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Genetic algorithm variants: SteadyStateGA, Cosyne.

Cosyne (SearchAlgorithm, SinglePopulationAlgorithmMixin)

Implementation of the CoSyNE algorithm.


F.Gomez, J.Schmidhuber, R.Miikkulainen, M.Mitchell (2008).
Accelerated Neural Evolution through Cooperatively Coevolved Synapses.
Journal of Machine Learning Research 9 (5).
Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
class Cosyne(SearchAlgorithm, SinglePopulationAlgorithmMixin):
    Implementation of the CoSyNE algorithm.


        F.Gomez, J.Schmidhuber, R.Miikkulainen, M.Mitchell (2008).
        Accelerated Neural Evolution through Cooperatively Coevolved Synapses.
        Journal of Machine Learning Research 9 (5).

    def __init__(
        problem: Problem,
        popsize: int,
        tournament_size: int,
        mutation_stdev: Optional[float],
        mutation_probability: Optional[float],
        permute_all: bool = False,
        num_elites: Optional[int] = None,
        elitism_ratio: Optional[float] = None,
        eta: Optional[float] = None,
        num_children: Optional[int] = None,
        `__init__(...)`: Initialize the Cosyne instance.

            problem: The problem object to work on.
            popsize: Population size, as an integer.
            tournament_size: Tournament size, for tournament selection.
            mutation_stdev: Standard deviation of the Gaussian mutation.
            mutation_probability: Elementwise Gaussian mutation probability.
            permute_all: If given as True, all solutions are subject to
                permutation. If given as False (which is the default),
                there will be a selection procedure for each decision
            num_elites: Optionally expected as an integer, specifying the
                number of elites to pass to the next generation.
                Cannot be used together with the argument `elitism_ratio`.
            elitism_ratio: Optionally expected as a real number between
                0 and 1, specifying the amount of elites to pass to the
                next generation. For example, 0.1 means that the best 10%
                of the population are accepted as elites and passed onto
                the next generation.
                Cannot be used together with the argument `num_elites`.
            eta: Optionally expected as an integer, specifying the eta
                hyperparameter for the simulated binary cross-over (SBX).
                If left as None, one-point cross-over will be used instead.
            num_children: Number of children to generate at each iteration.
                If left as None, then this number is half of the population


        SearchAlgorithm.__init__(self, problem)

        if mutation_stdev is None and mutation_probability is None:
            self.mutation_op = None
            self.mutation_op = GaussianMutation(
                self._problem, mutation_probability=float(mutation_probability), stdev=float(mutation_stdev)

        cross_over_kwargs = {"tournament_size": tournament_size}
        if num_children is None:
            cross_over_kwargs["cross_over_rate"] = 2.0
            cross_over_kwargs["num_children"] = num_children

        if eta is None:
            self._cross_over_op = OnePointCrossOver(self._problem, **cross_over_kwargs)
            self._cross_over_op = SimulatedBinaryCrossOver(self._problem, eta=eta, **cross_over_kwargs)

        self._permutation_op = CosynePermutation(self._problem, permute_all=permute_all)

        self._popsize = int(popsize)

        if num_elites is not None and elitism_ratio is None:
            self._num_elites = int(num_elites)
        elif num_elites is None and elitism_ratio is not None:
            self._num_elites = int(self._popsize * elitism_ratio)
        elif num_elites is None and elitism_ratio is None:
            self._num_elites = None
            raise ValueError(
                "Received both `num_elites` and `elitism_ratio`. Please provide only one of them, or none of them."

        self._population = SolutionBatch(problem, device=problem.device, popsize=self._popsize)
        self._first_generation: bool = True

        # GAStatusMixin.__init__(self)

    def population(self) -> SolutionBatch:
        return self._population

    def _step(self):
        if self._first_generation:
            self._first_generation = False

        to_merge = []

        num_elites = self._num_elites
        num_parents = int(self._popsize / 4)
        num_relevant = max((0 if num_elites is None else num_elites), num_parents)

        sorted_relevant = self._population.take_best(num_relevant)

        if self._num_elites is not None and self._num_elites >= 1:

        parents = sorted_relevant[:num_parents]
        children = self._cross_over_op(parents)
        if self.mutation_op is not None:
            children = self.mutation_op(children)

        permuted = self._permutation_op(self._population)

        to_merge.extend([children, permuted])

        extended_population = SolutionBatch(merging_of=to_merge)
        self._population = extended_population.take_best(self._popsize)

__init__(self, problem, *, popsize, tournament_size, mutation_stdev, mutation_probability, permute_all=False, num_elites=None, elitism_ratio=None, eta=None, num_children=None) special

__init__(...): Initialize the Cosyne instance.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

The problem object to work on.

