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A wrapper which brings a functional interface around a torch module.

Similar to functorch.FunctionalModule, ModuleExpectingFlatParameters turns a torch.nn.Module instance to a function which expects a new leftmost argument representing the parameters of the network. Unlike functorch.FunctionalModule, a ModuleExpectingFlatParameters instance, as its name suggests, expects the network parameters to be given as a 1-dimensional (i.e. flattened) tensor. Also, unlike functorch.FunctionalModule, an instance of ModuleExpectingFlatParameters is NOT an instance of torch.nn.Module.

PyTorch modules with buffers can be wrapped by this class, but it is assumed that those buffers are constant. If the wrapped module changes the value(s) of its buffer(s) during its forward passes, most probably things will NOT work right.

As an example, let us consider the following linear layer.

import torch
from torch import nn

net = nn.Linear(3, 8)

The functional counterpart of net can be obtained via:

from import ModuleExpectingFlatParameters

fnet = ModuleExpectingFlatParameters(net)

Now, fnet is a callable object which expects network parameters and network inputs. Let us call fnet with randomly generated network parameters and with a randomly generated input tensor.

param_length = fnet.parameter_length
random_parameters = torch.randn(param_length)
random_input = torch.randn(3)

result = fnet(random_parameters, random_input)
Source code in evotorch/neuroevolution/net/
class ModuleExpectingFlatParameters:
    A wrapper which brings a functional interface around a torch module.

    Similar to `functorch.FunctionalModule`, `ModuleExpectingFlatParameters`
    turns a `torch.nn.Module` instance to a function which expects a new
    leftmost argument representing the parameters of the network.
    Unlike `functorch.FunctionalModule`, a `ModuleExpectingFlatParameters`
    instance, as its name suggests, expects the network parameters to be
    given as a 1-dimensional (i.e. flattened) tensor.
    Also, unlike `functorch.FunctionalModule`, an instance of
    `ModuleExpectingFlatParameters` is NOT an instance of `torch.nn.Module`.

    PyTorch modules with buffers can be wrapped by this class, but it is
    assumed that those buffers are constant. If the wrapped module changes
    the value(s) of its buffer(s) during its forward passes, most probably
    things will NOT work right.

    As an example, let us consider the following linear layer.

    import torch
    from torch import nn

    net = nn.Linear(3, 8)

    The functional counterpart of `net` can be obtained via:

    from import ModuleExpectingFlatParameters

    fnet = ModuleExpectingFlatParameters(net)

    Now, `fnet` is a callable object which expects network parameters
    and network inputs. Let us call `fnet` with randomly generated network
    parameters and with a randomly generated input tensor.

    param_length = fnet.parameter_length
    random_parameters = torch.randn(param_length)
    random_input = torch.randn(3)

    result = fnet(random_parameters, random_input)

    def __init__(self, net: nn.Module, *, disable_autograd_tracking: bool = False):
        `__init__(...)`: Initialize the `ModuleExpectingFlatParameters` instance.

            net: The module that is to be wrapped by a functional interface.
            disable_autograd_tracking: If given as True, all operations
                regarding the wrapped module will be performed in the context
                `torch.no_grad()`, forcefully disabling the autograd.
                If given as False, autograd will not be affected.
                The default is False.

        # Declare the variables which will store information regarding the parameters of the module.
        self.__param_names = []
        self.__param_shapes = []
        self.__param_length = 0
        self.__param_slices = []
        self.__num_params = 0

        # Iterate over the parameters of the module and fill the related information.
        i = 0
        j = 0
        for pname, p in net.named_parameters():

            shape = p.shape

            length = _shape_length(shape)
            self.__param_length += length

            j = i + length
            self.__param_slices.append(slice(i, j))
            i = j

            self.__num_params += 1

        self.__buffer_dict = {bname: b.clone() for bname, b in net.named_buffers()}

        self.__net = deepcopy(net)"meta")
        self.__disable_autograd_tracking = bool(disable_autograd_tracking)

    def __transfer_buffers(self, x: torch.Tensor):
        Transfer the buffer tensors to the device of the given tensor.

