iterable] = None,
        allow_empty_operators_list: bool = False,
        `__init__(...)`: Initialize the ExtendedPopulationMixin.

            re_evaluate: Whether or not to re-evaluate the parent population
                at every generation. When dealing with problems where the
                fitness and/or feature evaluations are stochastic, one might
                want to set this as True. On the other hand, for when the
                fitness and/or feature evaluations are deterministic, one
                might prefer to set this as False for efficiency.
            re_evaluate_parents_first: This is to be specified only when
                `re_evaluate` is True (otherwise to be left as None).
                If this is given as True, then it will be assumed that the
                provided operators require the parents to be evaluated.
                If this is given as False, then it will be assumed that the
                provided operators work without looking at the parents'
                fitnesses (in which case both parents and children can be
                evaluated in a single vectorized computation cycle).
                If this is left as None, then whether or not the operators
                need to know the parent evaluations will be determined
                automatically as follows:
                if the operators contain at least one cross-over operator
                then `re_evaluate_parents_first` will be internally set as
                True; otherwise `re_evaluate_parents_first` will be internally
                set as False.
            operators: List of operators to apply on the current population
                for generating a new extended population.
            allow_empty_operators_list: Whether or not to allow the operator
                list to be empty. The default and the recommended value
                is False. For cases where the inheriting class wants to
                decide the operators later (via the attribute `_operators`)
                this can be set as True.
        self._operators = [] if operators is None else list(operators)
        if (not allow_empty_operators_list) and (len(self._operators) == 0):
            raise ValueError("Received `operators` as an empty sequence. Please provide at least one operator.")

        self._using_cross_over: bool = False
        for operator in self._operators:
            if isinstance(operator, CrossOver):
                self._using_cross_over = True

        self._re_evaluate: bool = bool(re_evaluate)

        if re_evaluate_parents_first is None:
            self._re_evaluate_parents_first = self._using_cross_over
            if not self._re_evaluate:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Encountered the argument `re_evaluate_parents_first` as something other than None."
                    " However, `re_evaluate` is given as False."
                    " Please use `re_evaluate_parents_first` only when `re_evaluate` is True."
            self._re_evaluate_parents_first = bool(re_evaluate_parents_first)

        self._first_iter: bool = True

    def _make_extended_population(self, split: bool = False) -> Union[SolutionBatch, tuple]:
        Make and return a new extended population that is evaluated.

            split: If False, then the extended population will be returned
                as a single SolutionBatch object which contains both the
                parents and the children.
                If True, then the extended population will be returned
                as a pair of SolutionBatch objects, the first one being
                the parents and the second one being the children.
            The extended population.

        # Get the problem object and the population
        problem: Problem = self.problem
        population: SolutionBatch = self.population

        if self._re_evaluate:
            # This is the case where our mixin is configured to re-evaluate the parents at every generation.

            # Set the first iteration indicator to False
            self._first_iter = False

            if self._re_evaluate_parents_first:
                # This is the case where our mixin is configured to evaluate the parents separately first.
                # This is a sub-case of `_re_evaluate=True`.

                # Evaluate the population, which stores the parents

                # Now that our parents are evaluated, we use the operators on them and get the children.
                children = _use_operators(population, self._operators)

                # Evaluate the children

                if split:
                    # If our mixin is configured to return the population and the children, then we return a tuple
                    # containing them as separate items.
                    return population, children
                    # If our mixin is configured to return the population and the children in a single batch,
                    # then we concatenate the population and the children and return the resulting combined batch.
                    return[population, children])
                # This is the case where our mixin is configured to evaluate the parents and the children in one go.
                # This is a sub-case of `_re_evaluate=True`.

                # Use the operators on the parent solutions. It does not matter whether or not the parents are evaluated.
                children = _use_operators(population, self._operators)

                # Form an extended population by concatenating the population and the children.
                extended_population =[population, children])

                # Evaluate the extended population in one go.

                if split:
                    # The method was configured to return the parents and the children separately.
                    # Because we combined them earlier for evaluating them in one go, we will split them now.

                    # Get the number of parents
                    num_parents = len(population)

                    # Get the newly evaluated copies of the parents from the extended population
                    parents = extended_population[:num_parents]

                    # Get the children from the extended population
                    children = extended_population[num_parents:]

                    # Return the newly evaluated copies of the parents and the children separately.
                    return parents, children
                    # The method was configured to return the parents and the children in a single SolutionBatch.
                    # Here, we just return the extended population that we already have produced.
                    return extended_population
            # This is the case where our mixin is configured NOT to re-evaluate the parents at every generation.
            if self._first_iter:
                # The first iteration indicator (`_first_iter`) is True. So, this is the first iteration.
                # We set `_first_iter` to False for future generations.
                self._first_iter = False
                # We not evaluate the parent population (because the parents are expected to be non-evaluated at the
                # beginning).

            # Here, we assume that the parents are already evaluated. We apply our operators on the parents.
            children = _use_operators(population, self._operators)

            # Now, we evaluate the children.

            if split:
                # Return the population and the children separately if `split=True`.
                return population, children
                # Return the population and the children in a single SolutionBatch if `split=False`.
                return[population, children])

    def re_evaluate(self) -> bool:
        Whether or not this search algorithm re-evaluates the parents
        return self._re_evaluate

    def re_evaluate_parents_first(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        Whether or not this search algorithm re-evaluates the parents separately.
        This property is relevant only when `re_evaluate` is True.
        If `re_evaluate` is False, then this property will return None.
        if self._re_evaluate:
            return self._re_evaluate_parents_first
            return None

re_evaluate: bool property readonly

Whether or not this search algorithm re-evaluates the parents

re_evaluate_parents_first: Optional[bool] property readonly

Whether or not this search algorithm re-evaluates the parents separately. This property is relevant only when re_evaluate is True. If re_evaluate is False, then this property will return None.