popsize int

Population size, as an integer.

tournament_size int

Tournament size, for tournament selection.

mutation_stdev Optional[float]

Standard deviation of the Gaussian mutation.

mutation_probability Optional[float]

Elementwise Gaussian mutation probability.

permute_all bool

If given as True, all solutions are subject to permutation. If given as False (which is the default), there will be a selection procedure for each decision variable.

num_elites Optional[int]

Optionally expected as an integer, specifying the number of elites to pass to the next generation. Cannot be used together with the argument elitism_ratio.

elitism_ratio Optional[float]

Optionally expected as a real number between 0 and 1, specifying the amount of elites to pass to the next generation. For example, 0.1 means that the best 10% of the population are accepted as elites and passed onto the next generation. Cannot be used together with the argument num_elites.

eta Optional[float]

Optionally expected as an integer, specifying the eta hyperparameter for the simulated binary cross-over (SBX). If left as None, one-point cross-over will be used instead.

num_children Optional[int]

Number of children to generate at each iteration. If left as None, then this number is half of the population size.

Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
def __init__(
    problem: Problem,
    popsize: int,
    tournament_size: int,
    mutation_stdev: Optional[float],
    mutation_probability: Optional[float],
    permute_all: bool = False,
    num_elites: Optional[int] = None,
    elitism_ratio: Optional[float] = None,
    eta: Optional[float] = None,
    num_children: Optional[int] = None,
    `__init__(...)`: Initialize the Cosyne instance.

        problem: The problem object to work on.
        popsize: Population size, as an integer.
        tournament_size: Tournament size, for tournament selection.
        mutation_stdev: Standard deviation of the Gaussian mutation.
        mutation_probability: Elementwise Gaussian mutation probability.
        permute_all: If given as True, all solutions are subject to
            permutation. If given as False (which is the default),
            there will be a selection procedure for each decision
        num_elites: Optionally expected as an integer, specifying the
            number of elites to pass to the next generation.
            Cannot be used together with the argument `elitism_ratio`.
        elitism_ratio: Optionally expected as a real number between
            0 and 1, specifying the amount of elites to pass to the
            next generation. For example, 0.1 means that the best 10%
            of the population are accepted as elites and passed onto
            the next generation.
            Cannot be used together with the argument `num_elites`.
        eta: Optionally expected as an integer, specifying the eta
            hyperparameter for the simulated binary cross-over (SBX).
            If left as None, one-point cross-over will be used instead.
        num_children: Number of children to generate at each iteration.
            If left as None, then this number is half of the population


    SearchAlgorithm.__init__(self, problem)

    if mutation_stdev is None and mutation_probability is None:
        self.mutation_op = None
        self.mutation_op = GaussianMutation(
            self._problem, mutation_probability=float(mutation_probability), stdev=float(mutation_stdev)

    cross_over_kwargs = {"tournament_size": tournament_size}
    if num_children is None:
        cross_over_kwargs["cross_over_rate"] = 2.0
        cross_over_kwargs["num_children"] = num_children

    if eta is None:
        self._cross_over_op = OnePointCrossOver(self._problem, **cross_over_kwargs)
        self._cross_over_op = SimulatedBinaryCrossOver(self._problem, eta=eta, **cross_over_kwargs)

    self._permutation_op = CosynePermutation(self._problem, permute_all=permute_all)

    self._popsize = int(popsize)

    if num_elites is not None and elitism_ratio is None:
        self._num_elites = int(num_elites)
    elif num_elites is None and elitism_ratio is not None:
        self._num_elites = int(self._popsize * elitism_ratio)
    elif num_elites is None and elitism_ratio is None:
        self._num_elites = None
        raise ValueError(
            "Received both `num_elites` and `elitism_ratio`. Please provide only one of them, or none of them."

    self._population = SolutionBatch(problem, device=problem.device, popsize=self._popsize)
    self._first_generation: bool = True

    # GAStatusMixin.__init__(self)

SteadyStateGA (SearchAlgorithm, SinglePopulationAlgorithmMixin)

A fully elitist genetic algorithm implementation.

For multi-objective problems, the instances of this class organize their populations into pareto-fronts, and do pareto-rank-based selections among the solutions, in a compatible way with the NSGA-II algorithm.


Sean Luke, 2013, Essentials of Metaheuristics, Lulu, second edition
available for free at

Kalyanmoy Deb, Amrit Pratap, Sameer Agarwal, T. Meyarivan (2002).
A Fast and Elitist Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm: NSGA-II.
Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
class SteadyStateGA(SearchAlgorithm, SinglePopulationAlgorithmMixin):
    A fully elitist genetic algorithm implementation.

