This namespace contains the CMAES class
CMAES (SearchAlgorithm, SinglePopulationAlgorithmMixin)
This is a GPU-accelerated and vectorized implementation, based on pycma (version r3.2.2) and the below references.
Nikolaus Hansen, Youhei Akimoto, and Petr Baudis.
CMA-ES/pycma on Github. Zenodo, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.2559634,
February 2019.
Nikolaus Hansen, Andreas Ostermeier (2001).
Completely Derandomized Self-Adaptation in Evolution Strategies.
Nikolaus Hansen (2016).
The CMA Evolution Strategy: A Tutorial.
Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
class CMAES(SearchAlgorithm, SinglePopulationAlgorithmMixin):
CMAES: Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy.
This is a GPU-accelerated and vectorized implementation, based on pycma (version r3.2.2)
and the below references.
Nikolaus Hansen, Youhei Akimoto, and Petr Baudis.
CMA-ES/pycma on Github. Zenodo, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.2559634,
February 2019.
Nikolaus Hansen, Andreas Ostermeier (2001).
Completely Derandomized Self-Adaptation in Evolution Strategies.
Nikolaus Hansen (2016).
The CMA Evolution Strategy: A Tutorial.
def __init__(
problem: Problem,
stdev_init: Real,
popsize: Optional[int] = None,
center_init: Optional[Vector] = None,
c_m: Real = 1.0,
c_sigma: Optional[Real] = None,
c_sigma_ratio: Real = 1.0,
damp_sigma: Optional[Real] = None,
damp_sigma_ratio: Real = 1.0,
c_c: Optional[Real] = None,
c_c_ratio: Real = 1.0,
c_1: Optional[Real] = None,
c_1_ratio: Real = 1.0,
c_mu: Optional[Real] = None,
c_mu_ratio: Real = 1.0,
active: bool = True,
csa_squared: bool = False,
stdev_min: Optional[Real] = None,
stdev_max: Optional[Real] = None,
separable: bool = False,
limit_C_decomposition: bool = True,
obj_index: Optional[int] = None,
`__init__(...)`: Initialize the CMAES solver.
problem (Problem): The problem object which is being worked on.
stdev_init (Real): Initial step-size
popsize: Population size. Can be specified as an int,
or can be left as None in which case the CMA-ES rule of thumb is applied:
popsize = 4 + floor(3 log d) where d is the dimension
center_init: Initial center point of the search distribution.
Can be given as a Solution or as a 1-D array.
If left as None, an initial center point is generated
with the help of the problem object's `generate_values(...)`
c_m (Real): Learning rate for updating the mean
of the search distribution. By default the value is 1.
c_sigma (Optional[Real]): Learning rate for updating the step size. If None,
then the CMA-ES rules of thumb will be applied.
c_sigma_ratio (Real): Multiplier on the learning rate for the step size.
if c_sigma has been left as None, can be used to rescale the default c_sigma value.
damp_sigma (Optional[Real]): Damping factor for updating the step size. If None,
then the CMA-ES rules of thumb will be applied.
damp_sigma_ratio (Real): Multiplier on the damping factor for the step size.
if damp_sigma has been left as None, can be used to rescale the default damp_sigma value.
c_c (Optional[Real]): Learning rate for updating the rank-1 evolution path.
If None, then the CMA-ES rules of thumb will be applied.
c_c_ratio (Real): Multiplier on the learning rate for the rank-1 evolution path.
if c_c has been left as None, can be used to rescale the default c_c value.
c_1 (Optional[Real]): Learning rate for the rank-1 update to the covariance matrix.
If None, then the CMA-ES rules of thumb will be applied.
c_1_ratio (Real): Multiplier on the learning rate for the rank-1 update to the covariance matrix.
if c_1 has been left as None, can be used to rescale the default c_1 value.
c_mu (Optional[Real]): Learning rate for the rank-mu update to the covariance matrix.
If None, then the CMA-ES rules of thumb will be applied.
c_mu_ratio (Real): Multiplier on the learning rate for the rank-mu update to the covariance matrix.
if c_mu has been left as None, can be used to rescale the default c_mu value.
active (bool): Whether to use Active CMA-ES. Defaults to True, consistent with the tutorial paper and pycma.
csa_squared (bool): Whether to use the squared rule ("CSA_squared" in pycma) for the step-size adapation.
This effectively corresponds to taking the natural gradient for the evolution path on the step size,
rather than the default CMA-ES rule of thumb.
stdev_min (Optional[Real]): Minimum allowed standard deviation of the search
distribution. Leaving this as None means that no such
boundary is to be used.
Can be given as None or as a scalar.
stdev_max (Optional[Real]): Maximum allowed standard deviation of the search
distribution. Leaving this as None means that no such
boundary is to be used.
Can be given as None or as a scalar.
separable (bool): Provide this as True if you would like the problem
to be treated as a separable one. Treating a problem
as separable means to adapt only the diagonal parts
of the covariance matrix and to keep the non-diagonal
parts 0. High dimensional problems result in large
covariance matrices on which operating is computationally
expensive. Therefore, for such high dimensional problems,
setting `separable` as True might be useful.
limit_C_decomposition (bool): Whether to limit the frequency of decomposition of the shape matrix C
Setting this to True (default) means that C will not be decomposed every generation
This degrades the quality of the sampling and updates, but provides a guarantee of O(d^2) time complexity.
This option can be used with separable=True (e.g. for experimental reasons) but the performance will only degrade
without time-complexity benefits.
obj_index (Optional[int]): Objective index according to which evaluation
of the solution will be done.