__init__(self, *, re_evaluate, re_evaluate_parents_first=None, operators=None, allow_empty_operators_list=False) special

__init__(...): Initialize the ExtendedPopulationMixin.


Name Type Description Default
re_evaluate bool

Whether or not to re-evaluate the parent population at every generation. When dealing with problems where the fitness and/or feature evaluations are stochastic, one might want to set this as True. On the other hand, for when the fitness and/or feature evaluations are deterministic, one might prefer to set this as False for efficiency.

re_evaluate_parents_first Optional[bool]

This is to be specified only when re_evaluate is True (otherwise to be left as None). If this is given as True, then it will be assumed that the provided operators require the parents to be evaluated. If this is given as False, then it will be assumed that the provided operators work without looking at the parents' fitnesses (in which case both parents and children can be evaluated in a single vectorized computation cycle). If this is left as None, then whether or not the operators need to know the parent evaluations will be determined automatically as follows: if the operators contain at least one cross-over operator then re_evaluate_parents_first will be internally set as True; otherwise re_evaluate_parents_first will be internally set as False.

operators Optional[Iterable]

List of operators to apply on the current population for generating a new extended population.

allow_empty_operators_list bool

Whether or not to allow the operator list to be empty. The default and the recommended value is False. For cases where the inheriting class wants to decide the operators later (via the attribute _operators) this can be set as True.

Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
def __init__(
    re_evaluate: bool,
    re_evaluate_parents_first: Optional[bool] = None,
    operators: Optional[Iterable] = None,
    allow_empty_operators_list: bool = False,
    `__init__(...)`: Initialize the ExtendedPopulationMixin.

        re_evaluate: Whether or not to re-evaluate the parent population
            at every generation. When dealing with problems where the
            fitness and/or feature evaluations are stochastic, one might
            want to set this as True. On the other hand, for when the
            fitness and/or feature evaluations are deterministic, one
            might prefer to set this as False for efficiency.
        re_evaluate_parents_first: This is to be specified only when
            `re_evaluate` is True (otherwise to be left as None).
            If this is given as True, then it will be assumed that the
            provided operators require the parents to be evaluated.
            If this is given as False, then it will be assumed that the
            provided operators work without looking at the parents'
            fitnesses (in which case both parents and children can be
            evaluated in a single vectorized computation cycle).
            If this is left as None, then whether or not the operators
            need to know the parent evaluations will be determined
            automatically as follows:
            if the operators contain at least one cross-over operator
            then `re_evaluate_parents_first` will be internally set as
            True; otherwise `re_evaluate_parents_first` will be internally
            set as False.
        operators: List of operators to apply on the current population
            for generating a new extended population.
        allow_empty_operators_list: Whether or not to allow the operator
            list to be empty. The default and the recommended value
            is False. For cases where the inheriting class wants to
            decide the operators later (via the attribute `_operators`)
            this can be set as True.
    self._operators = [] if operators is None else list(operators)
    if (not allow_empty_operators_list) and (len(self._operators) == 0):
        raise ValueError("Received `operators` as an empty sequence. Please provide at least one operator.")

    self._using_cross_over: bool = False
    for operator in self._operators:
        if isinstance(operator, CrossOver):
            self._using_cross_over = True

    self._re_evaluate: bool = bool(re_evaluate)

    if re_evaluate_parents_first is None:
        self._re_evaluate_parents_first = self._using_cross_over
        if not self._re_evaluate:
            raise ValueError(
                "Encountered the argument `re_evaluate_parents_first` as something other than None."
                " However, `re_evaluate` is given as False."
                " Please use `re_evaluate_parents_first` only when `re_evaluate` is True."
        self._re_evaluate_parents_first = bool(re_evaluate_parents_first)

    self._first_iter: bool = True

GeneticAlgorithm (SearchAlgorithm, SinglePopulationAlgorithmMixin, ExtendedPopulationMixin)

A genetic algorithm implementation.

Basic usage. Let us consider a single-objective optimization problem where the goal is to minimize the L2 norm of a continuous tensor of length 10:

from evotorch import Problem
from evotorch.algorithms import GeneticAlgorithm
from evotorch.operators import OnePointCrossOver, GaussianMutation

import torch

def f(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    return torch.linalg.norm(x)

problem = Problem(
    initial_bounds=(-10.0, 10.0),

For solving this problem, a genetic algorithm could be instantiated as follows:

ga = GeneticAlgorithm(
        OnePointCrossOver(problem, tournament_size=4),
        GaussianMutation(problem, stdev=0.1),

The genetic algorithm instantiated above is configured to have a population size of 100, and is configured to perform the following operations on the population at each generation: (i) select solutions with a tournament of size 4, and produce children from the selected solutions by applying one-point cross-over; (ii) apply a gaussian mutation on the values of the solutions produced by the previous step, the amount of the mutation being sampled according to a standard deviation of 0.1. Once instantiated, this GeneticAlgorithm instance can be used with an API compatible with other search algorithms, as shown below:

from evotorch.logging import StdOutLogger

_ = StdOutLogger(ga)  # Report the evolution's progress to standard output  # Run the algorithm for 100 generations
print("Solution with best fitness ever:", ga.status["best"])
print("Current population's best:", ga.status["pop_best"])

Please also note:

  • The operators are always executed according to the order specified within the operators argument.
  • There are more operators available in the namespace evotorch.operators.
  • By default, GeneticAlgorithm is elitist. In the elitist mode, an extended population is formed from parent solutions and child solutions, and the best n solutions of this extended population are accepted as the next generation. If you wish to switch to a non-elitist mode (where children unconditionally replace the worst-performing parents), you can use the initialization argument elitist=False.
  • It is not mandatory to specify a cross-over operator. When a cross-over operator is missing, the GeneticAlgorithm will work like a simple evolution strategy implementation which produces children by mutating the parents, and then replaces the parents (where the criteria for replacing the parents depend on whether or not elitism is enabled).
  • To be able to deal with stochastic fitness functions correctly, GeneticAlgorithm re-evaluates previously evaluated parents as well. When you are sure that the fitness function is deterministic, you can pass the initialization argument re_evaluate=False to prevent unnecessary computations.

Integer decision variables. GeneticAlgorithm can be used on problems with dtype declared as integer (e.g. torch.int32, torch.int64, etc.). Within the field of discrete optimization, it is common to encounter one or more of these scenarios:

  • The search space of the problem has a special structure that one will wish to exploit (within the cross-over and/or mutation operators) to be able to reach the (near-)optimum within a reasonable amount of time.
  • The problem is partially or fully combinatorial.
  • The problem is constrained in such a way that arbitrarily sampling discrete values for its decision variables might cause infeasibility.