            x: The tensor whose device will also store the buffer tensors.
        for bname in self.__buffer_dict.keys():
            self.__buffer_dict[bname] = torch.as_tensor(self.__buffer_dict[bname], device=x.device)

    def buffers(self) -> tuple:
        """Get the stored buffers"""
        return tuple(self.__buffer_dict)

    def parameter_length(self) -> int:
        return self.__param_length

    def __call__(self, parameter_vector: torch.Tensor, x: torch.Tensor, h: Any = None) -> Any:
        Call the wrapped module's forward pass procedure.

            parameter_vector: A 1-dimensional tensor which represents the
                parameters of the tensor.
            x: The inputs.
            h: Hidden state(s), in case this is a recurrent network.
            The result of the forward pass.
        if parameter_vector.ndim != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Expected the parameters as 1 dimensional,"
                f" but the received parameter vector has {parameter_vector.ndim} dimensions"
        if len(parameter_vector) != self.__param_length:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Expected a parameter vector of length {self.__param_length},"
                f" but the received parameter vector's length is {len(parameter_vector)}."
        state_args = [] if h is None else [h]

        params_and_buffers = {}
        for i, pname in enumerate(self.__param_names):
            param_slice = self.__param_slices[i]
            param_shape = self.__param_shapes[i]
            param = parameter_vector[param_slice].reshape(param_shape)
            params_and_buffers[pname] = param

        # Make sure that the buffer tensors are in the same device with x

        # Add the buffer tensors to the dictionary `params_and_buffers`

        # Prepare the no-gradient context if gradient tracking is disabled
        context = torch.no_grad() if self.__disable_autograd_tracking else nullcontext()

        # Run the module and return the results
        with context:
            return functional_call(self.__net, params_and_buffers, tuple([x, *state_args]))

buffers: tuple property readonly

Get the stored buffers

__call__(self, parameter_vector, x, h=None) special

Call the wrapped module's forward pass procedure.


Name Type Description Default
parameter_vector Tensor

A 1-dimensional tensor which represents the parameters of the tensor.

x Tensor

The inputs.

h Any

Hidden state(s), in case this is a recurrent network.



Type Description

The result of the forward pass.

Source code in evotorch/neuroevolution/net/
def __call__(self, parameter_vector: torch.Tensor, x: torch.Tensor, h: Any = None) -> Any:
    Call the wrapped module's forward pass procedure.

        parameter_vector: A 1-dimensional tensor which represents the
            parameters of the tensor.
        x: The inputs.
        h: Hidden state(s), in case this is a recurrent network.
        The result of the forward pass.
    if parameter_vector.ndim != 1:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Expected the parameters as 1 dimensional,"
            f" but the received parameter vector has {parameter_vector.ndim} dimensions"
    if len(parameter_vector) != self.__param_length:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Expected a parameter vector of length {self.__param_length},"
            f" but the received parameter vector's length is {len(parameter_vector)}."
    state_args = [] if h is None else [h]

    params_and_buffers = {}
    for i, pname in enumerate(self.__param_names):
        param_slice = self.__param_slices[i]
        param_shape = self.__param_shapes[i]
        param = parameter_vector[param_slice].reshape(param_shape)
        params_and_buffers[pname] = param

    # Make sure that the buffer tensors are in the same device with x

    # Add the buffer tensors to the dictionary `params_and_buffers`

    # Prepare the no-gradient context if gradient tracking is disabled
    context = torch.no_grad() if self.__disable_autograd_tracking else nullcontext()

    # Run the module and return the results
    with context:
        return functional_call(self.__net, params_and_buffers, tuple([x, *state_args]))

__init__(self, net, *, disable_autograd_tracking=False) special

__init__(...): Initialize the ModuleExpectingFlatParameters instance.


Name Type Description Default
net Module

The module that is to be wrapped by a functional interface.

disable_autograd_tracking bool

If given as True, all operations regarding the wrapped module will be performed in the context torch.no_grad(), forcefully disabling the autograd. If given as False, autograd will not be affected. The default is False.