# Initialize the base class
SearchAlgorithm.__init__(self, problem, center=self._get_center, stepsize=self._get_sigma)
# Ensure that the problem is numeric
# Store the objective index
self._obj_index = problem.normalize_obj_index(obj_index)
# Track d = solution length for reference in initialization of hyperparameters
d = self._problem.solution_length
# === Initialize population ===
if not popsize:
# Default value used in CMA-ES literature 4 + floor(3 log n)
popsize = 4 + int(np.floor(3 * np.log(d)))
self.popsize = int(popsize)
# Half popsize, referred to as mu in CMA-ES literature = int(np.floor(popsize / 2))
self._population = problem.generate_batch(popsize=popsize)
# === Initialize search distribution ===
self.separable = separable
# If `center_init` is not given, generate an initial solution
# with the help of the problem object.
# If it is given as a Solution, then clone the solution's values
# as a PyTorch tensor.
# Otherwise, use the given initial solution as the starting
# point in the search space.
if center_init is None:
center_init = self._problem.generate_values(1)
elif isinstance(center_init, Solution):
center_init = center_init.values.clone()
# Store the center
self.m = self._problem.make_tensor(center_init)
# Store the initial step size
self.sigma = self._problem.make_tensor(stdev_init)
if separable:
# Initialize C as the diagonal vector. Note that when separable, the eigendecomposition is not needed
self.C = self._problem.make_ones(d)
# In this case A is simply the square root of elements of C
self.A = self._problem.make_ones(d)
# Initialize C = AA^T all diagonal.
self.C = self._problem.make_I(d)
self.A = self.C.clone()
# === Initialize raw weights ===
# Conditioned on popsize
# w_i = log((lambda + 1) / 2) - log(i) for i = 1 ... lambda
raw_weights = self.problem.make_tensor(np.log((popsize + 1) / 2) - torch.log(torch.arange(popsize) + 1))
# positive valued weights are the first mu
positive_weights = raw_weights[:]
negative_weights = raw_weights[ :]
# Variance effective selection mass of positive weights
# Not affected by future updates to raw_weights
self.mu_eff = torch.sum(positive_weights).pow(2.0) / torch.sum(positive_weights.pow(2.0))
# === Initialize search parameters ===
# Conditioned on weights
# Store fixed information
self.c_m = c_m = active
self.csa_squared = csa_squared
self.stdev_min = stdev_min
self.stdev_max = stdev_max
# Learning rate for step-size adaption
if c_sigma is None:
c_sigma = (self.mu_eff + 2.0) / (d + self.mu_eff + 3)
self.c_sigma = c_sigma_ratio * c_sigma
# Damping factor for step-size adapation
if damp_sigma is None:
damp_sigma = 1 + 2 * max(0, torch.sqrt((self.mu_eff - 1) / (d + 1)) - 1) + self.c_sigma
self.damp_sigma = damp_sigma_ratio * damp_sigma
# Learning rate for evolution path for rank-1 update
if c_c is None:
# Branches on separability
if separable:
c_c = (1 + (1 / d) + (self.mu_eff / d)) / (d**0.5 + (1 / d) + 2 * (self.mu_eff / d))
c_c = (4 + self.mu_eff / d) / (d + (4 + 2 * self.mu_eff / d))
self.c_c = c_c_ratio * c_c
# Learning rate for rank-1 update to covariance matrix
if c_1 is None:
# Branches on separability
if separable:
c_1 = 1.0 / (d + 2.0 * np.sqrt(d) + self.mu_eff / d)
c_1 = min(1, popsize / 6) * 2 / ((d + 1.3) ** 2.0 + self.mu_eff)
self.c_1 = c_1_ratio * c_1
# Learning rate for rank-mu update to covariance matrix
if c_mu is None:
# Branches on separability
if separable:
c_mu = (0.25 + self.mu_eff + (1.0 / self.mu_eff) - 2) / (d + 4 * np.sqrt(d) + (self.mu_eff / 2.0))
c_mu = min(
1 - self.c_1, 2 * ((0.25 + self.mu_eff - 2 + (1 / self.mu_eff)) / ((d + 2) ** 2.0 + self.mu_eff))
self.c_mu = c_mu_ratio * c_mu
# The 'variance aware' coefficient used for the additive component of the evolution path for sigma
self.variance_discount_sigma = torch.sqrt(self.c_sigma * (2 - self.c_sigma) * self.mu_eff)
# The 'variance aware' coefficient used for the additive component of the evolution path for rank-1 updates
self.variance_discount_c = torch.sqrt(self.c_c * (2 - self.c_c) * self.mu_eff)
# === Finalize weights ===
# Conditioned on search parameters and raw weights
# Positive weights always sum to 1
positive_weights = positive_weights / torch.sum(positive_weights)
# Active CMA-ES: negative weights sum to alpha
# Get the variance effective selection mass of negative weights
mu_eff_neg = torch.sum(negative_weights).pow(2.0) / torch.sum(negative_weights.pow(2.0))
# Alpha is the minimum of the following 3 terms
alpha_mu = 1 + self.c_1 / self.c_mu
alpha_mu_eff = 1 + 2 * mu_eff_neg / (self.mu_eff + 2)
alpha_pos_def = (1 - self.c_mu - self.c_1) / (d * self.c_mu)
alpha = min([alpha_mu, alpha_mu_eff, alpha_pos_def])
# Rescale negative weights
negative_weights = alpha * negative_weights / torch.sum(torch.abs(negative_weights))
# Negative weights are simply zero
negative_weights = torch.zeros_like(negative_weights)
# Concatenate final weights
self.weights =[positive_weights, negative_weights], dim=-1)
# === Some final setup ===
# Initialize the evolution paths
self.p_sigma = 0.0
self.p_c = 0.0
# Hansen's approximation to the expectation of ||x|| x ~ N(0, I_d).
# Note that we could use the exact formulation with Gamma functions, but we'll retain this form for consistency
self.unbiased_expectation = np.sqrt(d) * (1 - (1 / (4 * d)) + 1 / (21 * d**2))
# How often to decompose C
if limit_C_decomposition:
self.decompose_C_freq = max(1, int(1 / np.floor(10 * d * (self.c_1.cpu() + self.c_mu.cpu()))))
self.decompose_C_freq = 1
# Use the SinglePopulationAlgorithmMixin to enable additional status reports regarding the population.
def population(self) -> SolutionBatch:
"""Population generated by the CMA-ES algorithm"""
return self._population
def _get_center(self) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Get the center of search distribution, m"""
return self.m
def _get_sigma(self) -> float:
"""Get the step-size of the search distribution, sigma"""
return float(self.sigma.cpu())
def obj_index(self) -> int:
"""Index of the objective being focused on"""
return self._obj_index
def sample_distribution(self, num_samples: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
"""Sample the population. All 3 representations of solutions are returned for easy calculations of updates.