Considering all these scenarios, it is difficult to come up with general cross-over and mutation operators that will work across various discrete optimization problems, and it is common to design problem-specific operators. In EvoTorch, it is possible to define custom operators and use them with GeneticAlgorithm, which is required when using GeneticAlgorithm on a problem with a non-float dtype.

As an example, let us consider the following discrete optimization problem:

def f(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    return torch.sum(x)

problem = Problem(
    bounds=(-10, 10),

Although EvoTorch does provide a very simple and generic (usable with float and int dtypes) cross-over named OnePointCrossOver (a cross-over which randomly decides a cutting point for each pair of parents, cuts them from those points and recombines them), it can be desirable and necessary to implement a custom cross-over operator. One can inherit from CrossOver to define a custom cross-over operator, as shown below:

from evotorch import SolutionBatch
from evotorch.operators import CrossOver

class CustomCrossOver(CrossOver):
    def _do_cross_over(
        parents1: torch.Tensor,
        parents2: torch.Tensor,
    ) -> SolutionBatch:
        # parents1 is a tensor storing the decision values of the first
        # half of the chosen parents.
        # parents2 is a tensor storing the decision values of the second
        # half of the chosen parents.

        # We expect that the lengths of parents1 and parents2 are equal.
        assert len(parents1) == len(parents2)

        # Allocate an empty SolutionBatch that will store the children
        childpop = SolutionBatch(self.problem, popsize=num_parents, empty=True)

        # Gain access to the decision values tensor of the newly allocated
        # childpop
        childpop_values = childpop.access_values()

        # Here we somehow fill `childpop_values` by recombining the parents.
        # The most common thing to do is to produce two children by
        # combining parents1[0] and parents2[0], to produce the next two
        # children parents1[1] and parents2[1], and so on.
        childpop_values[:] = ...

        # Return the child population
        return childpop

One can define a custom mutation operator by inheriting from Operator, as shown below:

class CustomMutation(Operator):
    def _do(self, solutions: SolutionBatch):
        # Get the decision values tensor of the solutions
        sln_values = solutions.access_values()

        # do in-place modifications to the decision values
        sln_values[:] = ...

Alternatively, you could define the mutation operator as a function:

def my_mutation_function(original_values: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    # Somehow produce mutated copies of the original values
    mutated_values = ...

    # Return the mutated values
    return mutated_values

With these defined operators, we are now ready to instantiate our GeneticAlgorithm:

ga = GeneticAlgorithm(
        CustomCrossOver(problem, tournament_size=4),
        # -- or, if you chose to define the mutation as a function: --
        # my_mutation_function,

Non-numeric or variable-length solutions. GeneticAlgorithm can also work on problems whose dtype is declared as object, where dtype=object means that a solution's value(s) can be expressed via a tensor, a numpy array, a scalar, a tuple, a list, a dictionary.

Like in the previously discussed case (where dtype is an integer type), one has to define custom operators when working on problems with dtype=object. A custom cross-over definition specialized for dtype=object looks like this:

from import ObjectArray

class CrossOverForObjectDType(CrossOver):
    def _do_cross_over(
        parents1: ObjectArray,
        parents2: ObjectArray,
    ) -> SolutionBatch:
        # Allocate an empty SolutionBatch that will store the children
        childpop = SolutionBatch(self.problem, popsize=num_parents, empty=True)

        # Gain access to the decision values ObjectArray of the newly allocated
        # childpop
        childpop_values = childpop.access_values()

        # Here we somehow fill `childpop_values` by recombining the parents.
        # The most common thing to do is to produce two children by
        # combining parents1[0] and parents2[0], to produce the next two
        # children parents1[1] and parents2[1], and so on.
        childpop_values[:] = ...

        # Return the child population
        return childpop

A custom mutation operator specialized for dtype=object looks like this:

class MutationForObjectDType(Operator):
    def _do(self, solutions: SolutionBatch):
        # Get the decision values ObjectArray of the solutions
        sln_values = solutions.access_values()

        # do in-place modifications to the decision values
        sln_values[:] = ...

A custom mutation function specialized for dtype=object looks like this:

def mutation_for_object_dtype(original_values: ObjectArray) -> ObjectArray:
    # Somehow produce mutated copies of the original values
    mutated_values = ...

    # Return the mutated values
    return mutated_values

With these operators defined, one can instantiate the GeneticAlgorithm:

ga = GeneticAlgorithm(
        CrossOverForObjectDType(problem_with_object_dtype, tournament_size=4),
        # -- or, if you chose to define the mutation as a function: --
        # mutation_for_object_dtype,

Multiple objectives. GeneticAlgorithm can work on problems with multiple objectives. When there are multiple objectives, GeneticAlgorithm will compare the solutions according to their pareto-ranks and their crowding distances, like done by the NSGA-II algorithm (Deb, 2002).


Sean Luke, 2013, Essentials of Metaheuristics, Lulu, second edition
available for free at

Kalyanmoy Deb, Amrit Pratap, Sameer Agarwal, T. Meyarivan (2002).
A Fast and Elitist Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm: NSGA-II.
Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
class GeneticAlgorithm(SearchAlgorithm, SinglePopulationAlgorithmMixin, ExtendedPopulationMixin):
    A genetic algorithm implementation.

    **Basic usage.**
    Let us consider a single-objective optimization problem where the goal is to
    minimize the L2 norm of a continuous tensor of length 10:

    from evotorch import Problem
    from evotorch.algorithms import GeneticAlgorithm
    from evotorch.operators import OnePointCrossOver, GaussianMutation

    import torch

    def f(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        return torch.linalg.norm(x)

    problem = Problem(
        initial_bounds=(-10.0, 10.0),

    For solving this problem, a genetic algorithm could be instantiated as

    ga = GeneticAlgorithm(
            OnePointCrossOver(problem, tournament_size=4),
            GaussianMutation(problem, stdev=0.1),

    The genetic algorithm instantiated above is configured to have a population
    size of 100, and is configured to perform the following operations on the
    population at each generation:
    (i) select solutions with a tournament of size 4, and produce children from
    the selected solutions by applying one-point cross-over;
    (ii) apply a gaussian mutation on the values of the solutions produced by
    the previous step, the amount of the mutation being sampled according to a
    standard deviation of 0.1.
    Once instantiated, this GeneticAlgorithm instance can be used with an API
    compatible with other search algorithms, as shown below:

    from evotorch.logging import StdOutLogger

    _ = StdOutLogger(ga)  # Report the evolution's progress to standard output  # Run the algorithm for 100 generations
    print("Solution with best fitness ever:", ga.status["best"])
    print("Current population's best:", ga.status["pop_best"])