Source code in evotorch/neuroevolution/net/
def __init__(self, net: nn.Module, *, disable_autograd_tracking: bool = False):
    `__init__(...)`: Initialize the `ModuleExpectingFlatParameters` instance.

        net: The module that is to be wrapped by a functional interface.
        disable_autograd_tracking: If given as True, all operations
            regarding the wrapped module will be performed in the context
            `torch.no_grad()`, forcefully disabling the autograd.
            If given as False, autograd will not be affected.
            The default is False.

    # Declare the variables which will store information regarding the parameters of the module.
    self.__param_names = []
    self.__param_shapes = []
    self.__param_length = 0
    self.__param_slices = []
    self.__num_params = 0

    # Iterate over the parameters of the module and fill the related information.
    i = 0
    j = 0
    for pname, p in net.named_parameters():

        shape = p.shape

        length = _shape_length(shape)
        self.__param_length += length

        j = i + length
        self.__param_slices.append(slice(i, j))
        i = j

        self.__num_params += 1

    self.__buffer_dict = {bname: b.clone() for bname, b in net.named_buffers()}

    self.__net = deepcopy(net)"meta")
    self.__disable_autograd_tracking = bool(disable_autograd_tracking)

make_functional_module(net, *, disable_autograd_tracking=False)

Wrap a torch module so that it has a functional interface.

Similar to functorch.make_functional(...), this function turns a torch.nn.Module instance to a function which expects a new leftmost argument representing the parameters of the network. Unlike with functorch.make_functional(...), the parameters of the network are expected in a 1-dimensional (i.e. flattened) tensor.

PyTorch modules with buffers can be wrapped by this class, but it is assumed that those buffers are constant. If the wrapped module changes the value(s) of its buffer(s) during its forward passes, most probably things will NOT work right.

As an example, let us consider the following linear layer.

import torch
from torch import nn

net = nn.Linear(3, 8)

The functional counterpart of net can be obtained via:

from import make_functional_module

fnet = make_functional_module(net)

Now, fnet is a callable object which expects network parameters and network inputs. Let us call fnet with randomly generated network parameters and with a randomly generated input tensor.

param_length = fnet.parameter_length
random_parameters = torch.randn(param_length)
random_input = torch.randn(3)

result = fnet(random_parameters, random_input)


Name Type Description Default
net Module

The torch.nn.Module instance to be wrapped by a functional interface.

disable_autograd_tracking bool

If given as True, all operations regarding the wrapped module will be performed in the context torch.no_grad(), forcefully disabling the autograd. If given as False, autograd will not be affected. The default is False.



Type Description

The functional wrapper, as an instance of

Source code in evotorch/neuroevolution/net/
def make_functional_module(net: nn.Module, *, disable_autograd_tracking: bool = False) -> ModuleExpectingFlatParameters:
    Wrap a torch module so that it has a functional interface.

    Similar to `functorch.make_functional(...)`, this function turns a
    `torch.nn.Module` instance to a function which expects a new leftmost
    argument representing the parameters of the network.
    Unlike with `functorch.make_functional(...)`, the parameters of the
    network are expected in a 1-dimensional (i.e. flattened) tensor.

    PyTorch modules with buffers can be wrapped by this class, but it is
    assumed that those buffers are constant. If the wrapped module changes
    the value(s) of its buffer(s) during its forward passes, most probably
    things will NOT work right.

    As an example, let us consider the following linear layer.

    import torch
    from torch import nn

    net = nn.Linear(3, 8)

    The functional counterpart of `net` can be obtained via:

    from import make_functional_module

    fnet = make_functional_module(net)

    Now, `fnet` is a callable object which expects network parameters
    and network inputs. Let us call `fnet` with randomly generated network
    parameters and with a randomly generated input tensor.

    param_length = fnet.parameter_length
    random_parameters = torch.randn(param_length)
    random_input = torch.randn(3)

    result = fnet(random_parameters, random_input)

        net: The `torch.nn.Module` instance to be wrapped by a functional
        disable_autograd_tracking: If given as True, all operations
            regarding the wrapped module will be performed in the context
            `torch.no_grad()`, forcefully disabling the autograd.
            If given as False, autograd will not be affected.
            The default is False.
        The functional wrapper, as an instance of
    return ModuleExpectingFlatParameters(net, disable_autograd_tracking=disable_autograd_tracking)