Note that the computation time of this operation of O(d^2 num_samples) unless separable, in which case O(d num_samples)
num_samples (Optional[int]): The number of samples to draw. If None, then the population size is used
zs (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [num_samples, d] of samples from the local coordinate space e.g. z_i ~ N(0, I_d)
ys (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [num_samples, d] of samples from the shaped coordinate space e.g. y_i ~ N(0, C)
xs (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [num_samples, d] of samples from the search space e.g. x_i ~ N(m, sigma^2 C)
if num_samples is None:
num_samples = self.popsize
# Generate z values
zs = self._problem.make_gaussian(num_solutions=num_samples)
# Construct ys = A zs
if self.separable:
# In the separable case A is diagonal so is represented as a single vector
ys = self.A.unsqueeze(0) * zs
ys = (self.A @ zs.T).T
# Construct xs = m + sigma ys
xs = self.m.unsqueeze(0) + self.sigma * ys
return zs, ys, xs
def get_population_weights(self, xs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Get the assigned weights of the population (e.g. evaluate, rank and return)
xs (torch.Tensor): The population samples drawn from N(mu, sigma^2 C)
assigned_weights (torch.Tensor): A [popsize, ] dimensional tensor of ordered weights
# Computation is O(popsize * F_time) where F_time is the evalutation time per sample
# Fill the population
# Evaluate the current population
# Sort the population
indices = self._population.argsort(obj_index=self.obj_index)
# Invert the sorting of the population to obtain the ranks
# Note that these ranks start at zero, but this is fine as we are just using them for indexing
ranks = torch.zeros_like(indices)
ranks[indices] = torch.arange(self.popsize, dtype=indices.dtype, device=indices.device)
# Get weights corresponding to each rank
assigned_weights = self.weights[ranks]
return assigned_weights
def update_m(self, zs: torch.Tensor, ys: torch.Tensor, assigned_weights: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Update the center of the search distribution m
With zs and ys retained from sampling, this operation is O(popsize d), as it involves summing across popsize d-dimensional vectors.
zs (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [popsize, d] of samples from the local coordinate space e.g. z_i ~ N(0, I_d)
ys (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [popsize, d] of samples from the shaped coordinate space e.g. y_i ~ N(0, C)
assigned_weights (torch.Tensor): A [popsize, ] dimensional tensor of ordered weights
local_m_displacement (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [d], corresponding to the local transformation of m,
(1/sigma) (C^-1/2) (m' - m) where m' is the updated m
shaped_m_displacement (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [d], corresponding to the shaped transformation of m,
(1/sigma) (m' - m) where m' is the updated m
# Get the top-mu weights
top_mu = torch.topk(assigned_weights,
top_mu_weights = top_mu.values
top_mu_indices = top_mu.indices
# Compute the weighted recombination in local coordinate space
local_m_displacement = torch.sum(top_mu_weights.unsqueeze(-1) * zs[top_mu_indices], dim=0)
# Compute the weighted recombination in shaped coordinate space
shaped_m_displacement = torch.sum(top_mu_weights.unsqueeze(-1) * ys[top_mu_indices], dim=0)
# Update m
self.m = self.m + self.c_m * self.sigma * shaped_m_displacement
# Return the weighted recombinations
return local_m_displacement, shaped_m_displacement
def update_p_sigma(self, local_m_displacement: torch.Tensor) -> None:
"""Update the evolution path for sigma, p_sigma
This operation is bounded O(d), as is simply the sum of vectors
local_m_displacement (torch.Tensor): The weighted recombination of local samples zs, corresponding to
(1/sigma) (C^-1/2) (m' - m) where m' is the updated m
self.p_sigma = (1 - self.c_sigma) * self.p_sigma + self.variance_discount_sigma * local_m_displacement
def update_sigma(self) -> None:
"""Update the step size sigma according to its evolution path p_sigma
This operation is bounded O(d), with the most expensive component being the norm of the evolution path, a d-dimensional vector.
d = self._problem.solution_length
# Compute the exponential update
if self.csa_squared:
# Exponential update based on natural gradient maximizing squared norm of p_sigma
exponential_update = (torch.norm(self.p_sigma).pow(2.0) / d - 1) / 2
# Exponential update increasing likelihood p_sigma having expected norm
exponential_update = torch.norm(self.p_sigma) / self.unbiased_expectation - 1
# Rescale exponential update based on learning rate + damping factor
exponential_update = (self.c_sigma / self.damp_sigma) * exponential_update
# Multiplicative update to sigma
self.sigma = self.sigma * torch.exp(exponential_update)
def update_p_c(self, shaped_m_displacement: torch.Tensor, h_sig: torch.Tensor) -> None:
"""Update the evolution path for rank-1 update, p_c
This operation is bounded O(d), as is simply the sum of vectors
local_m_displacement (torch.Tensor): The weighted recombination of shaped samples ys, corresponding to
(1/sigma) (m' - m) where m' is the updated m
h_sig (torch.Tensor): Whether to stall the update based on the evolution path on sigma, p_sigma, expressed as a torch float
self.p_c = (1 - self.c_c) * self.p_c + h_sig * self.variance_discount_c * shaped_m_displacement
def update_C(self, zs: torch.Tensor, ys: torch.Tensor, assigned_weights: torch.Tensor, h_sig: torch.Tensor) -> None:
"""Update the covariance shape matrix C based on rank-1 and rank-mu updates
This operation is bounded O(d^2 popsize), which is associated with computing the rank-mu update (summing across popsize d*d matrices)
zs (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [popsize, d] of samples from the local coordinate space e.g. z_i ~ N(0, I_d)
ys (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [popsize, d] of samples from the shaped coordinate space e.g. y_i ~ N(0, C)
assigned_weights (torch.Tensor): A [popsize, ] dimensional tensor of ordered weights
h_sig (torch.Tensor): Whether to stall the update based on the evolution path on sigma, p_sigma, expressed as a torch float
d = self._problem.solution_length
# If using Active CMA-ES, reweight negative weights
assigned_weights = torch.where(
assigned_weights > 0, assigned_weights, d * assigned_weights / torch.norm(zs, dim=-1).pow(2.0)
c1a = self.c_1 * (1 - (1 - h_sig**2) * self.c_c * (2 - self.c_c)) # adjust for variance loss
weighted_pc = (self.c_1 / (c1a + 1e-23)) ** 0.5
if self.separable:
# Rank-1 update
r1_update = c1a * (self.p_c.pow(2.0) - self.C)
# Rank-mu update
rmu_update = self.c_mu * torch.sum(
assigned_weights.unsqueeze(-1) * (ys.pow(2.0) - self.C.unsqueeze(0)), dim=0
# Rank-1 update
r1_update = c1a * (torch.outer(weighted_pc * self.p_c, weighted_pc * self.p_c) - self.C)
# Rank-mu update
rmu_update = self.c_mu * (
torch.sum(assigned_weights.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) * (ys.unsqueeze(1) * ys.unsqueeze(2)), dim=0)
- torch.sum(self.weights) * self.C
# Update C
self.C = self.C + r1_update + rmu_update
def decompose_C(self) -> None:
"""Perform the decomposition C = AA^T using a cholesky decomposition
Note that traditionally CMA-ES uses the eigendecomposition C = BDDB^-1. In our case,
we keep track of zs, ys and xs when sampling, so we never need C^-1/2.