    Please also note:

    - The operators are always executed according to the order specified within
      the `operators` argument.
    - There are more operators available in the namespace
    - By default, GeneticAlgorithm is elitist. In the elitist mode, an extended
      population is formed from parent solutions and child solutions, and the
      best n solutions of this extended population are accepted as the next
      generation. If you wish to switch to a non-elitist mode (where children
      unconditionally replace the worst-performing parents), you can use the
      initialization argument `elitist=False`.
    - It is not mandatory to specify a cross-over operator. When a cross-over
      operator is missing, the GeneticAlgorithm will work like a simple
      evolution strategy implementation which produces children by mutating
      the parents, and then replaces the parents (where the criteria for
      replacing the parents depend on whether or not elitism is enabled).
    - To be able to deal with stochastic fitness functions correctly,
      GeneticAlgorithm re-evaluates previously evaluated parents as well.
      When you are sure that the fitness function is deterministic,
      you can pass the initialization argument `re_evaluate=False` to prevent
      unnecessary computations.

    **Integer decision variables.**
    GeneticAlgorithm can be used on problems with `dtype` declared as integer
    (e.g. `torch.int32`, `torch.int64`, etc.).
    Within the field of discrete optimization, it is common to encounter
    one or more of these scenarios:

    - The search space of the problem has a special structure that one will
      wish to exploit (within the cross-over and/or mutation operators) to
      be able to reach the (near-)optimum within a reasonable amount of time.
    - The problem is partially or fully combinatorial.
    - The problem is constrained in such a way that arbitrarily sampling
      discrete values for its decision variables might cause infeasibility.

    Considering all these scenarios, it is difficult to come up with general
    cross-over and mutation operators that will work across various discrete
    optimization problems, and it is common to design problem-specific
    operators. In EvoTorch, it is possible to define custom operators and
    use them with GeneticAlgorithm, which is required when using
    GeneticAlgorithm on a problem with a non-float dtype.

    As an example, let us consider the following discrete optimization

    def f(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        return torch.sum(x)

    problem = Problem(
        bounds=(-10, 10),

    Although EvoTorch does provide a very simple and generic (usable with float
    and int dtypes) cross-over named
    (a cross-over which randomly decides a cutting point for each pair of
    parents, cuts them from those points and recombines them), it can be
    desirable and necessary to implement a custom cross-over operator.
    One can inherit from [CrossOver][evotorch.operators.base.CrossOver] to
    define a custom cross-over operator, as shown below:

    from evotorch import SolutionBatch
    from evotorch.operators import CrossOver

    class CustomCrossOver(CrossOver):
        def _do_cross_over(
            parents1: torch.Tensor,
            parents2: torch.Tensor,
        ) -> SolutionBatch:
            # parents1 is a tensor storing the decision values of the first
            # half of the chosen parents.
            # parents2 is a tensor storing the decision values of the second
            # half of the chosen parents.

            # We expect that the lengths of parents1 and parents2 are equal.
            assert len(parents1) == len(parents2)

            # Allocate an empty SolutionBatch that will store the children
            childpop = SolutionBatch(self.problem, popsize=num_parents, empty=True)

            # Gain access to the decision values tensor of the newly allocated
            # childpop
            childpop_values = childpop.access_values()

            # Here we somehow fill `childpop_values` by recombining the parents.
            # The most common thing to do is to produce two children by
            # combining parents1[0] and parents2[0], to produce the next two
            # children parents1[1] and parents2[1], and so on.
            childpop_values[:] = ...

            # Return the child population
            return childpop

    One can define a custom mutation operator by inheriting from
    [Operator][evotorch.operators.base.Operator], as shown below:

    class CustomMutation(Operator):
        def _do(self, solutions: SolutionBatch):
            # Get the decision values tensor of the solutions
            sln_values = solutions.access_values()

            # do in-place modifications to the decision values
            sln_values[:] = ...

    Alternatively, you could define the mutation operator as a function:

    def my_mutation_function(original_values: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        # Somehow produce mutated copies of the original values
        mutated_values = ...

        # Return the mutated values
        return mutated_values

    With these defined operators, we are now ready to instantiate our

    ga = GeneticAlgorithm(
            CustomCrossOver(problem, tournament_size=4),
            # -- or, if you chose to define the mutation as a function: --
            # my_mutation_function,

    **Non-numeric or variable-length solutions.**
    GeneticAlgorithm can also work on problems whose `dtype` is declared
    as `object`, where `dtype=object` means that a solution's value(s) can be
    expressed via a tensor, a numpy array, a scalar, a tuple, a list, a

    Like in the previously discussed case (where dtype is an integer type),
    one has to define custom operators when working on problems with
    `dtype=object`. A custom cross-over definition specialized for
    `dtype=object` looks like this:

    from import ObjectArray

    class CrossOverForObjectDType(CrossOver):
        def _do_cross_over(
            parents1: ObjectArray,
            parents2: ObjectArray,
        ) -> SolutionBatch:
            # Allocate an empty SolutionBatch that will store the children
            childpop = SolutionBatch(self.problem, popsize=num_parents, empty=True)

            # Gain access to the decision values ObjectArray of the newly allocated
            # childpop
            childpop_values = childpop.access_values()

            # Here we somehow fill `childpop_values` by recombining the parents.
            # The most common thing to do is to produce two children by
            # combining parents1[0] and parents2[0], to produce the next two
            # children parents1[1] and parents2[1], and so on.
            childpop_values[:] = ...

            # Return the child population
            return childpop

    A custom mutation operator specialized for `dtype=object` looks like this:

    class MutationForObjectDType(Operator):
        def _do(self, solutions: SolutionBatch):
            # Get the decision values ObjectArray of the solutions
            sln_values = solutions.access_values()

            # do in-place modifications to the decision values
            sln_values[:] = ...

    A custom mutation function specialized for `dtype=object` looks like this:

    def mutation_for_object_dtype(original_values: ObjectArray) -> ObjectArray:
        # Somehow produce mutated copies of the original values
        mutated_values = ...