    For multi-objective problems, the instances of this class
    organize their populations into pareto-fronts, and
    do pareto-rank-based selections among the solutions,
    in a compatible way with the NSGA-II algorithm.


        Sean Luke, 2013, Essentials of Metaheuristics, Lulu, second edition
        available for free at

        Kalyanmoy Deb, Amrit Pratap, Sameer Agarwal, T. Meyarivan (2002).
        A Fast and Elitist Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm: NSGA-II.

    def __init__(self, problem: Problem, *, popsize: int, re_evaluate: bool = True):
        `__init__(...)`: Initialize the SteadyStateGA.

            problem: The problem to optimize.
            popsize: Population size.
            re_evaluate: Whether or not to evaluate the solutions
                that were already evaluated in the previous generations.
                By default, this is set as True.
                The reason behind this default setting is that,
                in problems where the evaluation procedure is noisy,
                by re-evaluating the already-evaluated solutions,
                we prevent the bad solutions that were luckily evaluated
                from hanging onto the population.
                Instead, at every generation, each solution must go through
                the evaluation procedure again and prove their worth.
                For problems whose evaluation procedures are NOT noisy,
                the user might consider turning re_evaluate to False
                for saving computational cycles.
        SearchAlgorithm.__init__(self, problem)

        self._mutation_op: Optional[Callable] = None
        self._cross_over_op: Optional[Callable] = None
        self._popsize = int(popsize)
        self._first_iter: bool = True
        self._re_eval = bool(re_evaluate)

        self._population = problem.generate_batch(self._popsize)

        # GAStatusMixin.__init__(self)

    def population(self) -> SolutionBatch:
        return self._population

    def use(self, operator: Callable):
        Use the specified operator.

        If the specified operator is a CrossOver instance, then that operator
        is registered as the cross-over operator. Otherwise, the operator
        is registered as the mutation operator.

            operator: The operator to use.
        if isinstance(operator, CrossOver):
            self._cross_over_op = operator
            self._mutation_op = operator

    def _step(self):
        if self._first_iter or self._re_eval:
            self._first_iter = False

        children = self._cross_over_op(self._population)

        if self._mutation_op is None:
            mutated = children
            mutated = self._mutation_op(children)
            if mutated is None:
                mutated = children


        extended = self._population.concat(mutated)

        self._population = extended.take_best(self._popsize)

__init__(self, problem, *, popsize, re_evaluate=True) special

__init__(...): Initialize the SteadyStateGA.


Name Type Description Default
problem Problem

The problem to optimize.

popsize int

Population size.

re_evaluate bool

Whether or not to evaluate the solutions that were already evaluated in the previous generations. By default, this is set as True. The reason behind this default setting is that, in problems where the evaluation procedure is noisy, by re-evaluating the already-evaluated solutions, we prevent the bad solutions that were luckily evaluated from hanging onto the population. Instead, at every generation, each solution must go through the evaluation procedure again and prove their worth. For problems whose evaluation procedures are NOT noisy, the user might consider turning re_evaluate to False for saving computational cycles.

Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
def __init__(self, problem: Problem, *, popsize: int, re_evaluate: bool = True):
    `__init__(...)`: Initialize the SteadyStateGA.

        problem: The problem to optimize.
        popsize: Population size.
        re_evaluate: Whether or not to evaluate the solutions
            that were already evaluated in the previous generations.
            By default, this is set as True.
            The reason behind this default setting is that,
            in problems where the evaluation procedure is noisy,
            by re-evaluating the already-evaluated solutions,
            we prevent the bad solutions that were luckily evaluated
            from hanging onto the population.
            Instead, at every generation, each solution must go through
            the evaluation procedure again and prove their worth.
            For problems whose evaluation procedures are NOT noisy,
            the user might consider turning re_evaluate to False
            for saving computational cycles.
    SearchAlgorithm.__init__(self, problem)

    self._mutation_op: Optional[Callable] = None
    self._cross_over_op: Optional[Callable] = None
    self._popsize = int(popsize)
    self._first_iter: bool = True
    self._re_eval = bool(re_evaluate)

    self._population = problem.generate_batch(self._popsize)

    # GAStatusMixin.__init__(self)

use(self, operator)

Use the specified operator.

If the specified operator is a CrossOver instance, then that operator is registered as the cross-over operator. Otherwise, the operator is registered as the mutation operator.


Name Type Description Default
operator Callable

The operator to use.

Source code in evotorch/algorithms/
def use(self, operator: Callable):
    Use the specified operator.

    If the specified operator is a CrossOver instance, then that operator
    is registered as the cross-over operator. Otherwise, the operator
    is registered as the mutation operator.

        operator: The operator to use.
    if isinstance(operator, CrossOver):
        self._cross_over_op = operator
        self._mutation_op = operator