Therefore, a cholesky decomposition is all that is necessary. This generally requires
O(d^3/3) operations, rather than the more costly O(d^3) operations associated with the eigendecomposition.
if self.separable:
self.A = self.C.pow(0.5)
self.A = torch.linalg.cholesky(self.C)
def _step(self):
"""Perform a step of the CMA-ES solver"""
# === Sampling, evaluation and ranking ===
# Sample the search distribution
zs, ys, xs = self.sample_distribution()
# Get the weights assigned to each solution
assigned_weights = self.get_population_weights(xs)
# === Center adaption ===
local_m_displacement, shaped_m_displacement = self.update_m(zs, ys, assigned_weights)
# === Step size adaption ===
# Update evolution path p_sigma
# Update sigma
# Compute h_sig, a boolean flag for stalling the update to p_c
h_sig = _h_sig(self.p_sigma, self.c_sigma, self._steps_count)
# === Unscaled covariance adapation ===
# Update evolution path p_c
self.update_p_c(shaped_m_displacement, h_sig)
# Update the covariance shape C
self.update_C(zs, ys, assigned_weights, h_sig)
# === Post-step corrections ===
# Limit element-wise standard deviation of sigma^2 C
if self.stdev_min is not None or self.stdev_max is not None:
self.C = _limit_stdev(self.sigma, self.C, self.stdev_min, self.stdev_max)
# Decompose C
if (self._steps_count + 1) % self.decompose_C_freq == 0:
obj_index: int
Index of the objective being focused on
population: SolutionBatch
Population generated by the CMA-ES algorithm
__init__(self, problem, *, stdev_init, popsize=None, center_init=None, c_m=1.0, c_sigma=None, c_sigma_ratio=1.0, damp_sigma=None, damp_sigma_ratio=1.0, c_c=None, c_c_ratio=1.0, c_1=None, c_1_ratio=1.0, c_mu=None, c_mu_ratio=1.0, active=True, csa_squared=False, stdev_min=None, stdev_max=None, separable=False, limit_C_decomposition=True, obj_index=None)
: Initialize the CMAES solver.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
problem |
Problem |
The problem object which is being worked on. |
required |
stdev_init |
Real |
Initial step-size |
required |
popsize |
Optional[int] |
Population size. Can be specified as an int, or can be left as None in which case the CMA-ES rule of thumb is applied: popsize = 4 + floor(3 log d) where d is the dimension |
None |
center_init |
Union[Iterable[float], torch.Tensor] |
Initial center point of the search distribution.
Can be given as a Solution or as a 1-D array.
If left as None, an initial center point is generated
with the help of the problem object's |
None |
c_m |
Real |
Learning rate for updating the mean of the search distribution. By default the value is 1. |
1.0 |
c_sigma |
Optional[Real] |
Learning rate for updating the step size. If None, then the CMA-ES rules of thumb will be applied. |
None |
c_sigma_ratio |
Real |
Multiplier on the learning rate for the step size. if c_sigma has been left as None, can be used to rescale the default c_sigma value. |
1.0 |
damp_sigma |
Optional[Real] |
Damping factor for updating the step size. If None, then the CMA-ES rules of thumb will be applied. |
None |
damp_sigma_ratio |
Real |
Multiplier on the damping factor for the step size. if damp_sigma has been left as None, can be used to rescale the default damp_sigma value. |
1.0 |
c_c |
Optional[Real] |
Learning rate for updating the rank-1 evolution path. If None, then the CMA-ES rules of thumb will be applied. |
None |
c_c_ratio |
Real |
Multiplier on the learning rate for the rank-1 evolution path. if c_c has been left as None, can be used to rescale the default c_c value. |
1.0 |
c_1 |
Optional[Real] |
Learning rate for the rank-1 update to the covariance matrix. If None, then the CMA-ES rules of thumb will be applied. |
None |
c_1_ratio |
Real |
Multiplier on the learning rate for the rank-1 update to the covariance matrix. if c_1 has been left as None, can be used to rescale the default c_1 value. |
1.0 |
c_mu |
Optional[Real] |
Learning rate for the rank-mu update to the covariance matrix. If None, then the CMA-ES rules of thumb will be applied. |
None |
c_mu_ratio |
Real |
Multiplier on the learning rate for the rank-mu update to the covariance matrix. if c_mu has been left as None, can be used to rescale the default c_mu value. |
1.0 |
active |
bool |
Whether to use Active CMA-ES. Defaults to True, consistent with the tutorial paper and pycma. |
True |
csa_squared |
bool |
Whether to use the squared rule ("CSA_squared" in pycma) for the step-size adapation. This effectively corresponds to taking the natural gradient for the evolution path on the step size, rather than the default CMA-ES rule of thumb. |
False |
stdev_min |
Optional[Real] |
Minimum allowed standard deviation of the search distribution. Leaving this as None means that no such boundary is to be used. Can be given as None or as a scalar. |
None |
stdev_max |
Optional[Real] |
Maximum allowed standard deviation of the search distribution. Leaving this as None means that no such boundary is to be used. Can be given as None or as a scalar. |
None |
separable |
bool |
Provide this as True if you would like the problem
to be treated as a separable one. Treating a problem
as separable means to adapt only the diagonal parts
of the covariance matrix and to keep the non-diagonal
parts 0. High dimensional problems result in large