        # Return the mutated values
        return mutated_values

    With these operators defined, one can instantiate the GeneticAlgorithm:

    ga = GeneticAlgorithm(
            CrossOverForObjectDType(problem_with_object_dtype, tournament_size=4),
            # -- or, if you chose to define the mutation as a function: --
            # mutation_for_object_dtype,

    **Multiple objectives.**
    GeneticAlgorithm can work on problems with multiple objectives.
    When there are multiple objectives, GeneticAlgorithm will compare the
    solutions according to their pareto-ranks and their crowding distances,
    like done by the NSGA-II algorithm (Deb, 2002).


        Sean Luke, 2013, Essentials of Metaheuristics, Lulu, second edition
        available for free at

        Kalyanmoy Deb, Amrit Pratap, Sameer Agarwal, T. Meyarivan (2002).
        A Fast and Elitist Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm: NSGA-II.

    def __init__(
        problem: Problem,
        operators: Iterable,
        popsize: int,
        elitist: bool = True,
        re_evaluate: bool = True,
        re_evaluate_parents_first: Optional[bool] = None,
        _allow_empty_operator_list: bool = False,
        `__init__(...)`: Initialize the GeneticAlgorithm.

            problem: The problem to optimize.
            operators: Operators to be used by the genetic algorithm.
                Expected as an iterable, such as a list or a tuple.
                Each item within this iterable object is expected either
                as an instance of [Operator][evotorch.operators.base.Operator],
                or as a function which receives the decision values of
                multiple solutions in a PyTorch tensor (or in an
                for when dtype is `object`) and returns a modified copy.
            popsize: Population size.
            elitist: Whether or not this genetic algorithm will behave in an
                elitist manner. This argument controls how the genetic
                algorithm will form the next generation from the parents
                and the children. In elitist mode (i.e. with `elitist=True`),
                the procedure to be followed by this genetic algorithm is:
                (i) form an extended population which consists of
                both the parents and the children,
                (ii) sort the extended population from best to worst,
                (iii) select the best `n` solutions as the new generation where
                `n` is `popsize`.
                In non-elitist mode (i.e. with `elitist=False`), the worst `m`
                solutions within the parent population are replaced with
                the children, `m` being the number of produced children.
            re_evaluate: Whether or not to evaluate the solutions
                that were already evaluated in the previous generations.
                By default, this is set as True.
                The reason behind this default setting is that,
                in problems where the evaluation procedure is noisy,
                by re-evaluating the already-evaluated solutions,
                we prevent the bad solutions that were luckily evaluated
                from hanging onto the population.
                Instead, at every generation, each solution must go through
                the evaluation procedure again and prove their worth.
                For problems whose evaluation procedures are NOT noisy,
                the user might consider turning re_evaluate to False
                for saving computational cycles.
            re_evaluate_parents_first: This is to be specified only when
                `re_evaluate` is True (otherwise to be left as None).
                If this is given as True, then it will be assumed that the
                provided operators require the parents to be evaluated.
                If this is given as False, then it will be assumed that the
                provided operators work without looking at the parents'
                fitnesses (in which case both parents and children can be
                evaluated in a single vectorized computation cycle).
                If this is left as None, then whether or not the operators
                need to know the parent evaluations will be determined
                automatically as follows:
                if the operators contain at least one cross-over operator
                then `re_evaluate_parents_first` will be internally set as
                True; otherwise `re_evaluate_parents_first` will be internally
                set as False.
        SearchAlgorithm.__init__(self, problem)

        self._popsize = int(popsize)
        self._elitist: bool = bool(elitist)
        self._population = problem.generate_batch(self._popsize)



    def population(self) -> SolutionBatch:
        """Get the population"""
        return self._population

    def _step(self):
        # Get the population size
        popsize = self._popsize

        if self._elitist:
            # This is where we handle the elitist mode.

            # Produce and get an extended population in a single SolutionBatch
            extended_population = self._make_extended_population(split=False)

            # From the extended population, take the best n solutions, n being the popsize.
            self._population = extended_population.take_best(popsize)
            # This is where we handle the non-elitist mode.

            # Take the parent solutions (ensured to be evaluated) and the children separately.
            parents, children = self._make_extended_population(split=True)

            # Get the number of children
            num_children = len(children)

            if num_children < popsize:
                # If the number of children is less than the population size, then we keep the best m solutions from
                # the parents, m being `popsize - num_children`.
                chosen_parents = self._population.take_best(popsize - num_children)

                # Combine the children with the chosen parents, and declare them as the new population.
                self._population =[chosen_parents, children])
            elif num_children == popsize:
                # If the number of children is the same with the population size, then these children are declared as
                # the new population.
                self._population = children
                # If the number of children is more than the population size, then we take the best n solutions from
                # these children, n being the population size. These chosen children are then declared as the new
                # population.
                self._population = children.take_best(self._popsize)

population: SolutionBatch property readonly

Get the population

__init__(self, problem, *, operators, popsize, elitist=True, re_evaluate=True, re_evaluate_parents_first=None, _allow_empty_operator_list=False) special

__init__(...): Initialize the GeneticAlgorithm.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

The problem to optimize.

operators Iterable

Operators to be used by the genetic algorithm. Expected as an iterable, such as a list or a tuple. Each item within this iterable object is expected either as an instance of Operator, or as a function which receives the decision values of multiple solutions in a PyTorch tensor (or in an ObjectArray for when dtype is object) and returns a modified copy.

popsize int

Population size.

elitist bool

Whether or not this genetic algorithm will behave in an elitist manner. This argument controls how the genetic algorithm will form the next generation from the parents and the children. In elitist mode (i.e. with elitist=True), the procedure to be followed by this genetic algorithm is: (i) form an extended population which consists of both the parents and the children, (ii) sort the extended population from best to worst, (iii) select the best n solutions as the new generation where n is popsize. In non-elitist mode (i.e. with elitist=False), the worst m solutions within the parent population are replaced with the children, m being the number of produced children.

re_evaluate bool

Whether or not to evaluate the solutions that were already evaluated in the previous generations. By default, this is set as True. The reason behind this default setting is that, in problems where the evaluation procedure is noisy, by re-evaluating the already-evaluated solutions, we prevent the bad solutions that were luckily evaluated from hanging onto the population. Instead, at every generation, each solution must go through the evaluation procedure again and prove their worth. For problems whose evaluation procedures are NOT noisy, the user might consider turning re_evaluate to False for saving computational cycles.

re_evaluate_parents_first Optional[bool]

This is to be specified only when re_evaluate is True (otherwise to be left as None). If this is given as True, then it will be assumed that the provided operators require the parents to be evaluated. If this is given as False, then it will be assumed that the provided operators work without looking at the parents' fitnesses (in which case both parents and children can be evaluated in a single vectorized computation cycle). If this is left as None, then whether or not the operators need to know the parent evaluations will be determined automatically as follows: if the operators contain at least one cross-over operator then re_evaluate_parents_first will be internally set as True; otherwise re_evaluate_parents_first will be internally set as False.

Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
def __init__(
    problem: Problem,
    operators: Iterable,
    popsize: int,
    elitist: bool = True,
    re_evaluate: bool = True,
    re_evaluate_parents_first: Optional[bool] = None,
    _allow_empty_operator_list: bool = False,
    `__init__(...)`: Initialize the GeneticAlgorithm.

        problem: The problem to optimize.
        operators: Operators to be used by the genetic algorithm.
            Expected as an iterable, such as a list or a tuple.
            Each item within this iterable object is expected either
            as an instance of [Operator][evotorch.operators.base.Operator],
            or as a function which receives the decision values of
            multiple solutions in a PyTorch tensor (or in an
            for when dtype is `object`) and returns a modified copy.
        popsize: Population size.
        elitist: Whether or not this genetic algorithm will behave in an
            elitist manner. This argument controls how the genetic
            algorithm will form the next generation from the parents
            and the children. In elitist mode (i.e. with `elitist=True`),
            the procedure to be followed by this genetic algorithm is:
            (i) form an extended population which consists of
            both the parents and the children,
            (ii) sort the extended population from best to worst,
            (iii) select the best `n` solutions as the new generation where
            `n` is `popsize`.
            In non-elitist mode (i.e. with `elitist=False`), the worst `m`
            solutions within the parent population are replaced with
            the children, `m` being the number of produced children.
        re_evaluate: Whether or not to evaluate the solutions
            that were already evaluated in the previous generations.
            By default, this is set as True.
            The reason behind this default setting is that,
            in problems where the evaluation procedure is noisy,
            by re-evaluating the already-evaluated solutions,
            we prevent the bad solutions that were luckily evaluated
            from hanging onto the population.
            Instead, at every generation, each solution must go through
            the evaluation procedure again and prove their worth.
            For problems whose evaluation procedures are NOT noisy,
            the user might consider turning re_evaluate to False
            for saving computational cycles.
        re_evaluate_parents_first: This is to be specified only when
            `re_evaluate` is True (otherwise to be left as None).
            If this is given as True, then it will be assumed that the
            provided operators require the parents to be evaluated.
            If this is given as False, then it will be assumed that the
            provided operators work without looking at the parents'
            fitnesses (in which case both parents and children can be
            evaluated in a single vectorized computation cycle).
            If this is left as None, then whether or not the operators
            need to know the parent evaluations will be determined
            automatically as follows:
            if the operators contain at least one cross-over operator
            then `re_evaluate_parents_first` will be internally set as
            True; otherwise `re_evaluate_parents_first` will be internally
            set as False.
    SearchAlgorithm.__init__(self, problem)

    self._popsize = int(popsize)
    self._elitist: bool = bool(elitist)
    self._population = problem.generate_batch(self._popsize)



SteadyStateGA (GeneticAlgorithm)

Thin wrapper around GeneticAlgorithm for compatibility with old code.

This SteadyStateGA class is equivalent to GeneticAlgorithm except that SteadyStateGA provides an additional method named use(...) for specifying a cross-over and/or a mutation operator. The method use(...) exists only for API compatibility with the previous versions of EvoTorch. It is recommended to specify the operators via the keyword argument operators instead.

Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
class SteadyStateGA(GeneticAlgorithm):
    Thin wrapper around GeneticAlgorithm for compatibility with old code.

    This `SteadyStateGA` class is equivalent to
    [GeneticAlgorithm][] except that
    `SteadyStateGA` provides an additional method named `use(...)` for
    specifying a cross-over and/or a mutation operator.
    The method `use(...)` exists only for API compatibility with the previous
    versions of EvoTorch. It is recommended to specify the operators via
    the keyword argument `operators` instead.

    def __init__(
        problem: Problem,
        popsize: int,
        operators: Optional[Iterable] = None,
        elitist: bool = True,
        re_evaluate: bool = True,
        re_evaluate_parents_first: Optional[bool] = None,
        `__init__(...)`: Initialize the SteadyStateGA.

            problem: The problem to optimize.
            operators: Optionally, an iterable of operators to be used by the
                genetic algorithm. Each item within this iterable object is
                expected either as an instance of
                or as a function which receives the decision values of
                multiple solutions in a PyTorch tensor (or in an
                for when dtype is `object`) and returns a modified copy.
                If this is omitted, then it will be required to specify the
                operators via the `use(...)` method.
            popsize: Population size.
            elitist: Whether or not this genetic algorithm will behave in an
                elitist manner. This argument controls how the genetic
                algorithm will form the next generation from the parents
                and the children. In elitist mode (i.e. with `elitist=True`),
                the procedure to be followed by this genetic algorithm is:
                (i) form an extended population which consists of
                both the parents and the children,
                (ii) sort the extended population from best to worst,
                (iii) select the best `n` solutions as the new generation where
                `n` is `popsize`.
                In non-elitist mode (i.e. with `elitist=False`), the worst `m`
                solutions within the parent population are replaced with
                the children, `m` being the number of produced children.
            re_evaluate: Whether or not to evaluate the solutions
                that were already evaluated in the previous generations.
                By default, this is set as True.
                The reason behind this default setting is that,
                in problems where the evaluation procedure is noisy,
                by re-evaluating the already-evaluated solutions,
                we prevent the bad solutions that were luckily evaluated
                from hanging onto the population.
                Instead, at every generation, each solution must go through
                the evaluation procedure again and prove their worth.
                For problems whose evaluation procedures are NOT noisy,
                the user might consider turning re_evaluate to False
                for saving computational cycles.
            re_evaluate_parents_first: This is to be specified only when
                `re_evaluate` is True (otherwise to be left as None).
                If this is given as True, then it will be assumed that the
                provided operators require the parents to be evaluated.
                If this is given as False, then it will be assumed that the
                provided operators work without looking at the parents'
                fitnesses (in which case both parents and children can be
                evaluated in a single vectorized computation cycle).
                If this is left as None, then whether or not the operators
                need to know the parent evaluations will be determined
                automatically as follows:
                if the operators contain at least one cross-over operator
                then `re_evaluate_parents_first` will be internally set as
                True; otherwise `re_evaluate_parents_first` will be internally
                set as False.
        if operators is None:
            operators = []