covariance matrices on which operating is computationally
expensive. Therefore, for such high dimensional problems,
setting |
False |
limit_C_decomposition |
bool |
Whether to limit the frequency of decomposition of the shape matrix C Setting this to True (default) means that C will not be decomposed every generation This degrades the quality of the sampling and updates, but provides a guarantee of O(d^2) time complexity. This option can be used with separable=True (e.g. for experimental reasons) but the performance will only degrade without time-complexity benefits. |
True |
obj_index |
Optional[int] |
Objective index according to which evaluation of the solution will be done. |
None |
Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
def __init__(
problem: Problem,
stdev_init: Real,
popsize: Optional[int] = None,
center_init: Optional[Vector] = None,
c_m: Real = 1.0,
c_sigma: Optional[Real] = None,
c_sigma_ratio: Real = 1.0,
damp_sigma: Optional[Real] = None,
damp_sigma_ratio: Real = 1.0,
c_c: Optional[Real] = None,
c_c_ratio: Real = 1.0,
c_1: Optional[Real] = None,
c_1_ratio: Real = 1.0,
c_mu: Optional[Real] = None,
c_mu_ratio: Real = 1.0,
active: bool = True,
csa_squared: bool = False,
stdev_min: Optional[Real] = None,
stdev_max: Optional[Real] = None,
separable: bool = False,
limit_C_decomposition: bool = True,
obj_index: Optional[int] = None,
`__init__(...)`: Initialize the CMAES solver.
problem (Problem): The problem object which is being worked on.
stdev_init (Real): Initial step-size
popsize: Population size. Can be specified as an int,
or can be left as None in which case the CMA-ES rule of thumb is applied:
popsize = 4 + floor(3 log d) where d is the dimension
center_init: Initial center point of the search distribution.
Can be given as a Solution or as a 1-D array.
If left as None, an initial center point is generated
with the help of the problem object's `generate_values(...)`
c_m (Real): Learning rate for updating the mean
of the search distribution. By default the value is 1.
c_sigma (Optional[Real]): Learning rate for updating the step size. If None,
then the CMA-ES rules of thumb will be applied.
c_sigma_ratio (Real): Multiplier on the learning rate for the step size.
if c_sigma has been left as None, can be used to rescale the default c_sigma value.
damp_sigma (Optional[Real]): Damping factor for updating the step size. If None,
then the CMA-ES rules of thumb will be applied.
damp_sigma_ratio (Real): Multiplier on the damping factor for the step size.
if damp_sigma has been left as None, can be used to rescale the default damp_sigma value.
c_c (Optional[Real]): Learning rate for updating the rank-1 evolution path.
If None, then the CMA-ES rules of thumb will be applied.
c_c_ratio (Real): Multiplier on the learning rate for the rank-1 evolution path.
if c_c has been left as None, can be used to rescale the default c_c value.
c_1 (Optional[Real]): Learning rate for the rank-1 update to the covariance matrix.
If None, then the CMA-ES rules of thumb will be applied.
c_1_ratio (Real): Multiplier on the learning rate for the rank-1 update to the covariance matrix.
if c_1 has been left as None, can be used to rescale the default c_1 value.
c_mu (Optional[Real]): Learning rate for the rank-mu update to the covariance matrix.
If None, then the CMA-ES rules of thumb will be applied.
c_mu_ratio (Real): Multiplier on the learning rate for the rank-mu update to the covariance matrix.
if c_mu has been left as None, can be used to rescale the default c_mu value.
active (bool): Whether to use Active CMA-ES. Defaults to True, consistent with the tutorial paper and pycma.
csa_squared (bool): Whether to use the squared rule ("CSA_squared" in pycma) for the step-size adapation.
This effectively corresponds to taking the natural gradient for the evolution path on the step size,
rather than the default CMA-ES rule of thumb.
stdev_min (Optional[Real]): Minimum allowed standard deviation of the search
distribution. Leaving this as None means that no such
boundary is to be used.
Can be given as None or as a scalar.
stdev_max (Optional[Real]): Maximum allowed standard deviation of the search
distribution. Leaving this as None means that no such
boundary is to be used.
Can be given as None or as a scalar.
separable (bool): Provide this as True if you would like the problem
to be treated as a separable one. Treating a problem
as separable means to adapt only the diagonal parts
of the covariance matrix and to keep the non-diagonal
parts 0. High dimensional problems result in large
covariance matrices on which operating is computationally
expensive. Therefore, for such high dimensional problems,
setting `separable` as True might be useful.
limit_C_decomposition (bool): Whether to limit the frequency of decomposition of the shape matrix C
Setting this to True (default) means that C will not be decomposed every generation
This degrades the quality of the sampling and updates, but provides a guarantee of O(d^2) time complexity.
This option can be used with separable=True (e.g. for experimental reasons) but the performance will only degrade
without time-complexity benefits.
obj_index (Optional[int]): Objective index according to which evaluation
of the solution will be done.
# Initialize the base class
SearchAlgorithm.__init__(self, problem, center=self._get_center, stepsize=self._get_sigma)
# Ensure that the problem is numeric
# Store the objective index
self._obj_index = problem.normalize_obj_index(obj_index)
# Track d = solution length for reference in initialization of hyperparameters
d = self._problem.solution_length
# === Initialize population ===
if not popsize:
# Default value used in CMA-ES literature 4 + floor(3 log n)
popsize = 4 + int(np.floor(3 * np.log(d)))
self.popsize = int(popsize)
# Half popsize, referred to as mu in CMA-ES literature = int(np.floor(popsize / 2))
self._population = problem.generate_batch(popsize=popsize)
# === Initialize search distribution ===
self.separable = separable
# If `center_init` is not given, generate an initial solution
# with the help of the problem object.
# If it is given as a Solution, then clone the solution's values
# as a PyTorch tensor.
# Otherwise, use the given initial solution as the starting
# point in the search space.
if center_init is None:
center_init = self._problem.generate_values(1)
elif isinstance(center_init, Solution):
center_init = center_init.values.clone()
# Store the center
self.m = self._problem.make_tensor(center_init)
# Store the initial step size
self.sigma = self._problem.make_tensor(stdev_init)
if separable:
# Initialize C as the diagonal vector. Note that when separable, the eigendecomposition is not needed
self.C = self._problem.make_ones(d)
# In this case A is simply the square root of elements of C
self.A = self._problem.make_ones(d)
# Initialize C = AA^T all diagonal.
self.C = self._problem.make_I(d)
self.A = self.C.clone()
# === Initialize raw weights ===
# Conditioned on popsize
# w_i = log((lambda + 1) / 2) - log(i) for i = 1 ... lambda
raw_weights = self.problem.make_tensor(np.log((popsize + 1) / 2) - torch.log(torch.arange(popsize) + 1))
# positive valued weights are the first mu
positive_weights = raw_weights[:]
negative_weights = raw_weights[ :]
# Variance effective selection mass of positive weights
# Not affected by future updates to raw_weights
self.mu_eff = torch.sum(positive_weights).pow(2.0) / torch.sum(positive_weights.pow(2.0))
# === Initialize search parameters ===
# Conditioned on weights
# Store fixed information
self.c_m = c_m = active
self.csa_squared = csa_squared
self.stdev_min = stdev_min
self.stdev_max = stdev_max
# Learning rate for step-size adaption
if c_sigma is None:
c_sigma = (self.mu_eff + 2.0) / (d + self.mu_eff + 3)
self.c_sigma = c_sigma_ratio * c_sigma
# Damping factor for step-size adapation
if damp_sigma is None:
damp_sigma = 1 + 2 * max(0, torch.sqrt((self.mu_eff - 1) / (d + 1)) - 1) + self.c_sigma
self.damp_sigma = damp_sigma_ratio * damp_sigma
# Learning rate for evolution path for rank-1 update
if c_c is None:
# Branches on separability
if separable:
c_c = (1 + (1 / d) + (self.mu_eff / d)) / (d**0.5 + (1 / d) + 2 * (self.mu_eff / d))
c_c = (4 + self.mu_eff / d) / (d + (4 + 2 * self.mu_eff / d))
self.c_c = c_c_ratio * c_c
# Learning rate for rank-1 update to covariance matrix
if c_1 is None:
# Branches on separability
if separable:
c_1 = 1.0 / (d + 2.0 * np.sqrt(d) + self.mu_eff / d)
c_1 = min(1, popsize / 6) * 2 / ((d + 1.3) ** 2.0 + self.mu_eff)
self.c_1 = c_1_ratio * c_1
# Learning rate for rank-mu update to covariance matrix
if c_mu is None:
# Branches on separability
if separable:
c_mu = (0.25 + self.mu_eff + (1.0 / self.mu_eff) - 2) / (d + 4 * np.sqrt(d) + (self.mu_eff / 2.0))
c_mu = min(
1 - self.c_1, 2 * ((0.25 + self.mu_eff - 2 + (1 / self.mu_eff)) / ((d + 2) ** 2.0 + self.mu_eff))
self.c_mu = c_mu_ratio * c_mu
# The 'variance aware' coefficient used for the additive component of the evolution path for sigma
self.variance_discount_sigma = torch.sqrt(self.c_sigma * (2 - self.c_sigma) * self.mu_eff)
# The 'variance aware' coefficient used for the additive component of the evolution path for rank-1 updates
self.variance_discount_c = torch.sqrt(self.c_c * (2 - self.c_c) * self.mu_eff)
# === Finalize weights ===
# Conditioned on search parameters and raw weights
# Positive weights always sum to 1
positive_weights = positive_weights / torch.sum(positive_weights)
# Active CMA-ES: negative weights sum to alpha
# Get the variance effective selection mass of negative weights
mu_eff_neg = torch.sum(negative_weights).pow(2.0) / torch.sum(negative_weights.pow(2.0))
# Alpha is the minimum of the following 3 terms
alpha_mu = 1 + self.c_1 / self.c_mu
alpha_mu_eff = 1 + 2 * mu_eff_neg / (self.mu_eff + 2)
alpha_pos_def = (1 - self.c_mu - self.c_1) / (d * self.c_mu)
alpha = min([alpha_mu, alpha_mu_eff, alpha_pos_def])
# Rescale negative weights
negative_weights = alpha * negative_weights / torch.sum(torch.abs(negative_weights))
# Negative weights are simply zero
negative_weights = torch.zeros_like(negative_weights)
# Concatenate final weights
self.weights =[positive_weights, negative_weights], dim=-1)
# === Some final setup ===
# Initialize the evolution paths
self.p_sigma = 0.0
self.p_c = 0.0
# Hansen's approximation to the expectation of ||x|| x ~ N(0, I_d).
# Note that we could use the exact formulation with Gamma functions, but we'll retain this form for consistency
self.unbiased_expectation = np.sqrt(d) * (1 - (1 / (4 * d)) + 1 / (21 * d**2))
# How often to decompose C
if limit_C_decomposition:
self.decompose_C_freq = max(1, int(1 / np.floor(10 * d * (self.c_1.cpu() + self.c_mu.cpu()))))
self.decompose_C_freq = 1
# Use the SinglePopulationAlgorithmMixin to enable additional status reports regarding the population.
Perform the decomposition C = AA^T using a cholesky decomposition Note that traditionally CMA-ES uses the eigendecomposition C = BDDB^-1. In our case, we keep track of zs, ys and xs when sampling, so we never need C^-½. Therefore, a cholesky decomposition is all that is necessary. This generally requires O(d^3/3) operations, rather than the more costly O(d^3) operations associated with the eigendecomposition.
Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
def decompose_C(self) -> None:
"""Perform the decomposition C = AA^T using a cholesky decomposition
Note that traditionally CMA-ES uses the eigendecomposition C = BDDB^-1. In our case,
we keep track of zs, ys and xs when sampling, so we never need C^-1/2.
Therefore, a cholesky decomposition is all that is necessary. This generally requires
O(d^3/3) operations, rather than the more costly O(d^3) operations associated with the eigendecomposition.
if self.separable:
self.A = self.C.pow(0.5)
self.A = torch.linalg.cholesky(self.C)
get_population_weights(self, xs)
Get the assigned weights of the population (e.g. evaluate, rank and return)
Name | Type | Description | Default |
xs |
torch.Tensor |
The population samples drawn from N(mu, sigma^2 C) |
required |
Type | Description |
assigned_weights (torch.Tensor) |
A [popsize, ] dimensional tensor of ordered weights |
Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
def get_population_weights(self, xs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Get the assigned weights of the population (e.g. evaluate, rank and return)
xs (torch.Tensor): The population samples drawn from N(mu, sigma^2 C)
assigned_weights (torch.Tensor): A [popsize, ] dimensional tensor of ordered weights
# Computation is O(popsize * F_time) where F_time is the evalutation time per sample
# Fill the population
# Evaluate the current population
# Sort the population
indices = self._population.argsort(obj_index=self.obj_index)
# Invert the sorting of the population to obtain the ranks
# Note that these ranks start at zero, but this is fine as we are just using them for indexing
ranks = torch.zeros_like(indices)
ranks[indices] = torch.arange(self.popsize, dtype=indices.dtype, device=indices.device)
# Get weights corresponding to each rank
assigned_weights = self.weights[ranks]
return assigned_weights
sample_distribution(self, num_samples=None)
Sample the population. All 3 representations of solutions are returned for easy calculations of updates. Note that the computation time of this operation of O(d^2 num_samples) unless separable, in which case O(d num_samples)
Name | Type | Description | Default |
num_samples |
Optional[int] |
The number of samples to draw. If None, then the population size is used |
None |
Type | Description |
zs (torch.Tensor) |
A tensor of shape [num_samples, d] of samples from the local coordinate space e.g. z_i ~ N(0, I_d) ys (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [num_samples, d] of samples from the shaped coordinate space e.g. y_i ~ N(0, C) xs (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [num_samples, d] of samples from the search space e.g. x_i ~ N(m, sigma^2 C) |
Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
def sample_distribution(self, num_samples: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
"""Sample the population. All 3 representations of solutions are returned for easy calculations of updates.
Note that the computation time of this operation of O(d^2 num_samples) unless separable, in which case O(d num_samples)
num_samples (Optional[int]): The number of samples to draw. If None, then the population size is used
zs (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [num_samples, d] of samples from the local coordinate space e.g. z_i ~ N(0, I_d)
ys (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [num_samples, d] of samples from the shaped coordinate space e.g. y_i ~ N(0, C)
xs (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [num_samples, d] of samples from the search space e.g. x_i ~ N(m, sigma^2 C)
if num_samples is None:
num_samples = self.popsize
# Generate z values
zs = self._problem.make_gaussian(num_solutions=num_samples)
# Construct ys = A zs
if self.separable:
# In the separable case A is diagonal so is represented as a single vector
ys = self.A.unsqueeze(0) * zs
ys = (self.A @ zs.T).T
# Construct xs = m + sigma ys
xs = self.m.unsqueeze(0) + self.sigma * ys
return zs, ys, xs
update_C(self, zs, ys, assigned_weights, h_sig)
Update the covariance shape matrix C based on rank-1 and rank-mu updates This operation is bounded O(d^2 popsize), which is associated with computing the rank-mu update (summing across popsize d*d matrices)
Name | Type | Description | Default |
zs |
torch.Tensor |
A tensor of shape [popsize, d] of samples from the local coordinate space e.g. z_i ~ N(0, I_d) |
required |
ys |
torch.Tensor |
A tensor of shape [popsize, d] of samples from the shaped coordinate space e.g. y_i ~ N(0, C) |
required |
assigned_weights |
torch.Tensor |
A [popsize, ] dimensional tensor of ordered weights |
required |
h_sig |
torch.Tensor |
Whether to stall the update based on the evolution path on sigma, p_sigma, expressed as a torch float |
required |
Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
def update_C(self, zs: torch.Tensor, ys: torch.Tensor, assigned_weights: torch.Tensor, h_sig: torch.Tensor) -> None:
"""Update the covariance shape matrix C based on rank-1 and rank-mu updates
This operation is bounded O(d^2 popsize), which is associated with computing the rank-mu update (summing across popsize d*d matrices)
zs (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [popsize, d] of samples from the local coordinate space e.g. z_i ~ N(0, I_d)
ys (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [popsize, d] of samples from the shaped coordinate space e.g. y_i ~ N(0, C)
assigned_weights (torch.Tensor): A [popsize, ] dimensional tensor of ordered weights
h_sig (torch.Tensor): Whether to stall the update based on the evolution path on sigma, p_sigma, expressed as a torch float
d = self._problem.solution_length
# If using Active CMA-ES, reweight negative weights
assigned_weights = torch.where(
assigned_weights > 0, assigned_weights, d * assigned_weights / torch.norm(zs, dim=-1).pow(2.0)
c1a = self.c_1 * (1 - (1 - h_sig**2) * self.c_c * (2 - self.c_c)) # adjust for variance loss
weighted_pc = (self.c_1 / (c1a + 1e-23)) ** 0.5
if self.separable:
# Rank-1 update
r1_update = c1a * (self.p_c.pow(2.0) - self.C)
# Rank-mu update
rmu_update = self.c_mu * torch.sum(