        self._cross_over_op: Optional[Callable] = None
        self._mutation_op: Optional[Callable] = None
        self._forbid_use_method: bool = False
        self._prepare_ops: bool = False


    def use(self, operator: Callable):
        Specify the cross-over or the mutation operator to use.

        This method exists for compatibility with previous EvoTorch code.
        Instead of using this method, it is recommended to specify the
        operators via the `operators` keyword argument while initializing
        this class.

        Using this method, one can specify one cross-over operator and one
        mutation operator that will be used during the evolutionary search.
        Specifying multiple cross-over operators or multiple mutation operators
        is not allowed. When the cross-over and mutation operators are
        specified via `use(...)`, the order of execution will always be
        arranged such that the cross-over comes first and the mutation comes
        comes second. If desired, one can specify only the cross-over operator
        or only the mutation operator.

        Please note that the `operators` keyword argument works differently,
        and offers more flexibility for defining the procedure to follow at
        each generation. In more details, the `operators` keyword argument
        allows one to specify multiple cross-over and/or multiple mutation
        operators, and those operators will be executed in the specified

            operator: The operator to be registered to SteadyStateGA.
                If the specified operator is cross-over (i.e. an instance
                of [CrossOver][evotorch.operators.base.CrossOver]),
                then this operator will be registered for the cross-over
                phase. If the specified operator is an operator that is
                not of the cross-over type (i.e. any instance of
                [Operator][evotorch.operators.base.Operator] that is not
                [CrossOver][evotorch.operators.base.CrossOver]) or if it is
                just a function which receives the decision values as a PyTorch
                tensor (or, in the case where `dtype` of the problem is
                `object` as an instance of
                [ObjectArray][]) and
                returns a modified copy, then that operator will be registered
                for the mutation phase of the genetic algorithm.
        if self._forbid_use_method:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The method `use(...)` cannot be called anymore, because the evolutionary search has started."

        if len(self._operators) > 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"The method `use(...)` cannot be called"
                f" because an operator list was provided while initializing this {type(self).__name__} instance."

        if isinstance(operator, CrossOver):
            if self._cross_over_op is not None:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"The method `use(...)` received this cross-over operator as its argument:"
                    f" {operator} (of type {type(operator)})."
                    f" However, a cross-over operator was already set:"
                    f" {self._cross_over_op} (of type {type(self._cross_over_op)})."
            self._cross_over_op = operator
            self._prepare_ops = True
            if self._mutation_op is not None:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"The method `use(...)` received this mutation operator as its argument:"
                    f" {operator} (of type {type(operator)})."
                    f" However, a mutation operator was already set:"
                    f" {self._mutation_op} (of type {type(self._mutation_op)})."
            self._mutation_op = operator
            self._prepare_ops = True

    def _step(self):
        self._forbid_use_method = True

        if self._prepare_ops:
            self._prepare_ops = False
            if self._cross_over_op is not None:
            if self._mutation_op is not None:
            if len(self._operators) == 0:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"This {type(self).__name__} instance does not know how to proceed, "
                    f" because neither the `operators` keyword argument was used during initialization"
                    f" nor was the `use(...)` method called later."


__init__(self, problem, *, popsize, operators=None, elitist=True, re_evaluate=True, re_evaluate_parents_first=None) special

__init__(...): Initialize the SteadyStateGA.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

The problem to optimize.

operators Optional[Iterable]

Optionally, an iterable of operators to be used by the genetic algorithm. Each item within this iterable object is expected either as an instance of Operator, or as a function which receives the decision values of multiple solutions in a PyTorch tensor (or in an ObjectArray for when dtype is object) and returns a modified copy. If this is omitted, then it will be required to specify the operators via the use(...) method.

popsize int

Population size.

elitist bool

Whether or not this genetic algorithm will behave in an elitist manner. This argument controls how the genetic algorithm will form the next generation from the parents and the children. In elitist mode (i.e. with elitist=True), the procedure to be followed by this genetic algorithm is: (i) form an extended population which consists of both the parents and the children, (ii) sort the extended population from best to worst, (iii) select the best n solutions as the new generation where n is popsize. In non-elitist mode (i.e. with elitist=False), the worst m solutions within the parent population are replaced with the children, m being the number of produced children.

re_evaluate bool

Whether or not to evaluate the solutions that were already evaluated in the previous generations. By default, this is set as True. The reason behind this default setting is that, in problems where the evaluation procedure is noisy, by re-evaluating the already-evaluated solutions, we prevent the bad solutions that were luckily evaluated from hanging onto the population. Instead, at every generation, each solution must go through the evaluation procedure again and prove their worth. For problems whose evaluation procedures are NOT noisy, the user might consider turning re_evaluate to False for saving computational cycles.

re_evaluate_parents_first Optional[bool]

This is to be specified only when re_evaluate is True (otherwise to be left as None). If this is given as True, then it will be assumed that the provided operators require the parents to be evaluated. If this is given as False, then it will be assumed that the provided operators work without looking at the parents' fitnesses (in which case both parents and children can be evaluated in a single vectorized computation cycle). If this is left as None, then whether or not the operators need to know the parent evaluations will be determined automatically as follows: if the operators contain at least one cross-over operator then re_evaluate_parents_first will be internally set as True; otherwise re_evaluate_parents_first will be internally set as False.

Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
def __init__(
    problem: Problem,
    popsize: int,
    operators: Optional[Iterable] = None,
    elitist: bool = True,
    re_evaluate: bool = True,
    re_evaluate_parents_first: Optional[bool] = None,
    `__init__(...)`: Initialize the SteadyStateGA.

        problem: The problem to optimize.
        operators: Optionally, an iterable of operators to be used by the
            genetic algorithm. Each item within this iterable object is
            expected either as an instance of
            or as a function which receives the decision values of
            multiple solutions in a PyTorch tensor (or in an
            for when dtype is `object`) and returns a modified copy.
            If this is omitted, then it will be required to specify the
            operators via the `use(...)` method.
        popsize: Population size.
        elitist: Whether or not this genetic algorithm will behave in an
            elitist manner. This argument controls how the genetic
            algorithm will form the next generation from the parents
            and the children. In elitist mode (i.e. with `elitist=True`),
            the procedure to be followed by this genetic algorithm is:
            (i) form an extended population which consists of
            both the parents and the children,
            (ii) sort the extended population from best to worst,
            (iii) select the best `n` solutions as the new generation where
            `n` is `popsize`.
            In non-elitist mode (i.e. with `elitist=False`), the worst `m`
            solutions within the parent population are replaced with
            the children, `m` being the number of produced children.
        re_evaluate: Whether or not to evaluate the solutions
            that were already evaluated in the previous generations.
            By default, this is set as True.
            The reason behind this default setting is that,
            in problems where the evaluation procedure is noisy,
            by re-evaluating the already-evaluated solutions,
            we prevent the bad solutions that were luckily evaluated
            from hanging onto the population.
            Instead, at every generation, each solution must go through
            the evaluation procedure again and prove their worth.
            For problems whose evaluation procedures are NOT noisy,
            the user might consider turning re_evaluate to False
            for saving computational cycles.
        re_evaluate_parents_first: This is to be specified only when
            `re_evaluate` is True (otherwise to be left as None).
            If this is given as True, then it will be assumed that the
            provided operators require the parents to be evaluated.
            If this is given as False, then it will be assumed that the
            provided operators work without looking at the parents'
            fitnesses (in which case both parents and children can be
            evaluated in a single vectorized computation cycle).
            If this is left as None, then whether or not the operators
            need to know the parent evaluations will be determined
            automatically as follows:
            if the operators contain at least one cross-over operator
            then `re_evaluate_parents_first` will be internally set as
            True; otherwise `re_evaluate_parents_first` will be internally
            set as False.
    if operators is None:
        operators = []

    self._cross_over_op: Optional[Callable] = None
    self._mutation_op: Optional[Callable] = None
    self._forbid_use_method: bool = False
    self._prepare_ops: bool = False


use(self, operator)

Specify the cross-over or the mutation operator to use.

This method exists for compatibility with previous EvoTorch code. Instead of using this method, it is recommended to specify the operators via the operators keyword argument while initializing this class.

Using this method, one can specify one cross-over operator and one mutation operator that will be used during the evolutionary search. Specifying multiple cross-over operators or multiple mutation operators is not allowed. When the cross-over and mutation operators are specified via use(...), the order of execution will always be arranged such that the cross-over comes first and the mutation comes comes second. If desired, one can specify only the cross-over operator or only the mutation operator.

Please note that the operators keyword argument works differently, and offers more flexibility for defining the procedure to follow at each generation. In more details, the operators keyword argument allows one to specify multiple cross-over and/or multiple mutation operators, and those operators will be executed in the specified order.


Name Type Description Default
operator Callable

The operator to be registered to SteadyStateGA. If the specified operator is cross-over (i.e. an instance of CrossOver), then this operator will be registered for the cross-over phase. If the specified operator is an operator that is not of the cross-over type (i.e. any instance of Operator that is not CrossOver) or if it is just a function which receives the decision values as a PyTorch tensor (or, in the case where dtype of the problem is object as an instance of ObjectArray) and returns a modified copy, then that operator will be registered for the mutation phase of the genetic algorithm.

Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
def use(self, operator: Callable):
    Specify the cross-over or the mutation operator to use.

    This method exists for compatibility with previous EvoTorch code.
    Instead of using this method, it is recommended to specify the
    operators via the `operators` keyword argument while initializing
    this class.

    Using this method, one can specify one cross-over operator and one
    mutation operator that will be used during the evolutionary search.
    Specifying multiple cross-over operators or multiple mutation operators
    is not allowed. When the cross-over and mutation operators are
    specified via `use(...)`, the order of execution will always be
    arranged such that the cross-over comes first and the mutation comes
    comes second. If desired, one can specify only the cross-over operator
    or only the mutation operator.

    Please note that the `operators` keyword argument works differently,
    and offers more flexibility for defining the procedure to follow at
    each generation. In more details, the `operators` keyword argument
    allows one to specify multiple cross-over and/or multiple mutation
    operators, and those operators will be executed in the specified

        operator: The operator to be registered to SteadyStateGA.
            If the specified operator is cross-over (i.e. an instance
            of [CrossOver][evotorch.operators.base.CrossOver]),
            then this operator will be registered for the cross-over
            phase. If the specified operator is an operator that is
            not of the cross-over type (i.e. any instance of
            [Operator][evotorch.operators.base.Operator] that is not
            [CrossOver][evotorch.operators.base.CrossOver]) or if it is
            just a function which receives the decision values as a PyTorch
            tensor (or, in the case where `dtype` of the problem is
            `object` as an instance of
            [ObjectArray][]) and
            returns a modified copy, then that operator will be registered
            for the mutation phase of the genetic algorithm.
    if self._forbid_use_method:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "The method `use(...)` cannot be called anymore, because the evolutionary search has started."

    if len(self._operators) > 0:
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"The method `use(...)` cannot be called"
            f" because an operator list was provided while initializing this {type(self).__name__} instance."

    if isinstance(operator, CrossOver):
        if self._cross_over_op is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                f"The method `use(...)` received this cross-over operator as its argument:"
                f" {operator} (of type {type(operator)})."
                f" However, a cross-over operator was already set:"
                f" {self._cross_over_op} (of type {type(self._cross_over_op)})."
        self._cross_over_op = operator
        self._prepare_ops = True
        if self._mutation_op is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                f"The method `use(...)` received this mutation operator as its argument:"
                f" {operator} (of type {type(operator)})."
                f" However, a mutation operator was already set:"
                f" {self._mutation_op} (of type {type(self._mutation_op)})."
        self._mutation_op = operator
        self._prepare_ops = True