assigned_weights.unsqueeze(-1) * (ys.pow(2.0) - self.C.unsqueeze(0)), dim=0
# Rank-1 update
r1_update = c1a * (torch.outer(weighted_pc * self.p_c, weighted_pc * self.p_c) - self.C)
# Rank-mu update
rmu_update = self.c_mu * (
torch.sum(assigned_weights.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) * (ys.unsqueeze(1) * ys.unsqueeze(2)), dim=0)
- torch.sum(self.weights) * self.C
# Update C
self.C = self.C + r1_update + rmu_update
update_m(self, zs, ys, assigned_weights)
Update the center of the search distribution m With zs and ys retained from sampling, this operation is O(popsize d), as it involves summing across popsize d-dimensional vectors.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
zs |
torch.Tensor |
A tensor of shape [popsize, d] of samples from the local coordinate space e.g. z_i ~ N(0, I_d) |
required |
ys |
torch.Tensor |
A tensor of shape [popsize, d] of samples from the shaped coordinate space e.g. y_i ~ N(0, C) |
required |
assigned_weights |
torch.Tensor |
A [popsize, ] dimensional tensor of ordered weights |
required |
Type | Description |
local_m_displacement (torch.Tensor) |
A tensor of shape [d], corresponding to the local transformation of m, (1/sigma) (C^-½) (m' - m) where m' is the updated m shaped_m_displacement (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [d], corresponding to the shaped transformation of m, (1/sigma) (m' - m) where m' is the updated m |
Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
def update_m(self, zs: torch.Tensor, ys: torch.Tensor, assigned_weights: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Update the center of the search distribution m
With zs and ys retained from sampling, this operation is O(popsize d), as it involves summing across popsize d-dimensional vectors.
zs (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [popsize, d] of samples from the local coordinate space e.g. z_i ~ N(0, I_d)
ys (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [popsize, d] of samples from the shaped coordinate space e.g. y_i ~ N(0, C)
assigned_weights (torch.Tensor): A [popsize, ] dimensional tensor of ordered weights
local_m_displacement (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [d], corresponding to the local transformation of m,
(1/sigma) (C^-1/2) (m' - m) where m' is the updated m
shaped_m_displacement (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape [d], corresponding to the shaped transformation of m,
(1/sigma) (m' - m) where m' is the updated m
# Get the top-mu weights
top_mu = torch.topk(assigned_weights,
top_mu_weights = top_mu.values
top_mu_indices = top_mu.indices
# Compute the weighted recombination in local coordinate space
local_m_displacement = torch.sum(top_mu_weights.unsqueeze(-1) * zs[top_mu_indices], dim=0)
# Compute the weighted recombination in shaped coordinate space
shaped_m_displacement = torch.sum(top_mu_weights.unsqueeze(-1) * ys[top_mu_indices], dim=0)
# Update m
self.m = self.m + self.c_m * self.sigma * shaped_m_displacement
# Return the weighted recombinations
return local_m_displacement, shaped_m_displacement
update_p_c(self, shaped_m_displacement, h_sig)
Update the evolution path for rank-1 update, p_c This operation is bounded O(d), as is simply the sum of vectors
Name | Type | Description | Default |
local_m_displacement |
torch.Tensor |
The weighted recombination of shaped samples ys, corresponding to (1/sigma) (m' - m) where m' is the updated m |
required |
h_sig |
torch.Tensor |
Whether to stall the update based on the evolution path on sigma, p_sigma, expressed as a torch float |
required |
Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
def update_p_c(self, shaped_m_displacement: torch.Tensor, h_sig: torch.Tensor) -> None:
"""Update the evolution path for rank-1 update, p_c
This operation is bounded O(d), as is simply the sum of vectors
local_m_displacement (torch.Tensor): The weighted recombination of shaped samples ys, corresponding to
(1/sigma) (m' - m) where m' is the updated m
h_sig (torch.Tensor): Whether to stall the update based on the evolution path on sigma, p_sigma, expressed as a torch float
self.p_c = (1 - self.c_c) * self.p_c + h_sig * self.variance_discount_c * shaped_m_displacement
update_p_sigma(self, local_m_displacement)
Update the evolution path for sigma, p_sigma This operation is bounded O(d), as is simply the sum of vectors
Name | Type | Description | Default |
local_m_displacement |
torch.Tensor |
The weighted recombination of local samples zs, corresponding to (1/sigma) (C^-½) (m' - m) where m' is the updated m |
required |
Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
def update_p_sigma(self, local_m_displacement: torch.Tensor) -> None:
"""Update the evolution path for sigma, p_sigma
This operation is bounded O(d), as is simply the sum of vectors
local_m_displacement (torch.Tensor): The weighted recombination of local samples zs, corresponding to
(1/sigma) (C^-1/2) (m' - m) where m' is the updated m
self.p_sigma = (1 - self.c_sigma) * self.p_sigma + self.variance_discount_sigma * local_m_displacement
Update the step size sigma according to its evolution path p_sigma This operation is bounded O(d), with the most expensive component being the norm of the evolution path, a d-dimensional vector.
Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
def update_sigma(self) -> None:
"""Update the step size sigma according to its evolution path p_sigma
This operation is bounded O(d), with the most expensive component being the norm of the evolution path, a d-dimensional vector.
d = self._problem.solution_length
# Compute the exponential update
if self.csa_squared:
# Exponential update based on natural gradient maximizing squared norm of p_sigma
exponential_update = (torch.norm(self.p_sigma).pow(2.0) / d - 1) / 2
# Exponential update increasing likelihood p_sigma having expected norm
exponential_update = torch.norm(self.p_sigma) / self.unbiased_expectation - 1
# Rescale exponential update based on learning rate + damping factor
exponential_update = (self.c_sigma / self.damp_sigma) * exponential_update
# Multiplicative update to sigma
self.sigma = self.sigma * torch.exp(exponential_update)